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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 141: preparations for the next fantasy world

There are some other things related to the clearing of stages that Vikram got from her in the simulation.

Well she is a good girl and Vikram wanted to see if he can get her.

Also she seems to have some good background.

She is a player but a player from the real world and not from sanctuaries like Vikram.

In the next fantasy world Vikram has a chance to meet up with her in there.

Vikram has some plans with her but everything has to wait till he enters the fantasy world.

Soon it was the end of the month and Vikram has reached 120 stat points in most of his stats.

He was very strong for the coming fantasy world black lagoon.

Vikram did not directly enter that world instead he bought a skill that he wanted.

It was the skill related to ‘Curving the bullet’ from the wanted movie.

This skill directly merged with the dead shot skill along with other gun skills that he already has forming a new skill called shooter.

Immediately the skill level of shooter skill increased a little quickly and the information and experience related to curving the bullet appeared in his mind.

The experience is what he got from combining all of his skills.

This shooter skill complements another skill called the weapon fighting that he already has.

This would improve the accuracy, lethality and some other factors of all kinds of projectile related weapons or future energy shots from the body.

Well that is a good thing.

He practiced a little that day to familiarize himself with the skills and check other things as tomorrow he is going to enter the fantasy world.


Today he is going to enter the fantasy world.

Vikram looked at his status panel with satisfaction also he was thinking if he should upgrade his civilian ranking before entering the next fantasy world.

But finally he did and rank up the

“From tribal head to small village head requires 10,000 civilian merit points”

“Successfully ranked up to small village head”

“From small village head to big village head requires 25,000 civilian merit points”

“Insufficient civilian merits furthering ranking up

Current balance of civilian merit points is 7140”


“Personal storage space is improved to 25 cubic meters from 20 cubic meters.”

But before entering he opened the status panel to look at his details again.




Name: Vikram, Vicky, hidden demon, hidden king

Age: 22

Race: human

Titles: chosen (gold grade), zombie annihilator (4300/1 mil), mortal hero (tier-1), lucky pervert (max)

Job: alchemist (pill refiner) (tier-1- intermediate), hunter (tier-1- master), cook (tier-1- master), builder (tier-1- intermediate),

Affiliation: oriental- king of nature faction

Military rank: corporal (10,000/5680)

Civilian rank: tribal head (10,000/7140)


Vitality: 124+2 (Evolution chaos genetic points)

Stamina: 121+1 (Evolution chaos genetic points)

Strength: 122+1 (Evolution chaos genetic points)

Agility: 121+1 (Evolution chaos genetic points)

Intelligence: 124

Sense: 123+1 (Evolution chaos genetic points)

Charm: 125


Evolution chaos genetic points: 650

Random grade chaos monster genetic essence: 100 percent

Basic grade chaos monster genetic essence: 100 percent

Ordinary grade chaos monster genetic essence: 100 percent

Common grade chaos monster genetic essence: 100 percent

Uncommon grade chaos monster genetic essence: 80 percent

Unique grade chaos monster genetic essence: 30 percent

Rare grade chaos monster genetic essence: 25 percent

Epic grade chaos monster genetic essence: 10 percent


Health points: 1260/1260

Stamina points: 1220/1220

Magic points: 1240/1240


Free stat points: 364

Chaos points: 50.39 billion

Skill points: 43 (1 Skill Point = 1000 skill experience)


Innate skills:

Insight: tier 4 (3780/5000)

Will: tier 4 (3970/5000)


Acquired skills:

Cooking: tier 4 (4300/5000)

Contract: tier 2 (454/3000)

Hunting: tier 4 (4630/5000)

Persuasion: tier 4 (2480/5000)

Physical fighting: tier 4 (4750/5000)

Weapon fighting: tier 4 (4920/5000)

Simulation: (Max)

Extraction: tier 3 (3900/4000)

Shooter: tier 1 (1200/2000)

Dirty masseur: tier 3 (3480/4000)

Magic software: tier 6 (2900/7000)

Reality clone: tier 3 (2940/4000)

Birth control: (max)

Comfortable hug: tier 3 (1520/3000)

Arousal pheromones: tier 1 (140/2000)

Seduction: tier 1 (960/2000)

Multi tasking: tier 3 (3990/4000)

Disguise: tier 2 (1490/3000)


Vikram spent some chaos points to buy the necessary things for the fantasy world.

In the simulation he wanted to bring the Hansel from the story that is the sliver haired girl that became a psychopath mentality.

But he cannot come out of the word after he rescued her and cannot save her from the hunt of the hotel Moscow.

So he bought a special onetime use system contract that can let a story line character that has more than 40 points of favorability to go to the bridged space between the real world and the fantasy world.

Since the time difference between them is just like the real world and the fantasy world the time spent then is 1 second no matter which world they are from.

So even if the story line character was sent there Vikram will appear before they can even blink an eye.

But the item to being them directly to the bridged space costs 1 million chaos points and there they still have to ask the story line character to go with the player and play another price to bring them to the real world.

There are many restrictions.


Soon the time is up and Vikram received the call.


Fantasy world:black lagoon.

Please enter the portal immediately………”


Caution to the player,

This world will have more than beginner level player from tier 1,

Magic is not usable in this world but magical items of the past can be found if the player is lucky.

This is a fantasy world where player will stay till the mission given by the system or the extended date chosen by the player is reached.


Vikram received another notification related to all the details that he has to take care of in this world.


Since beginner’s time period is over with this fantasy world player can enter fantasy world once a week at the specified price by the system.”

Chapter 142: fantasy world black lagoon


Since beginner’s time period is over with this fantasy world player can enter fantasy world once a week at the specified price by the system.

The system gives 4 weeks a month as base calculation.

For the first time entering fantasy world in a month is free.

For the second time entering fantasy world in a month costs 1 million chaos points,

For the third time entering fantasy world in a month costs 1 billion chaos points and

For the fourth time entering fantasy world in a month costs 100 billion chaos points.

For the remaining 4 weeks of time in a year can be considered as rest or odd times that can be learnt from the system.

Each entry to the fantasy world will requires 7 days of time break between them.

Only for the current month player can enter another free world after the current fantasy world.


Vikram was not shocked by the rules and the prices as he already know from the simulation memories.

After checking the things again Vikram entered the portal.

The similar white room appeared surrounding him.

Vikram looked at the difficulty and chose the Disaster mode: 140 percent difficulty.

With his current stats he can bear with this level of difficulty.

He has already crossed over the normal level for this world.

The range of stat points related to this world is from 35 stat points to 85 stat points.

In that range any player can easily survive.

The higher the stats the easier it is to survive.

So for Vikram choosing this difficulty is not a problem.

After that he got some information through notification.


The beginner player were given grace time of 7 days and they can enter 7 days before the other veteran people in the story line.”

Vikram understood that.

Vikram directly bought the information related to this world spending some chaos points.

Even though it was like the world the same as that of the previous world he came from there may be some changes.

Also looking at the small areas and the distribution of power and people in this world is very different.

This is especially so for the Roanapur that does not exist in the real world.


Vikram did not change any of the characteristics of his appearance.

As for the rank and back story he chose the free one that he can get with his current military and civilian rank.

Just like back on earth he is a mercenary in this world too.

He made sure that he did not have any records that would hit his bottom line with his new background.


Vikram has bought a special face mask for 100 million in the auction before.

This mask has the properties to cover his image from the players but for the storyline characters the image will be normal.

Vikram wanted to put his first mark of being the hidden demon from this world and the real world.

Now he has to select the location where he should enter the fantasy world.

Vikram is going to use the treasure map of the Treasure Island that he got before.

Also in this world he is going to need some money.

Well he doesn’t have to worry about the cash because he can convert them back from the chaos points.

The conversion rate is horrible.

1 chaos points will give 50 dollars but for every 100 dollars Vikram can only get 1 chaos point.

That is the conversion rates of this fantasy world.

It changes for different fantasy world and the system would give the conversion rates.

For starters Vikram need some cash for basic things.

Then he can earn back the money from this world.

If he plays his cards well he will be able to gain more from this world.

Since it is not a apocalypse world Vikram has the chance to gain more from this world.

He has few sets of contracts prepared before entering t his fantasy world.

Now the location he chose is England.

Previously the Treasure Island was close to the south side of the England.

7 days are there for Vikram to make some preparation.


After the arrangements Vikram appeared in a railway station with the familiar transparent barrier around him.

Then the system mission for this fantasy world appeared in front of him.


Main quest:get a foot hold in the city of sin Roanapur

Description: player has to gain recognition as a person of Roanapur within the next 30 days.

Time period: 30 days

Hints: become a member of a group in Roanapur or become a mercenary in Roanapur.

Rewards: rewards will be given based on the achievements of the player.

Based on the group joined or reputation acquired in the fantasy world player can extend their stay.

Base rewards are 1000 chaos points and 1 free stat point.

Penalty: no penalty


Vikram know that 30 days is not enough to gain anything in this fantasy world.

With the appearance of the quest the transparent barrier around Vikram disappeared leaving him standing to the side in the railway station.

Vikram sat on a bench and then took out the map to look at the longitude and latitude appears on the map.

He found a local internet center and made his way there.

After paying a few bucks he went to a computer.

Then he started to hack into the system creating some fake certificates and passports.

Also he earned few thousand dollars in a matter of minutes hacking into the accounts of some big third rate hackers of this world.

This world is not very advanced and their security system is not to Vikram’s level.

He has good skill level even in magic software so the normal software is very easy for him.

With the earned money he went to a government registration office to get the relevant documents and certificates.

Well he needs some on hand cash for that………

Chapter 143: showing that death is happier than to live

Well he needs some on hand cash for that.

But it is not a problem as he converted some from the system using his chaos points.

With that his work here became even easier.

He got to a bank and received credit cards.

He has connected to the satellite using his phone and got the location of the Treasure Island using the coordinates of latitude and longitude on the map.

He found that the location of Treasure Island is different from the previous world.

It was close to the Caribbean islands.

Vikram booked the tickets for a flight to the Caribbean islands and the flight is in the afternoon at around 2 PM.

Vikram don’t want to waste his time so he went to collect some important information and also to earn few more bucks on the way.

There are always thugs and underworld people in every world.

This is especially true for the fantasy world of the black lagoon.

Vikram went to kick the heads of the underworld lords of the current place that is the capital of England which is London.

Vikram did not take long to find the traces using his fast tracking skills along with some money and torture on the way.


By the time it was lunch time Vikram was sitting in a high class villa eating some star hotel range food.

There is a blond man with one eye blackened and the opposite cheek swelled sitting opposite to Vikram.

His name is Abraham the current under world mafia boss of this country.

He has connections with the crown and also with some European lords.

Well the crown of England is always like that but who can blame them as greed is the human nature that is as deep as DNA.

Vikram did not threaten Abraham, or showed him death.

Vikram only introduced the despair that would come when death would not come to him even if he wanted to die.

Vikram pressed some pressure points on the body of Abraham making him feel enough pain to want to die but he was unable to even lose consciousness.

As for his guards in the entire villa, they were currently lying on the ground completely unconscious.

They all had guns and weapons but none of their weapons has ever hit Vikram.

It is as if the bullets avoided Vikram or something like that.

The astonishing thing is that Abraham found the reason why none of the bullets hit Vikram.

Vikram has actually shot bullets back on his own intercepting the bullets right on their path.

It was already hard to hit Vikram but he is actually shooting bullets with bullets and these bullets are actually travelling in curved paths.


Finally Abraham decided that he don’t want to fight with this demon.

He doesn’t know the background of Vikram but he can understand that Vikram is not an ordinary man.

If Vikram has even more terrifying monster behind him then what would happen if he really wanted to plan against Vikram.

So he directly quit the thought.

Vikram explained his purpose of finding some antiques from England’s secret society.

Vikram knows that during the time of time of colonization caused by Europeans England was able to loot most of the things from all the colonies.

Based on their superiority complex they should have stored most of the things that they felt as abnormal in their secure vaults of secret societies.

Well it is normal for them to think like that as it is happening from the time of King Arthur.

After giving some instructions Vikram gave Abraham his mode of communication and then told Abraham to create a dummy company on his name.

The registration person name being hidden demon for under world and hidden king for the general public.

As for the company name is FATE solutions.

Then Vikram gave him some international account and digital currency locker that can store his money.

Vikram has arranged for his AI to deal with the stocks of this world.

The world is using computers and there is stock market in this world.

His phone is directly connected to the satellite and it is impossible to break his current fire wall easily with the technology.

The phone in Vikram’s hand is very advanced technology for this world for over 10 to 15 years.

Unless the pentagon intervenes using their super computer and a top level hacker to check the satellite connection it is impossible to find what Vikram is doing.

Even though everything is illegal Vikram is doing it legally.

This is not considered stealing in the corporate sense so all the money he earns can be turned in to chaos points without any problem.

Vikram has a good smile on his face and he was escorted to the airport by Abraham personally around 2 PM in the afternoon.

The flight was slightly delayed for him.

Vikram told him that he is not going to intervene with them or their business.

It is just that Vikram don’t want him to do anything with the under aged people like human trafficking or other things.

If everything goes well Vikram has told him to give him a good load of money or power that he could not dream off.

With the words from Vikram Abraham has decided to follow Vikram.

Well no one wants to die and not one wants to experience a torture that can make them want to die.

So he has no other ideas on Vikram.

Also right in front of his eye Vikram has transferred over hundred thousand dollars to the dummy company that was just created.

With his men and influence it was a piece of cake for Abraham to establish a dummy company quickly.

So when he saw the cash flow he was dumbfounded and his eyes are literally showing stars.

The income that Vikram showed just now is the same as the income he can earn in a month if it is a good month with a lot of luck……..

Chapter 144: flint’s treasure

The income that Vikram showed just now is the same as the income he can earn in a month if it is a good month with a lot of luck.

If not the same amount of money can be earned after working for 3 average months.

With that Vikram got a underling mafia boss for the time being.


Vikram made his way to the airport in the evening and directly flew to Caribbean islands by the time it was night.

He did not have time to go around much so he contacted Abraham to tell him the location of the underworld boss of the Caribbean area.

Well every country will have its own boss or underling to a strong boss of some sort.

Vikram went to take care of this boss for now and move on to his target in the morning tomorrow.

It is not that big of a task as this is a small place.

Even though it was once famous for strong pirates it is not that great now.

Showing the glimpses of death to the mafia boss here Vikram got the things under control.

Originally Vikram wanted to go out on the hunt in the morning next day.

But since these people have a big boat ready he has decided to go with that in the night.

Vikram gave them the location of the Treasure Island and immediately out on the boat.

Because of the speed of the boat and the distance to the island it will take 3 hours to reach there.

Vikram took a short nap on the ship.

Well it is in the semi sleep state where even the smallest killing intent towards him would wake him up.

It is good thing that someone actually wanted to target Vikram.

Unfortunately for the attacking person as he became the fish food for the day.

Since fish needs some fresh food Vikram made that person into fish food while he is still living.

The cruelty of Vikram created deterrence on these thug sailors and they did not want to sign a death warrant and get a ticket to hell even before dying.

The screams of the man that was slowly dying with his body parts being eaten by fishes as the ship moves made the people shrugged.


Soon after that they arrived at the Treasure Island around early morning.

Vikram went to the shore and slept in the small tent that he prepared till the sun came over and shining brightly.

The people did not leave ship and stayed there for the night.

After waking up he took out the map that is showing the location of the treasure.

The image of the Treasure Island changed when he came to this world.

So the location of the treasure also changes.

Vikram went to collect the treasure.

Since it is modern times there is no left over pirate that would shift the treasure.

Vikram found the treasure location and dug it over.

But there is no treasure inside making him frown.

He could not help but curse “Damn”

He went back to the ship and told those people to search the island to see if there are any caves or human activity.

The people went around looking for caves or human activities.

Finally around at lunch time they found a place that looked like a hut that was over 300 years old.

The place is directly broken and there are no more traces.

With nothing there another person found around 3 caves in the surrounding area.

Vikram checked the map again and found that the locations are very similar to that of the original plot even though the shape of the island is changed.

Vikram knows where the treasure is and the treasure was really moved by an abandoned pirate.

Vikram sighed and arrived at the cave based on his understanding.

As he went inside the cave he told those people to wait outside.

Vikram is wearing thin clothes that cannot hide anything inside.

The people that are following Vikram should have already guessed that he came here to find some treasure.

So they became greedy and excited.

Vikram is not stupid to leave things to them.

He entered the cave alone and put on the torch of the phone to see if there is any secret passage ways.

As he moved inside Vikram found an old skeleton to the side.

Finally there is a mud wall that was hardened over time and looked exactly like a wall.

If Vikram don’t know the trick from the Treasure Island fantasy world he might not be able to find this place.

Vikram punched the wall and opened the passage way.

There is dust rising outside causing the men outside to become cautions.

Vikram did not gave them enough time to reach and come inside and directly shouted to them to not to come in right now.

They can clearly understand that Vikram wanted to keep them out and they are like hyenas waiting to get the meat after Vikram cleared the path for them.

They had this misconception Vikram has trusted them because of their greed.

Vikram entered the secret room where the treasure is.

He took out some big light sticks and dropped them around to check the details of the treasure.

Just looking at it for a few seconds Vikram directly packed the entire thing into his personal storage.

Then collected the light sticks while checking the entire place of the treasure room.

Then he came out of the cave with a sad face.

“There is nothing inside…the treasure map seems to be fake…

I should get the one that sold me this treasure map a better punishment to get the real treasure map.”

Vikram muttered outside for the other people to listen.

When they looked at Vikram with non believing eyes Vikram smiled and told them to check inside for themselves.

Some idiots rushed while the cautious people though that this is Vikram’s trap to silence them………

Chapter 145: target 100 billion dollars for billion chaos points

Some idiots rushed while the cautious people though that this is Vikram’s trap to silence them.

Soon after that the people that went inside came out with frustrated face and the others found that there is really nothing inside.

Even the secret room that was broken by Vikram was searched and found nothing.

More people went inside to check and they finally understood the frustration of Vikram.

They returned back the Caribbean islands by the time it was night.

Vikram did not wait and directly moved back to Europe that very night.

Before leaving this place Vikram made the boss of the Caribbean to transfer few hundred million dollars to his dummy company.

The assets of the boss of the Caribbean were completely almost sucked dry.

But he cannot do anything about it.


Vikram returned back and went to Abraham.

On the way Vikram checked the amount of chaos points that he can get for the treasure.

The system simply said that it would give him 100 thousand chaos points just like before.

Also this time in the treasure, Vikram saw a compass in the treasure which is a special artifact that can be added to the ark ship.

If Vikram removed this artifact the value of the treasure was reduced to 50 thousand chaos points only.

Vikram cursed in his heart saying that the system is a black hearted business man.

But he cannot do anything about it.

In order to maximize the benefits Vikram has an idea.

He is going to make Abraham sell this treasure to a higher value in the business circles and get more chaos points.

As long as it was sold for more than 5 million chaos points then Vikram would have huge benefits.

Also Vikram has the idea of exchanging this antiques for some treasure from the secret society of England that collect some special treasures.

Abraham has already got the information related to the secret society that collects the treasures.

The reason why Vikram wanted them is because this world is very similar to earth or some parts of the real world.

As long as there are mythologies in that world, there is a chance that he can gain some super natural things.

If there are super natural things then there will be people that are collecting them.

Even though it seems like no one cares there is always people lurking in the dark.

Vikram is going for them.

But first he has to get the information from the people of the secret society and check some authenticity of the super natural things.

After that he can go there and get them with his intelligence.


Vikram took out the treasure in front of Abraham out of thin air making him speechless.

He doesn’t know that Vikram also knows magic.

This made him frightened for a while and made his decision to follow Vikram even more.

The funny thing is that the favorability of Abraham towards Vikram has reached over 60 points.

This is not love but he is admiring Vikram being his master.

In a way it is the beginning version of loyalty.

Well Vikram did not have any thoughts of bringing this man back to the real world for the time being.


Vikram is not going to stay here instead he is going to South America.

He is going to meet with the Lovelace family and make some initial connections.

He has already spoken Abraham about this and they are going to invest in Lovelace family from the shadows but they will not interfere with anything in the future.

Vikram is going to propose to take Roberta from the Lovelace family in the name of love at first sight.

Well it is not the full effort instead it will be his first contact with Roberta before the official plot.

Vikram is the small time business man that came here to invest in their sugarcane plantations for wine making here.

He is not here for the lanthanides.

Well before going there he rested.

Also the work of authenticating the treasure as the pirate flint’s treasure and other things related to selling were handed over to Abraham.

Vikram already mentioned the bottom price as 10 million dollars which would be the starting price of the auction.

With 10 million dollars converted into chaos points, Vikram can gain 100 thousand chaos points.

For the current world setting becoming a billionaire is very hard.

Before leaving this world Vikram wanted to make at least 100 billion dollars to gain 1 billion chaos points.

That is his target for this world in chaos points along with the special magical and other materials that he wanted.

Since he knows what materials are lacking in the real world he is going to collect them in quantities that he can take back.

There is another person that wanted to find in this world.

It is Veena from the king of scientific research faction.

Before entering the fantasy world Vikram has already contacted her and spoke to her about many things.

From the memories of simulation Vikram found that this woman has strong love interest in Vikram.

Vikram has already tested her loyalty in his simulations and confirmed that she is very loyal to him.

So Vikram wanted to directly pull her into his group.

But finding her is a hard thing if he did not have the memory from his simulation.

She will be a part of CIA and comes to Roanapur as the helper of sister Eda along with another person called Rico.

The only person that Vikram feels sad is that he cannot get the younger version of Sister Yolanda from the rip off church.

She is a super beauty that was shown in her younger version in the plot line and also a strong woman with many skills.

Well even without that Vikram want to pull her into his group just because of her strong personality and her deterring power to live in Roanapur and even ding the weapons business…..

Chapter 146: proposing to Roberta

Well even without that Vikram want to pull her into his group just because of her strong personality and her deterring power to live in Roanapur and even ding the weapons business.

If he cannot make her young again and take her as a lover, he would at least take back her older version to get a foot hold in the free country.

She is the best candidate to gain a foot hold in the free country in the future.

Well he did not have to fear about turning her young.

He has already prepared everything.

Originally Vikram did not notice her at first.

It was actually noticed by his girls when they are checking the anime and the comic version of the story.

They suggested to Vikram to try and bring back Yolanda.

Saeko wanted Vikram to bring back Yukio Washimine from the yakuza family of Japan.

She felt that Yukio Washimine has the potential to learn the way of the sword.

They also suggested bringing back the armed personal strong characters like Ginji Matsuzaki and the people behind Balalaika.

These people can become Vikram’s personal guards on his ship.

He can spend few million chaos points to get a strong support like them.

He did not same in the simulation too.

He already has a list of people that he needs to bring back and the people that might back stab him.

The billion chaos points that he wants to earn form this world are all to gain back what he spent and going to spend in this world.

As for the other players and some veterans Vikram don’t really care as they all are just small fries.

If they met Vikram by chance then they will pay him a very big price of things or with their lives.

The journey is quite long and takes over 14 hours for Vikram to reach there.

It is the same for the Caribbean islands too.

But fortunately the flight time from England to Caribbean islands is 10 hours.

That is why it took him an entire 3 days of time for all of that.

On the morning of the fourth day Vikram arrived at South America where Lovelace family is currently staying.

Vikram came here to meet with Diego Lovelace and also meet with Roberta and Garcia.

Vikram’s visit was very welcoming and he spoke to them about the materials that wanted to buy and some of the formal things.

Well the cartel that was already there harassing the Lovelace family in the past few days tried to make a move on Vikram.

But they were unable to get him and their men turned into vegetative state.

So they are cautious of Vikram.

When Vikram came Roberta has welcomed him and notified Diego.

Vikram spoke to Diego about his cooperation and other things and finally mentioned his liking to Roberta and if he is willing to marry her off to him.

Well Roberta rejected it directly and Diego don’t want to force her.

But Vikram wanted to speak to her privately for a moment which was allowed.

Well every man wants to have a chance to propose to the lady they loved.

So Diego insisted that Roberta to listen to what Vikram have to say.

After Diego left and Vikram made sure that Garcia was not in the vicinity he spoke.

“Miss Roberta or should I call you Rosarita Cisneros or should I call you The Bloodhound,”

As soon as these words came out her fists tightened and wanted to attack Vikram right then and there.

But she still held back.

“I know about your past, but I still love you and want to be a part of my harem.

I know that right now you are very loyal to the Lovelace family and will go any lengths to protect them.

I know about the minerals that were found in the land belongs to Lovelace family and their quarrel with the mafia.

But your strength might not be enough in this matter dealing with the entire mafia.

I will not force you to make any choice as I don’t like forcing women.

If the mafia were to do something to Garcia….”

As soon as the name of Garcia was mentioned Roberta threw her stone like fist towards Vikram’s face.

Vikram leisurely caught them with a single hand like he is catching a chicken or a fist thrown by a little kid.

Her strength should have reached over 70 stat points by Vikram’s analysis.

The strongest should have even reached 90 stat points or even more.

She was astounded by the quick reaction and strength of Vikram.

She threw another fist and even a leg but they were all caught by Vikram easily.

Right now she was literally handing in the air with only one leg on the ground in an embarrassing position.

She was struggling to break free from his hands as Vikram continued speaking.

“I am not here to threaten you with the life of a kid.

If I want to take you, then there is no one in this world that can stop me.

As I said before I love you and I came here just for you and not to do business with the Lovelace family.

I know you need time to think.

You have all the time in the world.

There are some secrets I cannot tell you right now.

Something like this….”

Vikram let her go as she did not attack him again but looked at him cautiously when Vikram took out a big gun out of thin air.

This shocked her so much that she was dazed a little.

Vikram then hid the weapon back like magic and then said to her.

“I am from a different place from you and came here on some missions.

I have to gain a foot hold in Roanapur in a few days.

You know it is the city of thugs and criminals.

If something seriously happen and you did not know where to find then contact me………

Chapter 147: simulations ins and outs

“If something seriously happen and you did not know where to find then contact me.

I don’t know how long will I stay in the Roanapur.

If you change your mind one day then don’t shy away.

Don’t tell me you love that little kid Garcia.

He is still a kid and you are a big woman.

(So you should choose a big man like me.)

Well that is all I have to say to you right now.

I can only say my secrets to you if you really trust me.

Also one more thing if you saw me doing something you did not expect then doesn’t jump into conclusions directly.

I am doing it to protect something precious to you.

This is my prediction of your future.

Okay bye then…”

Vikram gave her his contact information for his special phone.

Vikram then greeted Diego again and left.

After leaving there, Vikram contacted Abraham to arrange for the business deal that he spoke off to Diego Lovelace.

As for the profit and loss from this business with Diego Lovelace is not important at all.

Other than that Vikram spoke to Abraham saying that he don’t have to make any move or negotiation with the mafia here.

It is only a business deal and nothing more for the time being.

No matter what the Columbian mafia did Abraham was ordered to not interfere in this matter.

Vikram still have 2 days for the official plot to start.

Vikram has already chosen his entry point and joining the black lagoon.

For that he has to travel to Japan right now.

The flight time takes an entire day that is 21 hours of time.

So he really did not have any time right now.

He immediately got a flight to Japan.

His target is the ship the protagonist of the story Rock is going to take and have the accident to fell into the hands of black lagoon pirates.

Since it is a long journey Vikram has enough time to rest and also check his plan.

Vikram wanted to try a simulation in the fantasy world to check his situation.

He immediately activated the simulation system.


Player do you want to spend 1000 chaos points to simulate in the fantasy world.





With a nod the simulation started.


Fantasy world: black lagoon

Fantasy world simulation starts…….”

“First month,

Player was successfully able to join the lagoon pirates.

Made contact with many people in the Roanapur.

Impression on some woman is improved…..”

“Second month,

Player took leave to go to Europe because of the information related to secret society obtained by Abraham.

Contacted by Roberta and found the start of the kidnapping of Columbian mafia started.

You know that a good show will happen so you specifically delayed the arrival till you stopped the two chicks from fighting.


“Third month,

Met with master Chang and went on a mission related to some documents.


…………..bla bla bla……..

After that the simulation ended with Vikram leaving the fantasy world.

From the simulation he got some choices to choose from.


Please choose one of the following options.

Option 1: important memories during the simulation. (2,000 chaos points)

Option 2: training technique experience and spell experience gained during the simulation. (400 chaos points)

Option 3: skills and skill experience obtained during the simulation. (500 chaos points)

Option 4: blood lines obtained during the simulation. (0 chaos points)

Option 5: improved stats related to intelligence, sense and charm. (0 chaos points)

Option 6: improved stats related to vitality and agility. (0 chaos points)

Option 7: improved stats related to strength and stamina. (0 chaos points)


Vikram was shocked to find that he did not improve any stats during his time in the fantasy world.

He was here for at least more than 2 years.

So why is there no improvement in his stat points?

Immediately the answer came to his mind from the description of the simulation.

Yes he can improve his power in the fantasy world but not everything can be taken out of this fantasy world.

At the end of the fantasy world his completion rate and other things will be calculated by the system and then a percentage of his improvement can be taken.

Also in fantasy world with normal settings like black lagoon he cannot use simulation to strengthen himself.

But in worlds like Naruto, hunter x hunter, dragon ball z, fairy tail……… Vikram will be able to use the simulation to improve the power he can gain in that world.

Those are life simulation worlds.

At that time all of his stats will change to the corresponding energy or power values of that world.

At the end of the fantasy world the system will calculate his obtainable stats through special factors.

There Vikram can choose what he wanted to get.

That is the same for the blood lines.

That is the difference between simulating in the fantasy world and real world.

Since black lagoon is a normal world he cannot get any of the later options related to stats or blood lines.


Well he is not disappointed as he also cannot get the memories from the black lagoon world in the simulations of the real world.

All of his plans were formed based on the assumptions from the noted important points of his memories.

So he decisive chooses the memories from the simulation while leaning back on the flight seat.

He did not felt head ache like last time.

His mental strength has improved after his stats rose by a good level.

Immediately the memories appeared in his mind as he analyzed them slowly understanding the details clearly.

There is happiness on his face some time and there is a frown some times.

Finally he muttered

“So I lost the old nun Yolanda even after turning her into a young beauty.

I made the bad choice there.

As for saving Gretel made balalaika angry………”

Chapter 148: meeting Yukio of Japanese mafia

“So I lost the old nun Yolanda even after turning her into a young beauty.

I made the bad choice there.

As for saving Gretel made balalaika angry.

Too much time is lost there……….

So that is the problem with the secret society…..

Good treasures I should get them…….

This knowledge is very valuable in both real world and the fantasy world…..

So many secrets…….”

The more he learnt about the information that more he thought of about the situations.

There are good things and there are bad things in the memories.

Vikram has to find solutions for those bad things quickly so that he can get all the good things to the highest possible limit.

What do a person that completely depends on his own abilities and preparations need unlike the scumbag protagonists that are favored by great luck.

With just a walk they will get everything they wanted.

But for a person like Vikram he has to prepare everything by himself.

For that to progress smoothly he needs information.

Information is the key to all of his victory.

As long has the information is received is accurate he can do anything.

So the simulation skill is the best possible skill that Vikram could have.


While analyzing the situations, Vikram rested peacefully thinking of solutions to the problems.

If he was doubtful he would use the simulation again and get the solutions.

Also he got the information related to the secret society and their records.

He doesn’t have to break in like in the simulation.

He found some alternatives for this problem…………


Soon he reached Japan on the next day morning.

He did not get to have time to rest as the ship that rock is going to go on will set out in a few hours.

Vikram should get on board that ship as an illegal immigrant that is going through the Chinese waters where he would change to another ship to go to his destination.

Vikram made specifically sure that rock is getting on this ship and then went to a different place to come in contact with a person.

That person is a high school senior student Yukio Washimine from the Japanese yakuza.

Vikram has a very charming appearance with toned body, skin and hair.

No woman can resist his charm that easily.

The weak willed women might ask him to fuck them directly, while the strong willed women would talk to him politely with at least 10 points of favorability from the very start just form the first impression of his appearance.

Vikram knows that she might have feelings for her body guard.

But Vikram still wants to try.

Well his previous attempts were all in vain because she was dead after her body guard Ginji was killed at the end.

Vikram has the thought of diverting her heart towards him because of her interest in philosophy.

So he came straight to her school and went to the principal’s office and asked about Yukio.

As for the details Vikram stated to them that he is from a philosophy club from another country.

Knowing that she is good at teaching he heard about it through some channels….bla…bla….

The principal believed it as he checked Vikram’s website that Vikram made this morning along with his passport that was authenticated by the United Kingdom’s government.

The principal cannot be careless in this matter as the woman that Vikram asked for has a prestigious background.

So he first verified Vikram’s claims and only after the verification did he called Yukio.

The principal was excluded and food was arranged to Vikram through his means in the guest room provided by Vikram.

In the room under the request from Vikram only he and Yukio were present.

At first principal was also there but when Vikram spoke about his philosophical thoughts his mind short circuited.

So he left quickly, not wanting to embarrass himself.

Yukio acted politely with Vikram.

After the principal left the words of Vikram also changed to the dark side of the world.

Even though she always runs away from the dark side of the world her true nature is not that.

She was stubborn like a wild bull and cannot see the full picture of anything.

She is not a leader material instead if she was arranged as a fighter then she should be good.

As for hating the underworld, it might not be true as she tried to protect the very people that she should have hated.

Those people are the ones that formed the underworld doing all kinds of atrocities.

So in the final conclusion she is a frightened lost but stubborn lamb that needs to be guided.

Also she is so fearful that she fell in love with a man that is very much older than her.

It was her feeling of having support to save her from all this confusion and dark world.


The words of Vikram directed towards her pointing at the very place where she don’t want to understand.

Even the example that Vikram gave her that indicated her future has made her realize some things.

Finally Vikram said…

“Miss Yukio, because of too much indulgence in the psychology I was able to predict some things.

The story I said about you is the same as my prediction.

But it might not happen as well.

Right now I am going to the city that holds the dark side of the world to improve my psychological quality and this prediction ability.

It is called Roanapur.

If in the future if you ever felt like you are in trouble and wants some help, then contact me…

This is my number….”

Vikram gave her the contact information just like Roberta before.

Her favorability has reached 20 points after Vikram explained some things to her.

She still needs to understand the words of Vikram to gain a full enlightenment.

Vikram was sure that if she completely understands it her favorability would reach 40 points…….

Chapter 149: duel with Ginji

Vikram was sure that if she completely understands it her favorability would reach 40 points.

Everything was designed by Vikram to pull her completely towards him.

After leaving here Vikram did not go anywhere but went to meet with Ginji.

Vikram wants to see the level of sword skills that this man possesses.

Vikram is going to make a bet with him to get him away from Yukio.

If they are together they will definitely die.

Instead if he can take him under him then he might be able to save them both and get two capable people on his team.

With that Vikram went to a place near a shrine.

There is an old wooden house here.

This is where Ginji is living.

Vikram directly entered the place and went straight to the house to knock on the door.

After some time Ginji came from behind the house wearing a sweaty shirt.

He seems to be practicing on the back yard of the house.

He looked at Vikram and asked him about his purpose.

Vikram did not go around the head and directly went to the point.

“Mister Ginji, I want to challenge you to a duel.

I also want to make a bet with you.”

Ginji don’t know how to respond to a person that came to his door for duel.

But he did not jump in instead he directly rejected.

He already has someone to protect.

So he was not stupid enough to entangle with other things and troubled things.

Vikram knows that he has to use his wild card here.

So he directly brought up the topic.

“Mister Ginji, I love Yukio.

Being a person that guards her safety you should at least test me before letting her fall into my hands right.”

As soon as Vikram spoke the expression on the face of Ginji changed.

Vikram knows that he has touched the right nerve to twitch Ginji.

Vikram continued speaking.

“I know that you want her to live peacefully.

Do you think it is easy to get a peaceful life being the only daughter of the yakuza family?

But I can give her peaceful life that you wanted to give her.

Well at least I will not let her die unless I die before her.

Being her body guard you are the big man that would be best qualified to test my abilities to protect her.

So I came to you to have a duel.

If I win I want you to become my subordinate when Yukio becomes my woman and help me a little with her stubborn heart to save her from doing something stupid.

That is the thing I wanted to bet with you.

You can tell me your stakes…..”

As Vikram explained Ginji’s frown receded to thoughtfulness.

Unlike many young men out there Vikram is very clear about the things.

He has even done all the background checks before coming to Ginji.

He really wants Yukio to have a peaceful life and he knows that there is no such thing as true peace without enough strength to support it.

So he has decided to give Vikram a chance.

All this time, he doesn’t even know the name of Vikram.

He briefly asked Vikram about his name and background before agreeing to the duel.

Vikram simply stated his name and his background as an orphan, a mercenary and now a business man with a company in Europe.

Well the profile is good.

If the strength of Vikram is also good then there is no problem leaving Yukio to Vikram.

He nodded his head and led Vikram to the back yard of the house.

There he gave a practice sword to Vikram to have a duel.

Vikram specifically mentioned that the duel should be fair and Ginji should not hold back on him.

Ginji nodded his head in approval and they started the duel.

Ginji is using a long sword made of wood while Vikram was given a normal wooden sword of his choice.

Immediately after that they started the fight with the blow of the air.

As a man from Japan Ginji has his sword style related to the samurai style.

For samurai style their highest power always lies in their sword drawing techniques.

Vikram already has a counter to this move prepared when he practiced many styles of the way of the sword to make his own style.

When the sword draw was used by Ginji Vikram moved his sword in a tricky angle simply diverting the force of the sword draw.

It is more like Hawkeye in one piece diverting the bullets.

The movements are smooth and gentle but at the same time they are firm and precise.

These are the movements of Vikram when fighting against a Japanese style sword art of Ginji.

After few minutes it felt like Vikram teaching Ginji rather than a duel.

Vikram was standing on the same spot from the start to the end without moving an inch or flinching to the side.

There is not even an indentation of his legs formed on the loose soil because of the force exerted by Ginji’s sword on Vikram.

Within a few minutes Ginji understood the difference between Vikram and him and admitted defeat.

Vikram felt like an old monster living in a young body.

When Vikram is done with the fight he told some things to Ginji and instructed him to protect Yukio no matter what happens.

Well he also told him to spread his name to her so that she would not forget him.

Ginji thought that Vikram is going to pursue Yukio by staying here.

But Vikram told him that he has to leave as there are many other things to take care off.

Vikram bid farewell to him and left after drinking tea.

Vikram has a ship to catch so that he can step into the main plot.

He quickly came to the port area and went through the back channels to gain the illegal immigration thing on the ship that rock is going to board that night…………..

Chapter 150: contact with lagoon pirates

He quickly came to the port area and went through the back channels to gain the illegal immigration thing on the ship that rock is going to board that night.

They are travelling towards the small country to the north.

It will set sail that night and the pirates would come to get them in the morning next day.

The journey time is around few days between the countries.

Because it was a ship and has to go to the big port it will take longer.

Rock will board this ship tomorrow morning when it will set sail.

Vikram want to sleep in the ship for the night.

After paying some good amount of cash Vikram was happily sleeping in the ship.

He has been constantly on work for the past 7 days and today he will rest for the night peacefully.

Well he did check on one thing that is if there is any other player that was able to make their way here.

Unfortunately none of the beginner level players were good enough to make their way to this ship.

Tomorrow an hour before the start of the plot the veteran players will officially join in the game.

If they select the starting point as the ship by paying some chaos points then they can directly appear on this ship.

But Vikram is not fearful about that as they cannot spoil his plan.

In the simulation two players did appear on the ship it was from the holy country and free country.

One is a blond guy with arrogant air and the other one is having dyed hair with red stripes and looked like a punk.

Well that story is for tomorrow morning any way.

That night is a happy sleep.

No one disturbed him that night and it was very peaceful.


In the morning Vikram woke up as usual as the ship set sail.

But he did not go out of the cabin.

He lied down after washing up and having breakfast.

He hid inside the ship when the ship stopped suddenly to watch the good show.

The lagoon pirates appeared and rock has officially become their punching bag to get the disk.

Right at that moment a blond haired arrogant man appeared on the ship and went straight towards the area where the lagoon people are threatening rock.

At the same tome a red stripped haired punk also appeared and move towards the same location from another side.

As soon as they two people arrived the blond haired arrogant man from the holy country told them his intentions to joining their group.

He was arrogant enough to tell them that he is fighting experience is great and can lead them in the trouble times.

He started to rambling nonsense irritating Revy.

Right when she was about to shoot the blond haired man, the red striped haired punk appeared.

He is even more ignorant and tried to flirt with Revy annoying her to the peak.

When they both men the blond haired man and the red striped haired man started to fight each other.


Vikram don’t know if there are stupid or acting stupid.

It is like they did not have any plan to begin with and came here on a whim.

Only now Vikram remembered that these people did not have a simulation skill like he does and they cannot be prepared.

But coming here without even being prepared is the stupidest move they can make.

Vikram was also annoyed by their nonsense so he silently appeared behind them and dislocated all their joints with his water like movements.

“You bastards are annoying me so early in the morning….”

Vikram said that and kicked them a few times almost making them cry.

“Who the hell are you?

Which faction are you from?

Do you know who I am?

Do you know my background?


They started to shout at Vikram with their bruised and swollen faces.

Vikram did not want to hear their nonsense so he kicked them again and ordered them to open up their status panel to take a look.

They can only comply with the demonic ways of Vikram.

They soon transferred all of their chaos points to Vikram.

With his threat they even gave him all their things.

Immediately after that two windows appeared in front of Vikram listing all the things in the personal storage of both of these people.

Vikram selected the things that he wanted and took them directly.

Also he made them sell their arks to Vikram directly for some chaos points that they agreed on the spot using the system with his fake account.

But after the chaos points are transferred to them Vikram took them back.

This is the loop hole of the system that Vikram discovered when he was getting his simulation memories.

The two arks became their small orb form and were stored inside his personal space and are not accessible right now.

Vikram did not care about that.

During his talking with the two people Revy rambled at Vikram and even threw some insults.

Vikram did not respond to her much causing her to be annoyed and shot at Vikram.

But right then Vikram shot back directly hitting the flying bullets at an unpredictable angle.

Of the 5 shots shot by Revy not a single one hit Vikram or even the area behind Vikram.

In the air there is a metal hitting sound and the crushed bullets fell between Revy and Vikram.

During the shooting Vikram did not look at her clearly.

This shocked the few people especially Dutch was shocked and wanted to immediately leave this place.

“Big man you have to stop for a while before leaving.

You are the captain of the pirate ship right.

I have something to say.

But if you try to run away I will shoot at the torpedoes of your little ship…..”

With the threat from Vikram, Dutch was stopped in his tracks.


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