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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 111: Rika falls for Mohini

She did not believe that Mohini has made it all the way to the location that she mentioned to her and brought the armed forces with her like buying groceries in the super market.

When the people arrived Rika went down to receive them and saluted to the commanding officer respectfully.

The commanding officer looked sternly at her and spoke after returning the salute.

“Rika did you send Mohini to find us as a test for her love to you and your friend.”

Rika was speechless when she heard the words of her commanding officer talking to her with a stern face.

Well when the words registered in her mind, her cheeks blushed and wanted to explain.

She thought that Mohini has caused some major problems to the commanding office and other armed forces.

The faces of the other armed forces people were also staring at her with anger in their faces.

But before she can speak they all laughed out loud including the commanding office.

She doesn’t know what is going on because the people that should be serious are laughing like mad people in a zombie apocalypse situation.

“I never thought that our Tom girl Rika would blush and unable to answer one day.

Unfortunately I did not have a phone to record this.”

“Shit my wound opened up while I laughed……”

There are a few comments while the commanding officer spoke to Rika.

“Rika, you really found a strong man…cough…cough…woman.

You know in order to get to us; she has killed over 20 thousand zombies directly opening a route for us to travel here.

Well the 20 thousand zombies is a rough estimate but she really is a strong Woman.

Don’t test her till she loses interest in you.

Even though it was weird for a woman to fell in love with another woman,

For fucking god sake this almost the end of the world with no clear outcome.

Strong people like her are hard to find and there might be only a hand full of them in the entire world.

Most of them are old bastards but she is a beautiful woman of values towards women that is.

(Well she even admitted that she is a bitch what are values and morals to her…shit…I cannot think straight thinking of her body)

Think carefully,

Don’t lose her and regret in your life……..”

Rika don’t know how to reach to the words of these people.

They are actually trying to match make between two women.

(Are you all nuts, do you think that I am gay that loves lesbian….)

Rika thought in her heart for a moment but still thinking of Mohini and their words had an impact on her.

The face of Rika blushed and shocked at the same time.

The astonishment in her eye is clearly visible when she heard Mohini killed over 20 thousand zombies to reach them.

What kind of logic is that?

How is that even possible?

Well she was unable to think properly as the final words of her commanding officer and the words of her best friend Shizuka appeared in her mind.

She looked at Mohini that looked a little exhausted but overall there is not even a scratch on her or on Saeko that followed Mohini.

Well Saeko has changed her clothes again after taking a shower when they reached the armed forces before.

Right at that time in front of Rika a hovering light screen appeared with that question of trust towards Mohini.

She finally understood what Mohini said.

Her trust should come from within her heart and not from her words.

Only then can she take her along to her world.

She decisively selected the yes option with her thoughts and the screen disappeared.

Mohini noticed this and came to her.

“You seem to trust me now.

Well that is good.

We can talk about the real things later.

First go a report the details to your commanding office.

I have already talked to him to relieve you after this so that you can come with me.

Well that is if you wanted to.

Since you trusted me then you have decided to go with me.

So go do your things and meet me later so that I can share you my secret like I did with Saeko, Shizuka and other women.

I will be with them…..”

After saying that to Rika, Mohini moved into a building to wash up the sweat.

Saeko followed behind her like a loyal wife.

Well right when she reached the door Shizuka appeared and jumped on Mohini with a big hug.

The sensation of big tits pressing on her face is amazing as she stuck to her like a koala.

At that time Alice also appeared along with Zeke.

Mohini’s team mates appeared one after the other with complicated eyes and admiration.

There is also love and adoration towards Mohini.

They have heard the deed of Mohini and they know that Mohini did it to get Rika.

This moved them because Mohini was decisive to jump into zombies for her women causing them to have more feelings towards Mohini.

Most of their favorability has crossed 60 points on an average reaching an initial love state towards her.

As for Aika and Takashi they just reached 40 points of favorability and because of the protagonist aura Aika did not fall for Mohini right now.

Mohini acted as if she was taking things from the bag pack and gave a box full of chocolate to Alice and special dog food for Zeke.

Mohini can see that the favorability of Shizuka has jumped by 30 more points to reached 70 points similar to Rika leading them to the initial love state.

As for Saeko, her favorability also rose to 80 points because of Mohini’s talk and actions with her in the afternoon while they are eating lunch and their journey towards the armed forces.

The talk went successfully and Saeko opened up to Mohini revealing some things of her past and some other things about her love………..

Chapter 112: in the bathroom to return the favor

The talk went successfully and Saeko opened up to Mohini revealing some things of her past and some other things about her love.

Well her sadistic nature is out for Mohini to look at and Mohini abide by the words that she said before and let Saeko slap on the ass of Mohini till it turned bright red.

The moans and admission of Mohini satisfied Saeko but she also received something similar with her ass turning red and her nipples having many bite marks.

Unlike the protagonist that was frightened initially by her sadistic side Mohini did not fear it.

Instead she directly hugged her and told her that it is not bad to have a sadistic side and they both had a good S and M play for an entire hour satisfying each other’s lust.

“I did not just love your body or appearance.

I loved you as a whole person.

What if you have a sadistic side?

I still love you and love all of you.

My love doesn’t change no matter what you become or what you hide within.”

Mohini’s statement has won her heart, but she was still in some dilemma.

But when there returned back safely and her quick reactions whenever a zombie came close to her and Mohini care for her along with her cruelty towards the zombies has won her heart.

So now her heart has strong love towards Mohini.

If Mohini can get that sword from Takagi’s house too then the entire thing would be set making the favorability to Saeko reach 90 points.

As for Shizuka, Kyoko and Rika that are at 70 points of favorability well Mohini has her plans for them too.

Then Saya and Rei were not that far apart.

Because of the lack of attention their favorability towards Mohini has reached 65 points only.

But Mohini was sure that she can push it forward with some words and deeds.

Hirano on the side has his love bloomed a little after the great return of Mohini and even her record of killing over 20 thousand zombies on the way.

His favorability toward Mohini has reached 65 points too.

But Mohini became unsure if he would really join her side when Asami arrives into the group.

Well whatever happens, Mohini cannot change the fate other than accepting it like other mortals.

She can always try harder but in love trying hard is not enough, she also have to have some fate to get the heroines.

That night they stayed there peacefully.

Mohini has already cleared most of the zombies on the island so there is not much of a problem.

After reporting to the commanding officer Rika got more information on how Mohini came to them and took them back here.

This made her love Mohini even more.

She made the report of her things to the commanding officer then she was relieved after receiving the complements form the commanding officer.

She found good news from the commanding officer that Mohini has transferred all of her credits of saving the armed forces and leading them to Rika.

She felt sweet and blushed again.

Mohini went to take a bath so she went to speak with Shizuka about the things Mohini did.

The women’s heart to gossip is a very natural thing and that would not change no matter what.

Mohini did not go the women’s bathroom to take a bath instead she went to the male’s bathroom.

She has already told Saeko to leave after taking a bath without bothering about her.

Saeko knows that Mohini is a bitch and went to get washed with men so that they can wash every part of her body.

Strangely Saeko flushed a little and even has a thought of going along with Mohini.

Mohini has previously told her that she don’t mind if her women wants to get fucked by other men or a gang bang as long they are still loyal to her and love her.

In the males bathroom the soldiers that can wash up came here to wash their bodies.

But suddenly the door to the bathroom opened and Mohini appeared with nothing on her body except for a towel.

After coming inside she even took off the towel revealing her sexy curves.

The men inside are not injured ones but with full vigor.

They were also in a stressed state and there is nowhere to vent out this stress.

Mohini then bowed in front of them in Japanese style with her tits dangling and said.

“Thank you for your support after coming here.

Rika seems to be falling in love with me.

So as promised I came here to give you a way to vent out your stress.

But you have to be quick.

If not those girls might become tense.

So come and fuck me.

Also please be a little gently with me, my body is delicate…….”

As soon as they saw Mohini and heard her words their dicks stood up like springs that lost the weight to suppress them.

That was a wonderful scene for Mohini to watch.

They moved close to Mohini and pulled her to the center of the bath room.

One started to kiss her cherry lips while other played with her tits.

Another one knelt down behind her and buried his face between the butt cheeks of Mohini.

Just like that they started with the foreplay and went to the main play.

Well they are gentle and asked permission when they want to put their dicks inside her pussy and ass hole.

Mohini has generously told them that they can fill up her pussy and ass hole by Cumming inside as much as they wanted.

They don’t have to cum outside.

With her words the men fucked her more and more while the bathroom was filled with her moans.

Fortunately there is no one nearby if there is then they would have definitely noticed Mohini was being fucked from just her moans………

Chapter 113: Hirano’s favorability change

Fortunately there is no one nearby if there is then they would have definitely noticed Mohini was being fucked from just her moans.

That is how sweet and unforgettable her voice is.

The gang bang went on for an hour.

Because they cannot stay here for long they have to quickly done with fucking Mohini and leave here.

When Mohini is done here she cleaned up her body quickly and went to meet with her women.

Mohini got notification about the raise in the favorability or both Shizuka and Rika rose to 80 points directly.

Well Mohini can guess the reason for that.

She took a comfortable bath and put on new clothes.

After that she made her way to the cooking station to cook some food.

The airport has some shops with cooking sections which are abandoned right now.

By that time all of his women arrived to where Mohini is.

Mohini packed the cooked dishes as the place is covered with corpses and blood all around.

It is not a comfortable place to eat food.

She took the women and Hirano to a distance away from the current refugee are where the air is fresh and they can get a view of moon and stars with the view of the ocean.

It is a peaceful place as Mohini served them food as she spoke to them about the real world.

Previously Mohini told Saeko, Kyoko and Shizuka about the real world.

But it was not full details because of the time constraint and some planning problems.

Right now they can listen to the full details about the real world.

The more they listened the more fascinated they become.

As for Takashi he was not invited and he is spending his time with Aika after Rei and Saya did not pay much attention to him.

Since he was not invited by Mohini he did not follow along.

All the protagonists have this strange pride that is over their heads and they would not make any compromises and act arrogant.

Well Mohini did not care and those people also seem to understand Mohini and followed along.


They never thought that their world is an anime or manga in the real world.

But at the same time Mohini explained that there are endless possibilities and their world might be a real one too.

It is just that it was inside the endless chaotic flow of the world that was not discovered yet.

Then Mohini went through about many things about the money, the risks, the politics, the monsters…………

With that she is done explaining and even took over her specifically modified phone to show them their original story.

This shocked them even more.

They looked at their own anime version characters and their story.

They all found few important things from watching the anime,

That is some of them are main heroines and some of them are not.

Hirano looked at Asami and has an inexplicable feeling in his heart.

It is like he fell in love with the character of Asami.

He doesn’t know his feelings towards Mohini are real or not and it was changing directions towards Asami.

When he saw the ending of Asami he became so sad that he was literally crying.

Mohini know that the situation has changed and Hirano’s feelings went towards Asami.

This is because beside the favorability of Hirano the love is gone and change to admiration only.

With that Mohini know that she has lost Hirano.

As for Asami Mohini did not have any thoughts of bringing her to the real world.

When they reached the end they felt the sudden ending without any conclusion.

Rei found that her mother is fine and Saya became sad looking at her home being besieged by zombies.

They also found the situation with Shido which angered them.

Mohini then gave them an explanation.

That is how she is going to kill Shido and how she is going to save Asami, the parents of Saya and the mother of Rei.

That is all she can do based on the time they have left in this world.

Rei and Saya were contemplating while Mohini looked at Hirano and said.

“Did you fell in love with Asami?”

As soon as her words were out the women pricked their ears to listen to his reply.

“Well….I doesn’t know….?”

Mohini sighed and said.

“If you fell in love with her just say it.

It is not a problem for us to save her.

I have already decided to save her bring her back with me to the real world.

If you love her you can be with her.

I will not force you to love me.

You know I am not a tyrant or something……..”

With Mohini’s explanation the night moved on as they finished their dinner.

Mohini explained to them saying that she understands their character very much.

Mohini showed them this because in the future they might find this anime by themselves and after knowing that they might think that they were betrayed.

But Mohini came clean to the point of even showing their other side of the plot.

Also they understood that even if Mohini did not come to them other players would come and they would leave them in this world after their quest is over.

Just like a use and throw item.

Instead Mohini wanted to take them out of this world with her which is costly and needed strong patience to gain their favor and acceptance.

For this reason they fell in love with Mohini all over again.

The favorability of the women and Hirano got a +5 to them.

When Mohini takes them to the real world the favorability would reach 90 points or above because she proved their trust in her.

Mohini explained that they have to go to the Takagi’s house to get the sword Murata-tou for Saeko.

Saya supported this as she understands how well Saeko uses a sword……..

Chapter 114: a heavenly night in a small tent

Saya supported this as she understands how well Saeko uses a sword.

So she is willing to convince her father to give the sword to Saeko.

She is planning to bring back her parents along with Mohini to the real world.

As for Rei she knows that her mother is safe but she don’t know anything about her father.

In the last chapters of the story she found that her father is alive but there is no more information to go on.

Her eyes were red and she doesn’t know what to say to Mohini.

Mohini looked at her and said.

Rei, I will try my best to save your mother but about your father, I don’t know what to say.

As you can see the next few days will be even harder to move.

Rei can only nod her head absent mindedly

Also there is still Asami that needed to be saved.

Mohini don’t like the death of that character.

Also Hirano seems to like her.

But Mohini don’t know what will happen and who Asami might fall in love with.

Finally she still has to kill another 10,000 zombies to get the benefits of 100,000 zombie kill achievement.

For that she has to make more efforts in the next few days.

The nuclear bomb would exploded tomorrow so they have to reach the house of Takagi by that time and help the couple fend off from the zombies.

Most probably the players that are staying at Takagi’s house would run away.

As for the sword Murata-tou, if it is still in the hands of Mr. Takagi then it is not a problem but if it was taken by a player then the consequences would change.

Saeko specifically asked Mohini if she could get that sword after watching it in the anime.

Mohini did not give her a positive answer that he would get that for her.

But the results should be seen still.

There are always some circumstances that would change because of the variables.

So Mohini cannot promise anything but wait and see tomorrow.

Mohini still has a bunch of guns that she got from Rika’s house stored in her personal space.

Other than that she got some form the dead armed forces scouting people that she met on the way.

Hopefully they would be enough to get a sword along with the favor of saving them if there is a zombie tide like in the anime.

Mohini don’t really want to rely on Saya’s recommendation to get the sword.


Mohini led the women to the roof top of a building and set up a medium sized tent that can fit them all up tightly.

She sent Hirano back as he is the only man and she doesn’t need him in her all woman sleep right now.

She locked the door and even put on some high tension wires around.

The women that that Mohini was overly cautious making all these arrangements for just the one night stay.

But Mohini did not feel like she was overly cautious.

There are people from the special armed forces here and there might be some that are interested in Rika.

They might hide their feelings deep for the time being but there is always a chance that they would sneak attack and blame it on the zombies.

No one would support dead people for the living in this kind of apocalyptic situations.

So, Mohini has to make sure that she did not fall into some dumb guy’s trap carelessly like a pig.

The tent can fit 7 people to sleep.

Mohini slept in the middle,

On the right Shizuka hugged his arm tightly into her cleavage,

On the left Saeko is sleeping holding Mohini’s head and his arm was between her thighs tightly clapped.

Rika was actually sleeping right on the top of her, with her head on Mohini’s chest and tightly holding her waist.

Rei, Saya and Kyoko were embarrassed to sleep so close to Mohini so they slept separately.

Veena wanted to sleep close to Mohini so she shared the top of Mohini along with Rika.

They both hugged each other with one hand and their faces used Mohini’s tits as pillows to sleep.

Well Rika has the habit to bit on the corner of the pillow.

Since there is no corner to the pillow she started to bite Mohini’s nipples making Mohini moan slightly.

On the other hand Veena is directly sucking on Mohini’s nipple.

Mohini is sleeping naked and she is not the only one.

Except for Rei, Saya and Kyoko all the other women were also naked.

The nipples of Saeko were inside Mohini’s mouth as she buried Mohini’s head between her perky tits.

On the other hand Shizuka’s hand is actually playing some musical instrument right on the top of Mohini’s pussy.


This was not Mohini’s arrangements but the women decided to sleep like this on their own.

Well Mohini was sleeping happily in this heavenly place of the apocalyptic world.

When it was around early in the morning Mohini heard some sounds coming from the roof top door.

She became vigilant immediately.

She slowly relieved her hands and body out of the grasps of the women and moved out of the tent silently.

She hid at one corner and observed who is trying to lock pick the door right now.

After sometime someone with bulky body appeared holding a gun and some other things in his hand.

He is actually wearing a gas mask too.

Mohini can infer that he is probably trying to use some sleeping gas like thing.

It should be around 3 AM in the morning.

Whatever this man wanted to do is either to fuck Mohini and her women and kill them all or kill Mohini and slowly take the women into his arms.

Whatever the situation might be Mohini will always die.

Most probably this man would put Mohini to sleep and throw her towards the zombies in other buildings after fucking her………..

Chapter 115: met with Asami

Most probably this man would put Mohini to sleep and throw her towards the zombies in other buildings after fucking her.

This person is not a player but a character in the story.

Mohini peacefully waited for few moments for the man to move and fell in to her trap.

Since it is dark the man tripped on the metal wire causing a “thud” sound.

Rika and Saeko woke up quickly from the sound and became vigilant.

They did not find Mohini with them so they tactically agreed with each other and peeked through the opening of the tent.

They can see Mohini hiding and another black figure that is trying to stand up after falling.

Mohini did not give him a chance to stand up as she came silently from behind and hit him on the back of his head.

The man fell unconscious because of the Jab from Mohini hitting accurately on a pressure point.

Mohini used a torch to check and found that this man is really wanted to kill her.

This was actually the right hand man of the commander.

Most probably he is interested in Rika or he just wanted to fuck the beauties following Mohini.

Whatever the case is the thief is caught.

Mohini don’t want to interrogate this person as there is no particular use.

So Mohini directly send him to hell and then dropped his body in one of the rooms after taking the things on his body.

Well they did not have much value in Mohini’s eyes and she told Rika to not to disclose this to her commanding officer.

Mohini don’t want them to fall out or anything right now as the amount of time Mohini had is less and she has to use it carefully.

With the small thing is over they don’t want to sleep anymore.

Funny thing is that Shizuka is sleeping through all of this peacefully.

The other girls already woke up after the small commotion.

Mohini carried sleeping Shizuka to the military jeep that belongs to Rika and they packed up their things.

Mohini then moved towards the area where the other refugees are sleeping without bothering to put on any dress.

Mohini went to Hirano who was sleeping with other refugees and told him that they are leaving right now in a sneaky way.

Hirano did not understand what is happening but he still followed Mohini out of that place silently.

No one was disturbed during that time.

After coming out with Mohini and meeting other girls did he understand what is actually happening.

He became furious as he admired Mohini very much that he doesn’t like her to be killed or plotted against.

Zeke the dog, that got the scent of Mohini and ran over towards them.

Mohini previously wanted to leave the dog.

Since it came to her any way she will simply take that dog with her.

Also she doesn’t know if she can take the dog out with her.

Mohini made a big painting of their good bye on the building before leaving this airport island through the vehicle transport liner to the main land.

Mohini not only took their jeep but also another military jeep with them.

She has got the key to the other jeep with her slippery hands.

Shizuka drove one jeep while Rika drove the other.

It was early in the morning when they left.

There is not much patrol in the night.

Most probably the man that they killed is the patrol for the night.

His body was hanged on the building they stayed along with Mohini’s words beside.

“Good trick to kill me, but you are an idiot in front of this demon.

Good bye, you idiot”

These words are for the commander that planned to kill Mohini.

Well it is normal as no person want to have a person from another country to take their sweet hot pussies.

Especially, when that person is strong enough to roam around freely in this apocalyptic world without a care or fear of death

Mohini led the girls towards a place where she and Saeko had lunch last time.

Well Mohini was busy shooting zombies left and right all the time while the girls are peacefully sitting in the car.

Saeko was a little excited to get the new sword.

Saya was happy that she will be returning to home and see her parents soon.

Hirano was excited to meet Asami that he saw in the anime.

Mohini stopped the car around at the big mall on the highway.

This should be the place where Asami and other refugees should be.

Mohini wanted to bring these people back to Takagi’s house so that the tragedy did not happen.

So she made Rika show her special services badge and made the people along with Asami move out of this place along with him behind on a big bus.

Mohini specifically went to Asami to give her a hand gun that she got previously on her adventure with Rei.

Then she told her that this is apocalypse and they should take care of themselves.

She doesn’t have to stand guard here and come with them.

The people in the mall did not want to go along with Mohini and they directly refused.

Mohini was able to convince Asami to go with them.

There is also Hirano and other girls that told her so and she finally accepted when she saw the zombie of her senior sister.

That is the cop that told her to guard this place.

She became a zombie too.

This made her heart broke.

Mohini convinced her for some time and Hirano went to talk to her like he did in the original plot.

With the words of both the people Asami had decided to move along with Mohini and the group.

Hirano don’t know that Asami has actually developed love interest towards Mohini instead of him.

Actually she is a lesbian and timid one at that…….

Chapter 116: meeting Shido again

Hirano don’t know that Asami has actually developed love interest towards Mohini instead of him.

Actually she is a lesbian and timid one in the play where she always acts as the weaker woman.

She likes women more than men.

This is the reason why she is so close to her senior sister and even heartbroken looking at the zombie of her senior sister.

Mohini gave a hand gun to Asami saying that she should protect herself.

She is a righteous and kind person that lacks self confidence in her.

So Mohini gave a hand gun to her to boost her confidence.

With that the favorability of Asami towards Mohini rose to the 50 points directly.

Hirano on the side was sullen.

Previously they both made a bet.

That bet is who will be able to make Asami fall in love with them first.

Mohini has already told him the analysis that she made on Asami being a lesbian.

But Hirano did not believe her.

If Mohini loses the bet then she would let Asami marry him.

But if he loses the bet then he will lose the virginity to Mohini and joins her harem.


Now Asami is very inclined to Mohini and she is almost clinging to her.

As for the relationship between Asami toward Hirano, she thought of him as a good friend and support rather than a lover.

This twist of events made Hirano sullen a little but he came back to his senses immediately.

This is because Mohini did mentioned it to him before that Asami might be into lesbian rather than being a straight woman.


Mohini gave them order to fill up the trucks with some materials so that they can bring some supplies to Saya’s family.

Since there will be an EMP later making all the vehicles useless, the extra supplies will be useful.

While they are loading the supplies, Mohini told them that she is going to clear the surrounding area and left.

In fact she is not going to clear the area instead she is going to kill Shido.

She first needed to find their location even though she knows that they are around this place.

She searched around for a few minutes to find the school bus parked on an empty street.

Mohini went directly to the bus and silently sneaked to the main entrance.

Looking at Mohini Shido was happy.

The doors of the bus were still locked form inside.

In order to confirm that Mohini is not bitten or scratched by those zombies she was asked to strip naked on the road.

Mohini looked embarrassed and Shido told those men to close their eye.

But they will still look at her.

Mohini removed all of her clothes.

While stripping she looked inside the bus where other women were looking lustful and their eyes seem to be in some sort of trance.

Mohini know what happened and was angry inside her heart.

But she did not show any of that out.

Instead she quickly stripped her clothes and showed her body in different angles that Shido ordered her to make sure that she is okay.

After confirming that she is alright he opened the main door of the bus and directly pulled her in without letting her take her clothes.

Shido did not do anything to her but let the boys in the back seat to check her body again with close inspection.

Mohini let them touch her but soon they started to rub their dicks on her body and Shido did not care.

He even asked Mohini to relieve their stress.

Soon Mohini was fucked by those people at the same time.

But because they were already expend their cum on the other girls before Mohini arrived they were unable to last for more than 15 minutes.

As soon as they are done Mohini moved quickly dislocating all of their limbs and the power of speech.

Shido in the front did not notice what happened in the back as he was thinking of something else.

Mohini let the limp bodies on to the seats and sneaked up on Shido.

First she hit him on the neck making him loose consciousness, and then she dislocated all of his limbs.

She did not stop at that.

She took out a special needle from the personal storage and pierced it to the necks of these people.

This needle is smeared in bone melting poison.

In fact it will not melt the bones instead it will created a feeling of pain as if the person’s bones are melting.

The terrible pain is so unbearable that the person that was poisoned would beg to kill them.

As soon as Mohini pierced the body of Shido with this poison it means that she has successfully completed the mission of killing Shido.

For that she will received special rewards of increased favorability.

Mohini looked at the women in the bus and said.

“You are free and this Shido will die soon.

It is impossible to save him even if he was in a place with the highest medical assistance.

I know that he threatened you to become his bitches.

Now he will die the most terrible death that he could never imagine.

You will be able to see that with your own eyes and compensate a little for the loss of your innocence.

He is not the only one but those men that treated you badly will also die with endless pain.

I hope you are satisfied with what I did.”

With Mohini’s words the women started to cry with tears rolling down their watery eyes.

No matter whom it is no woman wants to become a toy in the hands of other men just like that.

They were confused by the situation and tempted by the protection that Shido spoke off.

They were brainwashed in a way that made them fall into this situation.

They felt like giving their bodies would gain them security.

Chapter 117: Shido and his gang are dead

They felt like giving their bodies would gain them security.

Finally they fell into this sweet honey trap which was the disguise of the spider trap of Shido.

Mohini consoled them from crying state to normal state and looked at their favorability.

It has directly reached 60 points.

Naturally it should reach 50 points after she killed Shido.

Since she consoled them from their sorrow the favorability increased by 10 more points.

Mohini asked then what they are going to do now.

Their faces are blank and they don’t know what to do at this situation.

Mohini then asked them.

“I am from a different place and soon I will leave here.

If you are loyal to me and do as I say then I will take with me………

Do you trust me?”

As Mohini spoke the women had a blue screen appeared in front of their eyes.

“This is the question of trust to go along with me.

If you chose yes you can come along and if you chose no then I cannot take you.

But you are warned………”

Well before Mohini warned them they all chose the yes option.

Mohini can only shake her head looking at the condition of these women.

As soon as they selected the yes option Mohini smiled and said.

“From now on I am your husband.

You should call me husband when there is no one around or my other women are around.

If there is some outsider then you will call me Mohini.

Now for the special ceremony of taking you as my wives, kiss the magic want of your husband here.”

As Mohini said that her clit grew bigger and bigger finally becoming a big dick.

The three women were shocked.

They felt that it was all magical but they soon understand that Mohini is a magical person.

Mohini made them kiss her dick and said that she is from a different world and they will be taken there.

In that world they will have to work hard to become strong and help her in the future like how she is helping them now.

Mohini did not stop there and kissed the pussies of the women and said.

“Now you are purified by your husband here.

No matter if you like my pussy or dick I can serve you and satisfy you as your husband.

If you as weak, I will protect you.

But, you have to work hard to become strong for me.

The real world I came from is a terrible one………”

After Mohini said what she wanted to say she went out of the bus to pick up her clothes.

She cleaned the cum on her with the dress of the men that fucked her just now.

She has even helped clean those women and put their dresses back on properly.

Then she drove the bus back to the mall.

When Saeko saw the bus that came to the mall they became hostile.

They know that the person in the bus should be Shido.

But when they saw the driver is Mohini they were relieved but still had some doubts.

After Mohini came to the mal she stopped the bus and called the people that had grudge against Shido and some other bullies.

Then she threw down Shido and other bullies from the bus one after the other.

Mohini then said to Shido.

“Shido- sensei, you are going to pay for all the sins you have committed till now.

I hope that you enjoy the living hell here as a prelude for your life in hell.”

The eyes of Mohini’s women and Hirano went wide.

Asami don’t know what happened and asked innocently when Mohini told her all the nasty things that these people did back at school.

Mohini has added a new crime saying that these men were about to play the women in the bus when Mohini saved them.

For this matter the women in the bus looked really frightened and their eyes were already swollen red from all the crying.

Shizuka went over to help them while Mohini told Rei and others that they can exact their revenge on them if they wanted.

Any way they will die soon so they can do anything they wanted.

But none of the women wanted to do anything as they felt that killing these scum would make their hands dirty.

Shido and other people were already awake from being thrown down on the ground by Mohini before.

There is a look of pain in their faces and their body is trembling.

Since no one wanted to kill them Mohini simply stated about the poison that she injected into them

As soon as they listened to the effects of the poison they felt very happy as this is the best punishment that they can receive.

They did not bother with the dying group while they load the materials into the vehicle.

Finally they died and there dropped some boxes.

“Successfully, killed the plot line character Shido and his gang changing the majority of the plot line.

Rewards: 3000 chaos points, 1 free attribute point and 300 military merit points.”

Mohini was a little happy with the reward.

Mohini directly collected them and stored them in her personal storage for the time being.

After that she went to talk to Asami and the dog Zeke.

These two are the only ones that did not go through with the question of loyalty with Mohini.

So she went to talk to them.

The dog was quicker than Asami.

The dog directly accepted Mohini and even jumped on her to lick her face and tits.

It is sensible dog.

Asami took some time and finally got accepted the question.

Even though her favorability is very high, believing Mohini with her life took some time after Mohini.

This is because of the experience with her police senior sister that died after she trusted her completely before.

With that done Mohini arranged the women to get on the military jeeps and move towards Saya’s house.

Chapter 118: Souichiro Takagi is dead

With that done Mohini arranged the women to get on the military jeeps and move towards Saya’s house.

Unfortunately right when they are a kilometer away from Saya’s house the bomb exploded and EMP wave hit their trucks.

Immediately their jeeps stopped on the road.

There are many zombies that suddenly became enraged and attack them.

Mohini stood through the top hatch of the vehicle and shoot all those zombies at a faster pace killing zombies left and right.

After clearing few lines of them the people got out of the jeep.

Mohini gave guns and other weapons to the capable people to fight directly.

She did not bothered by the sound that was created by the guns.

She stood on the top of the jeep and shot continuously.

Only after confirming that all the surrounding zombies are dead did Mohini moved away from the jeep.

She led the people quickly towards Takagi’s house.

As she came close she heard the sounds of gun fire and the creepy sounds of those zombies.

Mohini assigned Rei, Asami and few others to guard their rear while they move forward clearing those zombies that are moving towards Takagi’s house.

It took them some time before the big mansion in the open space appeared in front of Mohini and the group.

Saya was happy looking at the house but immediately her smile receded.

The reason being there are no more survivors around except for one woman that was at the verge of becoming food to those zombies.

She has a gun in her hand and is still fighting with all she got.

Mohini moved forward quickly killing the zombies that are immediately next to that woman and cleared some space around her from a distance away.

Because of the gun fires of the group that zombies changed the targets towards Mohini’s group leaving the lonely woman alone.

Soon after that Mohini moved like a walking killing machine killing the zombies with every step she took.

With efforts Mohini has finally killed 100,000 zombies that did not include the ones that Saeko and others helped her kill.

Then she got a series of notification that made her stop momentarily.

But she continued to move on killing more zombies finally bringing peace back to the place.

Quickly the zombies in the area died out completely leaving no one.

Finally they came to the woman that was panting heavily with tears rolling down her eyes.

At the same time Mohini saw that Saya ran forward with a shout.


Immediately Mohini understood that this was Saya’s mom.

The temperament is very good and she is a hot sexy milf with perfect curves.

But looking at the current situation it seems that Mohini was a bit late and Souichiro Takagi is dead.

Mohini don’t know the situation of what happened but she was sure that it was caused by other players.

Naturally Souichiro Takagi should not die that easily but since he is dead this means that someone must have sneak attacked or something like that happened.

At the very least they should have stolen the guns that the guards should have and left this place in shambles right before they arrived here.

Saya hugged Yuriko Takagi tightly.

Naturally Yuriko was a strong woman that would not bent down no matter what happens.

But the current situation where she lost her beloved husband is a big blow to her.

With the help of other women she calmed down after few minutes.

Only then she spoke.

“They have accepted some people yesterday that came from the same school that Saya is studying.

They gave information that Saya will come soon as was protected by different group.

They were very good at helping and went to take care of things.

They found the information related to the place where the weapons were stored.

When the nuclear bomb blasted in the sky all the vehicles stopped working and all those zombies were attracted towards this area.

They took the right opportunity to take the weapons and convinced some of the people to leave with then to another safe location.

Without weapons and sufficient people to keep the borders in check the zombies quickly took over the place and surrounded us.

The remaining people along with…..woooo….uhaaa….. Souichiro Takagi everyone died and I am the only one left.

If you are late by a minute then even I would have died in those monsters hands……”

She started to weep again and Saya added to weeping for the loss of her father.

Mohini don’t know how to take of the crying girls.

She cannot even find those people to kill them as those stupid players have really changed the plot.

They should have gone far away.

Mohini was sure that she can catch up to them and kill them.

But she was unsure if the other women in her group support her decision.

It is the apocalypse and there are bound to be situation like this where one cannot make a choice to stand without carrying for their lives.

If the people had weak heart then they would straight away abandon their group and run away with the strong person.

That is how things are and that is the true human nature can you blame them.

Of course you can blame them for your loss but they would not care as their life is the most important thing to most humans.

There are very less noble souls that would risk their lives for other people.

Mohini then stepped forward and suggested that she would take revenge for her and asked Yuriko for direction of the group that abandoned them.

But Yuriko did not respond to Mohini as she directly shook her head saying that Mohini should not hunt them.

She said that it was their fault to trust those kinds of people and they paid the price.

Mohini did not pursue this matter anymore and looked at the stray zombies still present in the area.

Chapter 119: a skill called dead shot

She cleared the surrounding are with the help of Saeko and Hirano while those women speak about the situations.

After that Mohini finally returned back to the group.

The woman and Hirano that previously looked at the original plot understood that the situation in their world can deviate from the original plot at any time.

The cause is actually the players that entered their world.

But they cannot do anything.

Yuriko cheered up after Mohini helped finding her husband’s body and burying it in a special place with a good grave.

Saya was very sad and asked Mohini if she could resurrect the dead.

Mohini can only shake her head in denial.

What resurrection Mohini was can’t even cure if they are infected with the zombie virus infection.

That night they have decided to stay there and make a move in the morning tomorrow.

When Mohini got some free time she asked Yuriko about the sword Murata-tou.

Yuriko was happy because Mohini saved her and her daughter in this kind of situation.

She cannot blame Mohini for the death of her husband.

After saving Yuriko and finding that Saya was saved by Mohini Yuriko trusted Mohini very much.

With the question of trust from Mohini in the afternoon Yuriko understood about the players and what is actually happening.

She was sad at first but later she was determined to become strong enough to protect her.

She did not say if she wanted to become Mohini’s woman but Mohini was sure that she will slowly fall for her.

With that Mohini got the sword and handed it over to Saeko.

Saeko was very happy with the sword.

Also Mohini showed the plot to Yuriko to see if Saeko can get that battle dress that was in the anime.

Yuriko also took out the strong jump suits for other women.

Well for Shizuka and Kyoko this dress is too tight to put on.

That is the same for Mohini whose tits have grown even bigger.

Well Mohini prefers to be nude.

Asami who found the information about the real world from Mohini was shocked and she was grateful for Mohini for saving her from death.

As for love towards Hirano she directly said to Hirano.

“Hirano, you see as Mohini said…..

I like women and I feel you as my best friend….”

As soon as she said that she simply ran away with red face.

Mohini on the smiled at Hirano,

Hirano understand what the smile from Mohini is meant.

So he accepted this and was still happy.

This is because Mohini is not a bad person.

In a way she is very good and kind hearted towards all of her people.

So he was happy.

Mohini let them do what they wanted to do as she went out for a patrol taking Zeke with her.

After going away from the mansion Mohini stopped at a place like bus stop and sat on the bench with her legs spread on either side of the bench.

For the benches here there is no back rest so she can sit by spreading her pussy here.

Then she told Zeke.

“My good Zeke do you want to satisfy your master.

You know your master is quite horny since yesterday.

Those special forces men were in so much frightened state that they did not last long enough to satisfy me.

You are a good dog right come and lick your master to satisfy her.

Mohini said that and placed Zeke in front of her pussy.

Zeke is naturally intelligent than most dogs in this apocalypse era.

It immediately got to work on kicking Mohini’s pussy like it was its favorite food.

Mohini saw the small red dick of Zeke that erected out slowly.

Mohini teased it a little and Zeke cummed on her fingers just like that.

Mohini also squirted just now and it was all licked by Zeke.

After the small foreplay Mohini pulled Zeke closure and inserted its small dick into her pussy.

Well it is not big but Mohini don’t care right now.

She was happy with the love of the dog and this strange stimulation was enough for her to satisfy her lust.

Because of her moans some zombies are attracted towards her.

But they were shot dead before they can come within the 10 meters radius from her line of sight.

With those zombies dead she looked at the notifications that she neglected before.

First is the skill that Mohini got when shooting the zombies earlier at the time she saved Yuriko at Takagi’s mansion.

This is the new skill that Mohini got when she killed the 100 thousand zombies earlier.

This skill is called dead shot.


Skill: dead shot

Description: a skill that was obtained after killing any target with one shot kills for 100 thousand times continuously.


10 percent increase in the accuracy when firing of all projectile type or shooting type weapons or magic or skills………

If the target dies with a single shot then player might get 5 percent chance of obtaining rare extra benefits from the drop.

1 percent increase in the speed of proficiency in any skill that can be influenced by the dead shot skill……


Mohini was thoroughly surprised by this over powered skill.

She got this skill for killing over 100 thousand zombies and with every zombie killed with a single shot.

Also it did not trigger when she completed her 100 thousand zombie kill count instead when she was clearing more zombies around the day to secure the surrounding area.

That is after she killed another 100+ zombies did she got this skill.

This means her shooting efficiency is more than 99 percent with only 100+ zombies that needed a second shot when she completed her 100 thousand zombie kill.

There are other notifications that she got before that she ignored till now.

One of them is her new reward for achievement for killing 100 thousand zombies.


Congratulations player……….

Chapter 120: playing with the women

One of them is her new reward for achievement for killing 100 thousand zombies.


Congratulations player,

Succeeded in Killing 100,000 zombies will give zombie annihilator title, 10,000 military merit points, 10,000 civilian merit points, 100 free attribute points, 10 skill points.”

Mohini was thoroughly satisfied with the received achievement.

But she was sad that she cannot get the other achievement for million kill in this world.

Mohini decided to take a look at the new title improvement that is zombie annihilator.


Title Name: Zombie annihilator

Description: a title that is obtained after slaying 100 thousand infected zombies of the infected category of monsters.

Effects: player can do 40 percent additional damage to all the zombies of the infected category of monsters.

Player can do 15 percent additional damage to all the infected category of monsters.

Player has a 10 percent chance of not becoming a zombie when infected by the virus and evolve into a species in control.


Mohini was thoroughly satisfied with the gains and then made a small count.

The combined gain is

Title zombie annihilator,

12100 military merit points,

11,000 civilian merit points,

111 free attribute (Stat) point and

11 skill points

As for the chaos points it has reached around 101 thousand chaos points all in all in this fantasy world for killing zombies.

Then she opened her status panel to take a look




Name: Mohini, innocent bitch

Age: 28 (appearance is 16 years)

Race: human

Titles: chosen (gold grade)

Job: alchemist (tier-1- novice), hunter (tier-1- novice), Zombie annihilator (100,000/1 mil)

Affiliation: oriental- king of nature faction

Military rank: private (1000/12680)

Civilian rank: gathering leader (1000/11840)


Vitality: 25 +1 (Evolution chaos genetic points)

Stamina: 22

Strength: 20

Agility: 21+1 (Evolution chaos genetic points)

Intelligence: 24

Sense: 23

Charm: 26


Evolution chaos genetic points: 209

Random grade chaos monster genetic essence: 8 percent

Basic grade chaos monster genetic essence: 15 percent

Ordinary grade chaos monster genetic essence: 21 percent

Epic grade chaos monster genetic essence: 10 percent


Health points: 260/260

Stamina points: 220/220

Magic points: 240/240


Free stat points: 346

Chaos points: 97.63 million

Skill points: 28 (1 Skill Point = 1000 skill experience)

Lust points: 2430 (1 lust point = 100 chaos points)


Innate skills:


Fucking steal: tier 1 (1834/2000)

Endurance: tier 1 (1910/2000)

Insight: tier 2 (25/3000)

Will: tier 2 (10/3000)


Acquired skills:


Thought inception: tier 1 (1910/2000)

Seductive scent: tier 1 (1590/2000)

Dick growing: tier 0 (320/1000)

Manipulative tongue: tier 2 (90/3000)

Cooking: tier 1 (1740/2000)

Contract: tier 1 (1144/2000)

Hunting: tier 2 (2430/3000)

Physical fighting: tier 1 (400/2000)

Weapon fighting: tier 1 (1790/2000)

Dead shot: tier 0 (0/1000)


Body status: poisoned into infertility


Mohini looked at her status panel and then she wanted to increase her civilian and military rank immediately.

“From private to private first class requires 1000 military merit points”

“Successfully ranked up to private first class…..”


“From private fourth class to corporal requires 4000 military merit points”

“Successfully ranked up to corporal…..”

“From corporal to sergeant requires 10,000 military merit points”

“Insufficient military merit to further rank up.

Current balance of military merit points is 2680”


“Personal storage space is improved to 15 cubic meters from 10 cubic meters.”

Mohini was satisfied with the current military rank and then moved to the civilian rank upgrades.

“From gathering leader to gathering leader level 1 requires 1000 civilian merit points”

“Successfully ranked up to gathering leader level 1”


“From gathering leader level 4 to tribal head requires 4000 civilian merit points”

“Successfully ranked up to tribal head level 1”

“From tribal head to village head requires 10,000 civilian merit points”

“Insufficient civilian merits furthering ranking up

Current balance of civilian merit points is 1840”


“Personal storage space is improved to 20 cubic meters from 15 cubic meters.”

Mohini was satisfied with the gains and improvements.

With that her task here is done and would return back to the mansion to explain her good gains to her woman so that they can be happy too.


She returned back with Zeke and it is already evening.

Since there is no power all of them made the food preparations earlier and prepared candles or other things.

Mohini took out the light sticks.

The entire mansion was thoroughly checked so as to no to leave any hidden danger.

Then she shared the news with the women and Hirano.

All of this happened while they are having their dinner for the night.

For the night they are going to stay here.

Well there is something special for the night.

Mohini got a tit job, blow job and hand job from the women.

They are very satisfied with the power of Mohini’s big dick that did not go down even after three climaxes.

As for returning the favor to the women Mohini has fingered, and played with their bodies till they had multiple orgasms.

Mohini was also practicing a special technique to satisfy his women that is a massage technique.

Her goal is to make any women have a climax with a simple massage on their body.

Each of them has at least climaxed three times and when they had their fourth time they had their eyes rolled back and fell asleep.

Literally Mohini knocked 8 women in total at the same time.

Hirano was not involved in this and was sent into a separate room with Zeke.

Mohini want to take his virginity too.

But Mohini don’t know if he would accept her advances.

After she is done playing with the women, she put their to sleep,

Then she went to the next room where Hirano was there.

He did not sleep as his eyes were burning with desire.

The sound from the room where Mohini played with the women was clearly heard by Hirano.

So he was having hard time sleeping with his erect dick.

Mohini did not even knock on the door and directly came to Hirano……..


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