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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 101: taking Hirano for a walk

Also he understood the situation of Rei, Saya and Takashi and the stupidity of Takashi’s actions but he did not point them out as his thoughts are moving around the guns and bullets that Mohini has.

So as soon as Mohini asked him if he wanted to go with her for some patrol and get some food and fuel, he readily accepted this.

Saeko wanted to go with Mohini but Mohini told her that she would take her next time and coaxed her with some things.

Everything was peaceful outside.

Mohini and Hirano came out.

Hirano has already dressed up like he was going to war or something just like in the plot.

Takashi wanted to follow but Mohini told him to guard the house while she was away.

“Also you have to take care of the new girl right.”

Mohini said with loud voice letting Rei and Saya hear it.

The atmosphere became a little tense but Mohini simply waved good bye and left with Hirano.

Hirano has another doubt in his heart on why Mohini is provoking Rei and Saya towards Takashi, but he held it back from asking.

Saeko understood the intentions of Mohini and acted accordingly.

Her task is not to guard against zombies instead she has to guard Mohini’s woman from falling into wrong hands of Takashi and the father of Alice is also problematic.

Mohini led the way while killing zombies on the way in the dim street lights.

Hirano did not get to take action.

Finally when there are far away from the house Hirano asked.


Why are the bullets from your gun coming endless without changing the magazine?”

Mohini became silent for a moment as there are no zombies around the vicinity.

She looked at Hirano and told.

“It was my secret and in order to know my secret you have to trust me enough to entrust your life to me.

As I said before I would not abandon the people that trusted me truly……

Do you trust me with your life, Hirano?”

Mohini asked Hirano and he dropped into deep thought.

But in the next moment he remembered the actions and words of Mohini.

Mohini never backs down when helping others.

She even abandoned her dignity to save Rei before.

This show how trust worthy Mohini really is.

Thinking of all these things he questioned himself if he trusted Mohini.

Right at that moment he got the answer in his heart.

He trusts Mohini with his life.

He was sure that if he was really in a slump Mohini would definitely comes to rescue him even if there is a sea of zombies between them.

As soon as he trusted a blue questioning window appeared in front of his face.

The question of trust appeared on it.

Mohini gave him enough time to think and as the blue questioning window appeared she smiled and said.

“So you got the question of trust.

This means you have enough trust in me.

Then let me tell you something before you make your choice.

I am from a different place and leave in the next 7 days…………

Saeko, Shizuka…has accepted to come with me leaving this place back to my place……..

My place is far more dangerous but it can be handled……..

Your life is bound to my life………

Now you understand the situation right.

You can make the choice.

Based on your choice I will speak about the things…..”

Mohini explained the warning and gave Hirano to make his choice of life.

It was not mentioned about the family of Hirano so Mohini don’t know about his background.

Because of this Mohini did not promise him anything.

She already stated about the restrictions of leaving the specified area and time limit.

Now Hirano has to make his choice.

After 5 minutes Hirano finally made his choice.

He selected yes option.

He wants to trust Mohini and go with her to see her place.

As for his parents Mohini don’t know what choice he took or what about them.

She doesn’t care about that.

After he made his choice Mohini smiled happily and then started to explain about the real world and other things……….

The more he heard about that the more shocked he became.

He even doubted that Mohini is lying to him.

But Mohini took out the guns and other things from the storage space and then put them back.

He was dumbfounded by looking at the magical thing.

Now he understood why there are so many people with guns in their school.

By that time Mohini has arrived at the place where she abandoned the bike before.

There is no fuel in the bike so she needed to pull the bike over to the fuel station.

Hirano wanted to help Mohini so Mohini gave him the bike while storing the guns in his hands into the personal storage space.

Then Mohini told him about her life story back on earth and how she came to the real world.

This shocked him even more and some of his questions were solved here

While going around Hirano asked Mohini about why she is provoking the situation between Takashi, Rei and Saya.

Mohini smiled and said.

“I don’t like the impulsive people like Takashi.

Instead you are more stable.

The reason I brought you with me over Takashi is because I wanted to bring you back to my place.

Even though I am a bitch I wanted to have a big harem with both men and women in them.

I want to take you into my harem.

I don’t know if you would like a loose woman like me.

I was fucked by more than 1000 people and even in the real world my life is not that good as there is someone that is trying to take advantage of me………

I want to know if you trusted me enough to go with me.

I also want to bring back Rei and Saya with me but they seem to have feelings for Takashi.………

Chapter 102: Hirano do you want to be my man

I don’t want to spoil their feelings but I also don’t want to leave them in the hands of an impulsive person like Takashi.

He is only close to them so that they can help him survive.

Well you have heard about his stupid ideals right.

With these ideals and his impulsive character without the help of girls from stopping him doing something stupid, how long do you think that he can last?

I cannot talk about all these things to everyone as there are penalties.

The penalties are like rapid aging, loss of life span…….

So if I want to share my ideas to a person that person has to trust me and go through with the question of loyalty.

Also this is not your original world instead it is a fantasy world that came from the minds of many people.

Rei and Saya only had crush on Takashi right now.

So I am honestly trying to make them fall for me instead of Takashi.

The fate is also in favor of me this time.

That girl Aika has appeared out of nowhere.

Why do you think that she came to be?

Most probably the fantasy world wants to give a heroine to the protagonist as protagonist was not able to get a heroine……..”

Mohini gave him the explanation letting Hirano understand the current situation.

“That is all a different story for the future.

Now tell me do you like me.

Even though I will have a big harem of men in the future,

I honestly want to know if you like me.

If you don’t like me it is not a problem.

You might like another woman in the future……”

Mohini asked looking at Hirano.

Hirano looked at Mohini with many complicated feeling in his mind.

He doesn’t know how to respond to Mohini as they have just met today technically.

But to be honest he really liked her personality of standing tall and her interest in guns.

Also she is an assassin and even wanted to save him along with other women.

The main thing is that this is the first time a woman proposed to him.

He doesn’t know what to say.

While talking they arrived at the fuel station.

There are zombies here and Mohini cannot use gun here.

She doesn’t want to accidentally fire off the entire fuel station.

So she has to go with her sword again.

But using the sword would stain her body with blood again.

She just had a shower.

Right then Mohini received a quest.

Perverted quest: commando operation

Description: clear off all the zombies in the fuel station with a sword completely naked.

Rewards: charm stat points +2, bust size increases to Full E cup, hip size increases corresponding to the bust size in beauty.

Penalty: Charm stat reduces by -3, bust reverts back to B cup; hips would be reduced corresponding to the bust size in beauty.

Feeling helpless Mohini decided to go with the sword and also go naked in the fight.

She gave a gun with silencer to Hirano and then stripped off her clothes.

Hirano was shocked.

He was mesmerized by the beauty of Mohini.

Mohini moved forward and started to hunt zombies like a wild huntress.

The blood splashed on her body from time to time and she killed all the zombies till the system gave the notification of quest completion.

Immediately her bust size increased to E cup at the visible rate and her hips also grew bigger.

The growth is very obvious and Mohini answered looking at the questioning gaze of Hirano.

She gave a simple explanation of the will of fate and will of lust and her perverted system giving quests like that.

Hirano was taken aback.

Mohini said that she is truly happy by the system.

Having the heart to be a pervert is much better than being modest in the real world.

The real world is filthy and one cannot stay out of getting his or her hands dirty if they want beauty, power and wealth.

If there is nothing even in the real world then there is no point in living.

For this reason Mohini said that she was happy with the system and she will become the goddess of lust and fuck both the will of fate and will of lust in the future.

Mohini even showed him her dick growing skill.

He was not numb to the tricks of Mohini and he was now sure that she can really fuck other woman and satisfy them.

With that almost all of these questions were cleared.

The other questions can be answered later over time.

Right now he has to give the answer to Mohini and he doesn’t know what to choose.

Mohini did tell him that she might have other men in the future which is literally mean that he can have a green hat.

But that does not mean that he can stop it, she even has a perverted system with her which makes him sure that she will do many lecherous things in the future.

Can he bear with them all?

He doesn’t know.

He doesn’t know what to give her as an answer.

While he was thinking on what to tell Mohini, he sensed crisis behind his back.

He thought it was a zombie.

He wanted to shoot it but he did not expect that it was a middle aged man with a metal pile.

He got hit and lost consciousness on the spot.

The same thing that happened to Rei happened to him and Mohini will be the victim again.

He completely lost his consciousness.

The middle aged man took the gun from Hirano’s hands and went towards Mohini.

Mohini has already noticed him but she acted as if she did not.

Also she acted as if she was exhausted and started to clean the blood on her body with the tissue papers present to the side.

Then the man came to her silently and told her to drop her sword pointing the gun at her.

Chapter 103: Hirano rejects Mohini’s love proposal

Then the man came to her silently and told her to drop her sword pointing the gun at her.

Mohini has already cleared the area where Hirano is standing before and there are no zombies there.

So she doesn’t have to worry for his safety.

Looking at the middle aged man with lecherous eyes made Mohini think of the gangster before.

He started to talk dirty off her.

He let her clean off all the blood on her body so that he can fuck her in peace.

He doesn’t want to touch the zombie blood with his dick.

He pulled out his dick that was around 4 inches long and it was not that thick.

With the gun pointed at her head he told her to suck on his dick giving him a blow job.

Making sure that she did not have any blood on her face or lips she started to suck on his dick like it was normal for her.

The middle aged man was unable to hold back and came in her mouth.

It was not enough to choke her either.

Mohini was disappointed but she did not show that on her face.

The man pushed her to the side of the wall and took her from behind.

Well she was tight and the 4 inches dick was plunged into her pussy.

He pressed her against the wall to fuck her.

After a few moments he came inside her again.

He pulled Mohini back down and told her to clean off his dick and make it rise again to go for another round.

But sadly he did not get the chance.

After Cumming he lost his strength and Mohini did not have an orgasm.

She was full of strength.

In the next moment he felt a strong hand dislocating his arm making the gun fell on the ground.

Then his forehead received a blow that sent him to his next life if there is any.

Mohini collected the gun and went to check on Hirano.

After she sprinkled some water from a bottle he woke up.

He looked at naked Mohini with both guilt and frustration.

Mohini smiled and said.

“Don’t worry he is a waste that cannot satisfy me with his puny thing.

Also it is not your fault.

It was mine.

I should not have asked you about becoming my man.

Too many thoughts ran in your mind making you fall victim to that middle aged man.

Don’t blame yourself.

Now take this money and fill up the bike while I clean up a little.

Hirano don’t know what to say.

Mohini did not wait for him to speak as she went straight to clean off the cum inside her pussy with some mineral water inside the fuel station.

There is a convenience store attached to it.

She broke the cash box and took the money.

She used an entire 20 liter water bubble to clean off her body so that the zombie blood was completely removed along with the cum of the middle aged man.

Mohini took the extra money to fill up this 20 liter water bubble full of fuel that can be used for the tank like military car in the house.

They have a long way to go.

So she prepared that.

There is another water bubble for drinking water purpose.

They don’t know when the supply of water will stop completely.

So just in case she packed it up in her storage space.

After that she started to pack up all the food materials that can be of use to them into big bags in the counter.

She brought it all out, packed it and sent it into her storage space.

After going out Hirano made a strange determined face as if he made a choice.

But Mohini don’t like this kind of forced choice.

He might have made this choice out of guilt just now.

Mohini can feel his favorability was around at 65 points.

It should be initial love and admiration state.

So Mohini don’t want this kind of thing.

She wants to have true love instead of this half hearted love.


When Mohini arrived back the bike was filled with fuel and Hirano told about his convection.

“Even though I have feelings for you, I cannot accept your love Mohini.

It is not related to your character or what happened to you.

I just feel like it is not the time for love yet.

I really admire you for your character but we just met today and I want to take some time to see if I really fall in love with you.

So for now, I r…reject your proposal.”

Hirano said with seriousness filled his face even when he is looking at Mohini with perfect killer body.

Mohini was taken aback.

She thought that because of the guilt Hirano would accept her proposal.

But he actually rejected.

If it is the protagonist then he would have definitely accepted Mohini’s proposal just like he did with Saeko in the original plot.

He would accept her love for her abilities and strength instead of her heart.

For this very reason Mohini did not like Takashi and likes Hirano more.

Listening to Hirano’s words Mohini smiled and said.

“Don’t worry about that.

If you have accepted my proposal after this incident because of your guilty feeling then I would have really looked down on you.

Since you rejected me, it proves your character and it means that I did not read you wrongly.

I really like your character Hirano.

But no problem I can wait for you to decide.

Well most men don’t want to be a part of a male harem of a single woman.

So I can understand.

Even if you don’t like me it is not a problem.

We have all the time in the world, well at least till I die.”

Mohini did not wear any of her stripped clothes and stored them back into her personal space then she directly got on the bike………..

Chapter 104: naked bike ride with Hirano on the back

Mohini did not wear any of her stripped clothes and stored them back into her personal space then she directly got on the bike.

The seat is cold making her shiver;

When metal fuel tank touched her pussy lips made her release a soft moan.

“Now come on we still have zombies to hunt.”

Mohini said to Hirano.

“Are you not going to wear any clothes?”

Hirano asked with slight blush.

After he lost his seriousness he noticed that Mohini is not wearing anything.

Mohini smiled at him and said.

“Well, I just said that we are going to hunt zombies.

What if the blood splashed on me again?

I will lose another set of clothes.

For that I want to go commando for this hunt.

There are some achievements for the zombie kills.

I cannot go for 1 million zombie kill so I want to go with 100 thousand zombie kill to get the achievement rewards.

With your guns you can help me with covering my back and also attracting zombies.

Now let’s go.

If we are late the girls at home will become restless……”

Hirano sat behind her on the bike and held on to the back side of the bike so as to not to touch Mohini accidentally.

Mohini smiled and said.

“You know you are being rude here.

I said I am a bitch so come closure and hold me tightly.

I don’t want any accidents to happen.

Even though you don’t love me you can always play with me as you want.

I said that I recognized your character so don’t be shy.

If you want I can even take your virginity you know.

All you have to do is just ask.

I can accommodate all kinds of your fetishes.

Just like Saeko that likes S and M plays.

Well will find a good time to play that one later…..”

Mohini said but Hirano is still a little reluctant.

So Mohini has to pull his hands forward and placed then straight on her tits and said.

“I don’t want my tits to jiggle when I am driving.

Your duty is to hold then tight in place of clothes.

Do you understand Hirano?”

Hirano don’t know what to say.

He felt a soft sensation where his fingers sank inside Mohini’s boobs.

They are big and heavy but they are soft and bouncy.

Mohini has even pulled him closure to her so they are literally stuck to each other.

Mohini switched on the bike and decided to move on to the crowded area filled with zombies.

From time to time she would call out Hirano to hold her tits tighter and whenever he tightens the grip she would moan slightly.

The seat under her pussy was soaked wet form the small orgasms that she had just now.

Fortunately her control is strong and she did not slip up the bike.

The place that she wanted to clear is filled with hundreds of zombies and the reason she wanted to clear this place is,

Firstly it is to increase the zombies kill count.

Second is to clear the path that they would take tomorrow.

When the arrived there the zombies were attracted by the sound created by this bike.

Mohini found a high raised place and parked the bike there.

Then she climbed to the top and started to hunt zombies.

Hirano was also given a gun to kill zombies that might get to them.

But it will also create sound to attract the zombies towards them.

Mohini even brought some fire crackers to attract the zombies over.

She doesn’t want to pile up the zombies right on the narrow roads.

That would become problematic to move out of the house and deal with those zombie corpses on the road.

She first threw a fire cracker to one side of the road where she is not going to use.

Then she started to shoot killing the zombies.

She did not expect that she would have killed over 1000 zombies that night as she moved around the few streets clearing the zombies.

After 2 hours Mohini has killed over 7000 zombies with Hirano on her back she got on the bike and returned back to the fuel station.

Hirano did not need Mohini’s remainder as he stuck to her holding her tits tightly.

Well other than holding them tightly he did not do anything.

Mohini’s body was covered with sweat and also some of her love juices.

She wanted to take a shower after going back home.

Back at the fuel station Mohini let the bike fill up with fuel again.

While filling it up she took out her tank top and shot skirt from the personal storage and put them on.

They became even tighter after her tits and hips grew bigger.

Mohini sighed.

On the way she wanted stopped at an apparel store to get some clothes for the girls and herself.

But she did not have time for that.

She is going to do that tomorrow.

She has already marked the apparel store on the way.

First they are going to get Rei’s mother, then they will get Rika after that on the way they will get Asami and finally reach back to Saya’s home.

This should be completed before the launch of nuclear bomb causing all the cars and electronic devices to lose their working.

She has to complete most of these things in the fastest way possible.

Well all of these things are just around the city so Mohini can quickly do that.

But gaining their trust would take some work.

At that time Mohini was dazed for a moment thinking of some things.

Mohini felt that something is different from the time she entered this world.

That is about the behavior of the women and men in this world.

The problem she found is that the women here fell for her too quickly.

She can attribute it to her planning, charm stats and the precise points that she spoke……..

Chapter 105: the strangeness of the fantasy world

She can attribute it to her planning, charm stats and the precise points that she spoke.

But that is still too quick.

She was able to get her hands on three plot characters like Shizuka, Saeko, Kyoko quickly with their favorability reaching over 80 points and they trusted her quickly too.

This is fundamentally wrong.

She is not a person from their world, not from their country and even the appearance and ascent she spoke are different.

I forgot to mention that the normal communication language will be automatically translated by the fantasy system.

But the secret languages like runic language, dragon language and other special languages should be learnt by the players themselves.

Well even if she questions the fantasy system it will not give her any answer.

The testing world is already over and the system will not answer any enquires of the player.

So, she thought through the information she bought and finally came to a conclusion.

The fantasy worlds are made by the thoughts of the people converting the chaos energy of the world into reality.

50 percent is the thought energy of all the people in the world and the other 50 percent is the thought energy of the players that are entering the fantasy world.

Though energy is the belief, wish and wants of the people molding the fantasy world.

It is to the point that there can be some major changes in the plot line characters and even the plot itself.

Mohini know that the real world encourage not only the original work but there are many fan fictions too.

The fan-fictions are where the fans of the original work induced their own thoughts into the story changing some of the characteristics of the plot characters or the trajectory of the plot.

Like in harry potter world, harry potter might have a twin sister or in Naruto world Kushina might not die.

Similarly other stories also have this kind of changes in fan fiction.

Even though people love the original world they would prefer more to the side of the extra changes.

The change that can change the trajectory of the original plot leading to the new ending is preferable too.

This can be confirmed when a player change the plot direction by saving or killing plot line characters the system would give a chaos point reward.

Then there is another thing.

The plot line characters can be brought out to the real world.

So there might be a belief or will of the players that entered the fantasy world towards certain characters to want to conquer them into their subordinates.

For this they wish for these characters to be easier to handle,

It is just like when students would wish for the questions in the exam to be the same questions that they studied hard.

This is mostly concentrated towards the female plot characters as the male players always want to bring these female plot characters to the real world.


It is to get the support of a particularly strong female character and to have her body to fulfill their vanity or lust.

As for the side of the female players this kind of thing is lot less as they prefer to have a man in the real world than a man in the fantasy world.

Well there are exceptions here too.

But it is hard for female characters to get the male lead or other strong male characters because most of them have competition with the female leads.

Also the male protagonists of most of the anime, movies and literary works are single minded douche bags or mindless idiots that cannot recognize the feelings of a woman.

Because of this it is hard for females to get the male characters.

Well getting the female characters are also hard in most cases even though the difficulty was reduced a little because of some strong wishes.


This should be the reason why Mohini was able to get the Saeko Kyoko and Shizuka quickly with the support of her high charm and planning that is abnormal.

Yes, Mohini’s charm and planning are too much for this fantasy world under normal circumstances.

Normally this beginner level fantasy world is set at average level of participating player’s stats around 13 or 15 stat points.

Anything more than that is already having a benefit over other players.

This is in Mohini’s case having 26 stat points of charm stats is already having a large advantage over other players.

But, Mohini has most of her stats in their twenties.

Also her abnormally precise planning has led to the current situation where she got the three girls quickly.

Also other girls are on the way of falling for her.

As for the make lead Hirano, Mohini was sure to get him too with sometime of interaction.


After coming to the conclusion Mohini was satisfied with the situation and the fuel was also filled in the bike.

Mohini got on the bike and Hirano did not put his hands on her tits this time as there are clothes.

But Mohini specifically pulled him closure and slid his hands under her shirt letting his hands rest on her tits and said.

“It is cold outside and I want you to keep me warm.

I want you to keep me warm down there too but you might not accept it….”

Hirano did not speak anything and stuck close to Mohini with strange happiness.

He did not feel bad for doing this as Mohini wanted this.

He consoled his heart saying that he is helping her and not taking advantage of her.

Mohini has observed that the favorability of Hirano has increased to 70 points.

Mohini smiled happily with the results.

When they are near the vicinity of Rika’s house Mohini took out the big barrel of fuel and other things out of the storage space.

She doesn’t want Takashi or any other person that did not answer the question of trust to know about her storage space……

Chapter 106: next target is Rika

She doesn’t want Takashi or any other person that did not answer the question of trust to know about her storage space.

She even told Hirano to remove his hands and hold on to the things that she gave him.

As she expected Takashi is standing at the balcony looking through the binoculars for zombies and Mohini.

When he listened to the sound of the bike he looked at the direction and Mohini appeared on the bike.

Since Mohini has already cleared the zombies there is none on the area around.

So Mohini was able to freely come to the house.

Saeko was down at the entrance waiting for Mohini.

Mohini specifically told Saeko to not to let Shizuka drink the wine.

After parking the bike Mohini handed over the things from Hirano and split them so that they could carry them back into the house.

Not everything but most of them were stored inside the big military jeep.

Only some necessaries were taken into the house.

Takashi came down to help.

He was shocked by the amount of supplies that Mohini brought back.

He knows that in the apocalypse setting getting food and water is a hard thing.

After storing the things back at home and in the military jeep Mohini went to sleep with her woman.

Well she will still take another bath before sleeping.

Shizuka and Kyoko were already asleep even though they looked funny but they are under lot of pressure throughout the day.

Veena and Saeko wanted to take a bath together with Mohini as they worked hard for cooking and other arrangements.

Rei and Saya were waiting for Mohini to come back and when Mohini said that she found an apparel store to get some clothes tomorrow they are happy.

For the people like Aika, Alice and her father they were already arranged.

Aika and Alice were already sleeping with Shizuka and Kyoko.

The father of Alice is awake and thanked Mohini again for saving them.

After Mohini spoke politely to him for some time he slept with peace of mind.

The room for Takashi, Hirano and the father of Alice was the same.

Mohini told Rei and Saya to sleep while they will wash up and sleep too.

Suddenly Mohini thought about the favorability of her woman.

For that matter none of Mohini’s women has reached 100 points of favorability.

70 points of favorability (initial stage love)

75 points of favorability (intermediate stage love)

Well Mary is around at 95 points of favorability and Titia is at 90 points of favorability towards Mohini.

When it reaches 90 points of favorability it will become true love which cannot be broken by any normal means only extreme conditions can break the bond.

If it reaches 100 points of favorability then it will become inseparable love where no matter what happens.

There are some benefits of reaching higher favorability.

The higher the favorability the larger will be their tolerance towards Mohini having more women.

If the woman’s favorability reaches 90 points or higher, then they would not mind the other women of Mohini and live with other women without any quarrels or problems.

Below that there might be a chance to have a quarrel in the future.

The lower the favorability the higher is the chance of getting into a fight.

Right now Saeko, Kyoko and Shizuka are only at 40 points of favorability.

40 points of favorability (trusted) is the minimum amount of favorability to get the plot line character as a subordinate and take them out of the fantasy world.

But Mohini know that increasing the favorability in the real world would be very hard as there are other women around her causing many other problems and feelings.

Whatever she wanted to do Mohini has to do that in the fantasy world and improve the favorability to the maximum possible value.

Well it is not possible all the time and Mohini has found it from the memories that she got from the simulation skill she used previously.

Previously she should have bought many people out of the fantasy world of the high school of the dead that are at 40 or 50 points of favorability.

There are both men and women in the group of people she bought so that she can get some extra hands of support.

But the result is that when they reached the safe environment they started to quarrel about many things and caused many problems to Mohini.

This is also one of the reasons why Mohini died after the third fantasy world.

She took most of the time soothing these people wasting most of the time that should be used for planning.

So she made a list of unstable and problematic characters in her memory which should be avoided at all cost.


After locking the doors and windows they went to sleep.

Mohini took off her sweaty dress and entered the bathroom.

Saeko took off her apron that she put on till not to enter the bathroom.

Her purpose is to serve Mohini instead of washing her body again.

Veena wanted to know about the adventurers of Mohini.

They filled the bath tub with hot water.

All of them washed up and both Saeko and Veena sat on either lap of Mohini.

Mohini narrated her adventure and her deeds with Hirano.

Her proposal and his rejection of becoming her lover were all narrated by Mohini.

Saeko became a little angry but Mohini calmed her down and said it takes time to get some things.

Even Saeko accepts Mohini’s reasoning of wanting to take Hirano over Takashi.

Mohini told them that tomorrow she is going go to get Shizuka’s friend Rika first and then move on to Saya’s house.

As for the parents of Saeko, Mohini already asked her and Saeko rejected going for them.

She doesn’t care and they are also like that.

So Mohini directly ignored them.

The hands of Mohini are not honest as they played with the bodies of two women on her lap……..

Chapter 107: going to the airport island

The hands of Mohini are not honest as they played with the bodies of two women on her lap.

After the good bath Mohini receive special kisses on her pussy lips from both Saeko and Veena and they also receive the same other than on their lips for good night.

Mohini wanted to sleep naked so she went straight to sleep with Saeko and Veena on either side.

Well they are wearing clothes, only Mohini is naked.

Early in the morning Mohini woke up quickly.

She woke the other woman and people to freshen up.

When looking at the sleeping woman Mohini was overwhelmed by their beauty.


When she sighed the women looked at her at the same time and Shizuka asked.

“Why are you sighing?

Is there something wrong?”

Mohini can only shook her head as she cannot say her thoughts out loud and said.

“I am just sighing at your beauty………”

Both the women giggled proudly about their beauty.

At the same time they complimented Mohini about her beauty with E cup tits and shapely butt.



The little dog Zeke started to bark.

Well Mohini can understand what it wants to say.

It has already freshened up and wants some food.

She instead went to cook.

She put on the naked apron without and under wear to cook.

Because of her size there is not clothes left here that can be used.

Soon the aroma of tasty food spread throughout the house.

Mohini arranged the food a small portion of the dog.

She did not give a name to the dog but Alice gave one called Zeke which is the same as that in the anime.

There are moans from women when they tasted the food and Mohini received lot of praises from the women.

Then men thought that Mohini can become a great wife with cooking and her huge assets.

Mohini was happy.

Like she said before,

In order to win a woman before you should be able to win their stomach.

This can also be said in the point of view of a woman.

In order to win a man before you should be able to win their stomach.

But the food she cooked is so good that everyone asked for seconds.

The three men had their eyes on Mohini’s tits and ass whenever she moved to serve food for them.

After they are done with the food Mohini told them that they are going to the island airport where Rika should be guarding to get her.

The women were stuffed inside the military jeep where Shizuka drives the vehicle.

On the other hand Mohini stood out of the hatch on the top to shoot the zombies while moving.

Hirano was sitting on the side of driver’s seat with Alice on his lap.

Takashi and the father of Alice were asked to ride the bike to follow them.

These are the arrangements that Mohini made.


They moved on quickly towards the directions that Mohini designated.

Their journey is smooth.

No zombie escaped the shot from Mohini and died like flies hit by an electric bat.

When there are more zombies in the area they would stop the vehicle to the side.

Mohini and the combat people go over to the zombie’s filled area to clear them.

On the way they stopped at the apparel store to get some dress for all the women.

Well every woman, irrespective of the ages loves clothes.

It is especially true since they did not have clothes right now.

In the clothes store Mohini tried many dresses and she did not close the curtain at the trail room giving the show for the three men to watch.

Mohini specifically called over Hirano to tell her if he liked her dress.

Hirano was shy and acted innocent but still gave her some opinion related to dresses.

As for other woman Mohini helped them pick up the clothes.

When they are done picking up the clothes they continued their journey.

Mohini was happy but also sad because the total amount of zombies that she killed today has reached around 9844 only.

It is not even close to her required amount of zombies that needed to be killed.

Well she got some credits that are small achievements for killing 9844 zombies.

Right now she got two achievements that are,

Well she got them last night but she forgot to look at them.

Killing 100 zombies will give zombie hunter title, 100 military merit points.

Killing 1000 zombies will give zombie destroyer title, 1000 military merit points, and 1 free attribute point.

The combined gain is

Title zombie destroyer,

1100 military merit points, and

1 free attribute (Stat) point

He looked at the title that he gained.

Title Name: Zombie destroyer

Description: a title that is obtained after slaying 1000 infected zombies of the infected category of monsters.

Effects: player can do 20 percent additional damage to all the zombies of the infected category of monsters.

Player can do 5 percent additional damage to all the infected category of monsters.

Player has a 1 percent chance of not becoming a zombie when infected by the virus and evolve into a species in control.

Mohini’s eyes are widened for a moment and many thoughts ran in her mind.

She is currently expecting the next achievement of 10 thousand zombie kill.

Soon after a few minutes her kill count has reached 10 thousand zombies.

She got another achievement.

That is killing 10,000 zombies will give zombie exterminator title, 1,000 military merit points, 1,000 civilian merit points, 10 free attribute points, 1 skill points.

She felt happy.

Mohini and the group finally reached the shore where the island airport is visible.

Mohini gave out the directions on roads that led them here very quickly.

Mohini asked Shizuka to call her friend again to see if the call connects.

Right at that moment there is a big blast came from the airport.

Mohini know that the plot is moving on……….

Chapter 108: meeting with Rika

Mohini know that the plot is moving on.

This should be the blast where Rika’s infected subordinate dies.

Well Mohini did not care about these things but she was sure that she cannot get the call connected right now.

She sighed and moved around the port to see if there are any other ways to get into the airport island.

But she did not expect that there would be so many zombies here.

So they have to abandon the vehicle and get into a high raise building through the emergency stairs at that moment.

Mohini don’t want them to go through the interior of the building.

Because that way there will be too many surprise attacks from the zombies.

After getting on the top of the building, Mohini secured the area around with Saeko.

Then they started to clear off the zombies that suddenly appeared blocking their path.

Mohini was clever enough to use the fire crackers to distract those zombies giving her and Saeko enough time to kill those zombies.

Mohini asked Shizuka to try and contact her friend again and again.

The entire group was secured by the remaining people so that they would not attract zombies too much.

Fortunately she bought in the bag pack with enough food for them to spend the night.

Mohini told Saeko to keep guard and started to attack the zombies in the night under the visibility of the available lights and her special sensor screen.

Well she has many personally made gadgets that are useful in these worlds without a hitch.

Even if the other party is zombies Mohini don’t have to fear and can detect them using her sensing devices.

But the amount of electricity requires is quite large and in the apocalyptic setting it is hard to get.

Well her back up can last for 3 times at most.

The battery backup was made compact and did not have high storage capabilities.

So this will be complicated and unexpected.

Even with so many preparations Mohini still has many unexpected problems to take care off.

She took some time to patrol around to kill few hundred zombies in the night in the visibility of the moon and her sensing device.

In the morning of the third day Mohini took the group towards the shore.

Last night she found a boat on the shore.

This boat is small and cannot hold vehicles.

It can at most hold around 10 people.

Mohini tool them all towards the airport island.

There are zombies around and Mohini and Saeko have to take some time to clear them before the other people step on the island from the boat.

The reason why only Mohini and Saeko would act is because they can kill without making sound.

This is not possible for other people and they will attract more zombies towards them.

There are too many zombies here.

Just the count can be more than a thousand.

Within an hour of moving around Mohini killed the roaming zombies.

All that are left are the zombies that are stuck in the buildings.

At that time Rika has already noticed Mohini, Saeko and her friend Shizuka with them.

She signaled them to come towards a closed shelter like building as she stood on the top with her sniper.

There are a few zombies below which are killed by Mohini very quickly.

Finally Mohini met with Rika.

She has a strong body with exercised muscles but her curves did not lose the beauty of a woman.

She is like a wild beauty with a little flirty characters and body similar to Saeko’s body.

Well the personality and many other traits are different but the fitness and perkiness are the same for both of them.

If they were put on tank tops and tight shorts then they would look like twins in mirror image, in personality, color and appearance in a certain sense.

Mohini was introduced to Rika by Shizuka in her out of the world language.

Mohini wanted to intervene but she cannot as there are too many people here and she cannot just talk to Rika this way.

So Mohini stopped Shizuka and asked Rika to follow her to a secluded place to speak to her.

Alice and her father were added into the group of survivors.

So the problem here was solved.

Rika pointed towards a direction and Mohini followed along with Shizuka and Saeko.

Takashi wanted to follow but Mohini did not let him.

Rei and Saya were there too but they know that Mohini is talking something important so they did not intervene.

As for Hirano, he is taking care of his own things and Alice without bothering much.

Well the people here are mostly lifeless and fearful so they will not make things difficult for the time being.

They all saw Mohini’s quick movements of killing zombies from the windows so they thought that Mohini was a special officer.

The two women that came with her are her assistants.

She came here to rescue them.

This is what they thought so they are silent.

On the other hand Mohini, Saeko and Shizuka followed Rika to reach the roof top where there is no one present to disturb them.

This time Mohini stopped Shizuka from explaining in a weird way and she spoke to Rika directly.

Well her conversation is similar to when she spoke to Shizuka and Saeko.

But she doesn’t know much about the character of Rika so she has to move on as the conversation develops.

Well Mohini did mention that Shizuka and Saeko have decided to go with her to her place and the condition that Shizuka mentioned for her to come with Mohini.

Well Rika is an intelligent person and from the vague description she understood many things about Mohini.

Also her display of attacks and the magically taking out the guns and storing them inside were all noticed by Rika.

She was astounded and came to a conclusion that Mohini is either from some ancient society of magical people or an alien.

Chapter 109: quest for trust from Rika

She was astounded and came to a conclusion that Mohini is either from some ancient society of magical people or an alien.

Well it is much better than the understanding of Shizuka.

Even with all the information Mohini did not get much trust from Rika.

Well intelligent people trust other people less.

Shizuka looked at that Rika is not trusting Mohini much and there is no floating screen with a question.

So she took over for Mohini and told Rika about Mohini and how she saved them to come here.

Well they talked for another hour before Rika finally spoke.

“The special force is going to come from this route.

It will take them unknown amount of time to come here.

If you can bring them here quickly then I will trust you.”

Mohini did not put a serious face from the start to the end and said.

Based on the relationship between Rika and Shizuka and some of the things from the original plot Mohini has this guess that Rika is lesbian by nature.

Well there is no specific proof for that but still she thought so.

“Miss Rika, I will tell you something important.

Even if you say the things in word of mouth and did not come from your heart I might not be able to take you with me.

Well you want that special force here quickly right.

Do you have any way to contact them to know their exact location?

Also I have somewhere else to go soon.

So I have to move quickly before another disaster strikes……”

Mohini was suddenly interrupted by Rika.

“What another disaster?

What are you talking about?”

Mohini sighed and said.

Those people are going to launch a nuclear bomb and the world will lose electricity.

No vehicles, communication or anything……..

Do you understand what the disaster I am talking about?”

Rika contemplated for some time and immediately told Mohini some location and how to take a boat out of this place.

There is also a secret message that can gain the trust of the Special Forces.

With that Mohini set out again.

Saeko wanted to follow Mohini while Shizuka stayed with Rika.

Mohini did not take Hirano with her this time as his expertise was not that useful.

On the other hand she promised Saeko that they will go on a date later.

This should be perfect for that.

After some words of caution to our air head Shizuka and Rika, Mohini went to speak with her group of women.

Then right after that she left immediately towards the location where the Special Forces should be.

Since there are not many people around her Mohini let loose a little more and started to go on a rampage.

On the direction towards the location where the Special Forces should be coming here Mohini is directly cutting a straight path.

Well they did stop for lunch in the middle but by the time it was evening Mohini and Saeko reached the location where the Special Forces are fighting and hiding.

They took over a building and fighting the zombies outside moving slowly with small clearing teams.

Mohini was able to successfully contact them and explained the direction that she came here from the airport island.

Well the people did not believe her but after exchanging the secret message that Rika told her with their presiding officer the things went smoothly.

Mohini also put on a tight fight sexy bitch outfit making those people drool in their stressed minds.

When a man or woman was stressed to a certain extent then they would chose to relive their stress through various means.

One of the most common ways is to have sex.

The difference between those people and Mohini is that their bullets might hit the head of zombie or might not hit.

But Mohini’s bullets will always hit the head of the zombies killing them with one bullet every time.

Well there are some misses from time to time that required a second bullet but that is rare.

This is the professionalism of Mohini in her usage of weapons.

Also those special armed forces have to maintain the count of their bullets but Mohini don’t have to.

This is the biggest different between them and Mohini in achieving her excellent records.

Today Mohini’s total zombie kill count has reached an all time high of 50 thousand zombie kills.

The reason for this is the path towards the airport; sea shore and highway were all on this direction.

The people that tried to run out of the city into the wilderness were stuck here and became zombies.

Even with the clearing of Mohini there are still many of them present on other busy routes.

All that Mohini did was to clean up one route.

After taking care of some of the wounded Mohini and the group of armed forces decided to move to the island airport in the route Mohini mentioned.

Well looking at the fierce way that Mohini took to kill zombies has gained the respect of many men and they are a little cautious not to make any adverse moves towards Mohini.

Initially they wanted to make some advances on the busty beauty Mohini wanting to have some fun with her.

But now they gave up that idea.

The reason why these people need to go to airport is because of all the important people and rich people present in the airport right now.

Even if they want to know the motives of Mohini they did not want to mess things up right now.

So they silently followed Mohini.


They are moving in the dark and even in this situation the movements of Mohini is fierce and dead on the spot killing zombies left and right.

Well on the way the commanding officer was unable to hold back his curiosity asked Mohini for his reason to helping them and who exactly is she.

The other people also pricked their ears to listen………

Chapter 110: support me with Rika and I will let you fuck me

The other people also pricked their ears to listen.

Mohini simply told them what she told the protagonist group before.

“Well since you asked I will say.

I am an assassin that fell in love with a few beauties here when I came here for an assassination job,

I loved them so much that I flew here wanted to pursue them.

Unfortunately this zombie apocalypse appeared out of nowhere that caused a big mess for me.

One of the beauties I fell in love with is your Special Forces sniper Rika.

This Saeko is one of them and the other one is the friend of Rika called Shizuka and there are few others.

Also I am a bitch that swing on both sides.

If any of you want to have a nice fucking night I can accommodate your request if the time is right.

But I will allow you to lay your hands on my women.

Well I did found them one by one and when I got to Rika she gave me a test to prove my worth for her.

She wanted me to bring you people to the airport within a day.

So I have no choice but to embark on a journey to bring you people back.

Sigh it is so tiring to do so much work all day.

Finally I don’t know if she would simply break her promise after I took you there.

As men that I saved, you should help me with my love to take her……..

If everything goes well I will give you all a good night of fuck tonight when we can rest in the airport island…….”

Mohini spoke like she was speaking to some friends or a bitch speaking with her clients.

They don’t know if they should laugh or cry.

For an assassin Mohini is really an honest bitch.

There is no trace that pointed to her being a top grade assassin except for the gun shots that she make from time to time killing the zombies.

She is more like a friendly neighborhood bitch than an assassin

The people in the armed forces cannot say anything except for smiling bitterly looking at Mohini as they nodded their heads to support Mohini.

In their hearts they really hoped that Rika would accept Mohini’s love and she would let them all fuck her.

They are really impressed by the fact that there is still a woman that would pursue love and dive into hundreds of thousands of zombies to get the hand of the girls she loved.

“What a MAN…cough…cough…WOMAN”

That is what they are thinking right now.

They know that how dangerous it is to go out like Mohini did and she did it to get a girl.

They truly support Mohini with all their hearts because of the heroic deeds.

Well it is also in hopes of fucking her at night if they can.

Also she literally saved the lives of many of them.

This is because they cannot simply move without losses in the sea of zombies.

Mohini is like a killer shark that moved around in the sea of zombies.

Well coming here took longer but going back did not take much time as there are vehicles to travel faster.

But still Mohini was able to score more zombies and the people did not notice because there is not much sound from Mohini’s guns when shooting.

By the time they reached the shore her total zombie kill count has reached 90,000 zombies.

The silencer was working perfectly.

Since it is dark they can only see few dead zombies that are in their visibility.

Mohini was standing through the open hole of a military vehicle roof.

Her movements are smooth, fast and precise like just the wave of a hand.

Finally they reached the shore where the airport is.

Mohini took a boat to move there to connect the water line carrier.

This will be helpful for carrying the big vehicles.

Rika was alerted by the sounds of vehicles and looked at the direction of the shore.

Her heart has anticipation as Shizuka previously said to her after Mohini and Saeko left.

“Rika, you know Mohini is a strong WOMAN with good heart.

During my stay with her, she never let any harm happen to me even once and even if I approached her, she did not make any advances.

She said that I am not in love with her.

Since she loves me she wants to wait till I really love her.

Also her cooking is so great that she can be compared to the chef of a 7 star hotel.

There is one more thing I am not the one that mentioned about you to her.

It was her that pointed me to the direction of your house and even somehow knows that you are in this airport at this time………

Well she told her secrets to me, that little girl Saeko and few others.

But I cannot tell you about them.

It is not like I don’t want to tell you but I cannot tell you……..

I can bet with you that she will come back with the Special Forces by night today……”

The last sentence has hit Rika hard and it was hard to believe Mohini can come back quickly with the Special Forces.

She as the person that knows the horror of zombies knows how dangerous it is out there.

She did not believe that Mohini can come out so quickly.

She did not even believe if Mohini would be alive and reach the Special Forces.


Those are her thoughts when she spoke to Shizuka in the morning.

But right now her entire world moved upside down when she heard the sounds of military vehicles.

Even now she believes that it was Special armed forces that should have appeared a lot closure on the way of Mohini by luck.

She did not believe that Mohini has made it all the way to the location that she mentioned to her and brought the armed forces with her like buying groceries in the super market.


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