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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 151: spanking Revy

With the threat from Vikram, Dutch was stopped in his tracks.

Revy don’t know what to do as no matter how she shot she doesn’t seems to be able to hit Vikram.

Vikram only took 2 minutes to complete his transaction and then turned around towards Dutch.

Vikram did not kill the two people.

It is not that he fear them, it is just caution against future troubles.

Till he reaches the fifth ring, Vikram don’t want to have any fights or kills with his own hands.

So he gave them each a needle and told them to prick each other.

They feared death but the pain cause from Vikram is even more unbearable.

So they can only listen to Vikram and prick each other with the needles.

Vikram collected the needles and went to speak with Dutch.

“So you are pirates that came here to get something from the punching bag over there…

You big guy looks like the captain of the pirates….

May I know your name…?”

Dutch was still cool and said.

“It is Dutch….

What do you want to talk to me?”

Vikram smiled back and said.

“Mister Dutch, you know I have a few cases on my head and I have a hard time travelling from country to country directly.

I paid this ship’s crew to take me to a specific place for a good sum of money.

But now you and your group came here to cause so disturbance.

The costal guards will be here soon.

Now tell me how should I escape this ship and reach my destination….”

Before Vikram finished speaking Revy cut off with her rambling.

“What the fuck, are you tell me that we are the reason you are being caught.

So what, what does it have to do with us…?”

Vikram was a little annoyed and came in front of Revy with his quick speed.

She did not even finish her words and Vikram was already in front of her.

He flipped her with her hands dislocated restricting her movements.

Then he sat down with her lying straight on his lap with her ass facing up.

“Phat….Ahaaaa...Where the fuck are you hitting me…”

“Little missy… you know when someone speaks you have to stay silent and listen.

“Phat….Ahaaaa…I will kill you bastard”

As far as I know that big black man is your boss right.

“Phat….Ahaaaa….stop that I will kill you when you let me go”

So when I am speaking to your boss why are you interfering in the middle like a second rate mother in law.

“Phat….Ahaaaa fuck stop it already.”

Can’t you close your mouth for a moment before I complete my words?

“Phat….Ahaaaa….okay fuck I am sorry let me go”

You should be punished for this…”

“I could not hear you say that again.”

“Phat….Ahaaaa….sorry I will not speak in the middle again.

Please stop hitting my assssss”

Vikram finally stopped and looked at Dutch.

Dutch has an imagination of getting hit on the ass in the same way as Revy just now.

His forehead sweated a little.

But his imagination was shattered by Vikram’s words.

“Don’t worry Dutch, I only swing towards women and did not like men that much.

When it comes to men, look over there…”

Vikram pointed out at the blond man and red stripped haired man that are currently twitching at one corner.

“That will be my punishment for men….”

Vikram did not let Revy go and placed his hand on her ass as he spoke.

Revy was silent digesting the grievance that she just had with Vikram.

“As for the thing that I want to say is.

Since you are a pirate in these waters you should know where Roanapur is right….”

Revy wanted to speak but swallowed her words because the hand of Vikram is still on her ass.

Her ass still has the tingling sensation from the spanking that she received just now.

Also her pussy was a little wet strangely to her.

She never knew that she has this masochistic nature inside her.

But she is in no mood to think of that right now and listened to what Vikram is about to say.

For his previous question Dutch answered with a nod that he knows Roanapur.

“Oh that is good.

Then take me to Roanapur on your boat then.

I will pay you two grand for that.

Since my trip was already ruined by you people it is only natural to compensate.

But still I cannot let your take me for free so I am going to give you two grand as payment….”

Once again Revy wanted to speak and said.

“What two grand….

Do you think our lagoon company works so cheap?

You want to go to Roanapur…

Do you think that place is a park…?”


“I told you to be quite…

Why are you rambling again…?

It seems that the punishment is not enough,


Are you actually enjoying getting spanked like this…?”

When Vikram came with the last sentence Revy became silent again and only refuted with cold snort.

She doesn’t want to speak as she was thinking the same thing.

Well it is actually related to the special perverted skills package that Vikram bought from the system before entering this world.

Just like the comfortable hug, arousal scent, seduction, dirty masseur……..

Now he got skills like arousal touch, seducing spanks, mesmerizing kiss………

All of them were converted into pervert package skill set.

Vikram was able to get all the skills in a package to form the entire set into a single packed and they became an art instead of a skill.

When the skills of a specified theme were added along with the theme specified title will become an art.

Improving arts is a very hard thins because the experience required to improve an art is hundred times more than that of a normal skill.

Also the experience gained is also very slow.

But the good thing is that the number of sources of gaining experience is very high….

Chapter 152: temporarily joined lagoon pirates

But the good thing is that the number of sources of gaining experience is very high.

So the new art is called the art of seduction.

This is the art that would let Vikram seduce other women through various actions, his own scent and his charm.


Vikram then looked at Dutch again and said.

“Based on her words you are from Roanapur.

Since you are going back there any way why not take me there with you.

You will get extra 2 grand with is better than going empty handed right.

What do you think Captain Dutch…”

Right when Vikram finished speaking Benny from the ship spoke to them through the wireless saying that some people are heading towards them from the south pacific.

It is a Philippine navy boat.

Vikram was able to hear it as Revy was right next to him.

Because of the anxiousness Benny spoke loudly.

Also Vikram has acute sense of awareness through his surroundings because of his high stats.

Vikram looked at Dutch and said.

“It seems like you did not have much time to think Dutch….

Make your choice quickly.”

Vikram said while he healed her arms from functioning normally.

All she feels is a slight pain for a few moments.

After that he let her stand and let her go.

“Make sure not to disturb while I talk.”

As soon as she got the mobility the first thing she did is to pull out her gun and wanting to shoot at Vikram.

At such a close range she wanted to shoot him but all Vikram did is to lean her body slightly to escape from the trajectory of the bullet.

In the next moment Vikram came close to her and gave her another slap on her ass while causing her wrist to lose its grip on the gun.

“You are such a bad girl.

I just punished you and you directly want to kill me.

Even if you want to shoot me you might not be able to shoot me you know……”

This time it was Dutch that spoke breaking the words of Vikram.

“Mister, what should I call you?”

Vikram looked at Dutch and said.

“I am Vikram, you can call me Vicky.”

Dutch nodded and spoke again.

“Okay let’s leave;

We will take you to Roanapur.

We will talk about the payment on the way.

Also fix Revy first we need her…..”

Vikram simply moved his hands on Revy’s wrists and she was able to use her hand again.

This time she did not try to attack Vikram again.

Also her very short cut-off jeans has a small wet spot which seems to Vikram that she was actually aroused to the point of having a small orgasm.

But she covered it quickly with her hot temper.

She diverted her anger and attention towards rock instead.

He got two more strong punches before he was packed back to the small boat.

Those two players are dead and dropped some treasure boxes.

Vikram collected them even though he did not kill them they killed each other.

The dropped treasure boxes can be collected by anyone and there are people that would steal the treasure boxes too.


Vikram followed the group down to the torpedo boat while Dutch gave the ship’s crew a final warning and got off the big ship.

Rock became a hostage just like in the original plot.

Right then Dutch contacted balalaika and told her that they got the package.

After the short conversation Dutch stopped the contact and Vikram spoke.

“Are you working for balalaika, Dutch?”

Dutch looked back and said.

“We will work for anyone that would give us money.

We just took a contract from balalaika and delivering the package right now.

Why do you ask?”

Vikram smiled replied.

“I am going to Roanapur to meet with balalaika.

I have to speak to her about something.

I heard that meeting her would take a long time.

Since you are going to meet her any way why not take me along?”

Dutch did not reply but Revy spoke.

“Are you an assassin that came to kill balalaika…”

But before she could complete speaking she looked at Vikram’s eyes and playful smile making her to give up completing the sentence.

Dutch has the same doubt which is why he did not give any answer to Vikram.

Vikram simply smiled and explained.

“I have a special cream from an ancient formula that can remove any form of scars or burnt marks from the skin.

I heard that balalaika has this big burn mark on her face and body.

She is a rich and powerful lady with capable background.

So I want to partner up with her to sell this special medicine…..”

None of the people in the group believed Vikram.

Vikram can only shake his head helplessly and called out Revy to come over to him.

He saw that she has a deep scar on her shoulder which should be caused by bullet that rubbed against the skin.

Revy reluctantly came to Vikram.

Vikram stretched his harm and opened his palm there is nothing in the palm.

But in the next second a glass bottle with big circumference but small size appeared on his palm.

The faces of those people were shocked and their jaws dropped down reaching the floor.

Even rock whose face was bleeding was shocked looking at the magical scene in front of him.

“Fuck, are you a magician or something….”

Revy asked Vikram with her shocked expression.

Vikram said.

“Well in a way I am a magician.

See I can do something like that.”

In the next moment the medicinal bottle vanished and replaced with a gun and then the gun vanished and replaced with a sword.

If they previously though that Vikram is doing some tricks they are thoroughly convinced right now.

This is because the sword in Vikram’s hand is solid and it is not possible to bring it out onto his hand out of thin air.

Chapter 153: Roanapur, Yellow flag bar

This is because the sword in Vikram’s hand is solid and it is not possible to bring it out onto his hand out of thin air.

After that the medicinal cream appeared again and Vikram rubbed it off on Revy’s shoulder.

Immediately after that the scar vanished as if it was never there.

This shocked the people.

Benny show should be in the back room came over because of their exclamations.

After witnessing the magical things he was also shocked.

Looking at their shocked faces Vikram spoke.

“Since you are already going to meet with balalaika why not take me with you.

I can be of help till your task is done and meet with balalaika.

What do you think?”

Dutch thought for a few moments and accepted Vikram’s words.


“You are called Benny right.

Is there is a network device on this boat so that I can transfer you the 2 grand I promised before.”

Vikram asked Benny.

Benny led Vikram to the area with computers.

There Vikram took the computer for a moment and connected his phone to it.

He received the internet to the phone and wrote in some small codes at lightning speed and in 2 minutes he transferred 2 grand to the account that Benny mentioned.

But Benny was shocked behind because Vikram did not transfer money from another account but he simply earned the 2 grand on the spot and sent to his account.

His eyes became so big that Vikram though that they might pop out of his sockets.

Vikram gently smiled and left back to the captain’s room.

By the time he and Benny returned Revy and Dutch are discussing about rock.

It is about how to collect ransom.

Benny informed Dutch that the payment is done from Vikram which made Dutch happy.

But the next news that Benny told made them shocked again.

“Don’t worry it is just a simple hack….”

Vikram just shrugged his shoulders and looked at rock whose face became like the face of a pig from all the punches from Revy.

Right now Dutch asked the classic questions of how Revy is going to get the ransom and she did not have an answer.

So she straight away took out her gun and shot at rock for over 6 rounds.

This time it was Vikram’s turn to be shocked by the incredible luck that rock has.

He went close to rock and took a closure look at the bullet indentations of the metal surface.

All of them were hit so close to rock that Vikram don’t know how he actually escaped without even a single grazing of the bullet.

It was a great sign to watch as Revy was held back by Dutch at that time.

Vikram opened his mouth and said a small comment.

“Miss Revy, I don’t know if your marksmen ship with a gun is so bad or the luck of this pretty boy is so high.

But none of your bullets have hit the target.

They did not even graze.

You know I have to work so hard to gain enough skills to evade the bullets but this guy seems to be naturally born with bullet evasion.

Bro you are so great….”

Vikram gave thumbs up to rock that was still in frightened state.

After taking care of Revy Dutch took rock out to the deck of the ship while Revy was left there with Vikram.

Vikram smiled at her causing her to irritate but she cannot do anything to him.

The sensation from the slaps that she received from Vikram is still there so she was silent without making any ruckus towards Vikram.


They finally reached Roanapur without much fun on the ways but Vikram knows that the fun would start soon.

Vikram was fascinated to look at the city of crime.

He felt nostalgia looking at the familiar scene of many places back on earth when he was still a low class mercenary.

This place tops them all.

The night life here is far worse than many famous cities back on earth.

The speaking language of all these people is actually English unlike that they show in the anime.

Well it can be scene when they went with balalaika to conquer some part of Japan and needs a Japanese translator.

Since each of them from a different nationality they used English as the common language most of the times.

Funny thing is that the literacy rate of these criminals is higher than many prosperous countries.

They came to the yellow flag bar after crossing the night life of Roanapur which is very messy with prostitutes, thugs, and many kinds of people everywhere around.

The expression on the face is rock is marvelous making Vikram have some entertainment.

The bar is full of people with a modern setting mixed with Wild West setting just like rock said.

It is like “bar at the end of the world” with guns on the tables………

Vikram sat on one of the stools beside Revy as rock rambled and Dutch explained the origin of this city.


Revy moved along the plot and challenged Vikram and rock about drinking rum.

Well actually Vikram did not drink after coming to this bar as he did not like drinking cheap stuff.

He likes high quality wine and other beverages more.

But Revy thought that she could get back on Vikram speaking about drinking wine.

Rock was railed up and started to drink the rum that Revy gave him but Vikram still smiled peacefully and said.

“Little girl I know you like rum but I will not drink cheap stuff.

Hey bartender, bring out the Bacardi…”

Vikram took out some dollars and gave them to the bartender Bao.

Bao was very satisfied with the money and Revy was railed up too.

To a three way drinking contest began between Revy, rock and Vikram.

While drinking, Vikram said.

“Revy if you lose to be in drinking, you are in for some good spankings as punishments you know.”

Chapter 154: lucky pervert title is acting at full force

“Revy if you lose to be in drinking, you are in for some good spankings as punishments you know.”

Revy shivered looking at Vikram as he smiled back at her while drinking another cup of rum.

Well Vikram know that it was time for the show to begin the hundred dollars that he gave boa is not much for him to care.

He has already drunk enough rum to balance that amount and Revy became a little close to him.

So it is a profitable exchange.

Right then Vikram heard the drop of grenades.

So he immediately jumped over the bar where Bao is standing before.

Right in the next moment Revy also jumped in, but she landed right on the lap of Vikram that jumped before her.

Well there is not enough space to move and on the other side the grenades have exploded.

Vikram took the glass of rum from Revy and drank it with the bullets hitting the bullet proofing of the bar.

Revy don’t know how to reach and she cannot move either.

So she gave up and snatched the cup back and drank the remaining rum and said.

“That is my rum you know…”

“So what if I drank it.

For some reason it became bitter sweet taste.

So, that that is your taste.”

Vicky said.

(I am going to write Vikram as Vicky for convince and fitting to this world better)

“Is it time to be flirting…?

Revy are there people your friends…..”

Bao said looking at Vicky and Revy.

“Bullets, dead people…..”

Rock on the other side is having a mental break down.

“You are still alive and well it may seem

You really have a natural evasion for bullets.

What a lucky man you are? Rock…

That is why people say fools never catch cold or any bad things happen to them.”

With the remainder from Vicky they immediately thought the same and looked at frightened and metal break down appearance of rock they both nodded.

The plot continued with a comment from Revy towards rock.

Vikram can only shake his head.

Dutch came from the side calling their names where Vicky’s name was added extra in the list.

“Revy let them see why you are called two hands…

Vicky you too get into some action…”

“Oh you are called 2 hands right then do you want to make a bet.”

Vikram asked Revy who was staring face to face.

“What is it?”

“The bet is simple whoever kills the most.”

Revy liked it and accepted it directly but the rewards and punishments are not talked about.

Vikram directly said.

“The winner gets to make the other party do one thing they want.”

“Okay let’s start at the count of three.”




Right at that moment both of them stood up at the same time and they both had guns.

In the next seconds several bullets flew as Revy jumped of the bar.

Vikram did not move much as he shot from the spot he was standing.

There is not much sound from his guns because of all the sounds from other guns.

Unlike in the anime the mercenaries from the extra order have to run away.

This is because silently most of their people were killed by head shots.

Except for the big mouthed captain of the group and the one that is still in the car ready to drive all the other people are dead.

This is because he ran away first.

Among over 20 people Revy got at least 6 people with her one time going on rampage.

But by the time she returned the remaining mercenaries died hot on the floor with holes in their heads.

Revy was shocked.

She simply moved around to see that most of them died just like that and the look towards Vicky was the look of worship.

Vicky made a classic pose of cowboy blowing the smoke from the tip of the gun toward Revy.

She shivered a little and they immediately ran away just like in the plot for two reasons.

First they don’t know if there are more mercenaries and had more powerful weapons.

Second is that they don’t want to get Bao to charge them the bill for all the damages.

Well during the firing rock has his fit and clanged on to the thighs of big black guy to live.

Vikram don’t care about that.

He moved along with the group towards the back door where Benny brought them then car.

Well the back seat is a little cramped because of the presence of the three people there and the careless sitting of Revy.

Because of a bump on the road Revy jumped up and fell on Vicky’s lap again.

At first Vicky don’t know what this is happening so many times but he remembered his new title.

The lucky pervert

The effects of the title lucky pervert are acting up creating this kind of opportunities to Vikram again and again.

“Revy, did you like my lap so much that you are always sitting on my lap in all kinds of situations.”

Revy was speechless on what to say but she immediately adjusted her sitting posture wiggling her ass on the top of Vicky's dick making it stand from arousal.

She finally got back to her seat.

Well rock on the other side is muttering to himself about his life.

Revy got back from embarrassment quickly and spoke about the warning from the bartender Bao of the yellow flag.

On the other hand back at yellow flag bar the mercenary leader received the number of dead mercenaries from his side.

“Captain 23 people died and more than 15 of them have been shot with head shots.

As long as they are inside the bar they died.”

The face of the captain is not as good as it was in the anime because right before he escaped, he also got a head shot.

But fortunately right at that moment another one of his mercenary stood in the trajectory of the bullet by accident.

Chapter 155: follow through the plot with some good hot shots

But fortunately right at that moment another one of his mercenary stood in the trajectory of the bullet by accident.

That mercenary died in his place.

Only after that he ran away.

Soon after that they are once again on the torpedo boat.

Dutch said that they are going to reach Belawan port by day break and he said that there they can meet with balalaika.

Vikram nodded his head and looked towards rock with a little sympathy.

This is because rock is going to break soon and fall into the edge of this abyss.


Well with the drama going on in front of him Vikram did not bothered to speak and sat to the side watching the show.


When Benny spoke about the appearance of something on the radar asking Revy to take a look, Vicky directly answered the question.

“It is a low altitude assault gun ship, Benny”


Both Benny and Dutch were shocked at the same time.

Dutch immediately got into action and moved the ship quickly.

Vikram did not go out right now and braced himself still watching the drama.

It is not like anything would change in this kind of situation with his intervention any way.

Also Vikram was not as luck as the plot characters so he don’t know if he would live the shooting from a gunship.

So he stayed silent as the plot move on letting them reach the closed up area of the back waters.

Rock became paranoid again and then received a punch in the face to clear his mind.

Vicky was still silent waiting for the right time to add in the words to rock’s plan.

Vicky don’t want to change the plot so in order to contribute Vicky has to used his advantage of knowledge he has on getting the attention of others.

Well Vicky has the idea of shooting the infra red homing missiles but he was sure that with the bullets he will not be able to blast them off in the air.

So his other choice is to go with the plan that rock is going to suggest.

So when rock wanted to suggest the plan Vicky actually supported it and told Dutch and Revy to listen once as it would not cost them anything right now.

When rock spoke the pieces of words related to sunken ship, speed of the boat, those old torpedoes………

“Oh…. It is like that….

It really is a chicken race.

Good plan rock…”

Vicky said patting on the shoulder of rock.

“What is the good plan?

I did not understand anything.”

Revy said and Dutch has question marks on his head too.

Breaking rock’s words Vicky explained what rock wanted to explain.

Finally he let rock add the words saying that the other party is a gunman…

With that Vicky successfully shared a part of contribution from rock.

Well if this is not possible Vikram wanted to use his nuclear bullets here.

But he restrained himself as there are many places that can be used when life is really threatened.

Right now it is still good and he doesn’t want to waste the nuclear bullets on these gunman morons.


Soon after the epic scene of a gunship being hit by a torpedo appeared in front of Vicky.

When the small boat fell back down into the waters there is a big turbulence and everyone were hit by the impact.

Even though Vicky was able to avoid any big injuries his lucky pervert title hit the spot again right then.

Revy flew towards him in reverse directly with her face hitting his crotch and her ass smacked his face.

It is fortunate that his balls and dick were fine and the impact did not hit them.

But his faced did not escape and was directly smacked by her ass.

Naturally Revy uses the words “Kiss my ass” when she want to use profanity but this time he literally kissed her ass.

Well his touch and everything is poisonous to woman and the more sensitive place that he came into contact with would make the woman that aroused and seduced towards him.

Even though the art of seduction is still at the starting stage it is easy with such a close and intimate contact.


This made Revy moan.

But no one knows if it is the moan because of her pain or because of the contact with Vicky.

Well they parted and Revy acted strangely lady like for a moment before returning back to her usual self.

She is a tough nut to crack.

Well her life experience is like that and she build a strong wall in her heart against most men and love.

One has to break it slowly or with hard first at a single strike.

Well it might be possible if it is rock that wanted to break her wall with his words.

For Vicky it is a little hard task.


With that done they moved towards the port where balalaika should be waiting for them.

Well Vikram looked relatively better than other people.

This is related to his charm which is abnormally high for the people of this fantasy world level.

He is a handsome man with good built and charismatic appearance.

His voice is magnetic and the scent from his can arouse others to rush their blood.

So he is a charming man that does not look like a pretty boy.

Dutch handed over the disk to balalaika that looked over at the two new faces in the group namely rock and Vicky.

Well Vicky wanted to speak but balalaika is in official business and he cannot speak to her now.

So he silently waited for the opportunity.

The plot continued and for the first time rock showed his back bone and spoke to his superiors.

Vicky patted on his shoulder and said.

“Good boy you acted with backbone this time…”

At that time balalaika appeared leaving in the car and spoke to rock and then turned her head to speak with Vicky.

Chapter 156: joined the lagoon company successfully

At that time balalaika appeared leaving in the car and spoke to rock and then turned her head to speak with Vicky.

“I heard that you wanted to speak about something to me and you are a magician or something.

Come with us we can speak back at the hotel peacefully after this matter is settled…”

Balalaika said to Vicky.

“No I will come back later.

Also I have taken a licking to this little group and want to join them for now to play some time.

All I want to talk is about a business so we can talk after you are done with that matter.

You can contact me after you are done.

Any way thanks for the offer miss balalaika you look lovely today….”

Vicky spoke in Russian just like he was a native of their country that made balalaika widen her eyes.

She was a little disappointed as Vicky did not want to join them but still she was happy with the cooperation.

She is a capable woman and can understand the meaning behind the words of Vicky so she did not pursue it.

So she replied with a little sad expression which is acting.

“Oh… I thought that you are going to join my group.

That is bad but still fine well will talk about your business later then…

I will contact you later and we can talk Mister Vicky.

Bye then…”

Balalaika left in the car.

Right at that time there are two men standing on the road facing the lagoon’s group.

“Vicky, rock what are you going to do now?”

Dutch asked puffing up smoke from a cigarette.

“Well I wanted to gain a foot hold in this city of sin….

But your group is fun to be around.

I don’t know if you accept an extra pair of hands on your pirate ship.”

Rock spoke his classic lines about not being a hostage and no place to go from the plot.

Revy took over speaking that they need some extra pairs of hands on their deck to work.

Soon after that both rock and Vicky were accepted into the crew.


Next day they went on to take some goods from a big ship.

Rock tried to warn the ship’s crew while Revy is preparing her RPG to hit the ship….

Vikram was sitting behind then looking at the show happily.

Well Revy did asked rock why he did not wear the “aloha” shirt that she got for him.

“Why did Vicky get that good shirt and I got that ugly “aloha” shirt?”

Rock asked with some grievance which Vicky on the back laughed happily.

He did change into a different shirt that suits this oceanic atmosphere that Revy bought him.

He can only sympathize with rock as his luck is like that.

Revy wanted to annoy him more but he simply put on an excuse saying that he is on the job right now.

The ship’s crew refused to stop.

So Revy shot the RPG on the ship.

Quickly they are done with their work and left back to the port before lunch.

Today Vicky is going to go and meet with balalaika to talk to her about his business.


In the afternoon after lunch he came to a luxurious hotel in Roanapur.

This is where balalaika’s mafia group is staying.

When Vicky arrived they did not restrict him much and directly notified balalaika.

She has already received a call from Vicky and she instructed her men to notify her when Vicky arrives.

Vicky was led to an office room where her personal bodyguard Boris was standing guard beside balalaika.

As for the main character balalaika is sitting there gracefully with a smile on her face and her hand supporting her chin.

Vicky arrived there without much fluctuation or fear about their eyes or strong dominating intent.

“Miss Sofiya Pavlovna or should I call you miss balalaika which do you prefer.”

Vicky asked while walking towards her.

Balalaika smiled and said.

“Balalaika is fine please have a seat mister Vicky”

Vicky sat and said.

“No formalities are needed miss balalaika you can call me Vicky directly.”

Balalaika spoke with a smile.

“Oh then you can call me balalaika too”

Vikram then extended his hand forward and a flower bouquet appeared out of thin air shocking both balalaika and Boris at the same time.

“These flowers are for you balalaika.”

Vicky said without any fluctuations.

The reason for the shock is that both balalaika and Boris looked at the empty hand of Vikram and he is not even wearing a full hands shirt to say that he pulled that out of his sleeves.

Also the flower bouquet appeared straight on his extended empty hand which can be called a real magic.

But they are not stupid and can say that this is like the ‘ESP’ or ‘ESPER’ ability that was mentioned in some science fiction movies.

Vicky knows that they will think like that so after giving the flower bouquet to balalaika Vicky’s hand has a medicinal glass bottle again.

Vicky slowly explained about these details and called Boris over to try it out.

The big scar on the face of Boris vanished as soon as he rubbed the medicinal cream on it shocking balalaika.

“Balalaika I know that you did not believe all the medicine that can clear the scar on your face.

This is also a gift for you but in order to prove its ability I have to use it in front of you.

You can try this later when you have the time.

I don’t want such a beautiful lady to have scars like that.”

Balalaika was moved with the product.

No women in the world like to look ugly and want to become beautiful.

But the current technology here would not allow her to have a perfect plastic surgery.

This was the time like around 1990 and 2000 where the technology is in rapid growth state.

Chapter 157: talking business with balalaika

This was the time like around 1990 and 2000 where the technology is in rapid growth state.

So the plastic surgery is not preferred much unless they want to change their appearance no matter what.

Since Vikram has something that can cause a difference why not try that.

Balalaika really loved the gift from Vicky.

But at the same time she was vigilant as the big gifts requires big favors to return the favor.

So before receiving the gift balalaika resisted the temptation and asked Vicky.

“The gift is great but the favor is also big.

Tell me Vicky what is the catch or the business that you spoke off.”

Vicky smiled back at balalaika and said.

“If I tell you that I fell in love with you and right now giving the gifts to flirt with you.

Would you believe that?”

Balalaika’s heart sting was pulled a little.

But she thought about it and concluded that such a thing will only happen in fairy tale.

Vicky is a handsome and capable man.

He was at least 15 years younger than her.

Why would he want to flirt with an old lady like her?

She thought that he is teasing her.

“Enough jokes Vicky tell me, what is the business that you spoke of for the favor of the gifts you want to make?

Don’t tell me you want to produce this medicinal cream and sell it outside.”

Vicky sighed and said.

“What I told you before is not a lie balalaika.

Well it is one of the reasons that I came to you.

As for this medicinal cream, it is impossible to make this with the current technology of this world.

Even if you have the technology finding the herbs required is even harder.

So forgot about that.

My goal is a little different.

Have you heard about the secret societies of the leading countries that would live in shadows and deal with the paranormal things?”

The first sentence made balalaika tense a little.

Well there are few reasons for this which is his skills related to seduction and his persuasion skill reaching higher tier than this fantasy world level.

Then when he talked about how hard it was to make this medicine has made her feel sweet inside her heart.

But it also aroused the questions in her mind about his background.

Later when Vikram talked about the business she became serious again.

When she heard about the secret societies she has some idea.

These secret societies were deeply embedded in every country with long civilization.

They have a tactical agreement that no other secret society would prey into the secrets of the other one unless they are in war with each other.

Well this only applies if both of them are equal in power and have all good conditions.

These secret societies would not care about any mortal affairs and only acts when there is something that really culturally related to paranormal things.

At the same time they cannot be messed with easily even though balalaika has strong background to support her.

“What do you want to know about these secret societies?”

Balalaika asked with serious face.

She remembered that Vicky has some magical like things which are in line with those secret societies.

So she has a feeling that Vicky was going to say something crazy.

Vicky smiled and said

“Well if you can find their hide outs then I want to go there and have a look at them.

There are a few things I wanted to borrow from them……”

As Vicky stated the same thing as he said in his memories.

He knows what balalaika would say but he strongly told her that it is not a problem to search for these things for him.

That is all he wants from her.

Balalaika sighed and agreed to Vicky request.

Before leaving Vicky suddenly turned around and said.

“Balalaika, I really love you and want you to be a part of my harem.

There are other secrets of mine that I wanted to share to you.

You have to trust me enough to know those secrets.

It is not like I don’t want to tell you but I cannot tell you until you truly trust me…

Well think about my proposal and contact me when you make up your mind.”

After saying that to balalaika, Vicky left the hotel and returned back to the lagoon company office.

Balalaika was in deep thought looking at the back of Vicky.

Vicky found that balalaika has reached the favorability of 39 points and only 1 point away from trusting him.

Also Boris seems to understand the intentions of Vicky and has complicated thoughts related to Vicky.

But his favorability has reached 35 points too.


On the way back to the lagoon company he called Abraham to know the progress of the information about the secret societies.

Even if this is a fantasy world some things like Mount Everest and other things are constant in all the worlds.

Similar to that there will always be people taking care of the secrets of the magical things too.

That day was uneventful as Abraham was still investigating.

Even though Vikram know all the details from the memories of simulation he still want to make Abraham continue to investigate.

Abraham actually found a special clue that even the secret societies don’t know.

It is related to a discovery in the Egyptian mythology.

It was because some writer is doing research here for a movie related to treasure hunt.

This is related to Indiana Jones: riders of the last ark.

Unlike the 10 commandments that should be there in the original story this ark of that once gods created to save people in ancient times from great flood.

This is very important to Vicky so he let Abraham go on with his enquiries.

May be there are other things that can be found too.

This time Vicky called him to tell him that he should not leave any information unchecked no matter how irrelevant it might seem………

Chapter 158: Revy fell on Vicky’s lap again

This time Vicky called him to tell him that he should not leave any information unchecked no matter how irrelevant it might seem.


On the next day everything is normal as it may look like but it was not really normal.

This is because Dutch went out early telling Revy to look out while rock asks her where Dutch went.

Also rock brought in some strange fruits that Vikram did not take because he knows that they are not eatable.

These lines appear right on the second big event of going on a wild goose chase in the open.

So Vicky was excited and smiled happily.

He is not free at that time as he just checked these things and gave Revy a prediction.

“Revy I have a prediction for you today do you want to here.”

Revy looked interested.

Even though Vicky spanked her ass till she has an orgasm, she really believes that Vicky is some sort of a magician based on his performance.

Also she still owes him something related to the bet that they had at yellow flag bar about who would kill more number of E.O mercenaries.

“Tell me what it is.”

Revy asked with a straight face.

Vicky smiled at her and said.

“Today you are going to use your skill and go on a rampage to your heart’s content.

Do you like this news…?”

Vicky asked her with a bright smile.

Revy was really happy as she likes to go on a rampage shooting guns left and right…

Her irritable expression changed to that of an expecting one.

“Bang…Wake up sailor, time to work…”

Dutch came right at that moment opening the door with a big bang.

Revy looked back at Vicky at the same time rock also looks at Vicky because they really got a job right away.

But this is only a job and not a shootout so they still had some reservations related to the predication of Vicky.

Vicky was already ready to go while rock still needs to get ready or change his clothes because of something……

Vicky came down and asked Benny to know if the new board that he spoke off yesterday….

Benny was very happy and talked about it while rock hurried down.

Revy don’t want to sit beside Vicky because for some reason she always ends up on the lap of Vicky in an embarrassing situation.

Well she did not mind that girly stuff but she don’t want too much contact with Vicky that she rejects because of her past trauma.

But still she ended up right beside him because rock was late.

In the mean time Dutch introduced the job while Vicky got a notification related to the new task from the group that he joined.

The task is to save the people from the group from being killed and kill the opposite gang.

As for the rewards letting the 4 plot like characters alive with more than 80 percent health, Vicky will get 1000 chaos points each, which is around 4000 chaos points.

Then destroying the ship or killing all the people on a ship of the opposite gang would give him 10,000 chaos points each ship.

That is all there is no free skill points or free stat points rewards for these tasks.

Most probably this was a small time side quest.

Since it has given the quest of saving the lives of the plot like characters it means that they will face life threats today.

This also means that there will be other players in the show today.

Vikram analyzed all that.

Well he already knows about all that and where the threats are.

So he is already ready.

Even though he has memories the sense of time is a little scrambled so he don’t know what day what would happen.

So he doesn’t know today this event would happen but based on some signs he can find the start of the event.

Revy started to quarrel with rock about her aloha shirt that she brought to him before and rock argued back.

Well the driving of Benny is really weird and car was bumped again leaving Revy on the lap of Vicky.

Even though there is rock right beside her she will always ends up on the lap of Vicky for some reason.

“Revy, I don’t know why but you always end up on my lap no matter what.

See on this seat there is also rock right beside me.

So why are you always ending up on my lap no matter which side I sit every time?”

Normally no one notices this small thing but when Vicky mentions it out loud it was really weird as Revy really ends up on his lap every time.

Even Revy was confused because she doesn’t know.

“Since it will happen anyway,

Revy, why don’t you sit on my lap from the start instead of falling like that?

Isn't it better to sit from the start than to fall with a bump?

Revy did not notice another thing that is because Vicky did not like the smell of the cigarette smoke he is trying to open the window just now.

So when Revy fell on his lap his hand accidentally went straight into her black tank top and her tits are in his hands.

Vicky has to accept this fact,

Even though Revy is a tough nut her tits are very soft and shapely.

When Vicky moved his hand Revy’s face turned red which is more feminine and something that should not appear on Revy.

But it did appear this time and she struggled to pull his arm out.

But because of the odd sitting when she fell, it was hard to remove his hand which is being massaged between her tits.

If it was his dick in place of his hand Vicky was sure to be in heaven from all the pleasure.

But still he was in heaven from all the pleasure.

Chapter 159: another bet with Revy

She is not only moving her body but also her ass.

Her struggle is more like a lap dance than a struggle to get free from Vicky.

Finally after sometime Vicky calmed her down and pulled out his hand from inside her tank top.

Throughout the entire plot there is not even once where the face of Revy blushed.

But right now Vicky was able to witness this scene.

Well her annoying face is far more beautiful than the blushing face.

Revy moved to the side to sit on the seat.

No one spoke about this mattes are the car was completely silent.

Especially rock was even more silent.

Previously when Revy dropped on Vicky's lap her legs moved uncontrollably giving rock a kick on his face.

The shoe print is still on his face and he stayed silent not wanting to light the fuse of Revy whose face is red.

They don’t know if she is blushing or angry.

Well they soon arrived at the docks and they got on the ship.

The atmosphere eased after they started moving on the waters.

Revy over came her embarrassment and became normal.

She started to teach how to tie knots.

Vicky did not require any teaching as he can do all of that.

Also Revy did not want to see Vicky right now as she still remembers that happened just now.

Revy asked rock about her past.

Right at that moment rock asked about Revy’s past that made her remembers something that she doesn’t want to remember.

Vicky has a slight murderous intent buried in his eyes making rock have chill down his spine.

Rock can understand that he asked something that he should not have asked.

But he did not understand why Vicky became angry where rock asked about the past of Vicky.

Well it did not last long as they received a message from Benny saying that there are other boats in the vicinity.

Vicky knows that the battle is going to start.

Unlike in the original plot there are more people on the boats and they are not acting stupid.

Vicky knows that things are different so he immediately took out his specially made gun and modified it to long range.

“Dutch, do you want me to act…?”

Vicky asked while Revy and Dutch are conversing.

“Do as you please Vicky.”

Vicky looked at Revy and said.

“Revy this is your rampage prediction.

Do you like it?”

Revy’s appearance changed to cold and said with a cold smile.

“You really did predict accurately so be quite and let me go on a rampage.”

“Then Revy do you want to make a bet again with me.

Who will kill more of this scum…”

Vicky asked playfully.

Revy did not respond for a moment.

She has not fulfilled her previous bet now there is a new one.

If she wins then she can call them even directly.

If not then she will have to do two things that Vicky asked her to do.

Also she could not escape or refuse because Vicky would spank her.

She finally accepted the bet gritting her teeth and her cold face that was there before is gone.

That is right she forgot about her past because of the pestering of Vicky.

Vicky did it on purpose as he don’t want Revy to do things half heartedly or distracted because of her past in this unpredictable battle with players involved.

As soon as she accepted the bet Vicky started the countdown.




As soon as he said one Revy started with her grenade launcher on the ship nearby.

Vicky really doesn’t want to play with the bullets that fly without eyes.

But this time he has to come out of his safety shell.

So his gun started to shoot.

The boats that are close to him were hit with his hand gun while the boats father away were hit by the self made gun than can change its range based on his arrangements.

Revy put on her head phones playing a song to get into the mood and moved from ship to ship to kill.

But when she reached the ship she only gets to kill one or two men that are hiding.

This is because the bullets from Vicky seem to have eye of their own and hit them in their heads accurately.

No bullet that was shot by Vicky was wasted.

For every bullet there is someone that died.

“Dutch, after we are done with these people take me to those boats so that I can salvage some guns and bullets.

We can sell them or use them later and make up for some of our losses.”

“Well that is a good suggestion.

We will go with that.”

Dutch nodded his head and accepted Vicky's suggestion.

Revy did not know this as she removed her communication device and replaced it with headphones with a song.

But she was a little disappointed that Vicky killed most of the people this time too.

Also he did not move from the spot that he stood and shoot from there on a shaky ship towards those shaky targets.

The most important thing is that all of them are head shots.

As long as there is a person with his head visible on the boat opposite to them then Vicky’s bullet will find their ways into their heads on their own.

Revy was irritated and asked Vicky.

“You said that I can go on a rampage.

But why did you intervene in the middle and took away my thunder.”

She is not only angry about unable to vent out her anger by going on a rampage but also about the loss of the bet again.

Vicky smiled and said.

“Well I said that you have a chance to go on a rampage and not the other way around.

Since you lost the bet you have to two things I want you to do now.

Well we will talk about that after going back…….”

Chapter 160: don’t want to participate in this event

“Well we will talk about that after going back.

Now help me salvage the things.

If things go well we might get a bonus.

Don’t you want to drink more with the bonus?

So come and help…”

Vicky has successfully coxed her into with the bonus and booze.

Dutch was very happy with the development because he would have to take care of Revy if Vicky did not do what he did right now.

After salvaging people got so much ammunition that they can at least get 10 grand from that.

Vicky collected all the dropped boxes from both players and plot characters.

Unfortunately most of them are low level boxes.

Vicky first stored them all inside the personal storage.

He did not fear that there is a player with strong background in this group.

This is because if the background is strong then that player would not come here with some riffraff like this.

After collecting the things the group returned.

While on the move Vicky noticed new faces in the people and his insight that was improved gave him some unusual understanding.

Vicky was able to find that the players have arrived to Roanapur.

Soon there is a chance that someone might come to join the lagoon company using every possible opportunity that they might find.

Balalaika called at that moment.

Vicky on the side picked up the call in place or rock.

“Hey balalaika how are things on that side.”

“Things are quite good and the medicinal cream that you gave me made wonders.

Take some time off and come and have a chat with me, when you are free.

Put Dutch on the line Vicky there is something he should listen….”

Vicky gave the phone to Dutch and started to chat with the group about their bonus.

At the end of the call Dutch was asked to say bye to Vicky by balalaika.

Dutch don’t know how Vicky became close to balalaika but he has a little idea about that.

Vicky has shown them the scar removing cream before and Vicky seems to have presented one to balalaika.

Most probably it has worked perfectly and balalaika became close to Vicky.

Well whatever it is the result is good.

They have good relationship with balalaika and Vicky having a good relationship with her instead of fighting is much better.

So he just conveyed her words to Vicky.


This time just like that in the plot Dutch wanted to propose to them an entertainment trip.

But not for the losses instead it was because of the unexpected profits from salvaging the attackers.

Vicky being the biggest contributor for this matter, he has received some good words and a little bonus over other employees from Dutch.


They all went to yellow flag bar and Revy quarreled with rock to wear the ‘aloha’ shirt that she bought for him.

On the other hand Vicky put on the shirt that Revy bought him making her favorability increase.

Her current favorability is only 36 points.

This is how closed her heart is.

On the other hand her favorability towards Dutch and Benny were from 40 to 50 points which is only trusting and no close relation.


Vicky knows that the next event is related to Roberta and Garcia Lovelace.

Vicky did not want to participate in this matter and he has other thing to take care off.

It is like going to the secret society headquarters in London to steal their secrets.

It will take just enough time for him to return right when Revy and Roberta were fighting.

That would be a good show to watch.

So Vicky took a leave from Dutch and left this place to England.

Journey is long and Vicky went there quickly.

Abraham came to him to receive Vicky personally from the airport.

Then they moved on to a private villa.

Vicky has given him some ideas of development related to business that he understood from the simulation memories.

On the next day Vicky went around to look at the locations that he has to go on to enter the secret vaults of the secret society.

It is like he is going around site seeing around the British museum, big Ben and other important places.

There are secret tunnels in all these areas in the underground drainage lines that can lead to the secret society.

But the entrances are arranged with both modern technology and old gear system.

Vicky has already prepared his entrance and escape route.

The technology of this time is very backward to his level of skill and capabilities.

So the process will be very smooth.

But there is a catch here.

That is some other veteran players that belong to research or other powerful factions that want to get these things too.

So they will interfere with his plan.

Previously when he was done with the stealing some other players made their move causing the alarms to go off.

This caused Vicky some headache but he was able to escape successfully because of his previous planning.

Even though he was able to escape this caused other secret societies to become alert and gave him a bigger headache.

So this time Vicky wanted to deal with those players.

Well these are high level players and Vicky should not kill them directly.

So he plans to use the mechanisms and traps of the secret society to kill them.

These people would drop some high grade boxes that can be of some use to Vicky.

After making some plans Vicky went through a simulation and got the satisfactory results.

With that he went on with the plan.

There are three important things that Vicky interested in the secret society vault under London.

First is the true story of King Arthur, Merlin and Morgan le Fay.

Second is about the way to open the lost ark golden box to collect the things inside safely without getting cursed.

Third is the philosopher’s stone….


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