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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 61: Tier 1 epic grade monster

She threw some flash sticks inside the cave for light and moved with a bright torch on hand acting a spot light.

Inside the cave the tiger is in deep sleep.

Mohini looked at it and confirmed that it was in deep sleep.

Then Mohini took a sharp knife and pierced the soft spot of the tiger near then belly piercing it into its heart.

The tiger died.

Mohini found that this tiger king is a tier 1 epic grade monster.

Mohini was taken a back because this means that someone has completed this quest before.

The reason for this conclusion is the grade of the tiger king.

If this quest is not taken by someone in the past the grade of the tiger king should be mythical just like the resources that she previously got.

But that did not happen here.

This shows that this quest was previously taken by someone else and completed it.

Well it is sad that someone has already completed the quest.

But still getting a rare grade tiger king’s meat and materials is a good thing.

Well the quest objective is to submit the cub but not the tiger king’s corpse.

Also there needed to show a proof of kill of the tiger king so that the tiger king would not come to get the cub and revenge.

Suddenly she got another thought and cursed.

“Fuck, if someone has already completed the quest then there is a possibility that someone already found another route to get to this quest.

This means that there might be a group or power that knows about this quest or they are doing currently.”

Mohini thought for a moment with tension but her face calmed down again.

“No there will not be anyone right now.

I am not followed by any other player.

Only new players can gain quests and move freely to the quest areas on the beginner’s island.

No old players or hunters have any right to move around the beginner’s island freely as they are restricted by the special laws.

So I am safe as long as I complete the quest quickly and do it without the notice of anyone.


She did not immediately leave the cave instead she dissected the tiger king’s corpse very skillfully.

Even thought she did not have the experience in dissecting the tigers, she still has the experience in dissecting beasts for cooking along with her knowledge on beast anatomy it is very easy.

She might be a bitch but that is just a small part of what she is.

There are many skills that she honed over the years of horrible experiences.

She is prepared for all kinds of situations.

All the materials along with the meat were stored safely in her personal storage space.

Then she took the sleeping tiger cum that is as big as a puppy into a basket covered with grass straw.

She carefully checked the surroundings and moved towards the beginner’s town.

This is the last quest that can be completed in the beginner’s town.

After that she will be free to do her own things.

Mohini got may useful things in the past few days completing many quests.

Her ark ship and ark island were also upgraded in the foundation.

But the tier 1 upgrade is not completely complete for the ark ship or ark island.

They still require other things.

For ark ship it needs sails, figure head, internal structures, weapons and many other things to become a complete tier one ark ship.

The grade of the materials will give the grade of the shot.

Currently only the keel of the ship and some important wooden structures related to foundation are completed.

As for the ark island the size of the island should be improved more along with some facilities that needed to be constructed.

Right now there is only wooden house.

It requires a gathering center, an altar, smithy building, alchemy building, a storage building and many other facilities

Just like some kingdom building games.

These facilities will be occupied by the villagers that are added by the fantasy system or by the player by spending chaos points.

These things can be used as the production facilities of the player to gain more chaos points.

Even thought a player joins a power or not they will not be given much of a land for anything private.

So in most cases players needed to depend on their ark land to do their things.

The bought servants acts as citizens and are very loyal to the ark island owner.

If one hunter another hunter and took the ark of the other hunter they can assimilate the arks merging them.

With a loss of many materials they can be merged and even the citizens in the ark will be transferred.

The only people that would vanish are the ones that were brought back from the fantasy world by players.

Merging of arks has certain limits that should be considered carefully.


Mohini know all of this and the recent completion of beginner’s quest has given her many high level materials because most of them are hidden quests.

But the problem is the amount of materials is not sufficient for constructing many things in the ark.

Also she cannot just place her ark outside for construction because there are powerful people here and they can easily get the whiff of the special materials that Mohini possess.

They might not attack her when she is still on the beginner’s island but they will attack Mohini once she is out of this place.

Since she is just a new player the power behind her might not support her instead they would back stab her instead.

So in order to avoid all of this Mohini has to stay quiet for the time being and let Titia construct the possible facilities in the ark island that they are currently residing.

Titia being an experienced constructor knows which facilities are important and what needed to be constructed first.

Chapter 62: mayor’s office knocked out on the table

Titia being an experienced constructor knows which facilities are important and what needed to be constructed first.

After they discussed Mohini got the basic idea and told her to build the first basic building required for the construction model of the ark island.

Just like in some construction games and kingdom building games, the first building that needed to be constructed is the gathering center which is also called village center, town center or many more names.

As the ark island develops the name will change automatically after upgrades.

The materials are already enough for the construction of the gathering center.

The most basic foundation for her has already been laid with the mythical grade materials.

There are more mythical grade materials left like wood, stone, metal ore and water spring seed.

These can be used at the gathering center and also as the main water source area of the island for the time being.

Mohini envisioned some designs of construction that she observed on the earth where architecture of many ancient civilizations.

Asgard the Nordic city can be used as one such examples model that she required.

She gave this information about many other architectural city designs to Titia and Mary for creative assistance.

If you want to build something big you should first start the work from the corner stone so that the vision and dream was successful.


Mohini arrived at the house of the mayor that posed the tiger king’s quest.

Mohini looked around like she was not suspicious at all for some time and walked around the town for some more time.

When confirming that there is no one following her did she went back to the beginner’s town mayor to submit the quest.

Mohini also found the perfect opportunity to submit the quest will a very less amount of people.

The reward for completing the mayor’s quest is usually the god seed.

It is a very important material that is required in the construction of the altar on the ark island.

Even if that person is a theist or an atheist they needed to construct an altar.

As for the god in the altar they can use this god seed to choose an already existing god or create one based on their imagination or just make their own self as that altar’s god.

As soon as a god was made in the altar the player or hunter will receive a buff of that god.

If they made themselves a god then they will gain a buff that fantasy system deems that person is excellent in especially for atheists.

The power of the buff depends on the belief and faith that the god their established in the altar has.

For example if a person established a god of fire that has faith in both the real world and the sanctuary world from a mythology the person that established the altar will gain a blessing buff related to fire.

Similarly if an atheist has established himself as a god and he is a person that excels in agility then that person would receive a blessing buff related to improvement in agility or evasion.

The improvement of this buff depends on the improvement of the faith of many people on the established god.

Also upgrading the altar with higher grade materials will give it more buffs.

If the quest given by the mayor is a normal quest then he will give a seed of god as reward which costs around 5 thousand chaos points in the market.

But if the quest given by the mayor is a hidden quest then player will receive some extra base materials that are the establishing container of the seed of god with higher grade.

This will improve the buff received by the player.


Mohini handed over the tiger cub to the mayor and after the mayor checked it her old face showed a bright smile.

Because of high charm Mohini’s gains are a little higher than the original reward.

Well it is golden opportunity for Mohini to suck on the dick of the mayor and get some more benefits while submitting the quest completion.

This will improve her getting a higher level reward or extra reward.

Thinking of what she might get Mohini was very happy and started to seduce the mayor.

This is not the house of the mayor but his office so there is no problem for sudden intrusion of anyone unless the mayor gave the order.

Well mayor don’t want to waste his time so he asked Mohini to get under the table while he deals with the few people.

Under the table Mohini was giving him blow job and tit job.

When the people left the mayor pulled Mohini up and fucked her right on the table.

He has even spanked her ass.

“You know you are not being a good citizen to wear all the dress.



You are a bitch and you should go naked everywhere you go around the town.


”Ahaaaa…. I am sorry…. please punish my little ass more…”

Since you are wearing clothes you need punishment for not doing your job as a proper bitch.”


”Ahaaaa… I am sorry…I will do as you say mayor…. ”

“I could not hear you…”


”Ahaaaa… I am sorry…

Please punishment me with your stick….”

“Where do you want to be punished…. say it bitch…”


”Ahaaaa… please punish my pussy and ass hole as you please with your dick….”


“You are learning to be more honest…..

I will punish your pussy and ass hole you bitch….”

Then he put his 8 inches dick inside Mohini’s pussy.

”Ahaaaa… yessss….fuck yeah….”


They fucked for an hour where mayor told his assistant to not to send anyone inside.

After he is done he smiled with a satisfied smile looking at Mohini that is twitching with her eye rolled back from all the pleasure.

Well Mohini is a bitch that fucked hundreds of dicks back on earth but it has been a long time she was knocked out like this……….

Chapter 63: new innate skills

Well Mohini is a bitch that fucked hundreds of dicks back on earth but it has been a long time she was knocked out like this.

After few minutes she finally woke up and the mayor is playing with her tits even now.

Mohini gave a naughty smile to the mayor and stood up with mayor’s cum that is flowing out of her pussy.

She did not mind it and even pulled some with a finger and licked it in a sexy way making the mayor smile more.

“You have completed your mission perfectly and even gave me a good gift so I will give you the rewards for your efforts.”

Mayor said and handed over some rewards to Mohini.

There is also a special achievement buff that Mohini has which will raise the chance of critical hit in everything that includes the quest rewards.

So right now the god seed container that Mohini got is of legendary grade which is a grade higher than the quest given.

Unfortunately she did not get a mythical grade one like the materials before.

But she was not discouraged instead she was happy to get this.

Based on the information she has the highest know container base of the god seed is only rare grade.

Most probably the person that completed this hidden quest before should have obtained the mythical grade container base of the god seed.

In the stores outside the highest level container bases for the god seed available is only at unique grade which costs around 1 million chaos points.

If anything over that was discovered then it will cause chaos and a big action that sells for billions of chaos points.

Receiving the rewards Mohini thanked the mayor with a deep kiss and asked for any other quests available.

But she only got a negative for the answer.

Even the dick of the mayor is down which cannot play with her right now.

Mohini dressed up and left the mayor’s office.

This is the same for all the stores and all the people that can give quests in the beginner’s town.

Since there is nothing that can be obtained more Mohini wanted to consume the stat points improvement objects that she obtained.

Naturally doing some exercises and actions repeatedly and breaking through the limits will improve the stats.

If free stat points were used to improve the stats suddenly then there is chance of losing the probability of improving the stats through exercises or tasks.

But that will not happen with the stat points improving items that Mohini obtained from the beginner’s quest on beginner’s island.

Mohini took the next few days to absorb these materials one by one improving her stats to a new level.

In initial improvement will be quicker but the problems will start at the later stages.

Her free stat points were untouched all this time.

Also she did not use her civilian merit or military merit in the past few days.

Because this is the beginner’s island and the disparity was very high Mohini harvested good amount of points.

Unfortunately there is not even a single chaos point that was obtained by Mohini during the quest on the beginner’s island.

Instead her chaos points were actually spent going back to 98.3 million chaos points.

Well it is still a big wealth to most of the new hunters and even some of the average veteran hunters as their net assets after saying for years should be over million chaos points.

Mohini right now is a walking money bag with loads of high grade materials and chaos points.

Mohini has already consumed the meat of the tiger king while sharing some of it with both Titia and Mary.

In the past few days Mohini has hunted some of the chaos monsters on the beginner’s island which has the highest grade of ordinary monsters.

All of them were consumed steadily with special eating exercise that she bought from a techniques store of the beginner’s town.

She shared this technique with Mary and Titia.

As they consumed their genetic essence points started to rise to their corresponding values of consumption.

Mohini made sure that all three of them have improved.

The tiger king is epic grade so the meat was mostly consumed by Mohini as she is the main battle force.

But other good things were shared between the three.

She checked her current status.




Name: Mohini, innocent bitch

Age: 28

Race: human

Titles: chosen (gold grade)

Job: none

Affiliation: oriental- king of nature faction

Military rank: novice (100/2470)

Civilian rank: newbie (100/1770)


Vitality: 24

Stamina: 21

Strength: 19

Agility: 20

Intelligence: 23

Sense: 21

Charm: 25


Evolution chaos genetic points: 171

Random grade chaos monster genetic essence: 7 percent

Basic grade chaos monster genetic essence: 15 percent

Ordinary grade chaos monster genetic essence: 21 percent

Epic grade chaos monster genetic essence: 8 percent


Health points: 240/240

Stamina points: 210/210

Magic points: 230/230


Free attribute points: 235

Chaos points: 98.3 million

Skill points: 17 (1 Skill Point = 1000 skill experience)

Lust points: 1541 (1 lust point = 100 chaos points)


Innate skills:


Fucking steal: tier 1 (17/2000)

Endurance: tier 1 (1230/2000)

Will: tier 1 (170/2000)

Insight: tier 1 (425/2000)


Acquired skills:


Thought inception: tier 1 (230/2000)

Seductive scent: tier 1 (105/2000)

Dick growing: tier 0 (40/1000)

Manipulative tongue: tier 1 (510/2000)

Hunting: tier 1 (642/2000)

Cooking: tier 1 (1470/3000)

Contract: tier 1 (44/2000)


Body status: poisoned into infertility


Mohini made a shocking discovery that is she has awakened two more innate skills which is extremely rare.

Based on the information that she bought at the start it is not possible to gain more innate skills.

This also means it is not absolutely impossible to gain extra innate skills.

There are no records of this.

Or to be more precise there might be some but they simply don’t want to publicize it.

Mohini was curious of what these new innate skills are capable of…..

Chapter 64: What is the problem with late innate skills

Mohini was curious of what these new innate skills are capable of.

So she checked their details first.

First the insight skill,

Skill name: Insight

Current level: tier 1 (425/2000)

Description: the capability to understand something or anything will be increased by 5 percent.

Has the 1 percent chance to obtain unexpected gains when analyzing special things, techniques, details and secrets arts.

Intuition of the user is strengthened by 5 percent.


Looking at the skill Mohini finally understand what this is through her years of experience.

It seems like her innate skill did not register before but was triggered right now.

She was able to learn many things so quickly but this should not be enough for her quick learning capabilities.

Then she looked at the details of the other innate skill called will.

Skill name: will

Current level: tier 1 (170/2000)

Description: user will have a specific percentage increase of success in the task that the user concentrated on.

The higher the difficulty of obtaining the success, lower will be the increase in the percentage of increase.

Condition: only one thing can have the improvement of percentage in success with the current skill level and the concentration on the targeted task should be focused for at least 5 seconds.

Special characteristics: (active state)

User can improve one of her attributes that she willed to improve will raise by 5 percent temporarily for 5 minutes and the cool down time is 10 minutes.

If only a single attribute is willed then the improvement will be 20 percent temporarily for 5 minutes and the cool down time is 10 minutes.

The skill capabilities can also be raised by 5 percent temporarily for 5 minutes and the cool down time is 10 minutes.

But only one thing can be done at a time.

This skill can be superimposed with other skills without any problems or penalties.

(Passive state)

Any and all improvements are dependent on the amount of will that the user has.

The stronger the will the stronger the improvement that is unrestricted by any law of the world.

Maximum possible improvement is xxxxxx percent in anything xxxxxxxxxxxx (error undecipherable)

Hint: Any and all improvements are dependent on the amount of will that the user has.

The stronger the will the stronger the improvement that is unrestricted by any law of the world.


After knowing the skill she understood how she was able to get things quickly during her learning years.

The final sentence in the hint has given her the real clue.

Even though the active improvement is only 5 percent if her will is stronger, then the percentage in things will improve too.

The passive improvement is quite strange as most of it was unreadable by the system itself so he doesn’t know what the passive state of the skill.

Previously when she does thing throughout her life, she put her very life at stake which is equal to the dying will.

Throughout the history or mythology it is said that the dying will is absolutely strong and the results are either win or death.

Since she never gave up her will the things turned towards her and gave her the win quickly.

She might have subconsciously used her strong will towards the insight skill that made her learn things at an alarming rate.

Even when she in a fight or doing a mission her will is strong towards the planning which caused her plans to be almost flawless.....

When she thought about it her best skill is this will that helped her in many ways.

There is one more thing that she confirmed just now.

That is her confidence in her and the strong will are the reason for her to directly choose the doomsday level previously.

She is already staking her life to get the greater rewards to fulfill his desires and dreams.

Now her will is activated passively and the desired effect by her desire and will to win it all.

Because of her doubt she asked the perverted fantasy system why the new innate skills are added right now.


Player was fully immersed in a strange lustful desire and the patch of the perverted fantasy system has created some differences.

This caused the other innate skills to appear late.

Also player is going to receive quest in the real world too.

This was previously restricted to the fantasy world but the system is completely corrected and things can move normally.”

Mohini under stood what happened.

Because of the new system patch that interfered with the things the things were misaligned.

Now everything was set back to normal way of working.


Mohini’s attention moved to the other things now.

The epic grade and above chaos monsters are a little different.

Since they are very hard to appear the amount of genetic essence a single chaos monster can give will be around 10 percent.

That is the same for the lower grade monsters too.

The lower the grade of the monster is the lesser the amount of genetic essence that their meat has.

So till now all he was able to obtain is 171 genetic essence points which can be converted to 1 free stat point.

Also that stat points are distributed randomly based on the genetic essence distribution of the stats of the beasts.

Since there is nothing left to do here Mohini wanted to see if they can leave this beginner’s town to their faction area.

With that Mohini returned to the living quarters of king of nature faction and met with the representative that became familiar with Mohini.

The representative of the king of nature faction is called Joe Carter.

She told Joe Carter that she was done with most of the quests.

Joe Carter was surprised a little but that surprise is gone when he thought about the two things.

First is that Mohini is a chosen candidate so she should have some potential to complete the tasks quickly.

Chapter 65: eating the age reduction pill

First is that Mohini is a chosen candidate so she should have some potential to complete the tasks quickly.

Second is it is already been 21 since the beginner’s island was open.

There is only 9 days before the beginner’s island disappears.

Also there is no other candidate that joined the king of nature faction so there is no need to stay here any longer.

They are just waiting for Mohini to do the quests of the beginner’s island before leaving this place.

Since Mohini said she is done with the quests then Joe Carter of the king of nature faction took out a check list and gave it to Mohini.

So that she can see if she has completed the corresponding quests and gained the required materials.

Mohini looked through the list with a smile as she found that she has gained more than that was mentioned here.

Of these things none were needed by the king of nature faction.

They will only take a part of the materials from what Mohini earns from the king of nature factions.

Also there are some leeways there.

Not all materials are needed to handle but there will be a certain amount of materials requirement task is given to each hunter or player of the faction.

Some of them are mandatory tasks for materials or other things and the other tasks can give them chaos points or other things in return.

Mohini searched through the list and finally nodded her head saying.

“Mr. Joe, I have completed all these quests in the list.”

Joe also nodded and smiled.

There are other faction’s people that were also done with their quests from the oriental country that wanted to return back.

They formed a group and left to the port of the oriental country.

There is a big boat ready to leave present there.

This is an ark boat that has reached tier 4.

It has occupied over 400 cubic meters of space.

It is a big ship that has advanced engine that runs on magic crystals and magic gathering formations.

It looked like and eighteenth century steam boat.

The steam that the boat is using the water magic, fire magic and wind magic to create steam to run the boat.

There are no fossil fuels in this world.

The wood is prohibited from used as fossil fuel for ships or other places for energy by the world.

But wood can still be used as fuel for cooking and some normal daily necessities.


The ship here is not the higher model version but the low end version.

The materials used on this ship are mostly low grade.

That is the reason why this ship is being used for transportation rather than being used for hunting ship towards the resource islands.

This is one of the good things of the oriental faction where the below average hunters will also be offered a job to work in normal things.

Just like the captain of this ship.

It was modified and upgraded to become a merchant ship or transportation ship.

This ship can still fight but the effectiveness is at the bottom.

This ship can be reluctantly called a trade ship.

Mohini directly boarded the ship under the guidance of Joe and was given a room for both of them to stay together.

Joe did not mind as the ship is small and has other things to carry along.

Mohini on the other hand received a quest from her perverted fantasy system.


Quest: seduce Joe

Description: you are going to go on a journey for 2 days on the boat sharing the room with Joe.

Seduce him and let him fuck you as he pleases.

Rewards: 1 lust point for every time he cums inside you or on you.

Hidden information related to the king of nature faction (The amount of information obtained will be based on your performance in satisfying him and earning his trust)


Mohini smiled sweetly for a moment and entered the room that she is sharing with Joe.

She did not consume the age reduction pill before but she wanted to eat it now.

After entering into the room Mohini asked him to guard her as she is going to consume a special medicine that she bought from a store on the beginner’s island.

Joe is not that good and every time he sees a beautiful and innocent or lewd woman when recruiting the players he would make sure that they were given a single room.

He will try his cards and authority to slowly seduce them on the journey and get some naked pictures of these women.

After that he would take his time to taking advantage of the women to get resources if they are successful player.

If they are not successful then he would lead them towards the direction of prostitution.

The king of nature faction is the most peaceful faction for a reason.

The reason is there is no one to actually point out the problem making the entire dark side move smoothly without much problem.


Mohini sat on the floor and ate the age reduction pill quickly.

Immediately her body started to show changes and black sweat covered her clothes making them dirty.

Her tits started to become small along with her milf body.

After an hour she looked like a teenager around 16 years old with tits and body that can be considered to be hot for a teenage girl.

But her milf body is better for old perverts.

Fortunately her lady luck is playing well and Joe is actually into teenage women that looked younger.

He likes the milf body, but he likes the teenage body of a woman more.

Whenever he goes to a brothel he would always chose a petty young women that was over 18 years of age but retains her young teenage body.

Mohini felt that she has completed her transformation as the system said so.

She wanted to wash off as he body smells bad………….

Chapter 66: Joe was seduced

She wanted to wash off as he body smells bad.

She acted as if she forgot that Joe was present here and started to undress.

Because of the change in her body size her clothes were too loose and would have already fallen down if not for the sticky smelly sweat that stuck the clothes to her body.

She quickly dropped her clothes and ran into the bathroom.

She did not close the door properly and Joe has the full view of her body.

After a good washing she covered her body with a bath towel and came to the door noticing that it was completely open and Joe was sitting straight in front of the door and looking at her taking her bath.

Only then she acted as if she just realized that she has given a good show to Joe.

Her face turned red from the embarrassment and she started to look down at the floor standing like a statue.

Joe walked towards her with a lewd smile and said.

“Did you just eat an age reduction pill you looked rather young you know?

I have sent your dress to dispose of it as they are no longer usable after they are soaked in those wastes.

Now you can only ware this towel or do you have any other dresses stored up.

Well I prefer if you remove that towel too.

You know that I have some authority as I was able to recruit you right.

You should please me more so that you can get more benefits from me.

You are from earth, so you should know how to please your superiors right.

I am going to sit there and wait for your decision.

Think carefully when making this choice…….”

After he said that he went to sit on the same chair that he stood up from and then waited looking at Mohini.

Mohini appeared like she is trying to make a hard decision mixed with hesitation, helplessness, frustration and anger.

Finally she went to Joe and removed her towel in front of him revealing her teenage body.

Well her pussy has pubic hair grown on it as her age is reduced.

The man took the towel from her hands and smelled it with a look of ecstasy.

Then he said.

“You made a wise choice.

You will understand how great of a choice that you made just now.

Now come and kiss me.”

Mohini moved forward to kiss Joe.

Well then he took the lead as he started to kiss her down reaching her now smaller tits and sucked on her nipples.

After that he moved down towards her pussy and started to kiss her clitoris and pussy lips.

Mohini started to moan more and more as her body became sensitive after the transformation.

Her moans became louder but she tried to hold them back by blocking her mouth with her hand.

But Joe pulled her hand and said.

“Moan loudly so that other people can hear it too.”

Actually he is recording everything as he placed a camera to record Mohini’s actions.

Also her previous bathing was already recorded by him.

Well Mohini don’t mind that and enjoyed the moment while acting like an innocent chastity woman.

Her legs became soft because of all the pleasure but she was stopped from slumping down by Joe.

Then he carried her in princess carry towards the bed and started to undress revealing his dick which is around 4 inches in length.

Even though it is disappointing as this dick is of the normal size of most men back on earth.

She started to miss the dick of the mayor of the beginner’s town that is twice as big as the dick of Joe.

After that he put his dick inside her wet pussy and started to fuck her as he pleased.

Her pussy became tighter after her body changed.

Well her pussy is tighter even with her milf body because of the special exercises that she does daily.

It was all being recorded in the camera that is different from the model back on earth.

That is the reason why Mohini did not discover that she was being recorded.

She did not waste time as she tried to plant the thoughts in the mind of Joe using her thought inception.

Well he is very strong compared to a beginner like her and she cannot directly plant the thoughts easily.

It takes time.

After 15 minutes he finally cummed inside her pussy making her moan louder.

Joe did not mind Cumming inside the pussy of other women because they can just ate a prevention pill to avoid the pregnancy.

Also there are no side effects for limited dosage.

As soon as the pill is consumed the women will not become pregnant for a week no matter how much cum was filled inside her pussy.

He has them in his personal storage space as he brings them with him every time he comes to pick up new recruits.

He gave the pill to her to eat after explaining about it.

He then fucked her more for another 2 hours through which he cummed around another 4 times inside her pussy.

He did not seem to like her ass except for squeezing it and slapping it when he fucks her pussy.

Mohini lied down on the bed exhausted from all of her movements and positions that she just did with Joe.

Even though his has a small dick that doesn’t mean that he cannot fuck her.

He is strong and played with her like a toy.

The thoughts that she planted in his mind are about the information that the quest mentioned.

For the information Mohini should work hard.

This means that she has to get the information on her own.

Well knowing that “there is hidden information” is already a great information help from the system.

Well she was able to implant the thoughts to a quarter of the level and need another 4 times of playing to completely get what she wanted.

Chapter 67: offered to ship captain for a try

Well she was able to implant the thoughts to a quarter of the level and need another 4 times of playing to completely get what she wanted.

They have to go on a journey for 2 days before reaching a port related to their faction.

So she has 2 days of time to completely plant these thoughts in his mind and get the information from him.

Since her size changed she did not have any dress to wear to go outside.

Well that is what she made Joe believe.

Mohini has an entire wardrobe of dresses that can auto adjust to her size, auto cleaning function and auto repair function to them.

But she waited for Joe to bring her clothes as he said so.

He went out and brought her a one piece that is pure white in color.

It has a low neck line that shows lot of her cleavage of her average tits and a small part of her nipple parches.

Also the length of the one piece barely came down to her thighs and she did not get any underwear from Joe.

Other than that the cloth of the one piece is problematic.

If it absorbs water it will become transparent revealing her skin outside.

Right now she got two of these dresses to wear for the next 2 days on the ship.

Joe told her that after they got on shore she can buy a good dress that she wanted.

After she dressed up he slapped her ass that was visible with a slight lift of the dress and took her out of this room.

He is going to take her to the captain of the ship to gain some more face.

Also he showed her the videos he took of her when she is bathing and when she is being fucked.

Mohini’s eyes went wide which is a normal reaction for every woman but it was all her act.

Mohini is not idle when she is resting.

She would be an idiot to rest in this unfamiliar place without any protection when there is a pervert beside her.

She under stood some more of the information that she bought and know that there are special recording devices in this world that looked like floating balls.

She saw one of those things when she was fucked by Joe.

So she already knows about that.

But for the sake of keeping her low image she acts as if she was shocked.

Her expression showed anger and helplessness.

“What should I do to get my video deleted?”

Joe smiled like a third rate villain and said.

“Just be a good bitch and do as I say.

You are my asset and give me resources that I wanted whenever I wanted if you become strong player.

If you are weak then you can marry the one that I told you to and bring me his fortune like a good bitch and cuckold him.


Then he took her to the captain’s room where another middle aged man is present.

This middle aged man looked as lewd as Joe.

Joe did not introduce him to her instead let the captain look at her from head to toe.

“Joe is she the new recruit.

Did you tame her already?

She seems to be rather young……”

While they are chatting Joe lifted her dress revealing her pussy and said.

“Well she looks young because she ate an age reduction pill.

Her pussy is as tight as a virgin.

If you want you can give it a try.

I have already made her video.

She is in our hands from now on.

Because of that bitch beside the queen of our faction I was unable to make this chick into my servant by making her sign the servant contract.

Well whatever it is if that bitch is not interested in her then we can always play with her with this video.

You can try her pussy it is really heavenly.

She has the virgin body and mature mind……..”

The captain was really interested in this and gulping down his saliva looking at her pussy.

In the morning Joe personally shaved all of her pubic hair making her pussy did not have any cover at all.

Well after shaving it clean he even slapped her pussy a few times making her pussy lips red and have an orgasm.

So her thighs were wet from the start and her dress stick around her pussy lips making it even more obvious with slight red color revealing her pussy.

Mohini’s face is already red from all the embarrassment and now when her dress is lifted up to show her pussy to a stranger made her even more embarrassed.

She was looking at the ground because of the shame, humiliation and embarrassment that is suffering right now.

Well the captain moved towards her and touched her pussy that was still wet and inserted a finger to see the tightness.

She really is tight like a virgin.

Such a high quality pussy was offered to me by my good brother Joe;

I cannot refuse the good will right……”

As he said his words he pulled out his dick which is a little bigger than that of Joe by an inch.

Mohini was a little excited but hidden her excitement and only showed the same expression as before.

Her humiliated and helpless expression was the only thing that was on her face.

The captain pushed her on a table and started to rub his dick against her pussy lips.

Then he slowly inserted it and felt its tightness.

He moaned a little while Mohini started to moan lightly covering her mouth.

Her hands were pulled away by Joe as he ordered her to moan loudly.

Mohini can’t even glare at Joe because of the pleasure she is receiving.

She put on her ahego face like a real bitch.

The captain is strong and around tier 4, while Joe is around tier 3…….

Chapter 68: secret revealed

The captain is strong and around tier 4, while Joe is around tier 3.

He is quite strong that Mohini cannot do any damage to.

But that does not mean that their mental strength is strong with continuous lust attacks from her.

The time moved on as her pussy was filled with cum again.

The captain went on for 3 rounds before stopping even though his dick is still erect.

While fucking her they still chatted and Mohini understood that this ship is carrying goods.

The goods are actually servants that are kidnapped rather than taking them by free will.

Mohini felt disgust towards Joe and this captain.

She doesn’t like being forced.

She has to find a good opportunity to get this Joe into her hands to find the secrets about the queen and the bitch he is talking about.

After going back to the room Joe pulled down his pants and told Mohini to give him a blow job.

Mohini has no choice but to give him one.

Also he insulted her being a slut that would spread legs to every man that she sees.

“Well it is real through”

Mohini thought but did not speak out loud or refute his claims.

She tried her best to induce the thoughts that she wanted him to have.

Fortunately she did the same with the captain too gaining more experience to her skill.

Not only leveling up but increase in the experience will also improve the capabilities of the skill.

The more she tries the faster she can reach her goal.

There is also her other skill called manipulative tongue that she is using to make him have fun and also to speak to him.

Yep she slowly started to speak to him as if to accept the reality.

Joe felt good about the bitch that is cooperative with him and thought that because of her age she is more open minded than she was before.

But he doesn’t know that Mohini has changed her thoughts to make him fall in love with her completely by sharing his secrets.

It was all done by Mohini using her skills.

She used her lust points to improve her skills functions.

Like the insight skill can give out some information but she bought the other skills related to that like observe, inspect…..then the number of abilities of the skill increases.

It is like upgrading a skill from a small branch to main line course.

With that the skill level will not improve and it will become harder to improve but the benefits that she can get are even more.

For the next two days Mohini acted like a real bitch and completely took control of Joe.

He is a tier 3 hunter but so what he did not have much of stat points in intelligence or sense.

Most of his stat points are in his agility and stamina.

He wanted to go long in the bed it might seem and his major is agility.

So he is just a third rate hunter that has lived long enough to get the current position using advantage over other women.

Well Mohini got the gist of it as she completely made him fall in love with her.

So, for the time being, she can do more manipulations.

She also found some interesting that is the information that she should get.

First is that the king of nature faction is ruled by a half elf called Cylia and the bitch that he called before is jenny the secretary of Cylia.

It seems that there are rumors that both jenny and Cylia are under the watch of many young masters of powerful factions.

They wanted to get the faction of nature under their control by marrying these two beauties not because this faction is the most peaceful place.

Instead this place has many resources that they can get including the contract papers and this place is the best secret place for all kinds of dark side businesses.

No one would doubt this place because of its reputation and not one will care unless it was related to nature.

Servants, medicines, illegal things all of them can be stored and distributed to other places from this faction domain.

Because of this the two women were being watched carefully and they are under the protection of many.

As for jenny she doesn’t like the nature of Joe taking advantage of the women

She wanted to stop him but she did not have the power just like Cylia.

They are both figure heads and nothing more than that.

So they can order others and be protected but they can only watch while other does as they please.

Well if they did not have background of nobles like Joe had they can still take care of some things.

But for people like Joe they can only sigh and do nothing.


Mohini got the information that she wanted and she was fortunate that the mind of Joe is not at its peak and was in some deep pressure related to one of his recent actions.

Along with the continuous pushes she was able to make it and gain what she wanted.

Now she changed her goal to making Joe into her servant.

For that she has to work extra hard because after signing the agreement with the queen of the nature faction she will be sent to a training facility.

She has to stay there until she reaches the required level and after that she will be training in hunting chaos monsters.

So meeting Joe will be hard and if she stops meeting him then the achievement of thought implantation will be gone.

Joe is a strong person and her tricks will not work for long without her constant influence of though inception skill.

But there is different approach like implanting small things of making him meet her in regular intervals so that she can influence him more till her skill level increases…….

Chapter 69: hybrid technology with magic

But there is different approach like implanting small things of making him meet her in regular intervals so that she can influence him more till her skill level increases.

She will not be in danger for the time being because of her control on Joe.

After 2 days they arrived at a port that looked quite modern.

There are many gadgets of the advanced technology that appears in the modern science fiction movies.

But the funny thing is that this is not a pure science fiction setting instead it is a hybrid between the science fiction setting and the magic technology setting.

Storage of magic is a hard and costly process, so they use magic gathering formations to gather magic energy which is a low graded version of chaos energy.

Then they would convert the energy into electricity and store it for the usage of the science fiction gadgets.

The refrigerators, heaters, vehicles……….all of them use the similar process with small scale to high scale magic formation circles.

Also the usage of low grade chaos monsters for transportation and some other special purposes is not prohibited in rural areas.

But in the cities only special high class chaos monster spirits are used as mounts for high level people.

Mohini saw all of this but she did not show any astounded expression

Mohini was able to buy some clothes there but her preferences are still the lewd ones for Joe to enjoy.

What attracted her attention is only the technology.

Joe nodded happily looking at the calm expression of Mohini.

Soon after both of them boarded a special car that did not have wheels but hovered few feet about the ground.

They did not continue their journey that day as Joe was horny again looking at the new appearance of Mohini.

Mohini already got her information but she wanted to get more information from Joe also the secrets of those nobles.

She did not just want the information but directly want to control Joe.

But her current skill level or stat points would not support that.

So she can only play small things for the time being.

She is still a play thing in the hands of Joe right now.

That day they spend the night at a hotel where Joe fucked her as he pleased and recorded it all again.

Also he has many lewd ideas on Mohini.

But he will not put them into play now.

He will wait till she completed her compulsory military training for 6 months before making her a bitch of those hunters from big families to gain resources and other things.

Mohini was not stupid as she can understand all these things from the expression on the face of Joe.

The good thing is that Joe loves to fuck her which is the thought that she implanted in him to make him trust her to give out information.

If she did not influence him constantly then these implanted thoughts will just wash away.

The current planted thoughts will fade away after 3 months with the current foundation.

In the morning next day they started their journey.

They board a hovering car again moved at high speed towards a building that looked like a railway station.

There all the groups of people that are going to the faction capital.

Both Joe and Mohini boarded a low class compartment of the magnetic train.

Except on the water outside the safe land the transportation was very advanced.

It will only take them, 6 hours to travel to the faction head quarters after they start at the station.

The distance is not small but thousands of kilometers.

That is how advanced the technology here is.

From there they have to travel deep into the faction area to reach the faction capital.

Mohini will be taken to the capital to register there under the king of nature faction and there will be a little contract and pledge.

Then she will be given a badge and identity card.

With that she can register at merchant’s guild and adventurer’s guild.

There is no prohibition on these two organizations from joining as a member of king of nature faction.

Only after that can Mohini be really a player with credible citizenship.

With that done Mohini will be send to work under a sergeant till her military rank improves or for the 6 months training period.

The military merit can be used to improve the rank of a player or a hunter and the rank given by the system is equal to the rank given by the country.

If a player reaches a higher military rank then the country or faction will raise that person’s rank too.

Then the player or hunter will be assigned to a new post.

There will be improvement in salary too.

With the raise in the military rank there will be other tasks like protection or hunting some criminals or guarding the trade routes…….

If the civilian rank is improved to a social status level then there will be tasks related to that too.

But for the time being that is until she entered the fantasy world Mohini don’t want to improve any of these civilian or military ranks.

This is because the special system in the central areas of the faction and the country was connected to the fantasy system.

If she increases her military or civilian rank it will be updated there.

That will cause big problems as she cannot tell from where she got so much military and civilian merit points from.

This will cause problems and suspicions.

Mohini don’t want this.

But when she enters the fantasy world then she can simply push the gains to the fantasy world.


The journey was peaceful and Mohini was not idle all that time.

In the journey she put on a shot skirt and short that can turn transparent when it came into contact with small amount of moisture

She is not sitting on the seat but on the lap of Joe……….

Chapter 70: New quest public flashing

She is not sitting on the seat but on the lap of Joe.

The train that they are travelling is too crowded and there is no place to sit.

That is not the main issue as Mohini is not wearing any panties or bra and her dress is a little too tight.

Other than that there is a dick that is inserted straight inside her pussy and the small air current would lift her skirt revealing her pussy that was impaled by the dick of Joe.

Mohini’s face was bright red from all the embarrassment but she is making an ahego face because of the pleasure.

She is tolerating this because she has received a quest before their journey in the train started.



Quest: public flashing

Description: player will be asked by Joe to perform a public flashing exhibiting the body of the player.

Player should not resist and cooperate with every order of Joe.


1. Increase in the breasts of the player to C- cup with 70 centimeters band size.

2. Player will receive lust points based on the amount of lust that you created in the voyeur though flashing your body.

Penalty: the breasts of the player will be reduced to A- cup and all the previously gained lust points will be reverted back to 0 lust points.


Mohini was a little shocked by this quest and it is not like a quest but more like a threat to her.

Losing her breast size is one thing and losing all the lust points is an over kill for her.

So she did not have a choice but to move along with the quest following the commands of Joe.

Even though she is a bitch that sucked many cocks she did not do exhibitionism thing out in the open………

Even though she is a bitch that sucked many cocks she did not do exhibitionism thing out in the open even back on earth.

At least she never used her real appearance using the exhibitionism acts she did back on earth.

But now she became a public viewing object that anyone can see and stare as much as they wanted to.

She tried her best to leave the thoughts of her current situation and instead she through the details of the current real world.

The information that she previously got is very huge and reading through all of it is not a task that she can complete in short amount of time.

It will take at least a year to completely read the entire information and at least 5 years to analyze it.

Well it is not a problem as there are some fantasy worlds which are called life fantasy worlds where the player has to live there for a minimum of 1 year to more than 30 years or even more.

Even if all that time was spent only a few seconds will pass in the real world.

Based on an estimate it is said that 1 year spent in the fantasy world is equal to 1 second in the real world.

Previously in the world of Treasure Island Mohini spent more than 6 months.

So it is not a big deal.

For some tasks in fantasy worlds player has to spend longer based on requirements.

Also, there is some fantasy worlds where players will be born with their stats reduced to that of an infant and are told to complete the task these fantasy worlds are called as life fantasy worlds.

Just like that Naruto world or the harry potter world the players were made to have a rebirth and has to life in that world to complete the tasks.

Sometimes the fantasy world will give little tasks where when the task is completed the players will be sent out.

After some time in the next world entry to the same world the life can be continued there from the previous break point.

The incidents of the world will be modified based on the 2 conditions where the collective modification of the participating players and the thought energy of billions of people that is created that fantasy world.

Chaos point is the basic refined unit of chaos energy with the help of the fantasy system refining the chaos energy through the fantasy world created by the thought, belief, faith energy of trillions of beings in the real and sanctuary worlds.

Based on the theme of the world the concentration of the chaos points are distributed throughout the fantasy world.

For example in an apocalypse worlds like 2012 or I am legend the money or valuable materials did not have any chaos point value.

But if it is a pirates of the Caribbean world or Treasure Island world the money and valuable materials have chaos point value.


Right then she came back to her senses because someone is groping her tits.

The hands did not come from back that is not from Joe, but from her front that is from a stranger.

Also the people that are sitting in front of her now extended their hands towards her pussy that Joe just cummed inside.

Yes Joe was unable to hold back the pleasure and cummed inside her.

Now some strangers are fingering her pussy and someone is trying to unbutton her shirt while another one is groping her tits.

Joe behind her is smiling lewdly looking at her current situation.

The train is too crowded for other people to know what is happening here except for the few that surrounded them.

So she was locked from all direction.

Joe helped pulled her skirt down showing her bottom to all while someone was done unbuttoning her shirt.

Mohini wanted to resist but the quest stopped her from doing anything and surrender to their lust.

Well she will be pleasured.

As for her appearance she will change is if needed or do something if some rumors spread about her.

It seems like no one knows who Joe is among the people around her………..


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