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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 71: specialty of nature faction is contract paper

It seems like no one knows who Joe is among the people around her.

The show continued more and more as the surrounding people played with Mohini’s body.

But they did not do anything more as Joe did not let them.

He doesn’t mind making Mohini show off her skin but he doesn’t want these lowly people to play with Mohini’s body.

He has discovered that Mohini’s body was very attractive and has more potential as a high class bitch.

They finally reached the faction capital and the head quarters building looked like a large living tree that was burrowed into a building.

Well Joe cannot take her with cum filled up in her pussy and disheveled clothes so she took her to a hotel to wash up.

While cleaning her body Mohini looked at her gained lust points which are around 89 lust points in total.

If it is converted into chaos points then it is equal to 8,900 chaos points……

Joe led Mohini to the headquarters of the faction to meet with their king.

Mohini has already known about their current king.

Well to be more precise she is the queen.

Heads of all factions are called kings even if they are men or women.

The name of the Cylia,

She is not a complete human but a half elf.

The king of nature faction has deep ties with a faction on the side of elves.

She is the daughter of the previous king of the nature faction and her mother is a nature elf princess from the nature Elven kingdom of Elven cluster island.

The people of the oriental faction are open to all the other races and trade with them extensively.

The main traded thing between the nature Elven kingdom of the Elven cluster island and the king of nature faction are special leaves from the paper tree.

High grade contract paper is made for these kinds of high grade trees that are specialty of natural elves.

As for the special ink required for writing on contract paper is imported from the dark forest elves.

The pen that can use this special ink is a bird feather of high level bird beasts from the beast cluster islands.

There are some other special fittings required to make a contract reach the higher levels.

For example if a person wanted to make a contract just like Mohini did in the Treasure Island fantasy world, she requires to bring out the contract form of the corresponding tier and grade of contract form.

If she entered the fantasy world in ring one then the contract form should be of tier 1 and grade varies from various factors.

The grade of the contract is dependent on the status of the other party and amount of chaos points.

The success rate of the contract also varies based on the grades.

If a rare grade contract paper is recommended by the system to make the contract then the success rate is 100 percent.

If the grade is decreased that is if a common grade contract is used in the rare contract place then the chance of success decreases.

This is the reason why not many people use contracts in the fantasy world.

Similarly various high level characters require high level contracts along with the basic check of trust from the fantasy system.

If the contract fails then,

The spent chaos points on contract will not be returned along with the income that should come from the contract.

Unfortunately the amount of raw materials that requires making high tier and high grade contracts are scarce and the demand is very high.

So the cost of the contracts is also very high.

For example tier 1 rare grade contract would cost around 7 thousand chaos points.

This tier 1 rare grade contract can be used to form a contract of business with a small scale lord or a boss to gain a net amount of 70 thousand chaos points.


Mohini was very sad about this because without high level contracts he will lose at least 10 percent of the gained profit.

Also she usually does big contract which will cause her to buy a high level contract in the future.

For that the amount of chaos points required is astronomical.

Sadly, Mohini did not have that many chaos points.

Fortunately there is a chance for her in this matter.

Usually these kinds of high level contracts are not sold in the public outside.

Instead they will be sold in the store of the fantasy system in auction basis where people can buy them inside the fantasy world with their available chaos points.

This way it is not a problem for them to find the adequate tier and grade of contract.

If the contract is sold by the affiliate power like the king of nature faction for Mohini then the cost can have concessions but if it was from other power then the cost increases even more.

If they can buy that then it is okay.

If they cannot buy that then all they can do is cry.

Well usually most players would form groups in the same tier or ring.

They can fill in more chaos points when necessary.


After waiting for a while in a guest room of majestic wooden building Joe took Mohini into an office at the top floor.

There are two women in that office.

One is the queen of the nature faction and the other is her secretary.

The queen of nature faction looked like a woman around the age of 20 with emerald green hair and jade like eyes.

She has pointy ears and wearing a white one piece that gave her the appearance of a goddess.

Her body did not have the mature charm but the charm of an innocent young Elven girl.

The secretary beside her has a black hair and healthy wheat colored skin.

She has a screaming busty body that has the perfect mature charm……….

Chapter 72: I want you to become my bitch

She has a screaming busty body that has the perfect mature charm.

She is wearing an office suit with a short skirt.

The only thing missing is a pair of glasses for her to look complete.

Mohini was astounded by their combination of appearance but her external appearance is as calm as a lake without ripples.

Mohini got their names well she already know the name of the queen which is Cylia and the name of the busty secretary is Jenny.

Mohini has already signed the main contract with Cylia.

This is not a high level contract but a tier 1 epic grade contract.

They were also shocked by the level of contract that system decided for Mohini to sign a contract with them.

The contract itself has costed them 80 thousand chaos points.

Well the contract is for 5 years and there are rules and rights included.

Mohini has already received the payment so she directly signed the contract.

Then Jenny told Joe to wait outside so that they can speak to Mohini separately.

They want to make sure that Joe did not do anything to her while bringing her here.

Well he did something to the previous recruits too and that woman has actually accused Joe.

Joe was punished but after 6 months when that woman went to hunt monsters she suddenly vanished.

They can speculate that Joe did something to her but there is no evidence and they cannot do anything.

Sometime later jenny met the same woman that became a medicine addict bitch in some port area being played by those thugs.

From then on jenny wanted to support the women and protect them carefully.

So after Joe left she turned on the silencing formation making the place has sound proofing so that no one can eavesdrop on their conversation.

Right when the formation is activated Mohini relaxed a little looking at the two women in front of her.

There is a hint of lust in her eyes but she covered it and waited for jenny to speak.

“Did that bastard Joe do anything to you during your journey here?”

Mohini was not surprised by this question and looked at the two women in front of her with a hint of mockery.

“Yes, he did many things.

But what can you do to protect me even if I complain to you.

You cannot even protect yourself and is surviving because of your strong admirers.

You are telling me that you would protect me.

Isn’t it same as when the previous women became a play thing for street beggars….”

The eyes of jenny and Cylia widened by the sudden sarcastic comment from Mohini and they cannot refute because everything that Mohini said is actually true.

They are angry and wanted to speak something but Mohini beat them to that and spoke.

“I am a bitch which I admit proudly.

But you are just caged birds that did not have freedom at all.

Even though I am a bitch I can still save you from the big political struggle that is looming around you.

Well my service is not for free.

The price is you become my women.

Well even though I am a bitch I would not let others take you if you don’t want to.

But you will be my bitches and my bitches alone.”

Mohini did not show any respect for the strong and spoke so frankly that the two women jenny and Cylia were dumbfounded.

Mohini gave them time to digest the information that is too shocking to digest for both of the women.

When they came back to their senses jenny with her fiery tempers started speak.

“What did you say?”

Jenny was shivering with anger and almost wanted to attack and kill Mohini.

But she was stopped by Cylia who has much better mind of controlling her emotions than jenny.

Mohini still replied without any fear.

“I said you are caged birds and you cannot save any women as you cannot even save yourself.

I am not going to repeat the entire thing again as I am too lazy for that.

All I say is if you become my women then I will save you and give you enough background power to really do what you wanted to do with those bastards like Joe……..”

This time jenny spoke still shaking with anger.

“So you are saying that you a new player have enough strength to protect us.”

She is not like some proud protagonists that show their fangs to the woman without looking at their current standing.

If you want a woman of high standing then prove her that, you are worthy of her.

Only then you can take her completely in mind, body and soul.

Anyone can love beautiful woman but gaining them completely can only be done by few outstanding men.

That is the reason why many love couples died without living a happy life.

Mohini replied without changing her bitch smile.

“Based on my estimate your admirers or the people that are trying to gain your favor should be on the same level of other kings or their sons or even the emperor or their sons.

May be they might be from other races like the Elven race.

Compared to them I am not even a pebble in front of them who are like mountains.

But even being a pebble can make those mountains not to make a move on you for some time.

Well say 5 years that is the contract time you gave me right.

Before the end of that time there is a possibility that I would reach the same level as you are or even higher.

In these 5 years I can make sure that those people would not make a move to get you but only try to gain your attention.

After that I can make you mine that is if you really trust me enough to become my bitches and you don’t have any negative elements that I dislike……..”

Chapter 73: anger blinds the reasoning

“After that I can make you mine that is if you really trust me enough to become my bitches and you don’t have any negative elements that I dislike.

My words may be bold and the progress might not appear at all in the next few years but what I say is simply the truth however unbelievable it may sound…..”

Her words were interrupted by the secretary jenny.

“This means you are interested in us but act are saving us with and want us to become your women……”

This time Mohini interrupted her.

“You got the entire thing wrong here.

You both are beautiful woman that is for sure.

Any man and some woman like me would be interested in you with a single glance.

But that doesn’t mean that I love you both and want to get you.

Only if you have the characters that fit to my personality then I will try to pull you to become my bitches... cough women.

Also I will not force you if you have your own sweet hearts.

If you did not love me or love someone else completely I will not interfere with your life.

This is how I work.

These are my own rules even though they looked like the rules of a bitch program.

So yes I am interested in you but I will not show them to you unless all the conditions are fulfilled.

I hope you understand what I said.

I am a believer of fate and strictly believe that things will happen in their own path of destiny.

Unless absolutely necessary I don’t not wish to tweak them causing any adverse affects.

The offer that I gave you is not to pull you into my side.

I want to test the water and see if you love me in these 5 years seeing my capabilities.

If you really love me then I will take you.

But if you cannot then you can only fend for yourself.

I do not do charity.”

Mohini said with the same smile from the start to end.

Cylia fully understood what Mohini said, jenny understood only 3 quarters and she was still hung up on thinking that Mohini doubts their characters.

Jenny was usually a calm person but her switches were flipped because of her misunderstanding of Mohini’s words.

So she is flaring up with anger and blinding her reasoning.

Her proud nature is taking over her mind because Mohini said that she can reach their level in just 5 years.

It took them over 20 years to reach their current level.

Most players and hunters look young, most beautiful and powerful self after they crossed the tribulation of the fourth ring reaching the fifth ring.

Even their life span has increased by few hundred years based on their vitality stats.

Her pride is based on her talent and she usually gets a little worked up whenever someone speaks highly of themselves while undermining her own talent.

This is not a usual thing and most probably caused by hitting the rare critical hit of Mohini which is 5 percent probability of getting a critical hit.

This led to give Mohini a good fortune as it is a positive buff.

Jenny spoke with a little anger.

“What you are saying it that you can reach the sixth ring in just 5 years.

Do you think that we are all just idiots and did not have any talent?

Do you know that I am a seeded player of gold grade and still it took me 20 years to reach the sixth ring?

Even that was possible because of many strokes of luck and the help of the queen…..”

Mohini just listened to all this with a lewd smile and did not speak.

Cylia wanted to say something but she did not have a chance at all.

Jenny reached her breaking point because of her anger and said.

“Since you said to reach our level within 5 years then make a bet with us.

You don’t have to reach the sixth ring all you have to do is pass through the tribulation of the fourth ring and reach fifth ring.

If you can do that I will become your bitch and do whatever you want me to do.

But if you did not make it there within 5 years then you will be my servant.

Now let’s make a contract….

I want to see your arrogant face when you lose the bet…..”

Without even stopping to let Cylia make a move jenny directly initiated a personal contract aiming at Mohini.

The fantasy system immediately initiated the analysis of Mohini’s current capabilities and projection of Mohini’s future achievements and selected a suitable contract.

Unexpectedly it was a tier 1 legendary grade contract that would cost around 3 million chaos points.

Also they are not in stock as the legend grade leaves to make paper, legend grade ink and other things of legend grade are very rare and unavailable.

Jenny was shocked because of the level of contract that Mohini was able to get assessed by the fantasy system.

They simply did not understand how Mohini was assessed so highly.

Mohini also took the chance to speak.

“Ms. Jenny…”

Jenny looked towards her and said.

“Are you chickening out now…..”

“No, Ms. Jenny you don’t have to spend the chaos points on useless things.

We don’t have to have a contract with the contract paper.

It is just a bet and we have our queen as a witness here so we can make a simply contract on normal paper.

Since the queen of nature faction can sign as a witness you can rest assured that I will not deny the bet.

So don’t spend such a large amount of chaos points like that.

If you became my bitch in the future I don’t want you to lose your chaos points in wasteful way.”

Mohini persuaded and Cylia also spoke stopping jenny into doing something stupid and pointless……..

Chapter 74: betting contract signed

Mohini persuaded and Cylia also spoke stopping jenny into doing something stupid and pointless.

They simply made a contract on two white papers with each party having a signed copy of that.

Also there are the witness signs of Cylia on both copies.

Mohini only smiled and did not say much.

Jenny snorted coldly towards Mohini with her head a little high feeling proud.

Cylia can only shake her head in helplessness while Joe doesn’t know what is going on inside the room after he left the room.

Mohini smiled at both of them and said.

“You made a good deal with me and hope that you would not back away.

Also my doors are always open for my bitches, hehe….”

After saying these words Mohini exited the room and met with Joe that is waiting for her.

He asked what she did inside for so long.

Mohini simply told him that they asked if he fucked her and she said that you did not do anything to her.

Well they did not believe and questioned her more and more and finally let her go.

With that done Mohini and Joe left the headquarters and moved away.

Before leaving Mohini specifically asked Cylia to not to spread any word of the contract as she doesn’t want any more trouble from the admirers of jenny.

Jenny snorted coldly.

Cylia nodded her head to not to speak about this as she don’t want Mohini to bear the consequences.

She wanted to give Mohini a chance.

Being a good girl and deal with many ruling things are a hard thing for an Elven woman that wanted to be free.

She wanted to be wild and have some freedom.

But she was restricted by many things.

So she is hoping that Mohini can really pull her out of this shit hole.

She doesn’t mind becoming the woman of another woman.

This is a magical world and she knows that there are ways to grow a dick to satisfy her even being a woman.

So it is common for two or more males or females to have relationships and even have children.

Well the holy empire prohibits it on the surface as their holy nuns are most lesbian and none of them are virgins.


Joe took Mohini back to the hotel and fucked her for a few more rounds and enjoyed the entire day.

He was going to take Mohini to another city.

This city is called little wood which is a port city.

Here she is going to receive the military training.

Also Mohini has to register in the guilds too.

So in the morning next day, Joe fucked her for another round before taking her to the port city little wood.

Mohini’s current military rank has been updated after clearing the Treasure Island fantasy world from testing to recruit.

As for the civilian ranking it has also changed from testing to citizen.

Mohini was told to first familiarize herself with the work under a corporal.

The training will be given for a month which is a compulsory training and then she will be taken to do the tasks.

She was sent to a city called little wood that has a port.

Her quarters and work will be given there.

After completing the work she can set off to the safe island near the port.

Once she registered at the safe island she can teleport back to the teleportation station at the port city of little wood and move back and forth easily.

Well the safe island is like a mile stone or coordinate recording save point.

If she reaches another safe island and registers there then she will be able to teleport back to the corresponding city teleportation point connected to that safe island.

Similarly, if she registers at the safe island on second ring, she can teleport back to the main island city or the safe island in the ring one.

The distance between the rings is very high reaching to hundreds or even thousands of kilometers.

So it is necessary to use the teleportation formations provided by the system.

Well there is a cost of chaos points that needed to be paid for teleportation and even for accommodation on the safe island.

The fee paid will be divided between the system and the current owner of the safe island which is the city lord of the corresponding port city connected to the safe island.


After Mohini and Joe left jenny told Cylia that when she initiated the contract just now it has asked her to buy a legend grade contract.

Cylia shocked a little looking at jenny and said.

“Jenny you are really impulsive this time.

You should have already understood that people with calm nature are always hard to deal with.

Also you just said that the system has initiated a legend grade contract.

This means that her potential is that high


She possesses some materials


Other things that are of legend grade


Divination has given her the fate equal to that of the legend grade which is very high for a new player that just arrived less than a month ago.

Other than that you might have not noticed this but she actually wants me to make a move and sign a contract along with you, if you really go with the legend grade contract.

She is not only aiming at you but also me at the same time without much fear in her eyes even though I am stronger than her.

She has directly stated that she wanted me to become her bitch.

Also she looked very confident and did not even flinch when you released your strong aura of dominance.

It is like air to her and it did not work on her at all.

This means that she did not have a single shred of fear in her heart.

Her will is too strong to be swayed by you aura of dominance…….”

Chapter 75: Cylia’s analysis of Mohini’s words

The more Cylia analyzed the things the more Jenny widened her eyes.

Finally Cylia showed the top of the contract showing a special sentence that Mohini added.

“By the will of fate”

“Because of this single sentence this contract is valid and is recognized by the fantasy system.

The probability is small but there is still chance that this contract can successfully be activated after 5 years.

You should know that fate is an unpredictable thing and very hard to escape from its law of causality that can interfere with most of the laws of the world.

If she was really able to reach the same level as us in just 5 years then it is possible that you will become his servant.

May be even I am going to become his woman….”

Jenny interrupted Cylia from continuing.

“My queen you cannot lower yourself like that to a lowly player.”

Cylia smiled and said.

“If she is really such a strong Woman, why should I be bothered to become her woman?

You should know the threats that are hovering around you and me right now.

At most for 10 years and a minimum of 5 years is all that we have left to be free.

After that those people that killed my father and others that covet me and you for our power will make their move.

If Mohini can really become strong it is not a bad option to get into the hands of such a strong, cautious woman rather than falling into the hands of those play boy young masters…..”

Jenny slowly fell into contemplation of what Cylia said.

Also she herself felt the changes of their current situation and the calmness and lewdness on Mohini’s face.

Thinking of becoming the servant of Mohini her face blushed as Cylia laughed looking at her cute secretary.


Joe on the other hand doesn’t know about the conversation and the bet that Mohini made with Cylia and jenny.

If he knew he would either try to control Mohini completely and make her win the bed or he would scold Mohini for being impulsive because she was his bitch and not belongs to jenny.

Either way what is done is done.

Mohini will follow a corporal at the last month of the training for real life experience for hunting and some small introductions.

Right now, Joe to Mohini to the military training facility in the port city of little wood.

He simply introduced Mohini to the captain that she serves under for the first training period that lasts for 6 months.

During this time if a player or hunter was able to make some military exploits and gain some military rank rising from recruit to private then they will be moved to a team to serve.

If they did not gain a rank than they will be made to work as foot soldier to do some errands around to improve their military merit and gain a military rank.

Military merit can be earned in both fantasy world and real world.

The military officer of a faction can assign the tasks related to the military and security to the system.

System will assess the difficulty and assign to the corresponding city area stationed officers.

There the lower military ranking soldiers can take the tasks to earn military merits, other things and some chaos points based on the inputs given to the system.


Mohini became a little familiar to the little wood port city and she met with her captain George.

Joe did not leave as he has another two things to take care of before leaving Mohini that is to explain about the hunter’s guild and merchant’s guild.

Naturally he should take care of this explanation back in the faction capital but because of all the lewdness between Mohini and him, he forgot.

Well it is not a problem as there is another branch of hunter’s guild and merchant’s guild here in this city of little wood.

Mohini was introduced to the two places with the identity card Mohini has directly registered in the two guilds.

There is no entrance test in these two guilds for players.

Normally hunters are needed to go through a test corresponding to the specifications in the two guilds.

In the hunter’s guild Mohini has to choose a job class that hunters usually do.

All she has to do is place her hand on a crystal ball like thing in the hunter’s guild.

She don’t have to specifically think about that as the system will provide her with a set of options based on her stats to choose one as the main class among them.

After choosing the system will automatically send the information to the guild registration.

Her stats will not appear out.

All that was mentioned on the guild card are her name, job class, sub job class if any, and some other small things.

The list appeared in front of Mohini as soon as she placed her hand on the crystal ball that is connected to a computer system like thing.

Since her stats are balanced and all of them are around at the same level the options appeared similarly.

Well this is the same for most of the player and only a few extreme ones will have some changes in the options.


Magic warrior,

Attack Mage,

Defense mage,

Support mage,

Rune master,

Magic scout,

Beast master,

Jack of all trades,


Mohini looked through the list of options that has many lists and sub lists.

In them Mohini was attracted to one thing which is jack of all trades.

“Capable of many things but master of none”

That is the description given to that.

But that did not concern Mohini as she was able to master many things.

She wanted to take that as main job and choose tank or support mage or scout mage as sub class.

Well that is what he thought but Joe said that it is not good to put jack of all trades on the top….

Chapter 76: choosing a job class

Well that is what he thought but Joe said that it is not good to put jack of all trades on the top.

People will simply ignore her for that and think that she is just an over confident person or something.

Joe was going to use Mohini as a source of resources and don’t want her to be abandoned because of making wrong choices in job selection.

Mohini also thought of this and decided to change with the information she got from Joe.

They will be able to change the jobs for the hunter’s guild whenever they want with a little fee.

This will have nothing to do with their fantasy system.

The jobs provided here are only for display.

Fantasy system will record the jobs done by a person to assign job classes based on the experience that she hunter gained.

When that reaches the specific level namely after crossing the first tribulation of ring one and enter the second ring a real job will be given to the hunter……

Mohini understood this and choose the options.

Her primary job class is the magic scout and the sub job class is the jack of all trades.

With that she completed the registration here.

Before coming here they went to buy a magic cipher for Mohini.

This is the smart phone of this world.

It a multipurpose gadget just like the current era smart phone.

Mohini generously spent 2 thousand chaos points to buy two pieces of these magic ciphers.

One is for usage and the second is for study and modification for her own use.

The guild site app was already appeared on the magic cipher with her registered identity.

Here she can directly check the quests in the guild and then there is a military app where she can see the military tasks.

All of them were logged in through the system connection and this is not internet.

She still needed to pay for the cipher number and recharge it with magic net.

This magic cipher is useless when a person moves away from the main island.

There will be signal on the safe island but beyond that there is no signal again.

This world did not have satellites that can see the things from the sky.

Only magic signal towers are there.

Their next stop is the merchant’s guild where the entire trade is going on worldwide from countries to the other race cluster islands.

After registering here Mohini will have the chance to buy and sell stocks.

The second biggest gain from her previous simulation other than knowing about her death is the details of the stock prices.

Mohini don’t know all of them but she knows some key points of rise and fall of the stock prices.

Well if she tweaked some things then the results might change.

But that doesn’t matter.

Previously Mohini wanted to go slow in this matter.

But now she changed his mind after forming a contract with jenny.

In her memories she did not form any contract like this with jenny.

So things from the simulation are not always accurate.

There will be changes.

This is the most important point that she has to keep in mind.

She quickly done with the registration in the merchants guild and was done with the basic work.

Then there is a new app in her magic cipher with merchant’s guild related things.

The merchant’s guild deals with materials, artifacts, chaos beast monster meat, auctions, stocks, trades……….

For merchant’s guild everything is a trade and the prices will be set by them usually.

Because the set prices were unanimously made every merchant would follow the same price rules.

Only some back water places and black markets will have the change of prices as these places are illegal.

Joe told Mohini about the assassin’s guild and other black guilds that work in illegal ways and dark side of the world.

Even though he wanted her to be his bitch he still gave her the basic information not because it is his duty but because he don’t want to have a pig team mate….servant with no brain.

These things are strictly avoided.

Also Mohini enquired about hacking of these magic apps.

Joe proudly said that it is not possible to hack these apps as they were continuously monitored by the magic hackers of the highest level.

Well Mohini did not believe that as she herself saw many people boasting like this back on earth.

But none of those places are safe.

As long as there are some fat sheep they will be caught by the big bad wolves.

In this world there is even porn industry and film industry with large number of actors all over the world which includes many races.

This is also one of the things that uniquely unanimously accepted throughout the world.

The funny thing is that there is a special law stating that no servant or actor was to be killed in wars or any situations except for under special circumstances of inevitability.

This is an international law which protects the actors and servants from being killed by those terrorists and others.


Mohini was done with the registration and was given a day off for the day by her captain George to rest in her quarters.

Joe wanted to take her to have some more fun but left after saying good luck to Mohini because he has something to take care of.

Mohini is not his only bitch and there are others.

He cannot spend all of his time on her as he doesn’t know how capable Mohini will be in the future.

He doesn’t want any sheltered flowers unless he wanted her to become a prostitute.

Even then he wanted her to level up because the longer she can have her beauty the more benefits that he can gain from her.

Mohini went back to her room which is a single quarters so she doesn’t have to worry about many things………..

Chapter 77: magic software research

Mohini went back to her room which is a single quarters so she doesn’t have to worry about many things.

But there is one thing to worry that is the magic surveillance.

It is prohibited to bring other people inside.

It is a commonly known fact that low level hunters and players will not have any subordinates from the fantasy world or builder servants.

The reason is the financial problem.

So Mohini cannot bring out either of Titia or Mary out when she was staying here.

Well she can always give them food if wanted as she can transfer the food into the ark island.

If she really wanted to bring them out she can go to some place outside to do that.

But it is a complete restrain for 1 month special training and she will not be let out or given a break during this time.

Originally she should register them as her people and get subordinate identity cards them but she did not do that.

The reason is that she has to wait a little while longer to gain some basic understanding of this place to do the other things.

Currently she did not have enough strength or background.

If she brings two hotties outside with her, doesn’t that simply announcing that come and rob me, my woman and money.

So patience is needed.

She explained these things to Mary and Titia and they fully understand Mohini’s thoughts.


Since there is free time Mohini fully dived into research mode.

Being a bitch is not her main profession.

She is a top class assassin back on earth with the nick name innocent bitch.

It is a sarcastic nick name because she is never innocent and really a bitch.

She is also a top class researcher in many fields and she really is a genius that stays in the darkness of the world.

Her first target is to learn the basics of rune language that is being used as the software language for the magic net and apps.

With her understanding and previous experience in software languages it only took 6 hours to completely learn the basics of the magic software language and rune language.

She took out her self-made mobile phone and gave some inputs to the software language.

Well it did not work because of the original process and directories did not accept this new software language.


Mohini did not receive any quest from the perverted fantasy system after she was done with Joe.

Her bust size has improved in wholesomeness after the quest and she earned some lust points too.

That is all there is to it.

Here in the military training facility the rules are strict and the women and men are trained separately.

Even her instructors were all females.

Captain George that was introduced by Joe is like a head of this facility but even he would not make moves on women’s side.

This is related to the name of the natural faction and they cannot cause any problems here.

At least when the women are still in the military training facility they will be safe.

After leaving here they can make their moves on these highly fit beautiful women to slowly turn them into their bitches.

In the next three days Mohini was taken into the training regime for the recruit hunters and players.

The process is like the military training back on earth along with some basic knowledge about hunting of chaos monsters on resource islands of this world.

Well it is not that useful to Mohini as she understood most of these things.

So when she has time she started to think of the understanding of the software language and rune language.

Finally on the fourth day she was finally able to create her own software with the magic software language and tried it on the second magic cipher that she bought.

It actually worked.

This is just some small magic software that can be used to port her self-made phone and read the data on it.

Then she made second magic software for translation of the language and integrating of the two language sets.

With that most of her problems were set out as she connected the magic cipher to the mobile phone.

Well this place already has this kind of software available but it is useless because the information on the phones that those players from earth carrying is practically of no value.

So low value software are not used and costed very high for usage with many data breaches to unknown sources.

Mohini don’t want those people to see through her data.

The data that Mohini has is very important even for this world.

If it was back on earth the data that Mohini has can make top countries start a war.

That is how valuable her research data and secrets data values.

Well with the conversion of data started Mohini let the thing move on in its own pace to do the work.

She did not convert all the data but only a piece of it that can help her assist crafting more new software.

In these three days she did something other than researching the software.

She used a total of 500 thousand chaos points to buy some shares and stocks that her memory marked as key.

If everything goes well the in 2 more days this 500 thousand chaos points will turn into a million chaos points.

Her fantasy system has a unique code that represents her.

She can enter this code into the merchant’s guild app and add funds to her account.

When everything is added the fantasy system will ask for her confirmation about this matter through the system notification.

Once she accepted the funds will be added.

At the same time she can withdraw in the similar way.

It is said that this payment transfer and all the other thing that require the system connection were added with a special words added in the magic software……..

Chapter 78: preparations for the fantasy world entry

It is said that this payment transfer and all the other thing that require the system connection were added with a special words added in the magic software.

This special word is nothing but “Fantasy system directory” written in runic words in the software directory.

This simple procedure will connect the fantasy system directory that allows payments and other system related things.

Most business people would approach a rune master or a magic software developer to set up this software and do the regular maintenance to it through their unique fantasy system identity.

They will specifically make a contract of secrecy.

The tax of this world is based on the transaction details of businesses through the software and sites through the magic net monitoring.

Well everything cannot be monitored and financial frauds or tax evasion will be done through these small things.

If she wanted to set up a site or business online she can follow the established sites or if she wanted to be independent then she has to set up a data center with a magic tower of her own.

For this set up the minimum initial cost can reach up to few million chaos points.

Mohini is not going to do that instead she will set up a number of proxy sites through many businesses and then move her money through them selling the entertainment data from her data base from earth.

There are many novels, videos, information and even porn.

Everything can be sold to make more chaos points.

Well she still requires some start up funds that she will gain through the stock exchanges.

She cannot put the videos and the information that she has on display.

But some of the stories like novels are not a problem to display and make more money.

She did not use her entire funds of 1.2 million chaos points here because she cannot show the source of that money right now.

As for the 500 thousand chaos points it is easy as it was her salary from the king of nature faction.

The remaining time is enough for her to get the things done.

She is in dire need of chaos points as she planned to buy off many things that would drastically improve her capabilities within a short span of time.

There will not be any hidden dangers of this rapid improvement as everything is obtained through hard work.

But the thing is she will be using a catalyst to quick improvement.

It is like two novice workers with equal talent, one is learning from an experienced person and the other is learning on her own.

The one learning from the experienced person will have a greater progress in a short amount of time.

Well Mohini did not have anyone to teach her but she has her arrangements that would act in a similar way with her hard worked coupled with that a miracle can happen.

Miracles are formed through hard work and effort through strong will, but not through coincidences.

In the next two days Mohini was very busy with a heavy schedule.

Since she is a novice she was not given any tasks yet instead she is being trained by her captain George.

If Mohini showed good results in the monthly testing of the 6 months training period then she will be sent on a mission to hunt monsters with other hunters or players.


2 days passed by and that day Mohini is going to enter the fantasy world.

She already knows what world she is going to enter.

It is a Japanese anime called the high school of the dead.

After some serious consideration she has decided to bring back some targets instead of bringing everyone back.

Well there are three main targets that she set on bringing back.

They are Busujima Saeko, Marikawa Shizuka and Minami Rika.

The remaining will be based on the situation while in the fantasy world.

These people can be of great use to her and can truly be loyal to her.

As for the others she did not have any good opinion because of their personalities.

Most of them can be made into her bitches but their learning and strengthening capabilities are far less.

But Mohini was sure that these three characters will have heavy competition from the other players.

It is not going to be easy to get these people especially Busujima Saeko is the most popular among all the people in the story.

So getting her is very hard.

Also there is one target that Mohini has decided as must kill target.

It is none other than teacher Koichi Shido from the main plot.

But she would not act right away as she has other plans for this.

Mohini was sure that she can get some good amount of chaos points for completing this hidden quest.

Well they might not be much and should be around few thousand chaos points which are very low compared to the amount of chaos points that she has.

But even for that will have some competition.

Mohini has specifically made herself a set of a sword and spear for direct confrontation.

If she wanted to win the heart of a woman like Saeko she should be able to defeat her with the sword that she was proud of.

Don’t think that Mohini cannot use sword.

In order to have a long life Mohini has searched for many kinds of techniques from all over the world.

One of those things is related to practicing many kinds of weapons and their techniques to the mastery level.

Other than weapon mastery she also mastered medicinal field, martial arts and many other essential things including seduction.

All the things are prepared and Mohini will enter the fantasy world in an hour at that time she opened her status page to improve her military rank and civilian rank.

She is going to upgrade her military rank and civilian rank quickly to the higher level as there are some benefits because of this……….

Chapter 79: upgrading military and civilian ranks

She is going to upgrade her military rank and civilian rank quickly to the higher level as there are some benefits because of this.




Name: Mohini, innocent bitch

Age: 28 (appearance is 16 years)

Race: human

Titles: chosen (gold grade)

Job: none

Affiliation: oriental- king of nature faction

Military rank: novice (100/2470)

Civilian rank: newbie (100/2760)


Vitality: 25 +1 (Evolution chaos genetic points)

Stamina: 22

Strength: 20

Agility: 21+1 (Evolution chaos genetic points)

Intelligence: 24

Sense: 23

Charm: 26


Evolution chaos genetic points: 209

Random grade chaos monster genetic essence: 8 percent

Basic grade chaos monster genetic essence: 15 percent

Ordinary grade chaos monster genetic essence: 21 percent

Epic grade chaos monster genetic essence: 10 percent


Health points: 260/260

Stamina points: 220/220

Magic points: 240/240


Free attribute points: 235

Chaos points: 97.5 million

Skill points: 17 (1 Skill Point = 1000 skill experience)

Lust points: 1636 (1 lust point = 100 chaos points)


Innate skills:


Fucking steal: tier 1 (1714/2000)

Endurance: tier 1 (1780/2000)

Insight: tier 1 (825/2000)

Will: tier 1 (710/2000)


Acquired skills:


Thought inception: tier 1 (1830/2000)

Seductive scent: tier 1 (1520/2000)

Dick growing: tier 0 (40/1000)

Manipulative tongue: tier 1 (1550/2000)

Cooking: tier 1 (1710/2000)

Contract: tier 1 (1144/2000)

Hunting: tier 1 (642/2000)

Physical fighting: tier 0 (940/1000)

Weapon fighting: tier 0 (970/1000)


Body status: poisoned into infertility



Persuasion skill is obtained but it was integrated into the Manipulative tongue skill.”

Some of her chaos points are currently invested in various shares to increase their number.

Mohini has decided that she did not have any need of chaos points in this fantasy world.

There is no need for contract and few hundred thousand chaos points are more than enough to bring back the three women that she wanted to bring back or even treat injuries if any.

So the chaos points that she has are more than enough to take care of all the things.

Also she was sure to gain chaos points by killing zombies.

This will mostly cover her expenses in the fantasy world.

Also she can always earn more chaos points as the bags of chaos points are walking everywhere in the fantasy world.

This is a beginner’s world and the participants will also be beginner’s so some of the threat is reduced.

Then she moved to increase the military rank and civilian rank.

“From Recruit to Recruit first class requires 100 military merit points”

“Successfully ranked up to Recruit first class”

“From Recruit first class to recruit second class requires 200 military merit points”

“Successfully ranked up to Recruit second class”


“Successfully ranked up to private”

“From private to private first class requires 1000 military merit points”

“Insufficient military merit to further rank up.

Current balance of military merit points is 670”


“Personal storage space is improved to 5 cubic meters from 1 cubic meter.”

Mohini was barely satisfied with the current military rank.

She thought that the improvement would be higher military rank but whatever she will gain more soon.

Now she looked towards the civilian rank that has 2760 civilian merit points.

The sudden raise is cause by the improvement of her ark island and ark ship that she made a strong foundation recently.

She started the ranking up with the civilian merit points available.

“From civilian to civilian first class requires 100 civilian merit points”

“Successfully ranked up to civilian first class”

“From civilian first class to civilian second class requires 200 civilian merit points”

“Successfully ranked up to civilian second class”


“Successfully ranked up to gathering leader”

“From gathering leader to gathering leader first class requires 1000 civilian merit points”

“Insufficient civilian merit to further rank up

Current balance of civilian merit points is 960”

Mohini immediately got the information of many new things as soon as she upgraded the military rank and civilian rank.

The information is related to the ark ship and ark island upgrading process.

She can now recruit people into her gathering center on the ark island from the system.

She also got the blue prints and permissions for the altar and some other facilities on civilian side of the ark island.

Then she got some special upgrades to her ark ship improving structure, speed, durability and even weapons.

Most of all, her storage space has improved to 10 cubic meters from 5 cubic meters.

Mohini immediately stored many of important things that she specifically bought for the next fantasy world.

After sorting things back to her personal storage space from the ark space Mohini was relieved as the space was sufficient for all the things.

She sat peacefully waiting to enter the fantasy world while speaking with Mary and Titia.

She can pass on the blue prints to Titia for construction.

Usually the blueprints were given to player as they are supposed to build all of the things on their own.

But things can be passed on to their subordinates and servants for help too.

Mohini was given two hours of free time from the military training regiment because she has to enter the fantasy world today.

She got physical fighting skill and weapon fighting skill after her practice in the military training.

Initially she is already trained person so her improvement is very quick gaining more experience points.

She did not get any specific fighting skill for physical like boxing, Kalari, karate or for specific weapon fighting skill like sword, spear, and gun because of her nature of practice.

She did not leave anything and incorporate all the things into a sequential array of steps.

She has already arranged most of the fighting techniques to their fundamental level and created a technique that is generally called physical fighting technique.

The more she practiced that over time it became her skill.

As for the weapons she has divided them based on range and lethality.

There are also some common moves in most of them based on their usage…….

Chapter 80: entering the fantasy world

There are also some common moves in most of them based on their usage.

So she practiced the common moves to the instinctive level making her weapon fighting technique.

With her practice this also became her skill over the past month.

She still need more practice to perfect them for perfect usage.

There are more new techniques in this real world and fantasy world for her to learn and incorporate them into her own techniques.

Soon a flash of light appeared in front of her in the form of a portal.

Mohini casually entered the portal stepping into a white space.

Well there is no one around and the space is also small that can only fit for one person to stand freely.

This time there are a series of options listed in front of Mohini.

First of all the difficulty of the fantasy world is to be chosen.

Mohini thought for a moment and chose Very hard mode with 100 percent difficulty.

Mohini has an intuition that beyond that there will be interference from the law of causality which can be like an invisible hand manipulating the incidents.

She doesn’t want to die with a series of coincident happening suddenly around her like in the final destination movie.

Then there are options to change her appearance by spending chaos points.

Mohini don’t want to change anything related to her current appearance.

Then there is an entry point setting related to her status and impression of her in the plot characters.

She can increase the impression of any plot character to a maximum of 50 percent favorability towards her.

But the cost ranges from 5 thousand to 50 thousand chaos points based on the character and gender.

Mohini did not bother to change any of these things.

Then she was asked to gain extra information related to land area where plot is going to happen.

Like a map of directions, timings of the plot and locations are given to Mohini in the form of information directly into her mind.

The cost is 3 thousand chaos points.

Mohini bought this.

There is also information on each individual plot line character including their likes and dislikes but Mohini don’t want to know any of that.

Well she did check the cost of information for the characters that she was targeting.

The information about Busujima Saeko would cost around 15 thousand chaos points.

Mohini simply ignore it as she has more information on them from the analysis that she got from her future self.

Also she did not have any need to use of this information.


After selecting some things that have some usable value Mohini spent around 5 thousand chaos points in total.

It is not a big amount to the current players that entered along with Mohini because most of them got salary around 50 thousand chaos points at the very least.

But most of them would be reluctant to spend as Mohini did because they are not a chosen player or seeded player that got good package and support.

Most of them have to pay the money for accommodation and some other things from their salary.

Even though it is very little for small expenses of living, the amount of chaos points for healing and other gear to either hunting or fantasy worlds is very high.

Just a normal healing pill that has quick effects costs around 50 chaos points.

That would be a cheap medicinal with some minor side effects.

So that is how things are.

Mohini can easily play this as the walk in the park unless some high potential and background players like her would not come into contact.

But Mohini was sure that they will come and there are at least 10 people that can hinder her plans.

Mohini has already investigated about these things.

The current fantasy world will not take all the players at the same time.

It is based on the number of players fit into that fantasy world.

In the fantasy worlds of high school of dead the highest number of players that could enter is 50.

So other than Mohini there will be 49 other players and in them there might be a chance of meeting the people that could hinder her.

Well it doesn’t matter as Mohini has her own precautions.

She doesn’t mind sending the people that cause hindrance in her plans on their way to next world...that is the underworld for them.

When the selection is done the surrounding space rippled and some information appeared in the mind of Mohini.

She is a foreign exchange student that is studying here.

She did not have a family or anything.

Her appearance did not change.

She was here studying because of a series of events.

She was an orphan that was kidnapped and trafficked over this country to somewhere else.

But it was busted and she was rescued.

She did not have anyone to claim so she was given the chance to stay here as a citizen in the orphanage………

Like this some back story was created for Mohini.

Only in the fantasy worlds where the player has to start form the child hood will have a character change with a background suitable for the plot.

In short fantasy worlds like the high school of dead, Treasure Island, Titanic will not have big changes in the appearances unless necessary.


It was early in the morning when Mohini was already dressed in her school uniform and is sitting on a bench in a park.

Her surroundings still has the invisible shield and she got the main mission.


Survive for the next 7 days in this zombie apocalyptic world.

Basic rewards: 1,000 chaos points, 1 free attribute point.”

Looking at the information Mohini raised her eyebrows as she felt that this is too cheap for a survival.

But her thoughts changed in the next moment.

“The obtainable achievements in this world,

Killing 100 zombies will give zombie hunter title, 100 military merit points……….


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