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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 91: Rika fell in love

“Rika, you really found a strong man.

You know in order to get to us; he has killed over 20 thousand zombies directly opening a route for us to travel here.

Well the 20 thousand zombies is a rough estimate but he really is a strong man.

Don’t test him till he loses interest in you.

Men like him are hard to find and there might be only a hand full of them in the entire world.

Most of them are old bastards but he is a man of values.

Think carefully,

Don’t lose him and regret in your life……..”

The face of Rika blushed and shocked at the same time.

The astonishment in her eye is clearly visible when she heard Vikram killed over 20 thousand zombies to reach them.

What kind of logic is that?

How is that even possible?

Well she was unable to think properly as the final words of her commanding officer and the words of her best friend Shizuka appeared in her mind.

She looked at Vikram that looked a little exhausted but overall there is not even a scratch on him or on Saeko.

Well Saeko has changed her clothes again after taking a shower when they reached the armed forces before.

Right at that time in front of Rika a hovering light screen appeared with that question of trust towards Vikram.

She finally understood what Vikram said.

Her trust should come from within her heart and not from her words.

Only then can he take her with him.

She decisively selected the yes option with her thoughts and the screen disappeared.

Vikram noticed this and came to her.

“You seem to trust me now.

Well that is good.

We can talk about the real things later.

First go a report the details to your commanding office.

I have already talked to him to relieve you after this so that you can come with me.

Well that is if you wanted to.

Since you trusted me then you have decided to go with me.

So go do your things and meet me later so that I can share you my secret like I did with Saeko and Shizuka.

I will be with them…..”

After saying that to Rika, Vikram moved into a building to wash up the sweat.

Saeko followed behind him like a loyal wife.

Well right when he reached the door Shizuka appeared and jumped on Vikram with a big hug.

The sensation of big tits pressing on his face is amazing as she stuck to him like a koala.

At that time Alice also appeared along with Zeke.

Vikram acted as if he was taking things from the bag pack and gave a box full of chocolate to Alice and special dog good for Zeke.

Vikram can see that the favorability of Shizuka has jumped by 30 more points to reached 70 points similar to Rika leading them to the initial love state.

As for Saeko, her favorability also rose to 80 points because of Vikram’s talk and actions with her in the afternoon while they are eating lunch and their journey towards the armed forces.

The talk went successfully and Saeko opened up to Vikram revealing some things of her past and some other things about her love.

Well her sadistic nature is out for Vikram to look at.

Unlike the protagonist that was frightened initially by her sadistic side Vikram did not.

Instead he directly hugged her and told her that it is not bad to have a sadistic side.

“I did not just love your body or appearance.

I loved you as a whole person.

What if you have a sadistic side?

I still love you and love all of you.

My love doesn’t change no matter what you become or what you hide.”

Vikram’s statement has won her heart, but she was still in some dilemma.

But when there returned back safely and his quick reactions whenever a zombie came close to her and his care for her along with his cruelty towards the zombies has won her heart.

So now her heart has strong love towards Vikram.

If Vikram can get that sword from Takagi’s house too then the entire thing would be set making the favorability to Saeko reach 90 points.

As for Shizuka and Rika that are at 70 points of favorability well Vikram has his plans for them too.

That night they stayed there peacefully.

Vikram has already cleared most of the zombies on the island so there is not much of a problem.

After reporting to the commanding officer Rika got more information on how Vikram came to them and took them back here.

This made her love Vikram even more.

She made the report of her things to the commanding officer then she was relieved after receiving the complements form the commanding officer.

She found good news from the commanding officer that Vikram has transferred all of his credits of saving the armed forces and leading them to her.

She felt sweet and blushed again.

Vikram went to take a bath so she went to speak with Shizuka about the things Vikram did.

The women’s heart to gossip is a very natural thing and that would not change no matter what.

Vikram got notification about the raise in the favorability or both Shizuka and Rika rose to 80 points directly.

Well Vikram can guess the reason for that.

He took a comfortable bath and put on new clothes.

After that he made his way to the cooking station to cook some food.

The airport has some shops with cooking sections.

By that time all the three women arrived to where Vikram is.

Vikram packed the cooked dishes as the place is covered with corpses and blood all around.

It is not a comfortable place to eat food.

He took the women to a distance where the air is fresh and they can get a view of moon and stars with the view of the ocean………

Chapter 92: explaining and next destination

He took the women to a distance where the air is fresh and they can get a view of moon and stars with the view of the ocean.

It is a peaceful place as Vikram served them food as he spoke to them about the real world.

Previously Vikram told Saeko and Shizuka about the real world.

But it was not full details because of the time constraint and some planning problems.

Right now they can listen to the full details about the real world.

The more they listened the more fascinated they become.

They never thought that their world is an anime or manga in the real world.

But at the same time Vikram explained that there are endless possibilities and their world might be a real one too.

It is just that it was inside the endless chaotic flow of the world that was not discovered yet.

Then Vikram went through about many things about the money, the risks, the politics, the monsters…………

With that he is done explaining and even took over his specifically modified phone to show them their original story.

This shocked them even more.

They looked at their own anime version characters and their story.

They all found two important things from watching the anime,

First they are not the main heroine.

Second Vikram understood their character through knowing the plot from this anime and story.

Even with that their love for him did not reduce.

Vikram did not go to other women instead he chose them because he loved them even in the anime.

Vikram did explain this to them saying that he knows them very well.

Vikram showed them this because in the future they might find this anime by themselves and after knowing that they might think that they were betrayed.

But Vikram came clean to the point of even showing their other side of the plot.

Also they understood that even if Vikram did not come to them other players would come and they would leave them in this world after their quest is over.

Just like a use and throw item.

Instead Vikram wanted to take them out of this world with him which is costly and needed strong patience to gain their favor and acceptance.

For this reason they fell in love with Vikram all over again.

The favorability of the three women got a +5 to them and reached 85 points.

When Vikram takes them to the real world the favorability would reach 90 points or above because he proved their trust in him.

That night they went to sleep on a closed room peacefully.

Vikram explained that they have to go to the Takagi’s house to get the sword Murata-tou for Saeko.

Also there is still Asami that needed to be saved.

Vikram don’t like the death of that character.

Finally he still has to kill another 10,000 zombies to get the benefits of 100,000 zombie kill achievement.

For that he has to make more efforts in the next few days.

The nuclear bomb would exploded tomorrow so they have to reach the house of Takagi by that time and help the couple fend off from the zombies.

Most probably the players would run away along with the protagonist’s group.

As for the sword Murata-tou, if it is still in the hands of Mr. Takagi then it is not a problem but if it was taken by a player then the consequences would change.

Saeko specifically asked Vikram if she could get that sword after watching it in the anime.

Vikram did not give her a positive answer that he would get that for her.

But the results should be seen still.

There are always some circumstances that would change because of the variables.

So Vikram cannot promise anything but wait and see tomorrow.

Vikram still has a bunch of guns that he got from Rika’s house stored in his personal space.

Other than that he got some form the dead armed forces scouting people that he met on the way.

Hopefully they would be enough to get a sword along with the favor of saving them if there is a zombie tide like in the anime.


Vikram led the women to the roof top of a building and set up a small camp.

He locked the door and even put on some high tension wires around.

The women that that Vikram was overly cautious making all these arrangements for just the one night stay.

But Vikram did not feel like he was overly cautious.

There are people from the special armed forces here and there might be some that are interested in Rika.

They might hide their feelings deep for the time being but there is always a chance that they would sneak attack and blame it on the zombies.

No one would support dead people for the living in this kind of apocalyptic situations.

So, Vikram has to make sure that he did not fall into some dumb guy’s trap carelessly like a pig.

The tent can fit 3 people to sleep.

Vikram slept in the middle,

On the right Shizuka hugged his arm tightly into her cleavage,

On the left Saeko is sleeping holding Vikram’s head and his arm was between her thighs tightly clapped.

Rika was actually sleeping right on the top of him, with her head on his chest and tightly holding his waist.

This was not Vikram’s arrangements but the women decided to sleep like this on their own.

Well Vikram was sleeping happily in this heavenly place of the apocalyptic world.

When it was around early in the morning Vikram heard some sounds coming from the roof top door.

He became vigilant immediately.

He slowly relieved his hands and body out of the grasps of the women and moved out of the tent silently.

He hid at one corner and observed who is trying to lock pick the door right now.

After sometime someone with bulky body appeared holding a gun and some other things in his hand………

Chapter 93: 1 kilometer away from Takagi’s mansion

After sometime someone with bulky body appeared holding a gun and some other things in his hand.

He is actually wearing a gas mask too.

Vikram can infer that he is probably trying to use some sleeping gas like thing.

It should be around 3 AM in the morning.

Whatever this man wanted to do is either to kill Vikram and fuck his women or kill Vikram and slowly take the women into his arms.

Whatever the situation might be Vikram will always die.

Most probably this man would put Vikram to sleep and throw him towards the zombies in other buildings.

This person is not a player but a character in the story.

Vikram peacefully waited for few moments for the man to move and fell in to his trap.

Since it is dark the man tripped on the metal wire causing a “thud” sound.

Rika and Saeko woke up quickly from the sound and became vigilant.

They did not find Vikram with them so they tactically agreed with each other and peeked through the opening of the tent.

They can see Vikram hiding and another black figure that is trying to stand up after falling.

Vikram did not give him a chance to stand up as he came silently from behind and hit him on the back of his head.

The man fell unconscious because of the Jab from Vikram hitting accurately on a pressure point.

Vikram used a torch to check and found that this man is really wanted to kill him.

This was actually the right hand man of the commander.

Most probably he is interested in Rika or he just wanted to fuck the three beauties with Vikram.

Whatever the case is the thief is caught.

Vikram don’t want to interrogate this person as there is no particular use.

So Vikram directly send him to hell and then dropped his body in one of the rooms after taking the things on his body.

Well they did not have much value in Vikram’s eyes and he told Rika to not to disclose this to her commanding officer.

The reason for this is that Vikram even suspects her commanding office.

With the small thing is over they don’t want to sleep anymore.

Vikram carried sleeping Shizuka to the military jeep that belongs to Rika and they packed up their things.

Vikram made a big painting of their good bye on the building before leaving this airport island through the vehicle transport liner to the main land.

It was early in the morning when they left.

There is not much patrol in the night.

Most probably the man that they killed is the patrol for the night.

His body was hanged on the building they stayed along with Vikram’s words beside.

“Good trick to kill me but you are an idiot in front of this demon.

Good bye, you idiot”

These words are for the commander that planned to kill Vikram.

Well it is normal as no person want to have a man from another country to take their sweet hot pussies.

Especially, when that man is strong enough to roam around freely in this apocalyptic world without a care or fear of death

Vikram led the girls towards a place where he and Saeko had lunch last time.

Well Vikram was busy shooting zombies left and right all the time while the girls are peacefully sitting in the car.

Saeko was a little excited to get the new sword.

Vikram stopped the car around at the big mal on the highway.

This should be the place where Asami and other refugees should be.

Vikram wanted to bring these people back to Takagi’s house so that the tragedy did not happen.

So he made Rika show her special services badge and made the people along with Asami move out of this place along with him behind on a big bus.

Vikram gave a hand gun to Asami saying that she should protect herself.

She is a righteous and kind person that lacks self confidence in her.

So Vikram gave a hand gun to her to boost her confidence.

Well the information that her senior has already died made her unhappy but Vikram was able to accurately pull her through from the depression and moved along towards Takagi’s house.

By the time it was noon Vikram has arrived near Takagi’s house they are 1 kilometer apart.

Right at that moment Vikram saw a bright flash in the sky.

Vikram immediately shouted to the people in the bus to stop immediately.

Well there are no zombies around here.

Vikram has cleared most of them on the way.

Also he has already hid all of his electronic equipment inside the personal storage.

He doesn’t want his things to be spoiled because of carelessness.

Because of strong electromagnetic impulse waves after the nuclear bomb exploded the engines of the car and bus stopped.

The people are looking at the bright flash in the sky no knowing what is happening.

Well Vikram has repeatedly warned them not to shout so that they would not attract the zombies.

So everything is silent for the time being.

There are zombies around that appeared but they are sparse because most of them were previously cleared by Vikram.

After killing them all Vikram told them that they have to walk from here to the safe place and they followed silently.

Vikram already know that this would be the time the nuclear bomb explodes from his information.

He deliberately waited for a little longer because only in the time of crisis can he show his value.

Also Vikram’s group is carrying loads of food in the bus.

So even if those people called them free loaders there is an answer that Vikram can give back to them.

Well he is not going to stay at the Takagi’s house as his goal from the beginning is just the sword Murata-tou.

So when the people are walking nervously they heard a loud sound few hundred meters away from them…………

Chapter 94: clearing the crisis at Takagi’s house

So when the people are walking nervously they heard a loud sound few hundred meters away from them.

Well they cannot know what happened because they have to take a few turns to reach Takagi’s house.

Vikram can guess that the plot should have created an accident so that the protagonist’s group would leave that safe place.

Based on the setting of the zombie apocalypse world all people should be acting like nomads moving from one place to another.

They will always gain a hope of safe place to live but it would be shattered soon after……..

1 kilometer is not that big of a distance and it did not take the group long to reach the area where there is a road with big slope leading towards a large mansion.

When they arrived a hoard of zombies has almost broken the gate of the mansion killing someone that is closing the mansion gate.

Right around at that time Vikram can see that few delinquents accidentally let their bus hit the road block arranging men.

Since Shido died the task was taken away by another group.

Well Vikram don’t mind about that and these delinquents were almost turned onto zombies.

The group behind Vikram was in little panic looking at the situation.

Vikram did not comfort them with his words instead he move forward with his guns.

He told Asami to take care of the people and Rika to cover them with her sniping.

Then he took his guns out and Saeko is already ready with her sword on hand battle position.

Vikram started to move.

With every step zombies started to die like flies.

At the same time Vikram did not leave those surviving delinquents.

Vikram has already told his women about the treasure chests.

The task of picking them up is given to Shizuka.

She will be covered by Saeko and Rika for the time being.

The group that followed Vikram was stunned by the decreasing number of zombies.

In the next few minutes the guns on Vikram’s hands are firing nonstop.

But the zombies are not attracted towards them because the protagonist’s group is making more noise.

Well everything is working out fine.

The protagonist's group finally noticed the anomaly of zombie reduction and also the reduction of pressure on them.

Originally they and the players wanted to escape but since the number of zombies is reducing quickly they stick around.

With efforts Vikram has finally killed 100,000 zombies that did not include the ones that Saeko and Rika helped him kill.

Then he got a series of notification that made him stop momentarily.

But he continued to move on killing more zombies finally bringing peace back to the place.

Souichiro Takagi and his wife have noticed Vikram and his group.

Souichiro Takagi looked straight at the man that is like a walking war machine.

He has observed that every single bullet that the young man shot hit the target perfectly and saved their lives.

He really thought of making this handsome and strong young man to become his son in law.

But he can only sight as there is another man in his daughter’s heart.

Well it doesn’t matter right now.

The protagonist’s group is still there but it seems to have reduced a bit.

Some of the students and players are gone.

But they are not in the zombies around.

This means that they did something stupid and the consequences should be easy to know.

Vikram met with Souichiro Takagi and spoke politely.

Well his daughter came forward to tell them about Vikram’s identity being an assassin that came to get his women.

Looking at the three women that stood obediently behind Vikram with happy smiled Souichiro Takagi nodded his head.

Vikram then told them about the food that he brought along with them that is around a kilometer away from here….

Vikram did not speak about the sword right now.

He has to talk about it privately to get it.

The group that followed Vikram was invited and occupied the dead people’s place.

Now they can be considered safe as they witnessed the power of Vikram and the armed people in the mansion.

So things are easy to settle.

Later Vikram went to speak with Souichiro Takagi and his wife is also present.

Vikram did not hide his intentions towards the sword Murata-tou.

But is it easy to get of course not.

Souichiro Takagi looked at Vikram from top to bottom and proposed a small bet.

If Vikram can beat him in a sword duel then he will give Vikram the sword Murata- tou.

But if Vikram loses, he will still get the sword but the condition is that he should protect his daughter in this troubled times.

Vikram smirked silently and accepted the bed.

Souichiro Takagi’s wife is present there and directly brought in two practice swords for them to duel.

Vikram took the sword and positioned in his own style that he made combining many styles.

The position is full of flaws but all of these are simply his traps for the opponent.

Souichiro Takagi is really good with sword and they fought for a few minutes.

Vikram was unable to get a good sparring partner back on earth but Souichiro Takagi can easily fulfill the role for Vikram.

They fought for a few rounds and Vikram did not break a sweat till now.

But Souichiro Takagi is still feeling pressure.

He cannot believe that a person that looked around the age of her daughter was so strong.

Because of the high charm and vitality Vikram looked around 18 years old even thought he is 22 years old.

Finally Vikram won.

Then Vikram spoke Souichiro Takagi and his wife.

“As for the bet that you proposed before,

There is something you should know that I would not stay here for long and leave here after I got what I wanted.

Also there are three women beside me already and two more in another place………”

Chapter 95: big brother wants to poke the heavens

“…….Also there is three women beside me already and two more in another place.

Finally your daughter has someone else in her heart but not me.

With all these reasons do you still want me to stick around your daughter?

It will only spoil her life.

Even if she accepts to be with me because of your insistence, I cannot take her with me.

I can only take the woman that trusts me with their lives completely without any reservations.

If they did not trust me then I cannot take them even if I wanted to.

Think about it….”

Vikram spoke to them and finally got his hands on the sword.

He received a notification that is a tier 2 uncommon grade weapon class artifact.

Well there is some sharpness and other boosts attached to the weapon.

Vikram was very happy to get the sword and it suits with the style of kendo that Saeko practices.

When Vikram just called the three women came into the room where Souichiro Takagi and Vikram are sparing.

They have been waiting outside all this time without even taking rest.

See that both Souichiro Takagi and his wife were shocked because they thought that these three women are just sticking to Vikram to be safe.

But looking at the caring eyes and guarding gestures both Souichiro Takagi and his wife understands what Vikram told them about trust and love.

They can only sigh as their daughter is blind enough to follow some hot blooded kid instead of a stable person like Vikram.

Well what is done is done.

But they were dumbfounded by the next actions of Vikram.

Vikram gave the sword Murata- tou to Saeko with a bright smile.

“Saeko, take a look at the sword.

Tell me if you liked it….”

Saeko unsheathed the sword to see how the renowned sword looked like in reality.

Souichiro Takagi that came out of the shock asked.

“Don’t you want the sword you’re yourself but to your women.”

Vikram looked at Souichiro Takagi and said.

“I will make my own sword that fits me in the future.

The reason I came for this sword is to give it to my girlfriend……..”

With the dumbfounded wife and husband of Souichiro Takagi, Vikram and his girls moved out of this place.

Their destination is towards the country side where there is either a well or a hand pump.

Since the power is gone things would get ugly soon.

Well they will stay here for today.

Vikram can repair the vehicles, batteries with his hand crank charger connected to a bicycle along with his other devices stored in personal storage space.

With that Vikram and girls first went to have lunch while chatting with the protagonist group.

Right about then Souichiro Takagi and his wife called their daughter to have a chat with her about her opinion towards Vikram.

But they were disappointed to know that their daughter loves someone else.

So they can only sigh.

That afternoon Vikram was not idle as he took the girls along with some capable men under Souichiro Takagi to bring back the food that they bought before form the mall stored in the bus.

While they are taking care of the food and other necessities Vikram started to repair the military jeep of Rika.

It did not take long before he was done repairing.

Well it was hard work and Vikram is completely covered in sweat.

There is some food already stored in the car before they left the mall.

So Vikram don’t have to get more.

He returned back to Souichiro Takagi’s house to rest there for the night.

Well washing up is hard as there is no water here for spare.

It is not a problem for Vikram as he took the girls out again in the evening towards a good looking house that looked a little luxurious.

Vikram told the women to stay outside while he cleaned up the house with fire crackers and other sounds to attract the zombies inside the house.

After killing them he found that there is a big bath tub in the house.

He took the big basins and other utensils to heat the water that is already stored in the house and filled the tub with hot water.

Well he wanted to let the girls have the first bath but they insisted that they don’t mind taking a bath with Vikram.

So the scene that many people would dream off appeared in front of the eyes of Vikram.

Three naked beauties soon appeared in the bathroom along with Vikram.

They barely covered their bodies with a towel and their faces are already flushed red from embarrassment.

The bathtub is not that big and can only fit three people at a time.

If a fourth person is added then it will become congested for the people to sit freely.

They have to be so close with each other that they have to sit on each other’s lap.

Vikram is right in the middle while Shizuka is sitting on his lap with beet red face.

But her face is proud looking at Saeko and Rika that are sitting on either side of Vikram with their legs intertwined around him.

Well none of them is wearing anything to cover their bodies and they are butt naked.

Vikram’s concentration is on their tits and hot curves along with their sweet bits without any shyness.

On the other hand the three women are shy and are looking down at the big brother of Vikram that is standing up with its head out of water wanting to poke the heavens at any time.

The one that is closest to that is actually Shizuka.

Originally the three women played Rock paper and scissor to determine who would sit on the lap of Vikram.

Shizuka participated actively and actually won the game for the first time in her life.

But she never expected this situation where she would meet with something she never expected before……..

Chapter 96: surprise in skill and titles

But she never expected this situation where she would meet with something she never expected before.

Vikram was not stupid to let go of such a great chance.

Also the current favorability of the three women has a little improvement after Vikram gave Saeko the sword.

The other women know the value of the sword and this shows how Vikram cared for his women.

So the favorability of Saeko has reached 95, Shizuka has reached 90 and Rika has also reached 90 points of favorability.

So he can safely proceed to play with them without causing them much resistance from them.

Especially this is true in the case of Saeko that would be willing to spread her legs and give her virginity to Vikram with open legs.

She has already given her mind and soul to Vikram completely right now and there is only slight barrier that needed to be broken which is taking them to real world clearing all obstacles.

This way they will no longer doubt Vikram and completely surrender to Vikram.

Vikram still has to work with Titia and Katherine about these things.

Since it was the first time to get them he did not plan well to get their approval completely.


Vikram without a notice moved his hands around the waists of Rika and Saeko pulling them closure to him their legs crisscrossed with their pussies almost sticking to his body on both sides.

Vikram then moved his hands towards Shizuka that was sitting on his lap closure as their noses touch each other.

Then he kissed her lips directly.

Well there is a momentary resistance for a moment but it was gone in the next second.

As for the other two women Vikram did not leave them freely as his hands moved towards their tits playing with their perky nipples that are already hard from the arousal just now.

Shizuka is an amateur at kissing and Vikram has to take the lead playing with her mouth and ravaging her mouth with his tongue.

He is literally fucking her mouth with his tongue.

On the other hand the moans of Saeko and Rika escaped from their mouths from the sudden movements of Vikram playing with their tits.

They are sensitive around their nipples and Vikram is pinching right on that place without showing any mercy to them.

When Vikram parted the lips of Shizuka he bent down his head to catch her nipples and pulled their tits up with his lips holding her nipples.

The dazed Shizuka from the previous kills came to reality and moaned right at that moment.


Vikram was not excessive as he only killed them and played with them for an hour.

He made them have an orgasm for the first time with a man’s touch and leaving the ecstasy expressions on their faces.

He achieved this while placing with their body with his hand.

He explored every corner of their bodies finding their sensitive place in the process.

Well he did not take the short end of the stick.

He received a blowjob with three women licking his dick and balls at the same time.

He was carefully enough to not to spray his cum on their hair.

He only sprayed them on their tits.

Even then his dick did not backed down and stood there majestically like a king, standing erect for more action.

But Vikram don’t want to do anything more here.


When they are done cleaning Vikram took out some food that he stored before and cooked a good meal for the three women.

Their faces are bright red from all the fun they just had.

Well they thought that Vikram would move on taking their virginities right then and right there.

But Vikram did not.

Well he can read their faces and said.

“I don’t want to take you in this world.

When we return back to the real world we can have the fun we wanted there.

So just hold back for a little while.

Before that we will make some plays to enjoy the moment.”

While they are eating breakfast Vikram was looking at the development of his new skill that he got when he killed the 100 thousand zombies.

This skill is called dead shot.

Skill: dead shot

Description: a skill that was obtained after killing any target with one shot kills for 100 thousand times continuously.


10 percent increase in the accuracy when firing of all projectile type or shooting type weapons or magic or skills………

If the target dies with a single shot then player might get 5 percent chance of obtaining rare extra benefits from the drop.

1 percent increase in the speed of proficiency in any skill that can be influenced by the dead shot skill……

Vikram was thoroughly surprised by this over powered skill.

He got this skill for killing over 100 thousand zombies and with every zombie killed with a single shot.

Also it did not trigger when he completed his 100 thousand zombie kill count instead when he was clearing more zombies around the day to get the supplies.

That is after he killed another 100+ zombies did he got this skill.

This means his shooting efficiency is more than 99 percent with only 100+ zombies that needed a second shot when he completed his 100 thousand zombie kill.

There are other notifications that he got before that he ignored till now.

One of them is his new reward for achievement for killing 100 thousand zombies.


Congratulations player,

Succeeded in Killing 100,000 zombies will give zombie annihilator title, 10,000 military merit points, 10,000 civilian merit points, 100 free attribute points, 10 skill points.”

Vikram was thoroughly satisfied with the received achievement.

But he was sad that he cannot get the other achievement for million kill in this world.

Vikram decided to take a look at the new title improvement that is zombie annihilator.

Title Name: Zombie annihilator

Description: a title that is obtained after slaying 100 thousand infected zombies of the infected category of monsters.

Chapter 97: new skill dirty masseur

Title Name: Zombie annihilator

Description: a title that is obtained after slaying 100 thousand infected zombies of the infected category of monsters.

Effects: player can do 40 percent additional damage to all the zombies of the infected category of monsters.

Player can do 15 percent additional damage to all the infected category of monsters.

Player has a 10 percent chance of not becoming a zombie when infected by the virus and evolve into a species in control.

Vikram was thoroughly satisfied with the gains and then made a small count.

The combined gain is

Title zombie annihilator,

12100 military merit points,

11,000 civilian merit points,

111 free attribute (Stat) point and

11 skill points

As for the chaos points it has reached around 101 thousand chaos points all in all in this fantasy world.

Then he opened his status panel to take a look




Name: Vikram, Vicky, hidden demon, hidden king

Age: 22

Race: human

Titles: chosen (gold grade)

Job: alchemist (tier-1- novice), hunter (tier-1- novice)

Affiliation: oriental- king of nature faction

Military rank: private (1000/12680)

Civilian rank: gathering leader (1000/11840)


Vitality: 23+1 (Evolution chaos genetic points)

Stamina: 20

Strength: 19

Agility: 19+1 (Evolution chaos genetic points)

Intelligence: 23

Sense: 21

Charm: 24


Evolution chaos genetic points: 209

Random grade chaos monster genetic essence: 8 percent

Basic grade chaos monster genetic essence: 15 percent

Ordinary grade chaos monster genetic essence: 21 percent

Epic grade chaos monster genetic essence: 10 percent


Health points: 240/240

Stamina points: 200/200

Magic points: 230/230


Free attribute points: 332

Chaos points: 0.31 million

Skill points: 24 (1 Skill Point = 1000 skill experience)


Innate skills:

Insight: tier 2 (25/3000)

Will: tier 2 (10/3000)


Acquired skills:

Cooking: tier 1 (1740/2000)

Contract: tier 1 (1144/2000)

Hunting: tier 2 (2430/3000)

Persuasion: tier 2 (90/3000)

Physical fighting: tier 1 (400/2000)

Weapon fighting: tier 1 (1790/2000)

Dead shot: tier 0 (0/1000)


Vikram looked at his status panel and explained his gains to his women then he wanted to increase his civilian and military rank immediately.

“From private to private first class requires 1000 military merit points”

“Successfully ranked up to private first class…..”


“From private fourth class to corporal requires 4000 military merit points”

“Successfully ranked up to corporal…..”

“From corporal to sergeant requires 10,000 military merit points”

“Insufficient military merit to further rank up.

Current balance of military merit points is 2680”


“Personal storage space is improved to 15 cubic meters from 10 cubic meters.”

Vikram was satisfied with the current military rank and then moved to the civilian rank upgrades.

“From gathering leader to gathering leader level 1 requires 1000 civilian merit points”

“Successfully ranked up to gathering leader level 1”


“From gathering leader level 4 to tribal head requires 4000 civilian merit points”

“Successfully ranked up to tribal head level 1”

“From tribal head to village head requires 10,000 civilian merit points”

“Insufficient civilian merits furthering ranking up

Current balance of civilian merit points is 1840”


“Personal storage space is improved to 20 cubic meters from 15 cubic meters.”

Vikram was satisfied with the improvements but the future developments are far harder.

Then he shared the news with them women.

All of this happened while they are having their dinner for the night.

For the night they are going to stay here.

Well there is something special for the night.

Vikram got a tit job, blow job and hand job with the women.

They are very satisfied with the power of Vikram’s big brother that did not go down even after three climaxes.

As for the women Vikram has fingered, and played with their bodies till they had multiple orgasms.

Vikram was also practicing a special technique to satisfy his women that is a massage technique.

His goal is to make any women have a climax with a simple massage on their body.

Each of them has at least climaxed three times and when they had their fourth time they had their eyes rolled back and fell asleep.

Vikram has already checked the surroundings making sure that there is no problem.

Also he took some special measures for safety before playing with his women.

So there are no mishaps as he slept beside them looking at the latest notification.

He got what he wanted.

It is a skill called the dirty masseur.

Skill: dirty masseur

Description: the desire of a person to conquer all women and made them climax with a simple massage.

Effects: favorability of any women towards the player increases by 1 percent after every climax they got after your massage.

For every 10 successful improvement of favorability player will receive 1 charm stat point.

Restriction to the favorability of the women is below 70 favorability points.

After that player will not receive any charm points….

Vikram was surprised by the effects of the new skill and was sure that there would be more benefits in the future as the skill level increases.

With that Vikram slowly dosed off into sleep with peace.

Well it is only a semi sleep state so that he would not be ambushed in this unfavorable place just because of his negligence.

Fortunately nothing happened in the night.

Also because of his persistent efforts to remove all those zombies around the surroundings of the place is peaceful.


Early in the morning Vikram woke up and cleaned up.

His women followed along without much shame as they took a group bath and some hard soft kisses.

After that they dressed up and went to Takagi’s house to tell him that he is going to go away from here towards the city outskirts.

Then he left without much resistance.

Asami has formed a connection with her previous love that is the fat man of the group.

Well Vikram don’t mind this as he did not have any intention to take her with him from the start.

The three women Saeko, Rika and Shizuka are the only one that he wanted to take from this world.

Chapter 98: reading books while killing zombies

The three women Saeko, Rika and Shizuka are the only one that he wanted to take from this world.

The three women followed him and left the place.

Vikram has a map of the entire city in his mind and found the best way to move out of this city.

His target is the places with more zombies while the number of living people should be less.

Zombies are much better than those black hearted people especially in the apocalyptic setting the human nature will be much deteriorated.

So Vikram has to move carefully.

Soon after they got on to the high way and moved to the outskirts of the city.

Vikram was happy that his personal storage space has increased by a lot.

So he first took many kinds of food materials for easy cooking especially some high quality ones.

Like in 5 star hotels there will be an area with live food stock instead of the dead one.

Since these beasts did not have consciousness of intelligence like the plants and other food materials he can directly store them in his personal space for a limited amount of time.

He also got good amount of mineral water supply stored for the next three days.

He went on a killing spree on the way taking care of many zombies leaving the roads littered with corpses.

Well there are a few thugs of the apocalypse that wanted to try their tricks with some stupid guns.

But what they got is a bullet in their head within the next second they showed desire towards his women.

Vikram is very good at reading the faces.

He is not tolerant towards the bastards that eye his women with evil thoughts.

Only he has the right to play with his women.

The other men are all off limits.

Well if they are women Vikram don’t mind and even willing to take them into his harem.


They went out of the city to a place with less population.

He found a house with hand a pump which is much safer than that of getting water from the tanks above.

Also the house is big with fewer zombies.

Vikram killed the zombies quickly with the help of Saeko and Rika.

Shizuka is driving the vehicle inside and placed it to the side waiting for them.

Finally they had a home where they can stay peacefully for the next three days.

Vikram made some preparations.

Well he doesn’t want to go and kill more zombies in the next three days.

He has other things to do.

First of all he bought with him some soft edition of books.

These are not just books about the real world.

They are books that contains the knowledge from the worlds like harry potter, Naruto, irregular at magic high school, full metal alchemist………

Vikram wanted to study these books that have the basic knowledge of all these worlds.

For example these books contain the school syllabus of the 7 years of harry potter world.

Some basic chakra refining methods and technique of Naruto world……….

But players have a restriction unless they entered that particular fantasy world they will not able to use the power or technique of that world.

This is only to the life world like Naruto, bleach, harry potter……….where player has start from being a child till the end of the given mission to complete the life world.

If it was from some normal movies then it is not a problem to buy them from skills or technique from the either the fantasy store or outside.

The cost of items in the fantasy store are always costly then the same items available outside by other vendors.

Studying them when he has the free time would save a lot of time to manipulate many things in that specific fantasy world.

Those worlds are the best to get more benefits with long stay time.

In some life fantasy worlds one can stay for more than 20 years or more.

Well there are restrictions too……


For now Vikram is going through the basics of those worlds just for the preparation work for the future foundation.

As for killing more zombies it will be done too from time to time.

There will not be many out there in these outskirts of the city.

Vikram don’t want to waste his time roaming around for those zombies.

The real world is not offering any time for him to go through these books as he has other things to do there.

So he can only use the free time in the fantasy world.


On the other hand hunters can directly learn the magic and other things quickly from players without needing to enter the fantasy world.

These books are not in physical form but only available in his magic cipher like reading a document in the smart phone.

Getting information did not cost him anything more than 1000 chaos points as most of this was freely available.

All he has to do is to enter the information center of the king of nature faction to get all the free information for free.

As for the information that costed him was to buy a storage device that can store all the information along with some inferences of these fantasy worlds from veterans.

This is to cross reference the information that he got form those worlds.


In the next three day Vikram would take the girls out to play with the zombies.

Saeko really wanted to test the new sword that she got.

Her body was covered with a special protective suit similar to the one that Vikram put one when he entered this world to fight with the zombies in close quarters.

Since Saeko is fighting those zombies he doesn’t want her to have any accidents.

Vikram was sitting on the top of the car with Rika sitting beside him holding his modified gun with silencer.

He will cover Saeko just in case of a problem.

Chapter 99: leaving the fantasy world with the girls

Vikram was sitting on the top of the car with Rika sitting beside him holding his modified gun with silencer, she will cover Saeko just in case of a problem.

Vikram on the other hand started to read the books from the magic cipher.

The time went on peacefully for the next few days.

Vikram killed around 1000 more zombies in that time improving his dead shot skill and there is a slight improvement in the buffs of the skill.

Well there are no other benefits in this world for him to take right at the moment.

He gave his women massages every day in both morning and evening before taking a good bath.

Also he would cook for them too.

With all the ingredients Vikram made many dishes for the women to eat with their eyes shining.

Even the cold faced Saeko also smiled happily with the food she ate.

Vikram has a special feast as he made some sweets that looked like a small cups.

He placed them on their nipples and slowly bit them making the three women moan and leaving the bite marks on their nipples.

In those few days Vikram found that the basic information related to the magic software of irregular at magic high school is actually very similar to the current magic software of the real world.

Previously he has to work very hard to crack these things to understand the inner workings but now he thought that the things are much simpler.

Another thing he found after increasing his civilian rank to tribe head and military ranking to corporal is that the new items available in the fantasy store.

These are the fake accounts identities that can be bought from the system.

These are like the black accounts or the fake accounts that are used by the rich back on earth.

Here one can store their chaos points that are earned through back doors.

But not everything is a walk in the park.

These fake accounts are prone to be hacked using magic software.

But as long as the person in charge can put on the strong security then it is possible to guard them.

These things are formed by the strong greedy thoughts of the people of all races to hide their assets in secret.

Now he has confidence that he can strike it rich with a fake account.

This fake account will only open after a person reaches tribe head and corporal ranks in civilian and military side with official status.

For unauthorized side they should jump two more ranks higher to get the fake account section of the fantasy store.

These are exclusive to the fantasy store and are impossible to buy outside.

Well hacking other people’s fake account can become his personal account until the other party finds out about that.

Also there seems to be grades in the fake accounts.

The grades did not give security but they can improve the storage limit of chaos points.

Also with the current corporal rank Vikram can only buy one fake account.

For every 2 rank ups in military and civilian rank they can buy another fake account which will be decided by the system with some conditions.


Vikram got the gist of the things and he was thoroughly satisfied by his new discovery.

With that the time in this fantasy world is completed.

Vikram vanished from the spot along with his three women.

The familiar starry sky by the side of the beautiful sea shore appeared in front of him and the girls.

The girls felt like they are dreaming and system started to calculate the proceedings of the world.

First the system scanned for any purpose of healing is required.

“No healing required”

His fantasy world completion percentage is calculated as 60 percent.

Vikram did not understand why it is slow low.

Knowing his question the system started to give a run down.

“Player has changed the plot two times saving many people which has given 30 percent fantasy world completion percentage.

Player has killed over 100 thousand zombies and made an achievement gives 5 percent fantasy world completion percentage.

Player has obtained the true love and loyalty of three strong plot line characters gives 15 percent fantasy world completion percentage.

Player has defeated Souichiro Takagi right in front of his wife and changed their minds to give their daughter to you instead of the other impatient green horn.

This gives you 5 percent fantasy world completion percentage.

Player has obtained an unforgettable impression of most of the plot line characters with strength, intelligence and bravery.

This gives you 5 percent fantasy world completion percentage.

This is a total of 60 percent fantasy world completion percentage.

As for the remaining 40 percent,

Player did not stop the nuclear bomb explosion cutting off all the electronic connections and communications,

Player did not find the cause of the sudden spread of the zombie virus,

Player did not subdue the other plot line female characters (Desired by countless people that formed the fantasy world)


Vikram sighed looking at the information in front of him.

The next thing is the settlement of all the things he did on that fantasy world.

He changed the plot and saved many people while killing many zombies which are all added to his rewards for his accomplishments.

Then a series of options appeared in front of him.

Choose any 2 options from the following.

1. 70435 chaos points

2. 3000 military merit points

3. 1000 civilian merit points

4. 3 free attribute (Stat) points

5. Extra 6 percent improvement of stats obtained in the current fantasy world.

Vikram don’t have to think much and choose option 2 and option 4.

He doesn’t want chaos points as they are too low for him.

He can gain civilian merit in the real world easily and quickly so he doesn’t want that.

He did not gain any improvement of stats in the fantasy world.

So it is obvious to select these two options……….

Chapter 100: returned to reality, shocking hotties

So it is obvious to select these two options.

Immediately he got them into his status panel.

Then he opened his status panel to take a look




Name: Vikram, Vicky, hidden demon, hidden king

Age: 22

Race: human

Titles: chosen (gold grade)

Job: alchemist (tier-1- novice), hunter (tier-1- novice)

Affiliation: oriental- king of nature faction

Military rank: corporal (10,000/5680)

Civilian rank: tribal head (10,000/1840)


Vitality: 23+1 (Evolution chaos genetic points)

Stamina: 20

Strength: 19

Agility: 19+1 (Evolution chaos genetic points)

Intelligence: 23

Sense: 21

Charm: 24


Evolution chaos genetic points: 209

Random grade chaos monster genetic essence: 8 percent

Basic grade chaos monster genetic essence: 15 percent

Ordinary grade chaos monster genetic essence: 21 percent

Epic grade chaos monster genetic essence: 10 percent


Health points: 240/240

Stamina points: 200/200

Magic points: 230/230


Free attribute points: 335

Chaos points: 0.31 million

Skill points: 24 (1 Skill Point = 1000 skill experience)


Innate skills:

Insight: tier 2 (25/3000)

Will: tier 2 (10/3000)


Acquired skills:

Cooking: tier 1 (1770/2000)

Contract: tier 1 (1144/2000)

Hunting: tier 2 (2530/3000)

Persuasion: tier 2 (90/3000)

Physical fighting: tier 1 (400/2000)

Weapon fighting: tier 1 (1890/2000)

Dead shot: tier 1 (30/2000)

Dirty masseur: tier 1 (320/2000)


He was happy with the gains but still felt that he missed some good things with some great efforts.

Well he is not strong enough to get all these things done even if he wanted to as he is only one person.

Then the system moved to the calculation of the subordinates that he brought with him.

Immediately the system gave out the number of chaos points required to bring the three women out of the fantasy world.

All their items like the sword and guns were transferred to his personal storage directly before they entered this place.

The girls are only with their clothes that they are wearing before coming to this settlement place.

Immediately he got the numbers in front of him.

His eyes flashed looking at the numbers.

It costs over 60 thousand chaos points to bring these three women out of this place to the real world.

Well it is a small price when Vikram thought about it and immediately paid the chaos points.

Then the three women felt a strange golden glow on their bodies as of their body is becoming real of some sort.

They are no longer just some anime fantasy world characters but real people right now.

With that a portal appeared for them to leave this settlement space and return to the real world.

Vikram directly sent the three women into the ark island and returned back to the reality.

With his thoughts he spoke to Titia and Katherine inside the ark island telling about the new sisters they got just now.

Vikram has already mentioned information about Titia and Katherine to the three women.

Also when they were taken back to reality all of their trust in him has reached a full hundred points of favorability.

With the love they have for him they will not fight over other women Vikram has.

As for Titia and Katherine who are stuck at 90 points of favorability Vikram has decided to do something about that.

There is another important thing that happened that is Vikram was able to directly promote to corporal rank and he has to do missions from now on for the king of nature faction.

But before that he has to complete one month compulsory training period that he is going through right now.

This is a necessary step for the all the factions to familiarize the new recruits irrespective of their ranks.

Originally it is impossible to suddenly improve to corporal rank like Vikram did.

So he is the only one.

In the capital of the king of nature faction two women one looked immature (Cylia) and one looked mature (Jenny) but both are hot in their own respects were shocked to read the information on their hands.

It was about Vikram suddenly upgrading his military and civilian ranks by a large margin.

Naturally the new recruits would take a long time for this improvement.

That is at least a year of time to rank up to where Vikram is currently right now.

But Vikram did not take even a month to do the same.

This shocked them very much that their mouths were wide open to fit an egg.

At that moment jenny remembered the challenge that she put up with Vikram and blushed.

Well that was gone with a strong rejection that it was just a fluke of completing some hidden quest in the fantasy world that earned him merit points of military and civilian causing the sudden improvement.

At that time Cylia said to jenny.

“Jenny it seems like you are going to earn yourself a strong master.

May be I might fall into his hands too….”

Jenny doesn’t know how to reply to the words of Cylia so she quietly looked at the information in shock.


Vikram on the other hand moved out of his room back to training.

In this one month compulsory training Vikram or any other recruit would not be given any break so they cannot go out.

Vikram has to let his women wait till the training is over before doing anything.

The women are understanding about his situation and let it be for the time being.

It is a good thing that the type of ran he got is not visible to other people.

That means they cannot tell if he is an official rank holder or unauthorized rank holder unless they tried to use their rank to impose something on him.

In the mean time he is not idle other than training as usual he created his first fake account directly.

The fake account limit can be upgrade by paying chaos points up to 10 grades just like all the other divisions.

Each grade has its limit from 1000 chaos points to unlimited as reaching the last grade.


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