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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 251: hunting the tier 4 monster beast lion

After Mohini’s bout with the ancient family person, Mohini directly has a bounty on her head.

There are many stupid people that wanted to kill Mohini to become close dogs to the ancient family people.

Also Mohini is a hot woman and has two hot women that are still as beautiful as flowers following her.

From the information they got from other survivors they found that Mohini have meat from tier 4 monster beast and even have tier 4 monster beast core too.

Their greed has suppressed their fear towards Mohini.

So after Mohini left with her girls some people started to follow them at a distance.

Well in their thoughts they are far enough for Mohini to notice them.

But they don’t know that Mohini has already noticed them and created decoys to catch them.

When they fell into her trap they are killed directly by Mohini and the girls.

As for the tier 4 monster beast lion, Mohini did not go there directly.

There is a reason why the lion is called the king of the beasts.

A casual swipe from a lion's paw can generate a force of up to 750 Kg.

If it is fully into play and attacks then its power would increase exponentially.

Now it has evolved in this apocalypse environment which makes it even stronger.

This lion can easily occupy one of the territories with the best magic energy concentration on the entire earth.

It shows that this lion is very powerful with strong potential.

Even in the past life after it evolved to tier 5 no other beast, undead, zombie or insect dared to go to this beast to fight for the territory.

The reason for this is because this lion has awakened the lightning and fire elements.

There is always someone that is stupid to attack it.

The other species that evolved to tier 5 tried their hand on this lion and were killed but before they went to the lion they attacked the human city.

Now Mohini wants to kill this lion early and absorb its core and energy.

It would benefit her greatly with her cooking skill that she honed from the future.

Also the meat of this lion is not for the girls.

It is extremely dangerous for them to eat the meat of this lion as it did not fit well with their natural elements.

Also they will not be able to bear the energy from the lion.

Finally the lion would give her body an extra boost that is very much useful to her future.

Well as long as he receives the boost Mohini can toss twenty women in the bed easily and can still stand firm.

That is one of the major benefits that she could get.

But there is a big problem here that is how to hunt this lion.

This lion is at tier 4 and it has the human level thinking.

Also it would not fall for the tricks of bait of other beasts.

Usually the lion would hunt for its own food instead of food hunted by other beasts.

Well not all lions are like that but this is the characteristic of a king class lion.

The lion here is something like that and it is not possible to make it eat a bomb with bait.

Also it would not eat just any form of nonsense.

It needed some high quality food on the same level of tier 3 creatures.

For this Mohini has a plan.

She knows that there is a tier 3 wild boar in the nearby area.

Mohini has to capture it and make it eat the bombs.

Then let the lion hunt the boar and make it eat the bomb.

This is the best way to kill this lion.

The head on confrontation is out of the question.

It is not possible to kill this lion even if she brought back the armed personal along with her.

If there are missiles then it is possible to kill it but right now that is not possible.

Also the missiles have to hit the target to kill it.

The lion is not only powerful but also have good agility.

So her first task is to capture the wild boar of tier 3.

Fortunately just like the poison and antidote co exists beside each other, there is a hoard of wild boards nearby.

Mohini was strong and can capture a wild boar easily.

Naturally it is a hard thing to kill.

But the thinking capability of wild boar is far less than that of humans.

All she has to do is to put it to sleep with some bait.

With the telekinesis ability Mohini completed this task easily and got the wild boar.

Then she used strong sedative to make the wild boar fall into half sleep state.

Then she put in few capsules of muscle relaxant in its body.

They would not melt directly.

Their shell needed to be broken or come into contact with something acidic nature to make them release the muscle relaxant.

This was for the lion as the secondary method.

Finally Mohini looked at the place with most fat and put a handmade bomb with dynamite sticks and a signal receiver.

It is a small plastic explosive with remote control.

This was put inside the body of the wide boar between the layers of fat.

Mohini can use this remote control bomb to blast the stomach of the lion later.

But for now this is much better.

After all of this is done Mohini took the big wild boar to the territory of the lion and positioned it to go straight towards the cave of the lion.

Then she hit on its back for it to startle its semi conscious state.

So it immediately started to run towards the cave of the lion.

The wounds on its body and its startled appearance show that this tier 3 wild boar came to the territory of the lion accidentally but not intentionally.

Chapter 252: being a slut of expedition unit

So it immediately started to run towards the cave of the lion.

The wounds on its body and its startled appearance show that this tier 3 wild boar came to the territory of the lion accidentally but not intentionally.

Well this was the way Mohini designed it to make the lion inside to come out and hunt this wild boar.

Mohini was standing on the top of a mountain nearby with her girls around her.

They are using binoculars to check the situation.

Well the plant life is there but it did not cover the area as dense as a normal forest would cover.

Mohini observed for a while as the wild boar ran around the place like a mad bull forgetting that it is a wild boar.

With all the noise it made the lion sleeping inside the cave woke up.

Coincidentally it is also hungry.

So it came over directly to hunt the wild boar.

It did not notice the stitches that Mohini made as the color is very similar to the color of the skin of the wild boar.

It killed the wild boar with a single swing of its paw.

Mohini and the girls were shocked looking at the scene.

The lion dragged the corpse of the boar back into its cave.

Mohini knows that she has to wait for a while before making a move.

But it is okay.

Mohini took out a drone and set it up so that she can use it later.

Well the electronic things that she hid before are still working which is a good thing.

After half an hour Mohini sent the drone to enter into the cave of the lion.

Mohini has already lost hope of this drone to come back safe and sound.

In the monitor she saw that insides of the cave with night vision camera.

The sound of the drone should have definitely startled the lion but the drone did not receive any attack.

This means that Mohini’s plan of muscle relaxant might have worked.

Thinking of that the drone entered deep into the cave which revealed a spacious dome which is formed naturally.

Finally on one corner where there is hay placed around like a nest the lion is resting.

Its eyes are open but it seems that it could not move right now.

The corpse of the wild boar is half eaten and Mohini found that the bomb was eaten by the lion.

The lion is not small it is as big as a 2 story building.

So the cave is originally very big.

Even if Mohini detonated the bomb now the lion would severely injured but it would not affect the cave.

Also the lion looked like it could not move right now.

From the posture of the lion right now it appears that it did not reach its nest before falling into the state of weakness.

It should be the effect of the muscle relaxant.

Mohini doesn’t want to waste any time and used the drone to shoot towards the lion straight into its nose.

The thing that was shot is a sleeping medicine that Mohini loaded it into drone before.

This was all made by her.

This is an extra precaution before her arrival at the location of the lion.

She left the drone to monitor the lion while she and her women got down the mountain at their fastest speed and came to the territory of the lion.

Then they entered into the cave of the lion.

But before entering they once again checked the situation of the lion just in case if there is a problem.

After finding out that the lion is still in the weakened state Mohini came to the entrance of the big dome like opened area inside the cave.

She told both Radha and Sakura to set up the sniper rifles here to point at the lion while she goes to the lion to hunt it.

Sakura and Radha know that this was all for the sake of their safety and quickly arranged the things.

Radha over time learnt host to shoot from Sakura and Mohini also learnt a little about this.

So she also took a sniper rifle to support Mohini when needed.

That is not all now they can infuse their power into the bullets to shoot.

Sakura’s bullet can cause a fire blast while the bullet of Radha can shoot ice blast.

Mohini took out a sword and coated it with her magic energy.

When she came to the lion there is a strong suppression force that is coming from the lion into the surrounding area.

The lion did not close its eyes and is still awake.

Because of the high amount of muscle relaxant and other things it was unable to move and do anything right now.

But the restraining effect would not last long.

So Mohini has to kill it before it recovers its strength.

Mohini knows that weak points of all beast and humanoid type of monsters.

So she started to pierce at a specific part of the neck of the lion first.

The lion wanted to scream but it could not move even a single muscle.

After piercing the lion with the sword Mohini used all of her strength to move the sword in a curve trying to cut off the head of the lion.

But she only moved few inches and the lion is still alive.

Mohini knows that things could not go on like this so the only choice is to use the chainsaw to cut its head.

But this would be bloody and the blood would spray around everywhere.

Mohini pulled out the sword and placed a basin below to collect the blood of the lion carefully and used her telekinesis to guide the blood to fall into the basin.

Previous she doesn’t know but in her previous life after they left here some strong people from the countries of the apocalypse land came over to kill this lion.

Chapter 253: the body of the lion is a treasure

Mohini pulled out the sword and placed a basin below to collect the blood of the lion carefully and used her telekinesis to guide the blood to fall into the basin.

Previous she doesn’t know but in her previous life after they left here some strong people from the countries of the apocalypse land came over to kill this lion.

Fortunately Mohini became the person to show the direction to the expedition force under the arrangements of Nisha and Roy at that time.

At that time Nisha is actually bitching with a commander of the army of the forces of that country.

Also she made Mohini the official whore of the expedition unit.

Mohini always walked with cum between her legs that are dripping out of her pussy and ass hole.

Her tits and everything that is visible has bite marks and scratches.

Mohini has no choice but to go there and was almost killed many times because of various reasons.

Fortunately her life is a strong one, so she did not die during the journey.

Because she became friends well sex friend or a slut with the soldiers of that country at that time and got some good information.

They also thought that Mohini did not pose any threat to them and revealed the important information about the lion.

Well she is a lowly bitch at that time.

Now Mohini is going to use the treasure of this lion all to herself.

Well this lion treasure is very suitable for her and her girls since they can produce dicks.

She already stated the situation to them and they understood what Mohini meant.

So they did not care about how Mohini cooks this small amount of meat.

Mohini took out a chain saw with super alloy teeth that can even cut steel block easily.

The skin of the lion is tough but its muscles and nerves as strong as steel.

Because of this Mohini took her time cutting the lion slowly and cutting its head completely killing it in the process.

With the head cut off Mohini took out big basins to fill up the blood of the lion in them.

With her strength she tried her best to move the lion into a clean plastic sheet and the blood was collected into the sheet.

The two girls immediately packed up their things and came to help Mohini.

Mohini did not have to fear that the influence of the lion would be gone suddenly and other beasts would attack this place.

The lion is too strong.

So its breath would linger around in the territory for few more day of time.

This was enough for Mohini to make the arrangements.

This cave would be the place Mohini wanted to life for the coming years till she reached the peak of tier 5.

Then she would leave here with her girls.

She started to dissect the body of the lion carefully.

The skin of the lion can be made into a strong inner armor.

The bones of the lion can be made into spears and bone knives that have strong deterring effect on all kinds of beasts.

These things are enough to get thousand of tier 3 and even tier 4 spars.

Mohini is not going to sell it instead she is going to use it to create a strong formation to create an effect that the lion is still here.

It took an entire hour for Mohini to completely dissect the lion into useful parts and useless waste.

This useless waste is not thrown out.

It will be used as the main material to mark the territory around the base so that it would deter other beasts and creatures other than that formation.

With the minimum arrangements she started to clean up the area.

Then she started the cooking process.

The dome shaped cave has small holes at specific places for air ventilation.

Also at the center there is a small water fall with a pool of water flowing from the top to here and then towards an underground river.

The concentration of magic energy is very high right at the point of this water fall.

In the previous life it is found that there is a natural formation that can concentrate magic energy from the depths of the ground.

Mohini is going to make two formations around this.

One is an extra magic concentration and diversion formation and other is a concealment formation.

Other than these two she would make a masking formation to create the presence of the lion.

It takes time to set these things up.

Mohini has enough materials for all these things.

All of this has the purpose of reducing their risks.

The beast tides and other things happened only because of the concentrated magic energy in this place.

Also the underground water flow of magic energy is actually flowing straight towards the location of the city of hope.

So this is actually the origin of the magic energy that those ancient families are planning to use later for themselves.

If they could they would have killed the lion here to occupy the main location of magic concentration for themselves.

But they could not do that.

Also it is dangerous to occupy the main source of magic concentration.

So they did not dare to come here.

But Mohini is going to take everything from them right now.

First of all she came to the side of the pool and came to a corner.

Then she made a depression on the ground forming a shallow pool area that can let them soak in it if needed.

The water is pure and can be used for drinking after some recycling.

The flow of water is very slow like the size of a big tap nozzle with 4 inches diameter.

Mohini came to the small pool and made some markings on the ground forming a circle.

Then she inserted the monster cores that are tier 1 spars of some beasts she hunted before.

Chapter 254: new secret strong hold is created

Mohini came to the small pool and made some markings on the ground forming a circle.

Then she inserted the monster cores that are tier 1 spars of some beasts she hunted before.

All of them were placed in specified location to complete the formation.

Then she made a small channel from the main pool to let the water flow in this direction.

As soon as the water is connected the formation that she made started to activate with a glow.

For starting the formation these spar are needed after that it would complete the process on its own.

In the previous natural magic energy pool the energy is continuously on flow.

Now it was being concentrated in a pool that Mohini made.

With the water entering the new pool the magic energy concentration on the main pool started to reduce.

In the small pool there are two water flows.

One is bringing the magic water and the other is releasing the normal water out.

This is the purpose of the formation that Mohini made just now.

It would continue this process making the water flowing toward the underground water body towards the four faced city completely useless.

They cannot come here to investigate because the presence and pressure of the lion will be there.

Mohini would use the concentrated magic energy to run other formations that she intended to make.

With that she got to work immediately the shallow pool needs time to fill up.

Mohini told the girls to the bones of the lions and placed them at the specified location that she told them to.

As they moved, Mohini started to make the markings and insert the tier 1 spars in specific places of the formation.

Their entire hard work took them over 5 hours and finally they completed the formation.

During this time Mohini is also cooking the meat of the lion diligently using its core of the lion to make the best dish for them and packed it.

After eating this dish Mohini would be able to use both lightning and fire magic too.

Well they could not absorb the mixed energy monsters and only she can do that right now.

That would be great.

After 5 hours Mohini activated all the formations and the place inside the cave started to release the strong sensation of the lion still living inside.

The presence of the lion inside the cave gives of a tier 4 peak monster beast.

If the energy pool that Mohini made has reached the tier 5 concentration it would automatically make the presence to reach tier 5.

After the preparations Mohini was eating the lion meat while the girls are eating the meat of the rabbits that Mohini hunted before.

This was specifically given to them to eat.

This meat would make them more beautiful and their agility would increase.

As for the shallow pool that she created, Mohini would not touch it for the time being.

The energy needs to be improved and concentrated first before using it.

As for the water for usage and replenishment they can take them from the main natural pool and the underground water channel for various usages.

With that their life here became harmonious with very happy nights.

On the other hand the ancient families that have constructed the big foundation of the city are in daze.

This is because the special pool of water they had did not have the magical properties that it should have.

They were shocked by finding this fact.

They wanted to check the situation at the origin but no one dared to.

In the current world not many people have reached tier 4 and even if they reached tier 4 they would not dare to go to the den of a tier 4 monster beast lion.

They can only spy from afar and found that the presence of the lion is still there.

They thought that the lion might be using the source magic water to improve it level so the magic properties of the water dropped suddenly.

But they would have never expected that it was all done by Mohini right now.

Based on the estimate of Mohini they would need another month to make the basic construction of the city with walls.

After two months they would have a complete city operational.

At that time Mohini would visit the city as a survivor to see if other key holders have appeared in the city.

This is important for Mohini.

The surrounding temperature is showing signs of change.

“It seems that the extreme cold might have a slight change this time.”

Mohini thought.

Well actually she observed this strange phenomenon before too.

The natural disasters are changing strangely and their intensity is also changing.

Also the amount of time they should be present base on the previous life memories is not consistent.

This means that even after her rebirth because of the changes she made along with the changes made by the other key holders, things might be different.

It is said that everything in the world is connected and these things move based on their certain predetermined path.

The paths are set by the law of causality and will of the fate.

This is something even gods and demons cannot cross.

Every move a living organism make every choice a living or non living organism takes would change the final outcome of the predetermined path.

But the paths are always there changing their results.

Mohini and other key holders have killed many other people, broke some ancient constructions and removed some artifacts for repairing the ark space.

These changes have their corresponding effect back to the original path and made the current changes.

Mohini cannot predict the current changes but she can always prepare for the worst.

With that she started to improvise the formation around with the things on hand.

They are not going to leave here for the time being, they are going to stay here for the next few months.

Chapter 255: magic energy concentration pool

With that she started to improvise the formation around with the things on hand.

They are not going to leave here for the time being, they are going to stay here for the next few months.

Based on her estimate Mohini thinks that it would take around 15 days to fill up the shallow pool completely.

After filling up it would charge up to the tier 5, concentration level within a month.

Then she and the girls can take a comfortable soak in the spring and practice there.

On the other hand they still have monster beast meat with them.

They would eat it and improve their power through practice during this month.

Mohini put their small room at one side of the cave that is hidden.

Then she and the girls did various things every day.

They practiced and they also exercised very hard during this time.

Mohini actually filled up their asses and pussies so frequently that she could make a puddle of cum on the side.

The girls had a hard time keeping up with Mohini.

But she was not spared either.

They each fucked the other with double penetration with the three of them.

Also after eating the meat of the lion they are more and more aroused.

Mohini is planning to take them to one of the main cities in the apocalypse land and start a family there.

Well not with the kids for the time being.

She cannot be sure that they would be safe for at least a year of time.

Only with this kind of guarantee that Mohini can let her girls become pregnant.

That is if they wanted to become pregnant.

Personally she doesn’t want to become pregnant.

Also there is another condition that Mohini has to break through to tier 5 peak state so that she can face up all kinds of challenges then.

Well she is just measuring up the things as the power ranking of the apocalypse land is very different.

This estimate is related to only their current situation.

Mohini has already explained this and the girls understand.

Also they are not so eager to become pregnant for the time being.

Based on what Mohini said they can stay young for a long time if they can develop well in the future.

So they can give birth to a child later when they are strong enough and think that they need a child.

After a month the monitoring in the area has increased.

The water with magical properties is not coming out to their new city of hope that they secretly arranged.

This made them anxious.

When they came to check they found that the presence of the lion is becoming stronger and stronger.

They immediately understood that the lion might be breaking through to tier 5.

Well that is the report they made and gave it to their leaders.

Fortunately lion did not have a habit of going out of its territory and hunt outside.

That is the reason why the dared to build a city so close to the territory of the lion.

So they did not fear that after breaking through to tier 5 the lion would come to them to attack.


On the other hand Mohini and the girls took a comfortable bath to clean their bodies and then went to take a soak in the magic energy concentration pool.

Well they are not going to do any big plays here instead they are practicing honestly.

Practicing here would improve their speed of improvement in both abilities and strengthen their body, mind and the spirit.

The process would not be painful and it will be like soaking in hot comfortable water to relax.

They started to feel the energy passing into their bodies.

But after soaking for a while they found a problem.

With the consumption of magic energy from the natural formation for all other formation the amount of magic energy is not sufficient for three people to use it.

Only one person can use it at a time.

Mohini can understand the situation.

So she gave this chance to her women to develop.

They decided to share this magic pool one person a day and continue with the circle.

Well they did not have any objection for this distribution.

Soon the time moved forward to another three months and the hope city was completely built.

The system is silent for some reason and did not give her another fantasy world entry situation.

Also because of the survival problems many people have forgotten about Mohini.

Mohini did not care about that.

She knows that it was time for her to visit the city in disguise and get some benefits.

What she wanted to get are the tier 1 monster beast crystals (Spars) and above to improve her critical hit percentage.

This is easy as the value of tier 1 spars has reduced to common currency.

Mohini can simply go there and steal the things with her current power.

From the very beginning she did not have any thoughts of trading and getting the spar.

She did not care about the people there as she only cares about her women.

If there is a choice where she can only save either her women or all the people in the world then she would definitely choose her women over the world.

This time she is not going to take her women with her.

She doesn’t want to make unnecessary troubles for her right now.

They are strong but there are many strong people with weapons in the hope city.

Those people from the ancient families are unscrupulous bastards that would not leave good looking women like her, Radha and Sakura.

She don’t Mind playing around with them.

But the problem is theses people would not show them the courtesy and treat them as lowly street whores.

Also their freedom would be gone.

She doesn’t like this kind of things to happen to her or her women.

Chapter 256: search in the city of hope

Also their freedom would be gone.

She doesn’t like this kind of things to happen to her or her women.

So Mohini doesn’t want to make any big things right now.

As long as they broke through tier 5 then it is not a problem to flatten the city with their power.

But they are not at that level yet.

So, Mohini has to do things alone.

Also she plans to search for other key holders in the city.

If her guess is right they should also be people that came back from the future.

This means that they might not be staying in the city all the time.

But still Mohini did not give up hope.

She disguised herself like an old man with beggar like clothes.

Then she entered into the city and started to wander around by herself.

She went to all corners of the city like a frail old man that would die at any moment.

For entering the city one has to hand over at least 1 spar of tier 1.

The old man gave the spar easily but with trembling hands making the receiving guards think that the old man valued this spar very much.

With this kind of show they would not show any care about the old man like this.

So they let her into the city after checking that she is a human.

Well there is a barrier that would check if the person entering is a human or not.

So they did not fear that a humanoid corpse or zombie with human intelligence to enter into the city without their notice.


While wandering around, Mohini eyed specific places where the spars are stored in the city.

Also there is a place that is heavily guarded which should be the place where the ancient families would stay.

Mohini went around slowly and waited till the night fall.

Then she started looting.

First came to the area where the collected spars are of the city gate are stored.

She did not knock out the guards instead used her ability to manipulate things to open a small passage at one corner of the building.

It is like moving the earth and metal.

Actually she passed through them like an immaterial object because of the ghost like ability that she got before.

As for the formation guarding this place, it was a piece of cake for Mohini to break it and enter inside.

She went straight towards the storage are and there are boxes of spars arranged carefully.

There are numbers on the boxes.

All the boxes with big number 1 are tier 1 spars and there are a few boxes filled with tier 2 spars.

But there is no tier 3 and tier 4 spars present which made Mohini sigh.

Mohini took them all into her ark warehouse and used some to improve her critical hit rate to increase to 15 percent.

She went straight to the location where the ancient families live and checked the situation.

It was not easy to enter these places because there is a tier 3 formation blocking the area.

It took her a little while to solve it.

It was solved and Mohini entered inside.

Every ancient family has its own warehouse and there are personal warehouses too.

There are 7 ancient families and they have big warehouses with food, water and other supply reserves.

There is a warehouse filled with boxes of tier 1 and tier 2 spars.

But there is no appearance of tier 3 and tier 4 spars along with other natural treasures.

Mohini knows that they are stored in their personal warehouses.

So she went straight to check around and found the locations of the personal warehouses.

Mohini with her mind power can manipulate the surroundings to create illusions and hide in the shadows.

This is the ability that she got before when she ate that ghost flower.

Unless the other person is at least a tier 3 level person they would not be able to discover her easily with the ability to hide in the shadows.

With the ability she sneaked around the place and saw many atrocities that happen in the apocalypse times.

There are many people that are kept in the name of servants in the buildings and the treatment of these people is worse and cannot be said in words.

But Mohini cannot interfere with this because these people are not weak instead they made themselves weak.

Well not all of them are like that but most of them are people that stepped on their friends and family to survive.

Their suffering is the consequence of their previous choices.

Mohini moved around and avoided the area with awakened people over tier 3.

But the harvest is really good and got good amount of tier 3 and even tier 4 spars.

There are some naturally formed treasures and alloys stored in their secret strong rooms.

Mohini got them all with her ghost like ability.

She directly emptied the vaults of all the ancient families.

Even if she did not take them someone would steal them when the monster tides happen later.

Then she did not leave instead she went around the city for another round searching for the other key holders.

That day there is no gain so she has to silently sneak away out of the city back to her home.

On the next day she came into the city using the back door that is her secret passage way to let her pass through like a ghost.

But the entire city is in turmoil because the ancient families lost their treasures and the city barrier maintenance lost their reserves.

But no one bothered with a person that looks like a beggar.


After a few days of going around the city, Mohini finally had a reaction in her ark symbol that started to vibrate with excitement.

She went there immediately and the other person was hiding and watching the incoming person.

Chapter 257: Natasha visits Mohini’s base

After a few days of going around the city, Mohini finally had a reaction in her ark symbol that started to vibrate with excitement.

She went there immediately and the other person was hiding and watching the incoming person.

Mohini can easily see the person that is hiding with excellent senses and came to that person to chat.

That person is actually a lady and looked more like a beggar than Mohini.

Mohini could not help but sigh that the other party is very good at disguising their age and hot appearance.

But they could not hide it from Mohini that has a strong sense.

They went to a remote alley to talk.

The person in front of Mohini is Natasha that came here to do some scouting.

Currently she is living in her base and comes here from time to time to check the situation.

Other than Nubia, Natasha also found Rose and Ginny are also with her.

They met when they came here to check the situation of the humanity’s base that was in construction phase.

After looking at each other vigilantly for a while Mohini was the first one to speak.

“I am Mohini, I am a key holder.

I am currently in a group with two other key holders.

May I know your name?”

She starred at Mohini vigilantly for a few minutes and finally said.

“I am Natasha,

I am also a key holder and I am in the group with 3 other key holders.”

Mohini knows that the situation and place are not good to speak.

Also Natasha gave a strong military air to Mohini.

So Mohini directly said.

“Did you and other also return back in time?

I have lived for 15 years in the apocalypse and entered the apocalypse land after the fall of this four faced city.

How long have you and other key holders lasted.”

Natasha widened her eyes at the new information about the destruction of the city of four faces.

Also she felt that she knows the voice of Mohini from somewhere and felt familiar.

She felt like it was the voice of the person that taught her the disguise technique.

Also by the looks of it the other party is also disguised in the same way as she is right now.

So she immediately asked.

“I have lived for 9 years and came to the apocalypse city.

At that time there is a person that taught me how to put on a proper disguise.

Are you the one that taught me in my previous life?”

She asked with some suspicion.

Hearing that the eyes of Mohini shrank and she vaguely remembered something like that happened.

Immediately he said.

“You are that silver haired girl,

So your name is Natasha.

I thought you would come back after your hunt.

But you never came back after that time we met…”

Then Mohini as if remembering something said to Natasha.

“Don’t tell me you were chased by your enemies at that time.

I remember that the woman that held me captive talk about trapping someone.

It seems like your death might have something to do with me.

I mean is that the person that held me captive might have noticed you and tried to gain benefits from using that information.

I am really sorry.”

Mohini said with guilty consciousness.

Natasha immediately understood what happened.

She thought that it was Mohini that sold her out but it was only a small doubt.

But it seems that the person that sold her out is the one that is holding Mohini as captive.

She understood clearly.

It has nothing to do with Mohini as she was captive.

She has already doubted that something like this might have happened.

She cannot blame Mohini for that as she helped her at that time.

Now that Mohini is also a key holder she could not hold Mohini accountable for anything.

She sighed and then waved her hand.

“You don’t have to be sorry about this.

It has nothing to do with you.”

She can understand the situation.

She has already noticed that some people are missing in the city that should be there before.

Just like her that killed her enemies, Mohini should also kill the enemy that held her captive before.

Thinking of this she also noticed that many of the key holders are like that.

It is like they are people with revenge and killed someone stepping into the path that is suitable for the survival in the apocalyptic setting.

She thought for a while and said that she would follow Mohini to her place to speak first and then decided on what to do with the other key holders.

Just like Mohini, she has her ways of leaving the city and Mohini followed behind her.

She did not show her ghost like skill to immaterialize her body.

Mohini led the way to her hide out.

She did not fear that Natasha would do something because Mohini has some attack formations charged in her hide out.

Also Sakura and Radha would take turns to guard the situation and the predetermined path for Mohini to return.

At that time if Mohini showed any predetermined signs they would simply snipe the people that Mohini is coming with.

That is how they talked it out.

This time the person on duty is Radha.

When she saw that Mohini is not alone but there is another person beside her, she immediately became vigilant.

She closely followed the movements of the two and checked the hand, face and legs of Mohini.

There is no sign of attack or danger or escape.

So she waited for Mohini to come but did not reduce her vigilance.

When they got closure she felt that the ark symbol on her chest vibrate a little.

She knows that the person that is following Mohini is actually the key holder.

So she moved from that place and came down to call Sakura to meet with the new key holder.

Chapter 258: 7 key holders finally met

She knows that the person that is following Mohini is actually the key holder.

So she moved from that place and came down to call Sakura to meet with the new key holder.

They are going to have a talk so they need to have a good environment to talk.

Natasha is also vigilant all the time when coming to the wilderness.

She is good with thunder and if there is a slightest change she would immediately activate her thunder ability to kill Mohini and destroy her surroundings.

But Mohini did not do anything suspicious.

All she talked was about her current situation and how they are living while asking the some questions about the situation of Natasha.

After they entered into the cave Natasha saw two women and felt the ark symbol vibrating on her chest.

She knows that these two are key holders and they also have good relationship with Mohini.

The relationship should have crossed the boundaries of friendship.

Also she noticed that none of them have any bad signs of abuse, instead they well fed and trained with strong bodies.

This made Natasha look at Mohini with some good impression.

Then Mohini talked about her situation and the living conditions of this cave.

“This place has a magic pool that is formed naturally.

I have created a concentrated pool on the side using the knowledge on formation I learnt from the apocalypse land.

The shallow pool has tier 5 magic energy concentration.

We are using it in turns.

Other than that it is also powering other formations in this place so that this place is safe from the arracks of other monsters.


Mohini explained some of the basic details and asked how her base situation is.

She can understand the meaning of the world of Mohini.

It is that they can change locations to all live together.

This is Mohini’s plan.

So she started to think and explained about her base.

Technically her base is not in a good state right now.

After the earthquakes there are many cracks in the underground base and the above ground part is also unstable.

But it was well hidden for their safety.

So they are staying there.

But the cave of Mohini is really good and has many good things and usage value.

There is also protection here.

The most important thing is that all the key holders can stay at the same place.

This is the best outcome.

She also observed that the two women Radha and Sakura that Mohini introduced are well respected by Mohini unlike those women in the apocalypse shelters and camps.

So she decided to take the chance and move here.

With her explanation about her base situation Mohini spoke.

“You can all come here to live.

There is a clean source of water and heating formation.

Even though it was snowing outside there will not be any cold inside.

Also this place has the aura of tier 5 monster beast lion that deter other monsters.

So I invite you all to move here for the time being.

After everyone reaches tier 5 we will start our journey to the apocalypse land.

This place is only the tip of an iceberg in the apocalypse land.

With my experience we can easily go there and develop……”

Listening to the words of Mohini she was really moved and decided to bring the other three key holders here to live and improve their strength.

She is currently at the middle stage of tier 3.

Mohini is at the middle stage of tier 4.

Sakura and Radha are at the peak stage of tier 3.

They need a long time to fully develop with the current conditions of the magic pool alone.

But with the spar that Mohini brought back it would become a fast process from now on.

Also inviting those people here was her idea and she has already discussed about this matter with both Sakura and Radha.

They did not have any objection because everyone is a key holder.

Also their unity is their strength.

Instead of forming team with blind idiots, forming a team with similar people like them is the best.

Thinking of this she has decided to bring the other three people here to talk.

If they are okay with this then they can stay here and if not they can stay at her base.

That is her thought.

But she has decided to move here and Nubia that thinks similar to her would do the same.

So it is not a problem.

After Natasha left, Mohini talked to Radha and Sakura with some intimate time.

Mohini was sure that Natasha requires few hours to come back and Mohini don’t want to waste such a good opportunity.

So she played with the girls filling the place with pheromones and love juices.

By the time they cleaned up Natasha arrived here with three other girls.

Mohini was on the lookout and looked at the three people that are following Natasha.

There is also a monster beast which looked like a cat but also a big one.

Mohini has to understand these people slowly before trusting them completely.

When they arrived they were shocked to see that such a structure was made inside a cave.

Also they felt that the temperature here is much warmer than outside and it was just perfect.

There is also strong magic energy that Rose felt because of her connection with the land and plants.

With that they started to introduce.

Mohini was the first one to start the introduction.

“I am Mohini, my awakened skill or ability is like jack of all trades.

I have lived for 15 years in the apocalypse world and entered the apocalypse land.”

“I am Nubia, my awakened skill or ability is related to wind.

I have lived for 9 years in the apocalypse world just like Natasha.

This is my pet cat Sekhmet.

It is harmless and can detect the dangers in advance.”

Chapter 259: the turmoil in the hope city

“…This is my pet cat Sekhmet.

It is harmless and can detect the dangers in advance.”

“I am Radha, my awakened skill or ability is related to water.

I have lived for 8 years in the apocalypse world.”

“I am Rose, my awakened skill or ability is related to healing and land.

I have lived for 6 years in the apocalypse world.

I can communicate with plants and know some important things.”

“I am Sakura, my awakened skill or ability is related to fire.

I have lived for 8 years in the apocalypse world.”

“I am Ginny, my awakened skill or ability is related to mind reading and mind control.

I have lived for 6 years in the apocalypse world.”

With the introductions they have a basic understanding of each other.

Mohini then explained about the situation in the apocalypse land.

Also she explained her stance with Radha and Sakura in order to avoid any troubles in the future.

They discussed about their situations and finally decided to form a team.

With that the ark system gave out a message.


Congratulations for all the 7 descendents of the progenitors to form a team.

The ark entry time has been added for all to reach 14 hours a day and it can be accumulated.

The ark space of all the key holders is connected forming a single huge space with specified boundaries for privacy.

All the ark space is increased by 7 times with the team formation.

Now you can pass through from one portion of the ark space to another with the permission from the owner of the designated ark space.

The broken ark is restored and the cumulative ark level has reached tier 3 of 1 star level.

Further upgrade needs collective materials for the upgrade.

The materials information is made into a book at the ark library.

Please check the information.

The ark can only be upgraded collectively.


A long series of information appeared in the minds of the 7 key holders and they all smiled happily.

This means that they have life saving ark space right now.

Also the amount of space increased by nearly 4 times for Mohini, Radha and Sakura and 3 times for the other 4 girls.

They are all very happy with the amount of increase in the space.

Unfortunately to use this space they have to repair it first.

Well it is a problem to repair it because there are not many resources that they can collect at their current situation.

But they are not in a hurry as there are many things they can take from the humanity’s four faced city.

There is no sympathy towards these people in any of the 7 people as they have experience the cruelty of the world.

Here strong survives and weak dies.

In this hell like world if they are not strong enough to survive, it is better to die than to suffer.

After the brief discussion they all decided to stay here and Mohini decided to build a wooden house for the four of them.

Mohini and the girls already had their own small room so they did not have to construct any.

For that the dead trees outside can be used.

The new forest of strange plants can also be used.

Rose can identify the plants that have more strength and easy to use and can make suggestion for the group easily.

So they group departed from here.

The number of people in the group is four and it was Mohini, Nubia, Natasha and Rose.

Ginny is not needed here so she was left at the cave to monitor any movements in the surrounding area.

This is one of her ability related to mind.

After the upgrade she can sense the surrounding area more than a normal eye could see.

Also she can see through the ground for sneak attacks.

That is the best thing about her ability.

Her sensing is far stronger than the sensitivity of Rose even though she has earth elemental affinity.

The group went a little far as they have to cut off more huge plants and don’t want to show any changes in their area.

Even though some of them are plants they would have wood instead of green stems.

These kind of young mature plants are rare and hard to find.

Also these kinds of plants have vines that would act like defensive mechanism and attacks the enemies protecting the tree.

In this kind of situation people like Rose are very useful.

They can communicate with the trees but they can also confuse them.

Rose would confuse them and Mohini’s group would act on cutting down the tree.

That would be the quick way of getting the wood for their usage.


While Mohini and other are doing their work Ginny was talking to Radha and Sakura about Mohini.

She found that Mohini is their lover or life partner and a very good cook.

Well girls gossip more and they can easily mingle with each other.


The four faced city is in turmoil after the loss of many materials and spar.

They are facing a situation where the defenses of the city might break at any given moment because of the loss of energy supply.

The big families are pacing around thinking of a way to solve the situation.

Unfortunately they did not have a solution.

But they heard big news from the person that went to check the things.

Not only rare materials and spar were gone but also all the food and water supplies along with various valuables are also gone.

Everything was looted very cleanly.

Other might not suspect but the ancient families suspect that someone must have gotten their hands on space equipment or something like that.

They also have space equipment but the space inside is small.

It should be around 100 cubic meters.

The ancient families still has food and water in their space equipment as emergency reserves of a family.

Chapter 260: the traitors of the progenitors

It should be around 100 cubic meters.

The ancient families still has food and water in their space equipment as emergency reserves of a family.

They did not have too many space equipment with them.

The food and water they brought outside are their main reserves.

But they still could not believe that someone took everything away so easily and quickly.

This is because the space equipment would not hold so many things.

On conservative estimate even if there are 100 storage space equipments, it is not enough to store all the things that were stolen.

Because of this they are really shocked and don’t know if something different is happening.

At that time in the meeting hall one of the nerdy members of the ancient family spoke.

“There is one possibility.

It is said that the progenitors that created earth from the apocalypse land has huge space equipment called the progenitor’s ark.

It is said that the crazy progenitor has divided it into 7 pieces dividing it with the other 6 progenitors.

Based on the incidents before the apocalypse there disappearance of many materials, it is safe to assume that those 7 progenitors have chosen descendents now.

They should be the ones that actually stole our things.

That is the only possible explanation.”

When he said this thing the people in the meeting hall quieted down.

Yes it is possible for this to happen.

No it is the thing that happened.

They are the ancient families but they are also the traitors of the progenitors.

They used the underhanded means to get the information from those progenitor families and killed all the descendents of the progenitor families.

As they died these traitors changed the faces and acted like the saviors of the world creating various stories of their glory.

They took the storage space equipment, techniques and all the secrets of the progenitors for themselves.

But they did not expect that the progenitor families are still alive and have descendents for all 7 progenitors.

Now it has become their biggest problem.

They have to find these descendants of the progenitors and get everything from them.

For that they have to start the investigation.

They are sure to find the cause of this through proper investigation.

So the issued the orders to investigate all the abnormalities since the start of the apocalypse extreme heat.

Well with the investigation they can easily find some holes.

Like Mohini that left the army without entering the four faced city.

It was strange for a person to not to enter a protected city and also predict so many things.

Then the matter related to Sakura that killed few assassins and escaped.

The leader of the assassination organization is from the ancient family.

Similarly the incident related to Radha and the people she killed.

But it was a small incident that was quickly covered under the sheets.

Then it is related to Natasha that faked her death to escape from them.

There is also something related to a pendent.

The incident related to Rose which was a common incident again and was pushed under the sheets.

Then the incident related to Nubia which did not have any records and did not came as important.

Then the incident related to Ginny which is also strange on how she was able to solve it.

Right now based on the information they had, they have 4 suspects.

One is Mohini, second is Natasha, third his Sakura and fourth is Ginny.

All these people are suspected to be the descendents of the progenitors.

Also all these people showed very strange behavior.

Like Ginny buying large amounts of food and water using all of her wealth.

Like Mohini predicting the future more accurately and collecting some strange things.

Like Sakura’s sudden betrayal.

Like Natasha’s sudden change to leave the Special Forces and even fake her death.

Also she bombed her own house too.

All of these things are suspicious.

The most recent information is that Mohini and Sakura are in the same group along with another woman that is close to them.

This is a very suspicious matter.

With that they immediately started to investigate to find out if there are any new entries to the four faced city from the eastern direction and northern direction.

Most of the time, the refugees enter from the side they came from because their country people are in that direction.

That is why they decided to search from that direction right now.

But it would not be fruitful.

All they could find are people entering with beggar like appearance.

But there are not many of them.

On that particular day there are only 3 or 4 of them from each gate.

All the other people are identified but the new entries are not identified.

With the question it is not hard to check the situation and find what the problem is.

They immediately searched the city to find this beggar like people.

This is a hard job because to search.

But with the extensive man power they were able to discover all the beggars both living and dead.

Even with all this they could not find two beggars.

Immediately they understood that these two people might be the possible suspects.

They did not find these two leaving the city and they have some witnesses that said that these beggars have roamed all over the city but they never actually begged.

The more they investigated the more suspicious they became and decided to find these two people.

Well the current loss of supplies, spars and rare treasures is enough to make them search the city upside down.

So no amount of manpower is left out.

Except for the main guards at the entrance to see if they come into the city again, every guard and worker is on search.

Every house, place, nook and corner was searched.

Well it will take time for the search to complete.

It would be a fruitless search for them.


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