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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 261: wood from a monster tree

Well it will take time for the search to complete.

It would be a fruitless search for them.


On the other hand Mohini and the girls came to a plant that has wood.

It looked like a normal tree.

In fact this is not a normal tree because it is only in its plant stage.

There are many roots and vines hanging from the tree.

Mohini knows that they would attack all kinds of living organisms to take them as nutrients for the main tree.

This is an omnivorous organism.

If there are forest elves here they would have definitely cut down this kind of tree.

They trees they grow would help others instead of attacking and eating them.

This tree would do that.

Mohini let Rose communicate with the tree while standing far away.

Mohini took out a long sword just in case.

This kind of root and vine attacks cannot be solved with guns.

They need strong cutting force instead of piercing force.

If the sword did not work Mohini would take out a chain saw to cut the tree.

As Mohini readied her equipment, the other women Natasha and Nubia are also ready.

Unfortunately they only had guns and daggers.

So Mohini gave them a sword each for the coming battle.

This place is over 30 kilometers away from the city of four faces and also it is 10 kilometers away from his current cave base.

So Mohini did not worry about attracting strong attention.

Mohini already gave walkie-talkies to the women at the base.

Their range is 20 kilometers.

The frequency is set so it is not a problem for communication.

These things are stored in ark space so at the time of electromagnetic impulse storm these devices are not damaged.

Even if there is electromagnetic interference they can still be used to some extent.

When Rose is communicating with the tree things were not going well.

Well they came here to cut the tree not to grow it.

Will the tree accept it willingly letting them cut off its trunk?

So it is a big no and the things are not good.

Right when the expression on the face of Rose changed Mohini moved over immediately in front of her to guard her from the retaliation from the tree.

As soon as she came in front of a big root as big as the arm of an adult man came towards her attacking with its sharp edge.

Mohini swung the sword in her hand cutting the big root and immediately moved forward.

The three girls moved forward leaving Sekhmet with Rose for protection.

Well Rose can also fight but not on the same level as the Mohini, Natasha and Nubia.

Rose is also helping them using her communication capabilities with the trees to confuse the big tree.

Because of the combined effort the slaying of this tree monster became easy.

Mohini moved like a sharp sword cutting down the roots and vines in a chaotic path.

When she came near the trunk she immediately switched with a chainsaw that was running right now.

She kept a running chain saw in time stagnant space stopping its movements in a pause of time.

She used the chain saw to make a big cut on the trunk.

The tree strangely seeped reddish brown liquid flowing down from the cut.

It looked like blood.

But Mohini did not stop and continued to cut.

Accidentally a drop of this reddish brown liquid splashed on her hand making her stop and retreat few steps.

This is because the reddish brown liquid is like a strong acid.

Mohini immediately put the chain saw into the space and took out a bottle of water along with a base solution to rub on the area where the reddish brown acidic liquid splashed.

This immediately alerted the other two women and they also retreated.

Fortunately Mohini has made several big cuts on the tree trunk and there is another way to complete the cut.

She took out a high powered sniper rifle from her space and arranged it.

Then she shot at the edges where she previously made the big cuts.

The high power sniper bullet is quite big and it can easily cause heavy damage to even concrete walls.

So the tree that is made of wood could not hold back.

Even though it has regenerative capabilities and nearly immortal, it is not possible to recover so quickly under the barrage of bullets.

Mohini shot 20 rounds in a row with 20 loaded sniper rifles from her ark space.

With that the tree is finally separated at the cut point.

With that separated Mohini the tree is heavily damaged.

Its quick movements have reduced very much.

Mohini immediately took out a grappling hook harpoon shooter from her ark space and shot at the separated part of the tree.

As soon as it was hooked she pulled the upper part of the tree with all of her strength and ran away wildly from there.

The other three women followed behind Mohini helping her clear the way to pull the big part of the tree.

The process is not smooth but the results are really good.

They came out of the range of the roots of the tree that are barely moving.

They tried to hold the upper part of the tree.

It can directly attach that part back and heal its wound.

But Mohini did not give it that chance and pulled the tree away from there.

After some time they put the tree into the ark space and returned back to the cave hideout.

While returning Mohini observed that the snow outside is quite strange.

It is as if the cold weather is going to end at any time.

The temperature in the surroundings is also strange.

Originally, based on the experience of her past life there should still be some time before the extreme cold weather stops.

But right now things are different.

Chapter 262: abnormal weather changes

Originally, based on the experience of her past life there should still be some time before the extreme cold weather stops.

But right now things are different.

Mohini believes that she and the other key holders might have done some things that have changed some of the causes changing the effects of the current situation.

After returning to the base she started processing large part of the tree slowly and brought in the big tree to dry on one side.

She could not use the tree as it is.

It still has corrosive liquid oozing from it.

Strangely after the liquid is in air contact for a while it changed into something solid like lacquer.

Mohini did not care about that and let it ooze out and let the tree dry.

She told them to rest for the night in their tents.

Each of them had their own sleeping arrangements.

Mohini, Radha and Sakura will be sleeping in their small room as usual.

Also food they did not eat from each other.

Even though they formed a team their trust did not reach the level of food given by the other party.

So they each had their own boundaries.

But the delicious smell from the cooking from Mohini still made them swallow their saliva few times.

Mohini looked at them but did not say anything for the time being.

In this kind of thing trust is the most important thing.

One has to give the food that is in need of food.

They have to at least ask for the food she cooked to give them.

She should not take the initiative to give them the food.

Instead they have to ask for the food.


The people in the city of hope started to search for the possible hide out of Mohini and other suspects.

But they would not dare to search at the location Mohini is staying currently.

It is the most dangerous place with a tier 5 monster present.

Also the surrounding area of this place is like a maze.

One side there is earth worm like creatures as big as bullet trains.

Another side there is a large horde of wild boars that are as big as cars and tanks.

Another side is a dense forest with strange trees and poisonous life forms.

Only an experienced person can navigate through these areas.

Right now Mohini is the only one other than her two women.

Even the four women that joined his team might not be able to navigate through this area easily.

Well Rose can still point out a direction using her ability to communicate with plants.

So they are safe for the time being.

Before they could find this location Mohini and his gang would be strong enough to enter into the apocalypse land.


Next day in the morning Mohini started use some spars to make another formation in the shallow pool that she made for magical energy concentration.

She wanted to make sure that the pool can accommodate at least 4 people at a time before losing the magic energy concentration.

This way they can improve faster.

She has used the spar that she got to improve her critical strike level to 20 percent.

After that the cost is very high and she did not have enough capital to move further.

On the other hand she can use the remaining spar for this improvement.

So she discussed it with the other key holders and started to work.

Mohini can practice with Radha and Sakura at the same time.

The remaining 4 women can practice at the same time.

This division would let them strengthen faster instead of one person per day.

The formation cannot make the magic energy out of thin air.

It has to attract from the surrounding places.

For that what Mohini chose is actually the underground vine of water flow.

The water from the pool comes here from many areas and then passes through the shallow pool she made.

What she would do is to connect the 4 fundamental elements of the nature.

That is earth, air, fire and water to the formation to attract the magical energy from the all these elements.

With that the magic energy in the surrounding environment would be attracted by a few kilometers making this place devoid of magical energy.

Unless there is an expert in formations he would not be able to discover this location easily.

Well there are no experts that can decipher tier 6 level formation that Mohini made just now.

The highest level of formation Mohini can make is only a tier 6 level formation.

Also not many types of formations are known by her.

Other than the magical energy concentration formation, she knows some defensive formations and concealment formations.

With them in place she can be safe but the consumption of the tier 6 defensive formation is very high.

She could not afford it with her current location.

So she gave up the strong things and made the magical energy gathering formation and concealment formation integrated into each other.

Within 24 hours the area 10 kilometers around her would lose its magical energy.

Or to be more precise, all the magical energy generated in this area would be constantly concentrated to the pool she made.

Since it is a continuous process no one can hinder it.

At the same time because of the concealment formation it is not possible to figure out that this is the place where the concentration of magic energy is present.

If there is any high level or peak level tier 5 monsters then there is a chance to feel the location of the concentration.

But the intimidation formation inside the concealment formation would produce the presence of a tier 6 monster making it impossible for them to attack.

Or they would be intimidated into fleeing this area quickly.

All in all they are in a safe place for the time being without any problem.

Chapter 263: preparations for the coming disasters

But the intimidation formation inside the concealment formation would produce the presence of a tier 6 monster making it impossible for them to attack or they would be intimidated into fleeing this area quickly.

All in all they are in a safe place for the time being without any problem.


The people at the four faced city searched for Mohini and other very much but they did not even get a single clue.

The soldiers that are previously close to Mohini were interrogated.

Well millions of spar and supplies are at stake.

Will they be interrogated peacefully?

Things are really ugly.

Even if Mohini was here she would not blink her eyes looking at the situation of those people that previously worked with her.

Well this is apocalypse they have to depend on themselves.

Even though she is the reason for their current situation none of them matters to her.

Also before leaving Mohini specifically told them that they should not speak about her or use her name.

She stated that her name or being acquainted with her might cause them severe problems.

The people that used Mohini’s name for their gains are the ones that got problems while the others that heed her warning are still fine.

So their situation is mostly, self inflicted than caused by Mohini.


While creating the formation Mohini felt that the temperature in the surrounding area is abnormal again.

During the arrangement of formation that is related to the magic concentration, she would feel some of the current situation of the surrounding environment.

Because of the strong fluctuations of the temperature, Mohini thinks that there might be another natural disaster coming to them.

In their current situation anything is better than a hot sun or extreme heat.

Currently many places are filled with snow that is reaching tens of meters of height.

There are many places where the water under the ground is frozen over time.

If the sudden sun or extreme heat then all of this would melt in a few hours.

It is nothing more than unstable ground and strong flood.

Also there are many ancient viruses currently mixed in under the snow over time.

If the snow melts it would be the most dangerous situation.

Mohini originally planned to train here quickly and leave this place to the apocalypse land they earth connects to in a year of time before the end of the extreme winter.

But now things seem to be changing faster than she expected.

She has to immediately take the emergency steps for the coming disaster.

But her words might not be trusted so she has to prove this by making another person test the situation.

That should be Rose that can communicate with plants and Nubia that has a cat that can sense the changes in the environment much sharply than humans.

So she immediately called all the girls to discuss this issue.

After the preliminary check both Nubia and Rose accepted that what Mohini said is true.

The good thing is that the current cave they are living in is not at the ground level.

Also the land they are living in is also an elevated land.

Well it is the territory of a lion which is said to the king of the beasts.

So it is natural for its home to be in a high area with more natural advantage.

But they have to make some advanced preparations just in case something happens.

First is to dig some trenches down around the area of the mountain where the cave is located.

These trenches would collect the excess water that would appear after the snow is melted.

All of this would fill those trenches and the water level would be lower letting them move easily.

Mohini did not fear that those people from the city of hope would rush over here.

This place is dangerous even if the entire place is filled with water.

The most problematic things should be the flying monsters, and underground worms. Serpents, mutated fish monsters, insects that lost their nests……

All these things would be in the move right after water level changes.

Even with the intimidation of the lion they might come close to this place.

So Mohini has to prepare for that.

She immediately told the girls her plan to make the water trenches.

They can be of two purposes.

One is to protect them from the big melting of ice,

The second is to provide them with excess water.

Third is to protect them from sudden entry of land based monsters.

Mohini and the girls can make wooden plank brides and can place then whenever they want to cross over to the land.

So this is the best way for everything.

After listening to the explanation that Mohini gave them, they all accepted this.

They understood the situation and it is very normal for them to take this choice.

All they have to be careful about is about the earthquakes as they are inside a cave right now and there might be a problem if the cave caved in.

For that they have other measures and a hole is there for them to escape from here at the top of the cave.

Mohini has connected 7 electric grappling hooks that can directly take them out of this cave to the top of the mountain through the water fall entrance.

They can go through this and take a helicopter that was already prepared or a bunch of gliders to escape from this place easily.

All of this was arranged by Mohini.

Well the girls also had their own set of things for life saving.

For the work Mohini wanted to do Mohini needs the people with expertise.

First of all Sakura and Radha are useful because of their telekinesis capabilities that they learnt and their fire and water abilities.

Rose can help them with camouflaging and covering of the plant and vegetation along with the earth movements.

Chapter 264: entrance cities in apocalypse land

First of all Sakura and Radha are useful because of their telekinesis capabilities that they learnt and their fire and water abilities.

Rose can help them with camouflaging and covering of the plant and vegetation along with the earth movements.

Ginny can help them by controlling a strong wild boar to plough or dig the area for them.

So here Nubia and Natasha are useless.

Mohini took them straight to the mountain top and stationed them with sniper rifles to kill anyone that might spy on them.

Mohini has already told them the possible spying locations in the surrounding mountain range.

With the cat Sekhmet things are much easier for them to do the guarding work.

Mohini and the other girls immediately got to work.

First Mohini marked the location they have to dig with the help of Rose checking around the area of earth for smooth movements and make a deep trench.

Second is for Ginny to use her mind control on a tier 2 monster big wild boar and bring it back to this place.

While they are doing that Rose has to use her ability to make the plants in the area grow taller to cover the area from spying.

It would create a cover around for them.

Both Radha and Sakura would use their powers simultaneously to melt the ice and remove the water from the trench line.

Mohini on the other hand would make a big hole for the boat to start digging.

Also she would push the slurry and mud to one side to make way for easy digging.

With the plan proposed by Mohini the people got into action.

They have to make a shallow water pool and it would turn deep on its own later.

Mohini first went along with Ginny to capture a wild boar.

But fortunately or unfortunately Ginny has actually discovered a beaver like creature that is on the size of a nano car.

It was a tier 2 monster that is a step away from reaching tier 3.

It was easily captured by Mohini and Ginny controlled it with her mind power.

With the control they quickly came back to the cave area.

The beaver is very good at digging.

With both Radha and Sakura helping the digging was done even quicker.

Rose used the plant roots to stiff the channel walls so that they would not cave in after they just dug it out.

After the channel walls were strengthened by the roots Sakura would melt the ice into water and Radha would move the water to form a layer of ice in the current climate.

Just like that they worked for an entire day to make a quarter of the trench channel.

Based on the progress they have to work for 3 more days to complete the entire channel.

So they have to be careful not to get into the eyes of anyone in the next three days.

There is another problem that is this beaver has to be managed for three more days.

But Mohini did not have any taming skills.

So she doesn’t know how to keep the beaver with them.

Fortunately Ginny knows some things related to taming the beasts and she was able to tame the beaver.

For now they had the things prepared for the next three days.

Today the girls asked Mohini to cook on their own initiative.

Well girls and girls speak with each other.

It is very easy to pass on the information and experiences.

So they know that Mohini is a slut but she would not make others like that and they know that Mohini is into women too.

Well believing is not that easy in this apocalypse world.

But they still chose to give it a try.

Mohini started to cook various dishes for them with the wild boar that they hunted in the morning.

The taste is so great with the fresh vegetables that they planted before that their mouths are literally tingly.

Mohini still has loads of cooked food.

But it was all for emergency and special celebration purpose but not for daily consumption.

The girls enjoyed her cooking.

In these apocalyptic times the food cooked by Mohini is literally heavenly.

Mohini was so sure to easily survive with just her cooking in the big countries and cities of the apocalypse land.

Mohini has to talk about the apocalypse land with these women to prepare them in advance.

First of all after moving out of the piece of land that of the apocalypse land that is formed from earth, they would enter the outskirts of the apocalypse land.

This place is called the wasteland where the resources and disasters are very small.

This place is dominated by three countries.

Even thought they are called countries they are just three cities.

One city is dominated by humans normally and they are open to the other races too.

But there are not many other races here.

This city is called Vegra the human city or country.

Then the second city is called Gnore that is dominated by people with mechanical life forms.

They are full mechanical life forms and half mechanical life forms.

There are also dwarfs, human beasts and giants living in this city.

It looked more like a cyberpunk style city.

This city leans mostly towards the science.

This place is open for outsiders but they have to be careful because this place is riddled with crimes with stealing people and organs.

The third city of the wasteland is related to magical creatures and the leading magical creatures of the city are elves.

The city is called Eflihime;

This place has a dense forest but uncertain terrine and strange trees.

Other than that there are many strange creatures living here there is also some human beast race close to nature.

This city leans towards the nature and magic.

As for the human city, it leans is towards the amalgamation of both magic and machinery.

Chapter 265: disaster energy and opportunities

This city leans towards the nature and magic.

As for the human city, it leans is towards the amalgamation of both magic and machinery.

Mohini did not prefer any of these three cities because the people here showed the good attitude but the dark side plays the main role.

These people say that they are good and appear to do good things but the insides are as corrupted as the humans on earth.

Even elves are not good and they specifically look down on humans being an inferior race.

The mechanical life forms are very dangerous because they are honey coated knives that would deceive people with their sweat words.

They are more like bandits.

Human’s side did not require much explanation.

There are nobles and second generation big wigs that would not leave good looking women anywhere.

They would abuse their power to the fullest.

The highest ranking person in these cities based on Mohini’s knowledge is only a tier 7 person.

But that is not the reality.

There is tier 9 or tier 10 people hiding and practicing to improve to become a 1 star survivor of the apocalypse land.

Here the people referred themselves as survivors or evolvers and there are many other names.

But in the apocalypse land survival is the main goal for anyone and everyone.

So the word survivor is used in most cases.

It said that disaster often comes with an opportunity.

The apocalypse land is riddled with disasters but there are so many opportunities that come with the disaster that one can become a super powerful person.

But there is a price.

One has to survive the disaster.

From the information he got from the library of the ark, it is said that a person have to face the disaster or accumulate a strange energy that comes through the disaster.

This accumulated disaster energy would then couple with the opportunity to evolve a person into a stronger being.

If the amount of disaster energy and the opportunity are disproportionate then they did not work.

The natural treasures that Mohini consumed before worked so well because he faced with the natural disasters and survived through one means or the other.

The survival would give him the energy of this disaster that he survived.

It is a small share of this energy that is proportionate to how much he has worked hard and how he survived.

Coupled with the opportunities that he got has balanced the things.

This disaster energy is called the disaster energy and the opportunity energy has many names and forms.

Opportunity can be in the form of a fruit, herb, crystal, water pool………

Unfortunately they cannot be calculated or counted.

Even for a hero or a great person they have to go through many disasters to receive the opportunities to obtain the greatness that he wanted.

Mohini explained about the various features she knows about the outskirts of the apocalypse land.

While thinking of these things she suddenly remembered something about the extreme heat.

She needs loads of ice to cool down if the heat increases to a high level.

It was night and the temperature is relatively cold.

So she decided to take the girls for a walk.

This walk is to collect as much of ice and snow as they possibly get as quickly as possible.

During her time in the apocalypse land there is a day when the sun suddenly got close to the land surface.

At that time an extreme cold disaster is happening at that place.

This cold disaster is many times stronger than the ice age.

At that time the entire ice melted in a single day and the temperature has reached the staggering 60 degrees suddenly.

It lasted for an entire day and then suddenly the temperature dropped as quickly as it increased to the minus 50 degrees.

After checking some records Mohini found that sometimes the sun or some stars in the sky would move.

The apocalypse land is not stagnant and moved from places to place.

So it is possible to have a passing star at close range and move away from it the other day.

No one knows what this situation or what the workings behind the situation.

But before that incident happened there is slight abnormal temperature like they are having right now.

This rang disaster bells in the thoughts of Mohini and immediately made some changes to her plans.

The first thing they have to do in that situation is to have a sturdy shelter and lots of ice to cool them.

They already had a strong shelter and they require the loads of ice.

The ice and snow is all around them and it would be easy for them to collect it with their normal efforts.

They quickly got into work and now even they can sense that the ice and show has reduced significantly.

Based on a theory apocalypse land is a huge floating island land that moves from places to place in the sea of open space.

Sometimes not just meteorites but stars will also fall on the apocalypse land creating a cosmic sea in an area.

One of such situations happened quite a few times destroying huge countries in the apocalypse land.

The current situation of earth should be similar to getting close to the sun with a protective bubble to preserve the life.

But the strong heat which was reduced several times will still fall on earth.

The current extreme cold is caused because earth is currently on the move from its original location in the solar system towards the apocalypse land.

There are a few big stars that are constantly rotating in cylindrical order around the apocalypse land.

It was the 9 suns which has their own orbital time and appears all at once sometimes causing a huge disaster of extreme heat in those specific areas of impact.

The group quickly moved around and got the huge amount of snow with the…..


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