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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 131: willing to marry (Cuck) Norrington

Naturally the little talk between them is over and the big ship with her father governor Swann and commodore Norrington has arrived.

Jack was naturally captured or allowed himself to be captured by those navy soldiers easily without any resistance from his side.

This is because this is the only way to escape from this unnamed island that did not have anything to eat or drink and all the rum is gone.

Elizabeth was carefully taken back to the ship.

They did not question her as she looked as fresh and beautiful as she was taken away before.

Also she because more beautiful because of the improvement of her level.

She was 80 percent more beautiful than she was before.

Her tits and ass has gotten bigger and fuller in bust.

Her skin is whiter and her hair is longer than before.

All in all she is more beautiful and her current dress is barely managing to cover her body.

Well she did not have any underwear inside the current dress and her curves are on full display making many people to gulp down their saliva to wet their dry throats.

They are very lustful and her lust points started to increase again.

But the pace is very slow like a turtle walk.

She now wanted to save will just like that in the movie.

He is her cuck along with Norrington that would change later after this part of the plot.

She would not change the trajectories of the people.

She would at most let them fuck her in advance and make them more trustful towards her.

So, on the big ship she said.

“Commodore Norrington, please save will.

He did all of this to save my life.

At least think of it as the wedding gift before our marriage.”

Governor Swann on the side was really moved and felt that his daughter finally made a proper decision.

Her words are no different from accepting the proposal of commodore Norrington.

Well she is so beautiful that they could not take their eyes off her.

So it is only natural that Norrington would accept her words immediately without letting her have a moment to change her mind.

Such a fine beauty, who don’t want to have her as his wife,

So Norrington immediately accepted her words and sent Jack to the helm to cover the situation.

Elizabeth has a different thought.

She knows that in the future Norrington would die for love.

She wanted to see if she can save him and bring him back with her so that she can have a lover all the time with changed name.

Any way she needs someone to look after her future child that is required to make the daughter of Barbossa fall in love with him.

For the plot to find the trident of Neptune she would try her best to play things in a proper tune.

After making the decision she started to make the changes in her future plans to save Norrington using the special pardoning letters from Lord Beckett.

This way she can simply make him into her husband or a person in charge of her trading and war ship.

That is another lover that would go around the world with her.

Well Jack would not always be with her.

So she needs another lover that can take care of her child.

If needed she can let the child has the appearance of Norrington along with will.

Well it has another 20 years of time and she can take care of things slowly.

If it did not work she can have two children one with will and the other with Norrington.

It would waste her 2 years of her beautiful life.

But it is not a problem to have a peaceful life for a long time.

So she has made some decisions.

The journey time from their current location back the island where black pearl went would take them almost the entire day.

So she has an entire day to play with Norrington.

Jack and her father that is governor Swann would be busy right now.

So she can take the chance to make her move.

Norrington did not have to control the ship after giving out the orders.

Elizabeth went to him immediately and said.

“I have to talk to you about something important privately.”

She said and Jack behind her has a thoughtful smile.

The two soldiers that are holding Jack are the very two soldiers that took the virginity of Elizabeth.

Their eyes are flashing but they did not speak a word.

They know that their words might remove their heads away from their necks.

So they are silent all the time when Elizabeth is present.

They might be dimwits but even they know how to survive.

Norrington nodded his head after listening to the request of Elizabeth.

Then he took her to his cabin to talk.

Governor Swann was even more thoughtful and did not want to meddle in the affairs of the future son in law and his daughter.

Also he thoughtfully created a private time for them by taking the control of the situation.

Norrington can see the situation and did not speak.

He doesn’t know if Elizabeth would change her thought later again.

He wanted to hear what she wanted to say about this matter.

When they came to his cabin Elizabeth immediately said.

“I want to take a bath first and then speak about the important thing.

I want you to stay here and did not leave.

I am really scared.

Those pirates are really cursed.”

Norrington felt her body tremble like a woman that feared and faced many things.

His heart suddenly softened and he wanted to hug her.

But Elizabeth stopped him as she was dirty right now.

She wanted to take a bath before saying or doing anything.

The cabin of Norrington has the bathroom.

She went into to clean up her body that is filled with ash and oily sea water.

Chapter 132: Norrington took fake virginity of Elizabeth

The cabin of Norrington has the bathroom.

She went into to clean up her body that is filled with ash and oily sea water.

Norrington forgot to give her a change of clothes unexpectedly.

Well she did not remind him about this matter either.

She planned to give him a good surprise in this matter.

She took a comfortable bath and came out of the bathroom only covering her body with just a bath towel.

As she walked out of the bathroom with the wet hair and bath towel, she appeared too beautiful.

Norrington forgot to take a breath at that moment.

Elizabeth smiled at him and walked into the room carefully towards him.

With every step she took the heart of Norrington beat a little harder.

His breathing started to become deep and ragged.

He could not speak during this time.

Elizabeth came all the way to his front and made an accidental drop.

She already tied the knot of the bath towel loosely.

So when she took a deep breath letting her tits push the bath towel, it immediately got loose and fell down on the ground.

Her fresh, tender, wet body appeared in front of the eyes of Norrington.

He swallowed his saliva to wet his dry throat.

He doesn’t know what to say at that moment.

He really wanted to stop Elizabeth but he also wanted to see and fuck her more as a man.

Well she is a super beauty that he could not ignore at this moment.

He was deeply in love with her all this time.

So it is natural that he would like to be more intimate with her.

Elizabeth took the initiative to speak to him at that moment.

“Commodore Norrington,

Since you made your end of the bargain, I also want to make my end of the bargain.

I have to assure you that I will definitely marry you.

For that I am going to give you my body first to make you believe me more.

I want you to take my first time right here and right now to make me your woman.

This way, you can trust me that I am your woman in both body and soul.

As she said that she started with a deep kiss with Norrington.

Norrington felt that the reasoning of Elizabeth was correct and he wanted to move along with her lead instinctively.

As for how Elizabeth can prove him that she is still a virgin is by using her nails to make a small cut in her pussy walls right when she let him pierce her pussy.

It would be a little painful but the regeneration skill would take effect immediately and everything would be solved in a few moments of time.

She has to do this for two important reasons.

First is to pull Norrington to her side completely.

Second is to make him help her take all the treasure in the island of Isla de Muerta into their ship after capturing the pirates.

This wealth is her future support.

Her wealth that belongs to her father governor Swann would be taken over by Lord Beckett.

After that she would not have anything with her.

Since it is like this she plants to get the money early and then use it to have fun later.

In this world the money is the most important thing.

It can give her power and security.

The money is the means to let her live a complete fruitful life without any problems in the future.

So she started her act and got into action.

Soon Norrington is naked without wearing the ugly curly white wig and started to fuck her with all his might.

Elizabeth made a small cut on her pussy and drew out a little bed and dripped them on the milky white sheets.

The small red dots are the proof for Norrington that he took her virginity.

Well her pussy is perfectly tight to make it more believable.

They spent just an hour and half before Norrington finally got back to his senses.

He can fuck her more but he is gentle by nature.

After looking at the drops of blood he decided to not to cause any more harm to Elizabeth and let her rest first.

He can fuck her again after they got married and she is completely healed.

With this kind of thinking he finally let go of Elizabeth.

His gaze towards Elizabeth looked with more tenderness than it was before.

There is also strong trust in his eyes.

He let Elizabeth sleep.

He went out after dressing up and smiled happily at governor Swann.

Governor Swann understood that they did it.

It was a little sad but also happy for Elizabeth to make a wise choice.

Elizabeth that acted as she was sleep opened her eyes.

She washed up and went to sleep well.

Well she did not have good night sleep last night.

So she slept now.

When she woke up it is already close to evening.

She took a good bath again and got something to eat.

All the crew of the ship is consciously looking up to her because they are sure that Norrington and Elizabeth has consummated.

So she is naturally the wife of Norrington even though there is no formal wedding.

Also she is a great beauty.

So they are looking at her with admiration and respect.

When she is eating Norrington and governor Swann has arrived there to speak to her.

Jack was tied near the front of the ship to give them directions to Isla de Muerta.

Elizabeth did not care about Jack instead she spoke to Norrington and her father governor Swann.

“In Isla de Muerta there are plenty of valuables and treasures all over the cave.

After we capture those pirates it is best to take all the treasure there along with everything.

This way you can make another achievement to the crown and get a better achievement rewards and benefits.........”

Chapter 133: each with their own plan

“…After we capture those pirates it is best to take all the treasure there along with everything.

This way you can make another achievement to the crown and get a better achievement rewards and benefits.........”

She spoke about the treasure with bright eyes and when they heard that there is so much treasure they are naturally interested in this matter.

Then she spoke about the curse of those pirates of the black pearl.

She doesn’t want too many people to die because of not being prepared.

Having more people is having more strength when taking back the treasure.

She did not have much interest in the black pearl.

But she would not let them hold down the black pearl and store the treasure in the black pearl.

She would put more soldiers on the black pearl and then put all the treasure on their ship.

This way she can silently take the most valuable things quickly and store them in her portable pussy space.

So she made the proposal quickly and explained the benefits of the things clearly.

Also she specifically warned about the curse.

She don’t want any accidents to happen to the cuck lover she just got.

She would try her best to save him and move the things all the way to the wedding.

This time she will have a wedding with Norrington.

Any way the wedding would be crashed again by Lord Beckett without a doubt.

So there is no problem who she would marry.

In the thoughts of will turner it would appear as she was marrying Norrington to save him.

In the thoughts of Norrington she loves him and only saved will turner because he saved her first.

With this kind of misunderstandings things would be solved quickly without a problem.

On the other hand it would be her that is benefiting from all these things.

In the evening the ship reached the location of Isla de Muerta.

They are right at this location silently waiting for the right time to attack.

They have made a plan with Jack sparrow and Elizabeth with her good brain.

After fucking Elizabeth and taking her fake virginity, Norrington was more willing to listen to her words with enough trust.

They also understood about the curse that Elizabeth talked about when she explained why they only took will turner with them and let her leave.

It is illogical for a group of lawless pirates to leave a beauty like Elizabeth to leave without doing anything.

With Norrington taking her virginity (Fake) believes this point more.

So they believed in the curse and the characteristics of the curse.

Also Elizabeth spoke to them about their plan and how they would convince them to go out to attack dauntless so that they can all be captured immediately when the curse is removed.

With her words and planning they completely formulated a plan and took action right at that moment.

They moved in row boats and completely abandoned the dauntless but they also jammed the parts so that the ship could not be sailed.

At most they can do slight damage to the ship and nothing more than that.

The amount of lives that would be lost would be zero, as long as they maintain the things carefully.

With the things planned out the commodore and others quickly vacated the ship and transported the people to go to the side of the cave where there are hiding spots.

They would hide here for the time being.

When they saw the pirates getting on the ship they would go back to the ship using small row boats.

When the curse is lifted they would capture the pirates directly.

Well many soldiers still did not believe in the curse.

But they could not just say that to the commodore that believed about the curse.

Well Norrington could not say that he believed about the curse because Elizabeth is still a virgin when he just fucked her.

So there is a communication gap between them at this point.

But they still respected Norrington and acted according to his orders.

With that their plan to capture the pirates started.

Elizabeth knows the plan of Jack sparrow.

The thing is this entire plan of Elizabeth was completely unknown to Jack sparrow.

He would be sent into the cave alone to distract the pirates to get what they wanted.

Jack still things that the HMS dauntless is waiting for him,

But the entire ship was abandoned and all the soldiers are transferred to the island to hide carefully.

Even though those cursed pirates can walk under the water, they did not have sensing radar to check their location.

They can only locate the cursed golden medallion because of the curse.

So they are completely blind while the soldiers are completely with eyes to look at the situation.

While Jack went inside alone the soldiers quickly moved and stay hidden.

The moon did not come out yet.

The soldiers were skeptical about the curse.

But when the moon came out Elizabeth smiled and whispered the information into the ears of Norrington.

It was the pirates that are walking under the water.

Well they could not see this but they saw the two dimwit pirates dressed up as woman and rowing a boat out.

The soldiers are attracted and wanted to shoot.

But Norrington has given the hand signal to wait and not shoot.

Everything is just like Elizabeth said before they implemented the plan.

When the soldiers saw the scene they subconsciously looked towards the brightly lit shop and the anchor ropes that are hanging in the water from the ship.

Right then they saw the skeletons crawling though those ropes.

The soldiers that looked at the situation along with Norrington and governor Swann were stunned.

They do not know what to speak for the time being.

It is like they were shocked out of their wits.

Fortunately none of them screamed and held down their fears and voices.

Chapter 134: 20+ bags of treasure in portable pussy space

It is like they were shocked out of their wits.

Fortunately none of them screamed and held down their fears and voices.

Elizabeth waited till their shock calmed down and whispered to Norrington.

That is to leave a batch of soldiers here while the other batch along with him and her would enter the cave.

This way they can set up and ambush.

The soldiers that are outside are meant to wait here just in case the she pirates did not take away their ship.

They would wait here for a few moments and start rowing their boats back to the ship when they hear the command “Charge” from the cave.

The person that would go with these soldiers would be governor Swann and the assistant of Norrington.

Norrington originally did not want Elizabeth to enter along with him for the ambush.

But she convinced him saying that she knows the insides very well and it is best for her to show the way for the ambush.

Also she told them that as long as they separate the head of the skeletons and put them into hiding they will not be able to fight and attack.

Even though their bodies can move freely there is a way to tie them up and let them unable to move.

So the ambushing soldiers did not hold guns instead they are holding swords to cut and ropes to tie the people up.

Of course there soldiers outside would fist take over the black pearl that did not have many pirates guarding.

Instead they would rescue the pirates that are imprisoned in the ship for extra man power and support.

Well sometimes they need to have the support of some pirates.

It is not new for the British Empire to do this kind of thing to win against the other nations, especially the Spanish navy.

They did this to get the Spanish gold.

The letter of pardon from the king of England was used to get the riches from those pirates and even give them titles.

Well their country is similar to pirates and their king is actually the biggest pirate.

They are not the only one that did this kind of thing but they had the biggest share in this matter.

Elizabeth is not condemning them instead she is praising them.

This is the best country for her to settle down and develop because she is going to be a pirate whore.

She can use her money to become a noble and a business woman.

Then the things would be settled.


The small group that went to take over the black pearl would be hoodwinked by the pirates they rescue for the support.

So naturally Elizabeth would not send any important person to rescue them.

They went to the cave entrance and waited for a few more minutes till Jack turned against Barbossa to help will turner.

Things followed the plot and Elizabeth and Norrington entered into the plot to fight.

Finally Barbossa died and the command was delivered.


The soldiers outside went to capture HMS dauntless back.

Will turner knows that Elizabeth accepted the proposal of Norrington to rescue him.

So their talk is not much.

Fortunately Jack did not speak about the time when Elizabeth and Norrington spend together in the ship cabin.

They did not talk much and returned back to the dauntless.

Jack was captured while will turner was returned back to the ship.

The black pearl is gone but they did not care.

The amount of riches present in the cave was enough to offset the missing ship.

The soldiers were ordered to collect all the riches in the cave and moved them in boxes and bags.

Also they specifically separated the things from high value to low value.

All the high value things were stored separately while the low value ones are left here.

They are specifically ordered to not to touch the cursed gold medallion treasure chest.

When the things are moved to the ship Elizabeth was brought over there by Norrington and he said to her.

“These are all the riches that are brought over.

You can choose some from these to take secretly.

There are many valuable ornaments here.”

Elizabeth then turned to him and said.

Some of the things can be distributed to the soldiers too.

They are brave and they should keep their mouths close.

The remaining can be sent to the king to gain the achievements for you and my father.

Unfortunately the black pearl was taken away.

I did not think of that.”

Norrington replied.

“No problem.

Don’t worry about the pearl.

It is not like we can get everything and you can predict of everything.

Some things are bound to change and some things would be unpredictable.


They did not talk about will turner.

Norrington was happy since Elizabeth did not talk about will turner in front of him after saving him.

Also she did not show much love towards him.

This made him happier about this matter and her father also sighed of relief.

After telling her to choose slowly he left here to give her space.

He wanted to talk to his assistant to distribute a small part of the loot to the soldiers to encourage them more.

While he was away Elizabeth came to the most precious things.

There is a bag full or jewels of all kinds packed in pouches and everything packed in a big bag.

She lifted up her night dress and poked the tip of the packed pouch into her pussy.

Then she thought of putting the bag inside the portable pussy space.

Immediately the thing went inside and Elizabeth felt like she just got poked by a big thick dick.

She moaned a little and controlled moaning sound.

She doesn’t want to alert the soldiers outside.

There are few more jewel bags and valuable ornaments bags.

She took in 20 bags full of valuables into her portable pussy space.

Chapter 135: where are the missing treasure bags?

There are few more jewel bags and valuable ornaments bags.

She took in 20 bags full of valuables into her portable pussy space.

What she took is a big amount but with so many bags in the rooms it did not appear as much.

She still has around a cubic meter of space left inside her portable pussy space.

She left this space for emergency usage later.

The original 15 cubic meters was filled to around 14 cubic meters.

After taking all these things into her portable pussy space she only took a small ornamental necklace and two rings from the next less valuable bag.

Also she quickly rearranged the bags so that the things would not be noticed immediately.

But everything was recorded in their record books.

If they checked they would definitely find that something is wrong.

But Elizabeth could not conjure the things out of thin air.

The things she took are necessary for her and she is not willing to let them go.

Since it is like that she can only let some other people become the scapegoats.

But she will not point at anyone.

They can become scapegoats on their own.

Since it is like that she filled up the remaining cubic meter of space with another two bags of valuable jewelry and gold.

As long as she removes the covering of the bags the space would change again.

So she did not have to worry.

The space directly covers the object to the absolute tightness to only cover lowest amount of space.

So when the cover of the bag is removed the space would be freed up later.

With the things taken, she held the necklace and two rings that she took from the next less valuable bag and walked out.

Right as she came out the assistant of Norrington and Norrington came over with record books.

It seem like they did not record the things after separating by value.

This means Elizabeth was safe.

Even if they feel that there are some bags that are around 22 bags are missing they will not be able to point at the things that are missing.

There are more than 100 bags in the room left and more than 80 bags are filled with silver and less than 20 bags with some gold.

All the jewelry bags are missing along with the top gold bags.

Norrington and his assistant would definitely be shocked by their discovery.

When Elizabeth appeared with the necklace and two rings she showed them to Norrington and said.

“I choose these three items.

I hope that it is not much.”

Norrington looked at them and smiled.

He really wanted to give her more but he was very loyal towards the crown and he is an upright man.

So naturally he would not let things go missing by large amounts.

Elizabeth only took three small things, which is not greedy at all for discovering so many valuable things.

This made him feel that Elizabeth was not like other women that are greedy for valuables and money.

He nodded at Elizabeth and even the assistant was moved.

Before leaving she once again remained.

“I hope that you give all those brave soldiers a trinket or two as reward.”

Norrington nodded and the assistant became happier.

With that she left back to her room.

Well she was given a different room.

It is not like she can always live in the room of Norrington.

This would make will turner die of envy and heart break.

After returning to her room she concentrated on her portable pussy space.

She can control her mind to untie the bags and pull out all the contents in the bag without taking the bag out of the portable pussy space.

Also she did not forget to separate the things to form their own cluster of things when managing the space.

It is like forming bubbles.

With the bags removed and the things inside took the lowest space possible the space freed up again.

For all 22 bags and small pouches were separated and compressed to the limit giving her another cubic meter of space.

All the jewelry and other things occupied 14 cubic meters of space.

The shining jewels like diamonds, jade, amethyst and many other things forming a cluster looked really beautiful to watch.

The big block of gold ingots looked even more beautiful.

But Elizabeth knows that the gold from British country is really worthless with too many impurities.

So when taking she took the Spanish gold most of the cases.

As for the ornaments they are taken well and they are floating independently in the space.

When she has the time she would separate them into the sets they belong to so that their value would increase further as a set item.

While she was happy with her gains, Norrington and his assistant were in shock.

They checked the bags again and again but they did not find the bags that should contain the jewels.

They thought that they have forgotten to load them or they were stored somewhere else.

So they immediately called the soldiers to check the ship.

Also the ship was anchored on the spot to search for the missing things.

Norrington in order to keep the things more truthful to everyone, he asked them to search his room, Elizabeth’s room and governor Swann’s room as well.

This would avoid causing distrust and suspicions on them.

After an hour the soldiers came back to report.

“Sir, we did not find anything on the ship.”

After he reported this Norrington spoke his speculations.

“Most probably they are left back on the island treasure cave.

Or maybe the pirates that escaped the net silently might have snatched the things with the disguise as soldiers.”

They did not go that far from the island.

So they decided to return to check the things.

But when they returned they did not find any treasure or any traces of this matter.


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