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 Chapter 6

Hermione lied on her back, sliding down her hands from her face to her crotch in a desperate attempt to hide her shame. The young witch glanced at the door, as she wanted to identify the newcomer. It could only be one of two people. Oddly, the door was still ajar and no one was coming in.

Lavender and Parvati remained silent, hoping they wouldn’t run into professor McGonagall, although at this hour it was very unlikely. Lavender quickly looked down at Hermione.

Lavender: Whoever that is, your second dare is to pretend you asked for us to change you. This whole thing is what you wanted. Got it?

Hermione looked back at her in disbelief. She had swore on her honor as a Gryffindor to complete the seven dares Lavender would choose.

The wooden door slowly opened to reveal Luna Lovegood standing behind it, alone. She stared at them with a puzzled expression, albeit not as surprised as one might’ve been in such a situation.

Luna: Hello everyone. What’s going on?

Hermione wanted to shout for help, or at least tell her to leave, but her vow was binding her.

Hermione: Oh... Nothing Luna. We’re just... getting ready for bed.

She spoke awkwardly accompanied by a forced laughter that wasn’t very convincing. Lavender, acting as if everything was normal, picked up the powder and sprinkled it on Hermione’s crotch, forcing her to remove her hands.

Lavender: Isn’t that cute? Look Parvati, she has no pubic hair... is that what muggles do or... maybe you didn't grow any yet, darling?

Hermione: I... I shave.

Pavarti: Makes sense, better to avoid a rash, isn’t it?

Luna moved closer to the trio, her eyes fixed on the surreal display as Lavender folded the nappy on Hermione’s private parts and began to attach the tapes on the sides.

Luna: Is that a nappy Hermione?

The young witch blushed, ashamed by her unfortunate predicament. As the nappy was fixed in place, she lifted up her back to sit on the bed, donning her T-shirt and nappy.

Hermione: Hum... Yes. I wear them at night. Lavender has kindly offered to help me put them on.

Lavender: She says at night, oh poor thing. Don’t be shy, we’re all friends here.

She turned to Luna with a fake expression of kindness.

Lavender: Our poor Hermione has always had... trouble... making it to the potty on time, unfortunately. I guess with all the wisdom of an old witch... she needed to also have the bladder control of a little girl. I actually was just changing her nappy because she went tinkle in her previous one.

Hermione remained silent, biting her tongue as Lavender talked about her like she was a helpless toddler on the changing table.

Luna: Oh I’m sorry to hear that... It’s okay Hermione, your secret is safe with me. It used to happen to me too a few years ago. I wet the bed in my sleep because I had contracted the Dandelion Curse.

Lavender: The what now?

Luna: You know... The Dandelion Curse. When you pick up a cursed Dandelion it makes you wet the bed. In french they’re called pisse-en-lit, which actually means wet-in-bed. It’s a well-known curse. The cure is to make an herbal tee with Dandelion roots and drink it at midnight. Maybe you should try it Hermione.

Hermione: Sure... Sure Luna. Thank you.

Luna: You’re welcome! I was just getting my coat for a walk in the castle. I’ll see you later. 

The blonde witch grabbed a large grey robe and headed to the exit. She closed the dormitory door behind her. Hermione was left alone with her two roomates, sitting on her bed in a nappy. She got up and picked a pair of pajama trousers which she pulled up her legs to hide the nappy.

She prayed her tormentors wouldn’t ask her to come back down to the common room with them as the bulge the nappy made under the pajamas was very apparent and the noisy crinkling would certainly betray her without the tights to muffle the sound.

It crossed her mind for a moment, what her friends might say if they saw her walking down the stairs in such an attire. Ron would most-likely burst into laughter when he’d notice her disproportionately big butt, clueless as to why it looked this way but knowing something odd was up. Harry would realize what she was wearing and probably ask her why. She’d have no choice but to admit she was a bed wetter.

Then they would connect this to the earlier events and realize she had an accident in front of them, drawing the conclusion that she actually needed nappies full time... and Hermione wouldn’t be able to justify herself due to the Solemn Vow she had stupidly made on her honor in a rushed attempt to keep her secret safe.

All her thought process was cut short by Lavender, who was surprisingly phlegmatic, although she did look like she had something on her mind.

Lavender: Well, I guess we did our part here. We’ll let you go to bed Granger, I have a few things to do tonight. We’ll see you tomorrow morning. After all, we do share this room. Come along Parvati. Let our baby sleep. Tomorrow is another day.

They both left the dormitory. Hermione covered herself up in her velvet sheets. She thought about this whole crazy day. The 5 dares she still had to complete for Lavender and the fact that she had wet herself in a nappy twice in the same day.

Inadvertently, she slid her hand down her pajamas and stroke her nappy slowly, pressing her hand on the thick padding. In the last few years of wearing them, they had become part of her routine. A normality. Although she always knew how to conceal them, she hadn’t realized how shameful it really was to wear them until this day. 

With Lavender, Parvati and now even Luna knowing she wore them, it made her feel so much younger. She had gotten changed out of her wet nappy and into a fresh one by a fellow student. Even in her nightmares she couldn’t have imagined a more embarrassing situation.

It could only go up from there right? 



Really wish you would continue this series


WAS and the current commissions keep me busy at the moment, but a patron sent me a message saying he may commission a follow up to this story at one point! If he or anyone else ever does I'll be happy to move it up my list of priorities :)