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This is the story commissioned by Devon, winner of this month's contest.
More chapters to come!

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The Big News

When Robyn was told that her older sister Camilla was getting married, she was really happy. She was the youngest of a family of four and Camilla was her favorite sister. Not that the other two were bad sisters, but they were a lot older then her and she never connected with them as much as she had with Camilla.

The happiness didn’t only come from the fact that Camilla had found the right man, but also from the fact that she was now finally going to attend a wedding as an adult. She had turned 18 a few months before and was looking forward to partying with her family for the first time. Actually the second time but she didn’t like to talk about the first time... She was 15 then and... well, let’s just say things didn’t end well.

This time though, she’d be a bridesmaid and finally welcome at the adult’s table.
No more little flower girl bearing the ring for the couple. It may have been cute when she was 8 and somewhat acceptable when she was 15 but now she was through with it. Flower girl no more.

Robyn: What do you mean you want me to be the flower girl?!

Mother: Sweetie don’t take that tone with us please.

Robyn: Mom, I’m 18 years old. How does it make sense that I would be the flower girl again?! It’s not possible, I’m way too old for that.

Mother: Honey, you know you’re the youngest in our family... and Theresa’s children aren’t old enough to do it.

Robyn : Why not? Isn’t Isabella almost 5?

Mother: Theresa thinks it would be overwhelming for her... she’s worried that she won’t be able to carry the rings all the way down the aisle. You know she’s a shy, sensitive girl.

Robyn: What about on the groom’s side? Doesn’t he have a niece or something?

Mother: Yes he does, but they aren’t sure they’ll be able to come... besides it had always been you... it’s a tradition.

Robyn: Exactly, it’s always been me, now it’s someone else’s turn! I want to be a bridesmaid this year! I don’t care what you guys say I won’t do it!

Mother: Now watch your tongue little lady. As I remember you did a number on us at the last wedding you attended...

Robyn: Mom it was three years ago...

Mother: ...Drinking wine without our permission, getting drunk....

Robyn: Mom! I’m older now!

Mother: ...and then wetting yourself in that lovely dress that I bought for you.

Robyn blushed at her mother’s comments. She did get drunk out of her mind and then fell asleep and peed herself in a 500$ dress. But that was the old her, the 15 year old rebellious Robyn. The new adult Robyn wasn’t like that at all. She knew her limits.

Mother: I am telling you right now. It’s either you accept this role and responsibility or you are not coming to the wedding at all!

Robyn: Mom that’s not fair! It’s Camilla’s wedding, why doesn’t she decide?

Mother: I may be her wedding, but I am paying for it, I am organizing it and you will do as I say. So what’s it gonna be?

Robyn: ...Fine. I’ll be the flower girl. But I swear, this is the last time! 

The dress fitting

Mother: This is... perfect!

Robyn: Mom are you kidding me? Look at this thing... I look like I’m the bride... if the bride was a Disney Princess.

Mother: Exactly, you look like a princess! I love it. This will make beautiful pictures.

Robyn looked at herself in the mirror. The dress looked like an overgrown Halloween costume meant for a little girl who wanted to be Cinderella. She couldn’t understand her mother on this one. Last time they had a wedding, she had worn a way simpler, much more tasteful dress. Although last time her mother wasn’t as involved in the process. When she thought back to it, the dress kind of looked like the one she was wearing at her first wedding as flower girl, Theresa’s wedding. She was 8 years old though.

When her sister Janice got married, her husband’s mother had insisted on choosing everything. Who could blame her? She probably saw Theresa’s wedding album and thought it looked like a 17th century ball. 

Robyn’s mom liked doing things in an over-the-top fashion. She had always been this way. Unreasonable and very hard to turn down.

Now Robyn would have to spend the whole night in a pink princess dress, with layers upon layers of fabric. The saleswoman at the store was more than happy to provide it, considering the price tag. Robyn knew her mother would end up getting her way, as always, but she had to try one last time.

Robyn: I look ridiculous, mom. How am I supposed to go to the bathroom in this?

Mother: Hmm? Oh I’m sure it won’t be a problem sweetie, don’t worry.

Robyn: How can you say that? I actually gotta go now... I need to take off this whole thing.

Saleswoman: You know, this is a recurring concern with young women in elaborate dresses. We have an item that may interest you. Some people call it a bridal diaper, but I think the term is a bit silly. It really is more of a protective device, much like sanitary pads. It looks exactly like regular underwear an you put it up and down like one. Just a bit of a precaution you know.

Mother: Oh that’s interesting. The dress really is expensive, we wouldn’t want to ruin that. Especially as Robyn is prone to this kind of... incident.

Robyn: Are you kidding me? I am certainly NOT wearing a diaper.

Mother: They’re not diapers sweetie, she just said it... they’re... how did you call them? Protective underwear. It’s really just in case, no one would notice.

Robyn: Mom I swear to God I’m not putting this thing on. I don’t care what you call it.

Mother: She can be so stubborn... She got that from me. Fine honey, no protection. 

Robyn: I really do have to go to the bathroom though, can you help me take it off?

Mother: Sure baby, come here.

Saleswoman: Why don’t you try taking it off yourself? I’m sure your mommy won’t be around with you all night during the wedding. Our bathroom is in the back, if you got difficulties let us know and we’ll come to help you.

Mother: Oh that’s a swell idea! It’s true I won’ always be around. Go ahead honey. We’ll wait here.

Robyn: Fine... 


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