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Part 13

Feeling a rush of blood to my cheeks, I walked over to the lifeguard, wearing nothing but my T-Shirt and flowery Goodnite which I tried to conceal with my hands. The closer I got to him, the more familiar he seemed to me. 

Then I realized why: It was James. James fucking Colton. I was must’ve been cursed or something.

Backstory: A few years ago when I was staying at the cottage I became friends with a group of local kids. We used to hang out and go to the beach together. James was one of them and I had a crush on him. But so did Casey. In the end, Casey did everything she could to get her hand on him... and won. I never hung out with them again after they became a couple and left that summer heart broken.

That was 2 years ago though... James looked older now, more mature.

Me on the other hand... Well I was about to pee in my Pull-Ups, so... 

James: Oh my God, Ashley! Is that you? How have you been? I didn’t know you were coming back this summer!

Ashley: Haha, yeah, no I’ve been here for a few days... 

I was trying to hide my Goodnites the best I could without attracting too much attention to them... but at the same time dancing around a bit like Frankie had asked... not because she asked, but because I was really about to wet myself and trying as much as I could to hold it.

James: That’s awesome, we should hang out! Hey don’t move okay, I’ll go tell Casey you’re here, she’s gonna be so happy to see you!

Ashley: Oh, she still lives here too huh?

James: Are you kidding, she works here! I’m surprised you haven’t seen her on your way in. I’ll be right back.

He walked away and got into the cabin by the pool. I ran back to Frankie who was watching us from afar.

Frankie: So you know this guy then? He’s pretty hot. Care to introduce me?

Ashley: Last time I checked he had a girlfriend.... and he’s way to old for you anyway.

I took my sweat pants and was about to put them on when Frankie grabbed them and took them away from me.

Frankie: What are you doing? You haven’t completed your task yet.

Ashley: Come on Frankie, he’s coming back with... another friend of mine. I really can’t afford for her to see me like this.

Frankie: He hasn’t even noticed you were wearing a diaper! 

Ashley: He’s a guy! Her though... I don’t want her to find out.

I was trying to get the pants back from Frankie, but she was holding on them too tight.

Frankie: Hmm, something tells me we’ll get along nicely. Here they are!

Ashley: Frankie, please!

She slapped my butt and pushed me forward to the couple that was approaching. We met right by the pool. The slap made me lose control a little bit and a few drops of pee escaped me in the front of my Pull-Up.

Casey: Ashley oh my God, that’s really you!

Ashley: Hey.... Casey!

She stopped and looked at me from the legs up. She knew. She paused and gave me a slightly disgusted eye-contact.

Casey: Hum, are you wearing... a diaper?

James burst out laughing and looked at me. I was red like Santa Claus.

James : What?

Casey: Don’t tell me you’re part of the whole ‘’Joanie Bed wetter Protection movement?’’

Ashley: hum... I...

James: What’s that?

Casey: You know the girl that got famous for wearing a diaper online? Tons of students are doing it now... it’s honestly disgusting. No offense Ash.

Frankie: She’s just been having a few accidents lately. Right Ashley? I’m Frankie by the way.

Casey: Are you kidding? So you’re wearing diapers again?! And you pee in them?!

Ashley: I... I...

Frankie: Say it Ashley...

I couldn’t take it anymore, another burst of pee released in the seat of my Goodnites. I saw James eyes looking down at them, then up at my face. I was shaking from the humiliation. Then my bladder gave in and... 

I got swept away. My feet didn’t touch the ground and my body hit the water. When my head got out I realized Frankie, James and Casey were all in the pool with me. James had pushed us all off. 

Casey: Oh my God James, what’s wrong with you?!

James: Surprise! It was just a prank Casey relax! Ashley was in on it right Ash?

I was swimming in the water, my Pull-Up was so full it was ready to explode, but nobody had noticed I wet myself. Did James do that for me?

Ashley: I... yeah, sure was! We got you good Casey! 

James: So you’re really doing the Protection thing then, huh? That Casey talked about?

He was actually helping me out... wow, I didn’t expect that at all. Frankie didn’t look happy at all, she was the first one out of the water and drying herself up.

Ashley: Huh... yeah. Yeah really into it! I mean... not really into it, but more as a joke. 

Frankie: Ashley, why don’t you tell them that...

Ashley : HEY! James! So you’ve met Frankie right? It’s her birthday today!

James: Oh cool! Happy birthday Frankie! Are you guys doing something special to celebrate?

Ashley: We were thinking about grabbing a drink later on, wanna come?

James: Yeah sure! That sounds fun.

I followed Frankie out of the water. My Goodnite was all swollen and about to drop. I had to hold it up so it wouldn’t fall. Frankie gave me a dirty look but didn’t say anything. 

Instead, she went by her bag and grabbed the extra Goodnite and handed it to me. I took it from her hand and headed to the bathroom for a change.

Who would’ve thought that my old crush would come along to save the day? Things were about to get really interesting.



Are you still working on this i miss this story