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As soon as the elevator doors opened, I felt a blast of steamy, tropical air that tossed my hair and caressed my bare shoulders. It smelled salty, like the ocean. Taylor grabbed my hand and we hurried along the open air mall attached to the hotel. Despite my best efforts, my wide, round hips swayed, and I was sure in my little shorts it looked like I was walking all flirty, trying to get attention.  Feeling the steamy night air against my midriff reminded me of how exposed I was, how much I looked like a female hungry for male attention. We headed right to a shop called Sun Bunny, with female mannequins in the windows wearing little scraps of cloth I shivered to think I would soon be wearing.  A cute salesgirl came right up to us and said, “Can I help you girls find something?”

You girls.  It was strange to be included with the girls, to be seen as a girl by another female. That strangeness was about to become much more intense as Taylor put an arm over my shoulder and said, “Yes, you most certainly can.  My pretty little friend here needs a few bikinis.  Can you believe she forgot to pack even one?”

“She is such a blonde!” Kylie said.

“Hey!” I said.

“Let me get some things for you to try on,” the girl said.

“She loves bright colors,” Nicole said, once again playing with my hair. “And the smaller the better!”

“That’s not true!” I called, though I don’t know if she even heard me.

“This is so fun,” Nicole said.  “You should let me braid your hair.  It’s so pretty.”

“I guess,” I said, watching the sales girl as she frolicked around the store, collecting my doom.

“There’s one thing we didn’t tell you yet,” Kylie said as she checked her phone for messages.  “We’re also going to change your personality.”

“Little bit by little bit,” Taylor said.  “And we’re going to warn you, but keep it a surprise.”

“What do you mean by change my personality?”  I said, half hiding behind the girls.  The only customers in the store were women, but I felt like they kept looking at us, almost like they were checking us out.

“Make you more girly,” Nicole said, still toying with my hair.

I finally batted her hand away.  “Stop it.”

“We might make you flirty,” Kylie said.

“Or make it so you love having guys check you out.”


“Or, maybe even make it so you totally want a dude to bone you,” Nicole.

“You can’t!  You wouldn’t!”  I hissed, glancing around, nervous the other girls in the shop might have heard them talking about me wanting to get boned by some guy!

Before we could talk anymore about it, the girl came and handed me some scraps.  “I’ll hold your purse while you try one on,” Kylie said.

“Thanks,” I said, trying to sound sarcastic, though I wasn’t sure I pulled it off the way I sounded now.  It sounded more bratty.  I took the bikinis into the changing room.  They were actually each somewhat different.  I wiggled out of my shorts, struggling to get them over my wide, soft hips and my big butt, which actually jiggled as I slid out of my shorts.  Then I yanked my tank top off, once more feeling my breasts rise and then bounce into place.  They felt huge to me, having had a flat chest my whole life, like I had a pair of cantaloupes glued to my chest, and I could feel my nipples as if they were floating out away from my ribcage.  I stood with my back to the mirror, but couldn’t resist taking a quick glance over my round little shoulder, seeing my blonde hair sparkling in the light, trailing all the way down my back, tickling my skin with each move of my head.  My waist was so slender it seemed impossible, and then there was a little sway at the small of my back, and then the flare of my hips and my plump, lifted rear… Once more I became acutely aware of what I did not feel-- no swaying of my dick, no feeling of the weight of my balls.  Instead I could feel nothing, the air just flowing between my thighs, a tiny little triangular thigh gap, a tiny bit of my butt visible through my legs.

Once more I had to look away.  The sight of me as a gorgeous girl threatened to overwhelm my mind.  Not that the reality facing me on the other side was better.  The first bikini I decided to try on was one of those fancy ones with a metal loop connecting the cups and metal loops connecting the two sides of the bottoms as well.  I wiggled and squirmed my way into the bikini, adjusted the straps and actually felt some relief because as tiny as it was, it provided more coverage then the teeny weeny lingerie they’d given me. I’d looked at so many girls wearing bikinis over the years, had lusted after the sight of them bundled into these little feminine scraps of perfection, to have one now molded perfectly to the curves of my new body, cupping my breasts, tight against the empty space between my legs, made me feel dizzy, and I had to lean against the mirror for a sec to keep from falling over. The girls were calling to me from outside, and I knew I had no choice, so I finally took a deep breath, which made my breasts rise and strain against my top, and stepped through the dressing room curtain.

“Girl, please!” Kylie said, snapping a picture of me with her phone.

“You are so hot!” Nicole circled around me.  “That ass, though.”

“A perfect peach,” Taylor agreed.

I made a little squeak and reached back to cover my butt cheeks, but that made me arch my back and thrust my breasts out.  “Stay just like that,” Kylie said as she snapped another picture.

“Goddess!” Taylor gushed.  “Dangerous curves ahead.”

I felt myself blushing.  It was surreal to have these girls praising me for my curves, my ass, to be standing here in public wearing a bikini.  I felt a little annoyed and angry.  “So, are you done, then?”  I said.

“No… no… no,” Kylie said.  “We need to put this little number through its paces.  Put a hand on your hip and one knee forward.”

“What?”  I said.

“Like this,” Nicole said, putting a hand on her hip and then with her feet almost on top of each other, putting one knee forward.  It was a sexy pose women did that I had lusted over many times.  Seeing Nicole standing like that made the man in me feel manliness surge through me.  I felt embarrassed, but I knew I would not win any argument.  I put a hand on my wide, round hip, put one knee forward.

“Nice,” Kylie said.  “Now smile and toss your hair.”


I saw the other women in the store were watching us now.  Most were young and pretty, but there were also some older women as well, all wrinkles and blue hair.  I hated the idea of acting all girly in front of them, but I just wanted to get this over with so I smiled and tossed my hair while Kylie snapped more pictures.

“She’s so pretty,” I heard one of the observers say.  She was leggy and tall, but kind of flat chested.  I felt a little tingle of pride to hear her admiring me.

“Her skin  glows,” an older woman said.

“And those dimples!”

I had meant to run back to the dressing room, but I hesitated, holding my pose, the smile on my face growing brighter as I reveled in their admiration.  “Now,” Taylor said, “bury your hands in your hair, arch your back and rock your hips back…” She demonstrated and instantly I recognized one of my favorite sexy poses.  They didn’t even have to ask me to smile.  I couldn’t wait to do this pose and see how all the women would react.  I buried my hands in my thick blonde hair, lifting it, arching my back and throwing my hips back…. I heard murmurs of approval from the older ladies, and even some catty, jealous little comments from the girls.

It thrilled me, and I let myself glance over at them, instantly assessing the ways in which I was prettier— I had better tits, a sexier ass, better skin… I plucked at my shoulder strap, letting it slide down off my shoulder, and thrust my hip out to the side.  That’s right, I thought.  Drink it in because I am way prettier than…

My mouth dropped open as I realized what I had been feeling — this was not me.  Not me at all.  I was totally comparing myself to these women and getting all full of myself because I was a hotter girl?  “What?”  I said, turning to Kylie.

“Remember how I told you we were changing your brain, sweetie?”

“You now totally compare yourself to hot women, and you love being prettier than them,” Taylor whispered in my ear.

“I can’t believe you did this to me,” I said, humiliated.  “You made me want to have a hotter bod than any girl?  I’m supposed to want their bodies.”

“Well, you kind of have their bodies now, babe,” Nicole said, giving me a little pat on my big, plump ass.  “Now go change.  I can’t wait to see you showing off in that polka dot bikini!”

It went on like that as I tried on different suits, struggling with all my conflicting emotions— shame, embarrassment, but at the same time this new pride in my hourglass figure, at how sexy I looked.  I wanted and needed women to envy me, and even though I knew this was some insane thing that had been imposed on me by these girls, at the same time I loved it.

The girls finally settled on three different bikinis for me.  I was not given a vote, and even when I attempted to talk them into letting me buy a one-piece, they just laughed.  We went back out into the steamy, sultry Miami night.  Some of the night flowers had opened, adding their sweet aroma to the salty sea air, and the girls decided we should walk along the beach before heading in for the night.  The moon was nearing full, and it hovered over the undulating waves, throwing its light against the water.  As we walked, I felt the eyes of guys all over my body.  Some of them brazenly looked me up and down as they walked past, and I could feel them mentally undressing me.  My friends were getting plenty of attention as well.  “These guys are so gross!”  I finally said.  Glancing to the side, I saw a Latina girl.  She’s got nice skin, I thought, but I have a sweeter ass… stop it!  I thought to myself.  Stop comparing yourself to these other girls— I mean girls.

“Not used to being on the receiving end of the male gaze, honey?” Taylor said, bumping me with her hip.

“You were just as bad,” Nicole said.  “The first time I met you, you almost burned a hole in my pants.”

“Not true! I was never so obvious about it.”

“Guys are guys,” Kylie said.  “As you will be finding out.  Better get used to it, honey, because you're just a pretty little bunny and these boys are sharks!”

“They better not try anything with me,” I said.  “They’ll find out this bunny has teeth!”

The girls all laughed.  “What?” I said.

“You just sound so cute when you try and talk tough!”  Taylor said, and they all laughed. As I stewed, I thought— I really have the cutest laugh of any of us….

Finally, we decided to call it a night.  The girls assured me they had a full day of female fun and games planned for tomorrow, starting with breakfast and sunbathing on the beach, so they hugged me and kissed and told me to get my beauty sleep.  It felt so strange to hug them now, feeling my big, soft breasts pressing into theirs. I was used to feeling soft on hard, my pecs against their pillows. It was soft against flat, and I’d taken pleasure in being hard, angular. Now I felt what they felt, the soft yielding weight of my breasts spreading, shifting, finding space in and around the soft yielding presence of their breasts, girl to girl, more of an equal exchange of feminine energy.   It made me feel tingly and weird.  When I went to get ready for bed, I discovered they had switched out my suitcase for one filled with girl clothes.  Whatever, I thought, putting on the little silk nightgown they’d brought for me.  It was shimmery silk and only came down to the tops of my thighs, spaghetti straps over my shoulders.  The silk felt cool against my soft, smooth skin, and I couldn’t help but giggle at how luxurious if felt.  I plucked at my little shoulder straps— they felt so good after having bra straps digging into my shoulders, and I actually felt a shiver pass through me as the silk slid across my big, puffy nipples and over the crest of my bottom.  My whole body was tingling with pleasure, I even thought that maybe once I got back to being a guy I would keep my skin smooth because it felt sooooo good.

I climbed into bed, tried to sleep on my stomach and realized— boobs.  I lay on my back, but then my breasts felt heavy, like they were making it hard to breath, and I was also weirded out looking down and seeing those two round mounds rising and falling with each breath.  So, I finally rolled onto my side, one pillow under my head while I hugged another one to my body to give my boobs so extra support, and I closed my eyes and prayed this had all been a dream and that when I woke up in the morning I would be a guy again.

Even if that meant the other girls would be cuter than me.


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