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Superman struggled valiantly, his arms over his head, hands twisting, twisting. He would get it. He had to get it.

“What’s up?” Batman said, walking into the otherwise vacant bathroom at JLA headquarters.

“What’s up is that I can’t get this braid,” Superman said with a huff, pulling it out, letting his long black hair fall around his shoulders. “Ugh!”

“Let me help,” Batman said with a chagrined smile. He walked up behind Superman and dug his slender hands into the thick, glossy hair, then started plating it.

“Thanks,” Superman said, meeting Batman’s eyes in the bathroom mirror. He had such pretty eyes, it was too bad he had to half hide them behind that Huntress mask…. Stop! Superman taught. He hated how feminine his thoughts were becoming since the change.

“I’ve ruled out Mxylpltck,” Batman said, fishing a bobbie pin out of his utility belt and clenching it in his teeth as he worked Superman’s hair.

“It isn’t his style,” Superman agreed. “Just the braid is fine, you don’t need to—“

“Once I start doing someone’s hair, I go all in,” Batman said, a slight giggle in his voice. “I can’t help it. It seems to be part of being Lil Huntress.”

Superman rolled his eyes. “What kind of crazy mind came up with this stuff?” He self-consciously tugged at the top of his new costume. “At least you don’t have to worry about falling out of the top of your costume all the time.”

Batman smiled, looking at Superman’s bare shoulders, the way his costume lifted and pushed his breasts together. “I don’t see a problem with that,” he said. “If those puppies ever do pop free in public, Wonder Lass will be trending.”

“Great. So, there is an upside?”

“Oh, plenty of them. I mean, who doesn’t want to fight crime in heels?”

“At least you’re not half naked.”

“Might as well be,” Batman said. “Like this leaves anything to the imagination. And, done!” He threw Superman’s tight, perfect braid over the other man’s soft shoulder.

Superman smiled, running his fingers over the tight coils. “You are really good at this,” he said. “Ever consider giving up the hero thing and opening up a salon?”

“Everyday,” Batman said, fishing moisturizer out of the utility belt hanging low on his generous hips.

Superman picked up his golden tiara from the counter and slipped it on. Like his whole costume, it was a slightly more feminine and girly version of Wonder Woman’s outfit. His tiara was more slender, delicate, like a bridal tiara. “You have any lipstick in that magic belt of yours?”

“You do realize who you are talking to,” Batman said, handing the moisturizer to Superman, who rubbed it one his smooth face, then worked it into his hands and elbows. While Superman moisturized, Batman fished three tubes of lipstick out of his belt. He looked at Superman’s face, nodded and added blush. “Do your cheeks.”

“You have any nail polish in there?” Superman asked, bemused.

“You really have to ask?”

Batman and Superman puckered up and started to do their lips. Superman picked a darker pink than the one he was already wearing, figuring he could outline his lips, blend it a little but leave the lighter pink on the inner lip.

The bathroom door swung open. Canary froze, biting her lip, amused at the sight of the two formally macho heroes side by side, fixing their make-up. ‘Hey, girls,” she said walking in, going into one of the stalls. When neither answered, she added, “Giving me the silent treatment?”

“It’s hard to talk while I’m doing my lipstick,” Superman answered as he examined his handwork in the mirror, flashed a couple different smiles, nodded and carefully opened the blush, not wanting to spill any of the precious powder on the counter. “Bats, do you have a—?“

Batman held out a camel hair brush before Superman could even finish.

“Boy Scout,” he said.

“Girl Scout,” Batman said, chucking Superman on the arm.

The gentle sound of Canary tinkling came from inside the stall. She leaned down to see the wedged heels the men wore, their shapely calves. “Lil Huntress,” she said. “Did you try that Body Armor sports bra I recommended?”

“Oh, my God, yes!” Batman gushed. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

“Oh, was that, were they, um?” Superman asked.

“You have no idea,” Batman said. “After every mission! Every workout. But this new bra?”

“I told you,” Canary said.

“Life changing! I wear it all the time now.”

Superman, finished with his blush, once more examined his face, adjusted his tiara.

“Wonder Lass has no idea, still,” Canary said, sourly. “Do you, Superboobs?”

“Shut UP!” Superman said. He always felt kind of fluttery and embarrassed whenever people talked about his new curves. In fact, invulnerability included that, and he even though he pretended to relate when Batman complained about how much his calves hurt after a day In heels, his were always fine.

The sound of a flushing toilet drowned out any conversation for a moment, and when Canary came out of the stall she had a big smile on her face, dancing over to the counter, pushing herself between Batman and Superman, washing her hands. “You girls should come clubbing with me some night.”

Batman glowered. “Not gonna happen.”

“You need?” Superman said, gesturing towards the tubes of lipstick in an effort to change the subject.

“To fight crime?” Canary said. “No, thanks.” She couldn’t help but giggle. “You two are the girliest girls around here.”

‘It’s not my fault.. we didn’t choose this… it’s the spell…” they both burst out, their voices rising in feminine rage as they planted hands on hips and scolded her.

“Okay, okay,” Canary said. “I’m just busting your… um.. chops. Lighten up.”

Alert! Alert! Alert! The JLA alarmed sounded. There was an emergency.

Canary headed toward the door. Batman paused to muss his hair. Superman turned to the side, adjusted his tiara once more.

“Ladies?” Canary said. “You do hear the alarm?”

“Omigod,” Superman and Batman said together, rushing to follow Canary to the meeting room, shoes clicking as they headed off to their next adventure.


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