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The characters in this story are over the age of 18.

Maddie and I continued to talk about things regarding the Mighty Ducks as we walked after the locker room. Meanwhile, Liv still appeared to be in a dreamlike daze whilst following us. I blushed when I noticed that she was staring at me with hearts in her eyes.

‘’Are you okay, Liv?’’ her sister questioned her, nudging her in the arm to try and knock her out of her trance.

It failed. Liv was still gazing at me. I could almost see the stars in her eyes. ‘’Peachy.’’

I laughed and turned back to Maddie. ‘’Thanks for everything. This wasn’t how I thought our friendship would start, but I’m not going to complain.’’

‘’Neither am I,’’ Maddie said. ‘’If you ever need tips for how to perform on the ice, I’m your woman.’’

‘’I’m going to need a lot of tips.’’

I wasn’t kidding. My chest felt like it was going to heave as I thought about how I would perform on my first game. I still had a long way to go before I was ready. However, if the team was plagued with injuries, I would have to be called upon. The prospect of letting the team down, especially if we played one of our heated rivals like DreamWorks, filled me with so much dread. I was going to have to bring my A-game into training if I wanted to stand a chance. At least I had Maddie on my side. Plus, I’m certain that Kristoff would offer a few pointers as well. If I kept at it, I would fit in with the team. I had to keep my chin up.

As we passed the ice ring, I heard Liv pout. ‘’You weren’t this supportive when I said that I wanted to join the team.’’

‘’Because I knew that you would buckle under the slightest bit of pressure the second you thought about chipping a nail on the ice.’’

Liv gasped and checked her hand. ‘’Is it so wrong to remain desirable whilst playing? Athletes need to think of their brand image too. Besides, I’ve played sports in films and shows.’’

Maddie rolled her eyes. ‘’That doesn’t count. And none of those sports was ice hockey. I think the closest you’ve come is that type you starred as a lacrosse player.’’

‘’What’s the difference? You whack the ball with a stick!’’

‘’It’s not a ball. It’s a puck!’’

This sisterly squabble was starting to get a little heated. I thought about stepping in to defuse the tension, but it didn’t seem like that would work. I knew first-hand that sister fights were something that could get out of hand if someone wasn’t careful. Liv huffed and looked around for something. She then marched over to the ring and grabbed a hockey stick that was propped up against the wall. She slammed the head down onto the ice, right behind where a stack of pucks lay. ‘’I can totally be a Mighty Duck! Watch!’’

‘’Liv, no!’’

It was too late. The star reared her arms back and unleashed a powerful shot that went high and wide. Maddie and I ducked for cover. The puck soared into the distance and crashed through the window.

I sighed with relief. ‘’I do not want to take another one of those to the head again.’’

Maddie didn’t say anything as she glared at her twin. Just when it seemed like Liv was about to offer an apology, the three of us heard a loud thud coming from outside, followed by a disgruntled scream. ‘’Ah!’’

Liv’s face paled and she dropped the hockey stick. ‘’Oopsies.’’

We hurried to the door to try and find the person who had been hit. Running outside, there weren’t many students that were still on school grounds after hours. I was beginning to think that the person who Liv struck had hobbled away. Then, we heard someone hissing in pain around the corner. Dashing over, we finally spotted who the unfortunate person was.

‘’Oh my god!’’ Liv shrieked. ‘’I killed a cheerleader!’’

The cheerleader she spoke of scowled at her. ‘’I’m not dead! Something hit my knee while I was practising.’’

It took me a moment to recognize who the girl was. I hadn’t interacted much with Penny Proud. She was almost half a year younger than me. She seemed like a respectable straight ‘A’ student who hardly ever got into trouble. I think that the two of us would get along if we ever hung out, but we never got the chance.

‘’Are you okay?’’ I asked as I grabbed her arm and helped her to her feet.

Penny groaned and hopped onto one leg. I could see her trying to move her leg. Every slight movement elicited more pained hisses from her. ‘’Yeah, I think I’ve just got to get some ice on it and I’ll be good.’’

Liv clapped her hands together and stepped forward; regret etched across her face. ‘’I am so sorry. I wasn’t thinking. I swung at the ball wildly…’’

‘’Puck!’’ Maddie corrected.

‘’I swung at the puck wildly. It wasn’t my intention to hit anyone. Is there anything I can do for you?’’

Penny lifted her head and offered a kind smile. Her eyes then widened in realization as she stared at Liv. ‘’Hold up! Are you Liv Rooney?’’

Almost immediately, Liv transformed from a remorseful figure into a fabulous superstar who was ready to pose for the cameras. ‘’I am.’’

‘’No way! Can I have your auto…’’ Penny got too excited and tried to move closer to Liv. The moment she placed more pressure on the leg that was hit, she nearly buckled and fell to the floor. Fortunately, I was there to catch her.

‘’Why don’t we save the autograph for later? Let’s get you to the doctor’s office.’’ I said.

‘’It’s after school,’’ Maddie interjected. ‘’I think everyone has left by now.’’

‘’It’s fine,’’ Penny replied. ‘’I don’t live far from school. I can head back and take care of it there.’’

While I appreciated that Penny was trying to put on a brave face and not make a big deal about this, I didn’t feel comfortable letting her go home by herself in this kind of state. I don’t know if she would be a target that someone like Hans would be interested in, but I wasn’t going to take that chance. The thought of that creep trying something on with Penny made my stomach churn. ‘’I’ll help you back home.’’

‘’Are you sure? I don’t want to make this a whole thing…’’

‘’It’s no trouble.’’

Penny looked like she wanted to protest, but decided against it. Her lip curled into a smile and she bounced closer to me. ‘’Alright then.’’

Maddie stepped forward. ‘’Do you need an extra hand?’’

‘’I think we’ll be fine,’’ I said.

Before we parted ways with the twins, Liv skipped closer and clapped her hands onto Penny’s arms. She stared at the younger girl with a beaming grin. ‘’I feel terrible for what I did. So, I am going to make it up to you. I will make sure that you get a walk-on role in my upcoming streaming series.’’

‘’Really?’’ Penny gasped. Her eyes lit up like fireworks.

Liv winked. Beside her, Maddie rolled her eyes and smirked. ‘’When in doubt, bribe your way out.’’


‘’So, are you planning to try out for the cheerleading team?’’ I asked. Before today, I couldn’t recall her ever participating with the cheerleading squad, so I assumed that she was trying out for them. I knew that she enjoyed dabbling in a few sports.

Penny nodded as we continued our stroll back to her house. ‘’I thought that I could get some practice in after school. That turned out to be a bad idea.’’

‘’Believe me, it was an accident. Liv didn’t mean it.’’

‘’Hey, it’s not every day that you get a bruise from a famous celebrity. Man, if my friends found out about this, they’d be asking me for my autograph by association alone. I never knew that you were friends with Liv and Maddie.’’

‘’Well, we only just started talking properly today. I figured that I get to know Maddie better since I’m now with the Mighty Ducks.’’

‘’Oh yeah, that’s right,’’ Penny beamed. ‘’I heard that you had joined the team roster. Congrats.’’

‘’Thanks,’’ I pondered for a moment. ‘’Have you ever thought about joining? I seem to remember you trying out for a lot of different sports around the school.’’

She seemed a little flustered over the fact that I remembered that about her. ‘’I think it would be cool. Riley has asked me a few times to join. But, I don’t know. I doubt that my dad would let me.’’

‘’How come?’’

‘’He thinks that I will get hurt,’’ she lifted her bad leg slightly. ‘’He might have a point.’’

I playfully scoffed. ‘’You can’t let something like that stop you. I took a puck straight to the face at the beginning of the year. I’m still standing. I think you would be a great addition to the team.’’

‘’Maybe…I’ll think about it,’’ she looked ahead. ‘’Oh, it’s this one right here.’’

She gestured towards the next building. Helping her the rest of the way, I was starting to become worried about how her parents would react. If her father was as protective as she was letting on, then it might not be the best idea to stick around. But, I had to see this out. Otherwise, I felt like I had abandoned Penny. I wasn’t that type of person. So, we made it the rest of the way and I knocked on the door. I waited with bated breath to see who would answer. I hoped that her father wasn’t in and I wasn’t going to be accused of injuring his daughter. We heard movement coming from the other side. The door opened…and my jaw nearly dropped.

Standing at the entrance was a gorgeous woman who was probably in her mid to late 30s. I was entranced by her hazel eyes. She wore a lime green jacket over a yellow shirt. The sound of her high heels clicking against the floor shook me to my core. I tried not to think of Penny’s mother as a MILF. But…what can I say? Penny’s mom was an absolute MILF.

Her eyes immediately went down to Penny’s knee. When she saw her hobbling and using me for support, she gasped and came forward to help me move Penny inside. ‘’Baby, what happened?’’

‘’It’s okay, mom,’’ Penny replied. ‘’There was just a little accident with cheerleading practice. Lost my footing.’’

I was surprised that she didn’t tell the full story. But, I decided not to interfere when she winked at me without drawing her mother’s attention. The two of us worked together and helped Penny to the sofa. As she rested, the older woman turned to me. ‘’And you are?’’

‘’I’m Anna. I go to school with Penny. I was with her when she…got hurt.’’

Penny leaned forward. ‘’She wanted to help me since the school nurses had gone home.’’

Her mother’s face softened and she smiled at me. I tried not to melt. ‘’That was very sweet of you.’’

‘’Oh, it was no trouble at all, Mrs Proud.’’

‘’Please, you can call me Trudy,’’ she laughed and waved her hand dismissively. Turning back to her daughter, she kneeled down and carefully ran her hand over Penny’s knee. ‘’Let’s have a look at the damage.’’

The moment her hand touched the skin, Penny hissed in pain. Suddenly, it felt like thunder shook the entire house as a booming voice bellowed from upstairs. ‘’Trudy!!! Who hurt our baby girl?!’’ Before I could comprehend what was happening, a tall man raced down the stairs so quickly, he almost left a trail of fire in his wake. I was nearly knocked off my feet as he grabbed me and stared down at me menacingly. I felt my life flash before my eyes.

‘’Oscar…’’ Trudy scolded, keeping her focus on Penny’s leg. ‘’Penny is fine. And you don’t need to interrogate Anna. She was just helping Penny home because she couldn’t walk.’’

Almost instantly, the rage behind his eyes ceased and he apologetically looked at me. My heart was still racing as Oscar Proud patted me on the back. ‘’Oh, my bad. Thank you for your help. You’re not looking for a reward, are you?’’


He backed down at Trudy’s tone. I had to admit, despite what I just went through, I didn’t feel nearly as threatened by him as I did when hearing the faint hint of a growl in Trudy’s voice as she got him to back down from confronting me. She had some serious momma bear vibes.

‘’What’s all this ruckus about?’’ another voice called out in the distance. I turned and spotted an elderly woman coming around the corner. She supported herself with a cane as she held a small poodle under her other arm. Climbing atop her shoulders were two infants, both competing to see who could grab the dog first. ‘’Did someone hurt Penny? Are we about to bust a cap in someone’s…’’

‘’No one is hurt, Suga Mama!’’ Oscar said. There was animosity in his voice as he addressed the older woman, who I assumed to be Penny’s grandmother. ‘’Although, someone would have been.’’

The woman, Suga Mama, glanced back and forth between me and Oscar. She then chuckled. ‘’Look at the arms on this one. She would have wiped the floor with you, son.’’

Oscar was momentarily wounded by Suga Mama’s taunt. But, he quickly laughed it off. ‘’I wouldn’t pick a fight with a woman. Now, if Penny had brought a boy home…’’

‘’Dad,’’ Penny groaned. ‘’I’m going to be turning 18 soon. You can’t seriously still be hung up on this boy thing. When are you going to trust me to be around boys my age?’’

‘’That depends,’’ he turned to me. ‘’Anna, what’s the opposite of the Big Bang?’’

‘’The Big Crunch?’’

Oscar narrowed his eyes at Penny. ‘’After that!’’

In the middle of the madness, Trudy Proud rose to her feet and sighed. ‘’I don’t think anything is broken. But, I can’t be too sure. I think we better drop Penny off at the hospital just to be sure.’’

‘’Seriously?’’ Penny whined.

‘’Seriously, no arguing!’’ Trudy retorted. There were no further complaints from Penny.

The same couldn’t be said for Oscar though. He let go of me and approached his wife with a sceptical look. ‘’Hold up, we don’t need any fancy, cash-sucking doctors to inspect Penny. Can’t you fix her up like you normally do with your other clients?’’

‘’Oscar, I’m a veterinarian. This is different.’’

‘’How so? You’re checking broken bones and stuff like that, right?’’

Trudy was not up for discussions. She leaned forward and locked eyes with Oscar. Another low growl escaped from her. There was a clear winner in this conversation as he immediately backed down. Trudy smiled. Her eyes flickered briefly in my direction before turning back to Oscar. ‘’Why don’t the rest of you take Penny to the hospital while I make sure Anna gets home safe?’’

A shiver ran up my spine. ‘’Oh, you don’t have to do that…’’

‘’Nonsense, it’s the least I can do after you helped my baby girl when she needed help.’’

As I tried not to make it obvious that I was crushing hard on a married woman in front of everyone, Oscar seemed to realize something and grinned. ‘’Alright, if that’s the way you want to do things. But, since we’re going to be rewarding Anna, I have something for her as well.

‘’No!’’ Penny and Trudy cried out at the same time.

That did little to deter Oscar, as he rushed to retrieve something. When he came back, he was holding a pack of treats and dangled them in front of me. ‘’Anna, would you do me the incredible honor of trying the latest piece of Proud Snacks?’’

‘’Can I?’’

‘’That depends,’’ Suga Mama called out. ‘’Do you have your last will ready?’’

Everyone except Oscar seemed apprehensive. But, I didn’t want to come across as rude, especially after we got off to a rough start. I dipped my hand into the packet and grabbed one of the treats. I tasted it and waited for the sensation to kick in. Strangely, it was a bit bland. But, nothing out of the ordinary or warranting the look of grimace that was plastered across the faces of the women in the house. Then…it hit me all at once. My cheeks hollowed and my throat felt like it was on fire. It felt like I had gulped down nails that were coated in body sweat. I wanted to spit it out, but I knew that I would hurt Oscar’s feelings if I did so. Using all the strength I had in me, I forced myself to swallow it whole. My body trembled as I stopped myself from throwing it back up. ‘’Wow…that was…something else!’’

Oscar turned to Trudy proudly…that wasn’t meant to be a pun. ‘’Another happy customer.’’

Trudy elected not to say anything. Instead, she got Penny up and helped her to the door as the rest of the family followed. She kissed Penny on the forehead. ‘’Give me a call if there are any complications.’’

‘’Will do,’’ Penny looked at me and waved. ‘’Thanks again, Anna!’’

‘’No problem.’’

Oscar, Suga Mama, and the toddlers that were still nestled on her shoulders, went with Penny out of the door and towards one of the two cars that were parked out the front. Trudy closed the door, leaving the two of us alone in the house. She brushed aside a strand of brown hair that came down to her eyes and grinned at me. ‘’You are a better woman than me.’’

‘’What do you mean?’’

‘’You could have just told my husband the truth about his products.’’

I laughed gingerly. ‘’It’s an…acquired taste. But, I was just being polite.’’

‘’Well, I appreciate that,’’ she walked by me. ‘’We still have some time to kill. Will you follow me please?’’

‘’S-sure,’’ I replied curiously.

I wasn’t sure where this was leading. Usually, I know exactly where this leads. But, Trudy was married and seemed happy. I didn’t want to do anything that would ruin that marriage. I couldn’t imagine the hurt that it would cause Penny. I figured that Trudy just wanted to give me something to thank me for helping Penny. I didn’t expect an award, and I would politely turn it down. But, I couldn’t help but wonder what her plan was, especially as we ascended the staircase and I followed her through one of the doors. As long as the reward wasn’t any more Proud Snacks, I was good.

Oh…her bedroom? We have just walked into her bedroom! The bed that she shares with her husband, who I was talking with only a few moments ago. Now, Trudy was sitting on the bed and patting the spot next to her, gesturing for me to take a seat next to her. Gulping loudly, I did as I was told.

‘’Am I in trouble?’’ I asked.

She laughed. ‘’No, not at all. I just had a question that I wanted to run by you. You can say no if you want, but I wanted to see if it was something you’d be interested in before I drop you home.’’


Maybe this isn’t going where I thought it was.

‘’Have you ever been with an older woman?’’

And there it is.

‘’Trudy…Mrs…I mean…you’re a Mrs…you’re married!’’ I gasped.

‘’I am,’’ Trudy smiled coyly. ‘’And Oscar and I have a special arrangement.’’


She stood up from the bed and turned to face me. ‘’A while back, we were thinking of ways to spice things up in our marriage, and we can to a realization that we enjoyed the idea of being with other people…specifically, other women.’’


‘’Yep, that’s what happens when a couple catches each other watching Rachel McGuire videos.’’

This felt too good to be true. To be honest, that was a statement that was becoming quite frequent in my life. ‘’Only women?’’ I questioned.

She nodded. ‘’I have no interest in being with other guys. Oscar is the only man for me. However, he doesn’t mind me having a little side action with some ladies that catch my eye. And you have caught my eye, Anna.’’

I didn’t know what to say. I think the smile on my face said it all. Once Trudy was confident that she had her answer from me, she pulled me onto my feet for a passionate kiss. I returned the kiss with great enthusiasm. My mind was spinning as we deepened the embrace. I was melting against her. As the kiss continued, I looked into her eyes and saw that they were ablaze with desire and lust. Trudy’s hand was on my waist, one of her fingers hooked underneath my shirt and brushed my hot skin. My hand went to the back of her neck. I hoped that my touch was sending pleasant chills down her spine. I wanted to make her feel just as good as she was making me feel. I felt her lips vibrating against mine as she moaned softly. Her hand continued to travel down until it was between my legs.

There was a momentary pause in the kiss as she squeezed and felt my erection beneath my pants. When our lips parted, she looked at me intensely. Her dilated eyes were swirling with arousal.

‘’Oh, I see that you’ve got a big surprise for me.’’

Her words, laced with sensual bliss, caused jolts of pleasure to erupt throughout my body. ‘’All for you,’’ I replied.

She was rubbing her hand against my bulge. I whimpered and thrust my hips. Trudy bit her bottom lip and smirked deviously. ‘’Show me what I’ll be working with.’’

‘’Yes, ma’am!’’

I was practically hopping on one foot as I tried to shed my clothes as quickly as possible, all the while Trudy Proud was watching me with great interest. I never realized how much I enjoyed stripping naked in front of other women, especially when they seemed to be genuinely ecstatic with what they were seeing. I suppose trying to hide my body away left me feeling low about myself and that other women wouldn’t find me desirable. But, I have learnt that wasn’t the case. I wanted to be happier and more confident with who I was. Every day felt like another step closer to being truly myself. I no longer felt shy when I was nude. I placed my clothes on a small chair next to us and turned to face Trudy. Her eyes darted up and down. Her grin widened. ‘’Damn, you are the full package.’’

‘’I’m glad that you think so,’’ I beamed. I noticed the way her gaze fell upon my lower half. I wasn’t sure if she was more awestruck by my abs or my cock. I liked to think that it was both. ‘’Well, I’ve shown you mine. Would you like to show me yours?’’

Trudy slowly turned and rolled her shoulder, tempting me to come closer. ‘’Why don’t you help me out of these clothes?’’

I gulped and hurried towards her. I peeled off her jacket and loosened her pants, letting them fall around her ankles. Her gorgeous skin and curvy body made my throat hitch. She glanced over her shoulder to watch me as I tried to strip her with trembling hands. I felt her backside grind against my cock, eliciting a low groan of approval. Trudy let out a cheeky giggle and did it again. Her ass was rubbing against my throbbing erection. I lost control of my hands and grabbed her hips, assisting with her erotic motions. All that she had on was a black lace bra and panties that left little to the imagination. She leaned forward and pressed her ass against me, pushing me until I felt the back of my knees hit the bed. I fell on the mattress and Trudy sat on my lap. She rolled her hips expertly and threaded her hands through her hair. Her hypnotic dance rendered me powerless. I was squirming beneath her as she grinded harder and faster.

‘’I’m glad that you wanted this, Anna!’’ Trudy purred. ‘’I haven’t done this with anyone other than Oscar for a long time. I don’t know about you, but me and my husband get a real thrill out of being with other women.’’

I moaned and bucked my hips into her ass. ‘’Trust me…I understand completely. There’s enough love to go around.’’

‘’My thoughts exactly.’’

Trudy turned herself around so that she was now facing me and settled back onto my lap. My erection was nestled between her legs, pulsating as she started to grind on me. I felt her wetness leaking onto me through her panties. My moans made her sultry smile grow. She reached behind her back to unhook her bra. Her breasts bounced into view, making my throat go dry. I fully appreciated her tits by cupping them and massaging the soft mounds. Trudy moaned with delight before pulling me closer until our lips met again in another searing kiss. As our embrace grew more heated, I kneaded her breasts more firmly, pinching her nipples and tugging on them. Trudy bit my bottom lip and pulled slightly. Chills ran down my spine. My other hand reached around to cup her plump ass. She grinded on my lap at a faster pace. Her panties were moving around, causing my cock to become hooked underneath, sliding against her wet pussy.

She stopped the passionate embrace by placing her finger on my lips. Her eyes fluttered. ‘’Don’t rush. I’m a woman who loves a bit of foreplay before getting to the main event.’’

I smirked at her before turning us around so that I could lay her down on the bed. She laughed at the sudden movement before another moan slipped out of her as I reached down and slid her panties down her leg longs. During this, I realized that she still had her heels on. I almost peeled them off, but I decided against it. Seeing Trudy wearing her heels and nothing else was a sublime sight befitting of a goddess. Once her panties were at her ankles, Trudy licked them away and spread her legs for me. With a smile, I leaned down and peppered her neck with kisses and licks, eliciting moans and giggles from her. My hands returned to her tits, caressing them with greater need than before. Her chest was heaving, pushing her cleavage against me. My mouth found her right nipple and I started sucking on it.

‘’Fuck, yes!’’ Trudy purred.

I circled my tongue around the hardened bud before giving the other nipple the same treatment. Trudy arched her back and grabbed the back of my head. My face was smothered between her cleavage. I continued to satisfy her with more kisses and licks all over her busty chest. After pushing them together and flicking my tongue over both nipples, I trailed feather-like kisses further down her body. She seemed to be sensitive to my lips as I felt her trembling beneath me. I dotted her stomach with sweet kisses, spurred on by her moans which grew in frequency. Before long, my head was between her legs and I was kissing the inside of her thigh. I teased her by slowly dragging my tongue closer to her center. Her juices tickled my taste buds. Trudy was gripping my hair more tightly, trying to push my face against her pussy. Her patience was thinning. I was enjoying the way she squirmed too much.

‘’I thought you wanted a bit of foreplay?’’ I jested.

Trudy hissed through gritted teeth. ‘’A woman has her limits. And you’re breaking mine.’’

I smiled again and brought my hand to her lower lips. As I rubbed her pussy, her juices coated my fingers. ‘’So wet.’’

Trudy was about to say something else. But, she never got the chance to speak as I buried my face against her pussy and began to lick her, pushing her into a euphoric haze as she screamed my name. Looking up at her, I could see that she was fondling her breasts as I licked her. I was entranced. The sight encouraged me to lick her faster, dragging my tongue up and down her drenched lips. Her taste was just as sweet as the sounds she made. When I thrust my tongue inside her and rubbed her clit with two fingers, she began to shake. Her legs wrapped around my head as she grinded her hips against my face, desperate for me to go deeper. I played with her as much as I could, flicking her clit and fucking her with my tongue. The whimpers that left her mouth transformed into full-blown cries of pleasure. She was riding my tongue like there was no tomorrow; bucking harder and faster with no sign of stopping.

‘’Oh, that’s so good!’’ Trudy moaned. ‘’I can tell you’ve done this before.’’

‘’Once or twice,’’ I teased as I licked her pussy faster.

As I brought my mouth to her clit and sucked on it, I glanced up to meet her seductive gaze. She tightened her grip on my hair and pressed my face more in between her legs. She bucked her hips more and more before she suddenly grabbed one of my hands and brought it to her face. My curiosity was snatched as I waited to see what she had planned. When our eyes locked, she took one of my fingers into her mouth and sucked on it. I felt like I was going to blow as I watched her sensually bob her head up and down to slowly take my finger between her lips. I repaid her by flicking her sensitive clit with my tongue. Her wetness was overflowing as she released my hand, giving me to chance to enter her with the finger that was in her mouth.

‘’Yes! That’s what momma wants!’’ She growled in satisfaction.

My tongue remained on her clit as I fucked her hard and fast with my fingers. She clawed at my head, encouraging me to keep going, bringing her one step closer to a mighty orgasm. Her screams became ragged as she took my tongue and fingers. I felt her body leaning against me as her back arched. It felt like this was going to be quite the messy climax.

My favorite.

She cried out as her body quaked and her juices splashed against my face. She rode out the waves of her orgasm against my mouth and fingers. I gradually slowed the fingering until I was no longer pumping my digits in and out of her soaked pussy. Lapping up her juices made her shiver as she came down from her high. When she finally released her hold on me, I could lift my head and climb on top of her. My chin was coated with her juices, and she didn’t hesitate to grab my face and pull me in for another fiery kiss. Her tongue probed my mouth, tasting herself on my lips.

Without breaking the kiss, Trudy rolled us over so that she was now on top of me. ‘’Your turn.’’

I gulped and watched her lower herself down my body. Her hands roamed my figure, mapping out every detail with her fingers. My throat hitched as she palmed my breasts. They weren’t as big as hers, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t going to have fun playing with them. She kissed my nipples before nibbling on them. I clawed the bedsheets and grunted. Her sultry gaze made my heart drum loudly against my chest. After having fun with my tits, she lifted her head and shifted her point of view downwards to marvel at my cock, which was now standing at full attention.

‘’Look at you,’’ she moaned. ‘’So big. All for me. What am I going to do with you?’’

‘’Anything you want!’’

She laughed at how easily I crumbled. But, I wasn’t ashamed to let myself be at the mercy of a MILF.

Trudy took hold of my cock, slowly stroking every inch of my shaft before brushing the tip with her thumb, smearing the pre-cum that leaked out of me around the head. A soft sigh of pleasure escaped from me. Her soft touch was beyond wonderful. She leaned her head down and licked the pre-cum. Her tongue lashed out against the tip over and over again. I think this was payback for my teasing her earlier. I wanted to feel her lips wrapped around my cock. But, she held off for a little while longer. I squirmed and panted erratically as she circled her tongue around the head. She pulled back slightly; her hot breath enveloped my cock.

‘’Trudy…’’ I moaned.

She looked at me as she stroked my shaft again. Her lips were so agonizingly close to my cock. I wanted to thrust my hips, but she kept one hand on my hip to pin me down. I could have moved against her. But, I wanted to see what she was capable of when she was in control. Even if this was torture for me, it was the best kind of torture.

‘’I’ve never seen another woman’s cock that was as big as yours,’’ she said softly. She dragged her tongue up and down the underside of my shaft. ‘’I’m wondering if I can fit it all in my mouth.’’

‘’Please, Trudy!’’

She kissed her way up to the tip again and parted her lips. ‘’Let’s find out.’’

That was the last thing she said before she engulfed my cock in one fell swoop. I cried out and tried not to buck my hips as I felt her mouth descend further down my shaft, almost reaching the base in one go. The tip hit the back of her throat, causing her to gag. Yet, Trudy didn’t falter. She expertly bobbed her head up and down, deepthroating my cock with no problems. Her hand stroked my shaft in time with her mouth. I threw my head back before locking eyes with her again. She loved watching my face twist in pleasure as she sucked me harder and faster. Her other hand reached down to grab my balls. She toyed with them, massaging them with her delicate fingers. My mind felt like it was breaking. Trudy knew exactly what she was doing. Her experience was on full display.

A loud wet pop echoed throughout the bedroom as she pulled away from my cock and moved down so that she could kiss my balls. I gasped sharply as I felt her tongue roll over my sack before coaxing them into her mouth. She slurped on my balls sloppily. Her hand was still on my shaft, stroking me rapidly. The double pleasure rendered me powerless. I was nothing more than a whimpering mess.

And she loved it.

She switched between each ball, trying to give them an equal amount of affection. I think this was her way of showing me that she preferred to suck on a woman’s balls rather than her cock. I wasn’t going to complain. The tight sensation was bringing me closer to the edge sooner than expected. I gasped and reached down to touch her so that I could get her attention. ‘’I’m going to cum soon.’’

Trudy lifted her head and smirked at me. ‘’Would you like to cum in my mouth?’’

‘’Yes, please!’’

Upon hearing this, Trudy opened wide and took my cock back inside her mouth, swirling her tongue around whilst bobbing her head up and down the length. Her masterful oral skills gave me overwhelming pleasure. I couldn’t hold back any longer. With a final moan, I thrust my hips, driving every inch of my shaft inside her mouth before exploding. Trudy eagerly swallowed every thread of cum that was blasted down the back of her throat. The sound of her slurping reverberated off the walls. My hips continued to buck as I blasted rope after rope of seed and filled her mouth.

When I finally stopped cumming, Trudy pulled away and opened her mouth, showing the pool of cum that coated her tongue. She then gulped it down and showed me her empty mouth. Her tongue hung out as she licked her lips in a satisfied manner. ‘’Oh, now that is a taste I can get used to.’’

I was too stunned to speak, especially when she threw her legs over on top to straddle me. She still kept the heels on. I think that she was aware that I enjoyed seeing her wear them. She grabbed my cock and rubbed the tip against her entrance before gently lowering herself onto me. It felt like I was staring at an inferno when I looked into her eyes and saw the fire within them.

‘’I’m on the pill,’’ she commented. ‘’Three is enough for me.’’

She carefully descended. I felt her pussy stretch widely around my shaft as she tried to take in my size. She slowed down and waited for a moment before continuing, moving little by little until I was completely inside and filled her up. Trudy panted as she settled. Her smile never left her face. Grabbing her hips, I helped keep her steady as she started to rock her hips. She nibbled her bottom lip and moaned. When it seemed like she was okay for me to move, I started thrusting upwards. She was bouncing on top of me as my cock pushed in and pulled out of her with growing speed and strength. She leaned forward and placed her hands on either side of my head to keep her balance. Her bouncing breasts were close enough for me to reach up and grab, causing her to moan with desire.

‘’Fuck, Anna! That’s it! Fuck me with your big cock!’’

My hands continued to stroke her soft body as I felt a layer of sweat envelope her. She looked positively divine on top of me like this. The bed beneath us was creaking loudly as I cupped her face and guided her down so that we could kiss as I fucked her as hard and as fast as I could. She was pinning me down as she slammed herself down on my cock repeatedly. Over and over again I felt her ass clap against me. I could resist reaching down to cup her glorious backside as she rode me with reckless abandon.

Trudy licked my lips and locked eyes with me. ‘’You like feeling up my ass, don’t you?’’

‘’What gave it away?’’ I teasingly replied as I squeezed her ass cheek.

‘’Well, in that case…’’

Trudy then raised herself off me before spinning around. She grabbed my cock and eased it back inside as she now rode me reverse cowgirl style. As she bounced, she glanced over her shoulder to look at me. I could see beads of sweat racing down her back, falling over the curve of her ass. The plump cheeks rippled with every bounce as I buried myself deep inside. I had to reach out and massage her ass as she took my cock over and over again. My dick was throbbing intensely inside of her. Thrusting my hips as fast as humanly possible, I was determined to make her cum first. Her pussy was wrapped tightly around my shaft as I felt her wetness leak down onto my groin. She rocked back and forth against my length, crying out with endless joy. Beneath those erotic noises careening out of her mouth, I listened to the wet sounds of our bodies colliding.

I leaned up and Trudy gasped as she was now bouncing on my cock as I held her from behind. One of my hands grabbed her breasts again and tightly squeezed, eliciting more cries of pleasure from her. My other hand was between her legs, playing with her pussy as I fucked her. She trembled against me. I couldn’t stop as I brought her to the heights of ecstasy. Trudy reached behind to grip me for balance. She was losing all self-control as I felt her body give way and she came hard on my cock. My hold on her wouldn’t break. Even as she quaked against me, I kept pounding her, slamming against her backside relentlessly. Feeling her come undone was the catalyst for my release. A ragged grunt escaped from me as I erupted and pumped my seed inside her pussy. Trudy hummed her approval as she felt me spill my hot load deep inside her. Her grip on me was tight as I thrust a few more times before finishing.

‘’Holy mother of god…’’ Trudy panted as she fell back against me.

I ran my hand through her hair and kissed the back of her neck, gradually moving my way up until my lips were touching behind her ear. ‘’Do you need a rest before round 2?’’

‘’You can already go for a round 2?’’ she gasped.

‘’And a round 3, and 4, as many as you want,’’ I said seductively.

She let out a sound that was a mix between a laugh and a sigh. ‘’At least give me a chance to get the feeling back in my legs again. I haven’t been taken for a ride like that since…’’ she paused for thought. ‘’Okay, last week with Oscar was pretty good. But, this was a different kind of good. And besides, I doubt we can go on for much longer. I still need to drop you back home afterwards before it gets dark.’’

I nodded and continued to kiss the back of her shoulder. ‘’Thanks for this, Trudy.’’

Trudy tilted her head back to look over her shoulder and smile at me. ‘’I told you; I should be thanking you. I really appreciate you looking after my baby girl. That was sweet of you.’’

‘’Just thought that I’d help,’’ I shrugged.

‘’Well, don’t be a stranger. If you want to help Penny home, you’re more than welcome to,’’ she giggled, her tone laced with sweetness and honey. She brought her finger under my chin and looked deeply into my eyes. My heart was thundering against my chest again as she brought her lips dangerously close to my own. ‘’Now…about that round 2?’’


We ended up going to round 3.

The bed was a total mess when I was done with her. As much as I wanted to keep going, I had to return home at some point. Plus, Trudy was starting to have trouble keeping up with me. So, we would have to continue where we left off another time. The rest of the Proud family was still at the hospital, so it was just me and Trudy as she drove me home in the other car that they had.

‘’I just wanted to say,’’ I spoke up. ‘’I think it’s pretty cool that you and Oscar are comfortable with this.’’

Trudy smiled. ‘’We trust each other. We have our ups and downs. But, we love each other. The world can use more love to go around.’’

‘’I completely agree.’’

Before long, Trudy’s phone went off. There was a chance that it could be an update about Penny, so she pulled over to answer it. I tried not to eavesdrop, but I could tell by her responses that it wasn’t anyone at the hospital. I saw exasperation and confusion flash across her face at multiple points during the conversation. There was no way for me to decipher what was being said or who she was talking with. But, it seemed like it was an emergency that couldn’t be put on hold. When Trudy hung up, she rubbed the bridge of her nose and sighed. ‘’I’m sorry, Anna. I’m going to need to make a quick stop at the clinic. It’s a job that will be best suited for me. I promise that I’ll get you home afterwards.’’

‘’Hey, it’s no trouble at all. I’m not going to stop you from helping an animal in need. What is it? A dog? A guinea pig?’’

She let out a sound that was a mix between a huff and a laugh. ‘’A llama.’’

I blinked. ‘’Wait, what?’’


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