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All characters in this story are over the age of 18.

Ada Wong couldn’t believe she was in this situation, tearing through the dark forest, with the daughter of the President of the United States running by her side. The two women were panting heavily as they were pursued by a small army of cult members who were trying to kidnap Ashley. As they sprinted, Ada expertly fought off the cult members. Her movements were swift and graceful as she blasted at them with her gun. Bullets pierced through their grim bodies. Blood spilled in all directions. If Ada didn’t send a shot clean through the head, the cultists would continue to chase after them. Thankfully, Ada Wong had immaculate accuracy.

Ashley stumbled over uprooted vines on the road but managed to stay on her feet as she was pushed ahead by Ada. ‘’What about Leon?’’ she gasped.

‘’He’s more than capable of taking care of himself. He’ll catch up.’’

Ada tried to sound convincing. She had no idea if Leon was still alive. The ambush from the cult separated them a while back. The last she saw of him was him being surrounded by chainsaw-wielding brutes that tried to hack him down. Leon was able to dodge their attacks before disappearing around the corner. Ada knew that Ashley would be powerless to defend herself without Leon. So, against her better judgement, she grabbed the young woman’s hand and dragged her away from danger. Unfortunately, the cult members were relentless. They didn’t seem to tire. A few of them came within touching distance.

‘’Not on my watch!’’ Ada sneered as she flipped onto her hands and spun her leg around, kicking a cultist in the face just before he could grab Ashley.

Ashley watched in awe as Ada took down the cult member with ease. Her skill and beauty were something to be admired. However, Ashley didn’t have the time to appreciate Ada’s grace.

‘’Stay close to me!’’ Ada yelled over the sounds of gunfire. ‘’We’ve got to find someplace to bunker down.’’

Ashley nodded, her heart pounding in her chest. This day felt like it was never going to end. She was thrust into one dangerous situation after another. But she felt safer with Ada by her side. Ashley didn’t know much about the woman in the red dress. She could tell that Ada was familiar with Leon. So, that gave her enough reason to trust her for now. Ashley felt like a princess in a storybook who was being rescued by the person of her dreams. It was almost enough to make her laugh despite the situation they were in. Ashley could still gawk at women even in such a perilous predicament.

‘’This way!’’ Ada grabbed Ashley and turned sharply, catching their pursuers flat-footed.

They ran towards a small house on the outskirts of the forest. The building was old and abandoned, but it looked like it would provide some shelter from their pursuers. Ada pulled Ashley through the door and slammed it shut. She cupped her hand over Ashley’s mouth before the younger woman had a chance to react. Ada hushed her and they both crouched to the floor. Ada glanced through a small opening in the wooden door to see what was going on outside. They heard the cult members stampeding through the forest close by. Their frightening, demonic screams made Ashley’s blood run cold. Even Ada seemed nervous as she remained on the lookout. Drops of sweat ran down the side of her neck as the thrilling rush they had just endured finally caught up with her.

Seconds turned into minutes. The disgruntled cries of the cultists slowly vanished into the distance. Silence fell upon them. Ada waited a little while longer before exhaling. ‘’We should be safe for now.’’

Ashley sighed with relief as Ada removed her hand from her mouth. ‘’Thank you.’’

‘’Don’t thank me yet,’’ Ada replied, pulling out her gun and checking the ammunition. ‘’This place might not compare to the White House. But, it’ll have to do until I can drop you back with Leon.’’

Ashley nodded and glanced around at the dark and dusty interior. Cobwebs covered every corner of the room. The windows were barricaded. It seemed like this place had been fortified once before until it was no longer deemed safe. When the two women stood, the floorboards creaked beneath them.

‘’Are you sure that Leon is safe?’’ Ashley asked.

Walking ahead to inspect the rest of the house, Ada turned her head to give Ashley an assured smile. ‘’Trust me, he’s dealt with troubles like this before. Your prince in shining armor will return to you. Until then, I guess you’re my responsibility.’’

‘’I appreciate that. Ada Wong, was it?’’ Ashley responded in a flustered manner. ‘’And Leon will forever have my gratitude. As will you…’’

‘’Save it,’’ Ada interrupted. ‘’Unlike Leon, I didn’t get involved in this mess to rescue you. I’ve got my own motives to be here.’’

‘’Then…why did you save me?’’

‘’To repay Leon for old times,’’ Ada faced Ashley, staying close to the President’s daughter. ‘’You don’t want to get mixed up with me.’’

A faint moonlit glow coming through the window illuminated their surroundings. Ada looked almost ethereal in the light. Her red dress complimented her radiant appearance magnificently. Ashley’s face flared up with heat as the woman towered over her. The confidence and grace she displayed were unmatched. Ashley had never met anyone like her before. Her throat hitched as she tried not to melt under Ada’s intense stare.

‘’Follow me,’’ Ada instructed, keeping her gun at the ready as she slowly ascended the staircase.

Ashley followed closely behind. They reached the second level of the house and scanned every dark corner, ready to run if anything moved. A gentle breeze drifted through the shattered windows, making the house moan tensely. Ada stalked the upper corridor. She flashed her gun into one room, and then another, always vigilant for any surprise attacks. Once again, Ashley found herself admiring Ada when she shouldn’t have. She couldn’t help herself. She was drawn to powerful women; coupled with a mysterious past that connected her with Leon, Ashley couldn’t hide her intrigue. They entered the last room. It was completely cleared out, giving them lots of space to move around. Ada marched over to the window and looked outside. She had a perfect view of the empty road ahead.

‘’We’ll give Leon a couple of hours to find us,’’ Ada said. ‘’If he doesn’t, we’ll move on ahead. The coast is clear for now.’’

Ashley nodded and opened her mouth to say something. Her mouth was left hanging, but she couldn’t muster the words she needed as she witnessed something that made her heart skip a beat. Ada lifted her dress so that she could strap her gun to a holster that was wrapped around her leg. Seeing her long leg exposed like that sent a chill down Ashley’s spine. She tried not to stare, but that was impossible. When she looked up, she saw that Ada had caught her gawking. Ashley turned her head quickly and cleared her throat. ‘’So, you and Leon have dealt with something like this before?’’

Ada laughed at how quickly Ashley had tried to change the subject but went along with it. ‘’Not exactly, but close enough.’’

‘’But, you two are on the same team, right?’’

There was a moment of hesitation from Ada. ‘’You’re asking too many questions.’’

Ashley wanted to probe further as she was unsatisfied with the vague answer. But, she could see the apprehension on Ada’s face. There seemed to be things she wanted to be left in the past. The last thing Ashley wanted to do was offend her current protector. So, she nodded dejectedly and kept silent.

‘’Let’s just stay put and wait for Leon. I’m sure you’ll be relieved to see him again.’’

‘’I suppose so…’’ Ashley flinched. ‘’Wait, what is that supposed to mean?’’

‘’I understand completely,’’ Ada smirked at her. ‘’Leon is quite the catch. I wouldn’t be surprised if you wanted to thank him after he brings you back home.’’

‘’That is not…’’ Ashley blushed. ‘’He’s not even my…I mean I…I don’t go for…’’

A look of realization flashed across Ada’s face. ‘’Oh, I feel like I’ve just discovered a scandalous detail about the President’s daughter.’’

‘’It is not scandalous for me to like women just because of who my family is!’’

Ashley’s pout was adorable. She folded her arms across her chest and tried to stare down at Ada. That was going to be impossible, as it just took one sly grin from Ada to render Ashley powerless. The President’s daughter lost her diplomatic stance as she tried to hide her flushed face.

Ada’s brow was raised slightly. ‘’Oh…that’s why you’re asking me so many questions. I’m the one you want to thank.’’

‘’Perhaps so…’’

Ashley’s response was so quiet, Ada didn’t hear her.

‘’What?’’ Ada asked in a teasing manner.

Ashley huffed. ‘’You know what? I am fucking tired of this. I might die today. So, forgive me if I openly express how much I want to indulge in the idea of being with a woman like you before I’m ripped to pieces. You’re right! I do want to thank you. I want to show my appreciation in the lewdest way imaginable. If this is my last day on earth, I’m going to end it satisfied. I want you to take me!’’

The outburst surprised Ada. Her smile remained as she approached Ashley. ‘’Okay, you’re under a lot of stress…’’

‘’No! Don’t give me that crap! Ada Wong, I want to have sex with you! Right here! Right now!’’

Ada stared at her with a deadpan expression. Ashley feared that she had crossed a line with her eruption. However, Ada advanced closer and her smile widened. ‘’Very well.’’

‘’R-really?’’ Ashley gasped.

‘’I can’t deny an order from the President’s daughter. Also, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t also in need of some pleasure between business.’’

To say that Ashley was nervous would be an understatement. The distance between them had closed considerably. Ada was standing right in front of her with a seductive smile. She reached out to cup Ashley’s waist and pull her closer. Ashley craned her neck to lock eyes with the older woman.

‘’It’s a shame we have to make this quick,’’ Ada purred. ‘’I would have enjoyed taking my sweet time with you.’’

Ashley swallowed the lump in her throat. Her body was trembling as she felt Ada’s fingers on her chin, tilted her head up slightly and leaned forward. When their lips touched, Ashley felt overwhelming arousal course through her veins. The kiss deepened in next to no time. Ashley’s excitement got the better of her as she tried to jump into Ada’s arms. Ada smiled against Ashley’s mouth. Their fiery embrace intensified as Ada thrust her tongue past Ashley’s parted lips, exploring her mouth, eliciting sweet moans of approval from the young woman. Ashley’s whimpers grew louder as she felt Ada kneading her breasts through her top.


‘’Sssh,’’ Ada hushed. ‘’You have to try and keep quiet for me.’’

Ashley nodded eagerly and continued the kiss. Ada caressed Ashley’s breasts more firmly. When Ashley threw her head back and mewled, Ada saw an opportunity to assault her neck with harsh kisses and licks. Ashley was drowning in pleasure.

If the cult members didn’t kill her, Ada would…in the best way possible.

‘’You want to thank me?’’ Ada whispered sensually.


The desire in Ashley’s voice was intoxicating.

Without a word, Ada placed her hand on the top of Ashley’s head and forced her down onto her knees. Ashley didn’t complain as she settled between her protector’s legs, watching as she spread them and began to hike up her dress. Every new inch of Ada’s creamy leg that was exposed sparked more jolts of excitement through Ashley. She didn’t even baulk when she saw the gun strapped to Ada’s leg.

‘’Have you ever handled another woman’s gun before?’’ Ada inquired.

Ashley snickered. ‘’I’m not into gunplay if that’s what you’re asking.’’

‘’Neither am I,’’ Ada’s sly smirk grew. ‘’And that’s not the gun I was referring to.’’

Ashley’s brow creased in confusion as Ada raised her dress a little higher. Suddenly, something long and hard sprang out and smacked Ashley in the face. She gasped in disbelief as she marvelled at Ada’s cock. The surprise was welcomed. Ada’s shaft was bigger than what Ashley believed the size of a dick would be. She had never seen one before in real life. She licked her lips and glanced up at her protector with a mischievous grin.

‘’I’ve never handled another woman’s gun. But, I would like to hold yours.’’

Ada placed her hand on the back of Ashley’s hand. ‘’I’d love that. But, as I said, time isn’t on our side. I’m going to need more than your hands.’’

Before Ashley could even think about questioning her, Ada pushed her face down onto her cock. Ashley released a muffled moan as her mouth was stretched considerably by the immense girth. She placed her hands on Ada’s silky smooth thighs and began to bob her head rapidly. The wet sound of her gagging on Ada’s length echoed throughout the room. It was at a volume that was deemed acceptable by Ada as she assisted Ashley with her head movement and quickened the thrusts of her hips. She bucked wildly, driving her cock down Ashley’s tight throat. The young woman choked on Ada’s dick over and over again. Yet, she didn’t want to stop. She didn’t even want to slow down. The sensation of a badass woman’s cock spearing her throat relentlessly made her so wet. The salty taste of Ada’s pre-cum leaking on her tongue made her body shiver with excitement.

‘’Good girl,’’ Ada purred.

Ashley hummed around Ada’s cock, loving the praise that she was receiving as she sucked her cock harder and faster. She felt Ada’s hefty balls crashing against her chin as her throat was thoroughly fucked. It seemed like she wasn’t the only one with pent-up tension that needed to release as she felt Ada grip her hair tightly and rock her hips. Ashley’s lips slide up and down the length, making it all the way down to the base where Ada then held her. Ashley’s eyes watered as she moaned with delight and deepthroated her protector’s shaft like there was no tomorrow.

If things didn’t go their way, that could still be a reality for them.

When Ada finally released her hold on Ashley’s hair, the young woman pulled her head back and gasped for air. A string of spit bridged the gap between her lips and the outline of Ada’s cock. Her respite didn’t last long as Ada then shoved her head lower so that she could give the same treatment to her balls. Ashley eagerly slurped on the massive sack. She rolled her tongue around them before trying to fit both in her mouth.

Ada grinned wickedly. She didn’t need to give any further instructions. Ashley was more than happy to whore herself out.

‘’Hmmm, maybe when this is all done, I’ll pay you a visit at the White House and have you suck my cock under the Oval Office desk. Would you like that?’’

Ashley nodded, increasing the speed and pressure of her sucking before returning to the shaft and swallowing the entire length. Saliva drooled out of the corners of her mouth. Ashley didn’t care for decorum. If they weren’t going to make it out of here alive, Ashley wasn’t going to hold back from satisfying her deepest desires. She longed to act slutty for an older woman who was willing to put her in her place. Being the President’s daughter meant that she was always sceptical about pursuing relationships, especially when it came to the topic of sex. Her father knew of her interest in women and was supportive, but there was always the anxiety that held Ashley back out of fear of causing a scandal.

Ironically, on this island where they were trapped, Ashley could finally be free to do whatever she wanted.

And right now, she wanted to choke on Ada Wong’s big, hard cock.

Ada tensed as she felt her imminent release. ‘’You’ve done so well. I’m about to cum.’’

She planned to pull out of Ashley’s mouth. However, the young woman was quick to lunge forward. She cupped Ada’s ass and forced her to slam every inch of her cock down her throat. She didn’t want Ada’s cock out of her mouth for even a second. Purring with delight, Ada patted Ashley gently on the head before cumming. Ashley swallowed the heavy load without hesitation. Her heart raced as she felt her seed flow down her throat.

‘’Well, well…’’ Ada moaned. ‘’You’re full of surprises.’’

The throbbing shaft slipped out of Ashley’s mouth. She was panting heavily as spit and cum smeared her lips. Her innocent demeanor had evaporated. Lust clouded her vision as she glanced up at Ada and opened her mouth to show her that she had swallowed every last drop.

When Ashley saw that Ada’s cock was still erect, she leaned forward and kissed the tip. ‘’More.’’

A low growl escaped from Ashley. She was already taking her back into her mouth; her enthusiasm hadn’t dwindled in the slightest. Ada would have been content with fucking Ashley’s mouth again. However, she had another idea in mind.

Ashley squealed in shock as she was suddenly pulled to her feet by Ada before being spun around and pushed against the wall. Ashley felt Ada’s hand glide down her back. She trembled with anticipation. Her plaid skirt was lifted and her leggings were dragged down to her ankles. Her bare ass was completely exposed. But, she wasn’t going to complain. Goosebumps rippled across her skin when Ada fondled her ass cheeks. Ada’s touch was firm as she squeezed the plump behind before giving it a hard slap. Ashley yelped and then wiggled her ass, her body begging for more.

‘’Sorry, I got carried away,’’ Ada teased. ‘’We still need to keep quiet, remember?’’

‘’Ada, please…’’ Ashley whimpered.

Ada reached down between her thighs and forced her to spread her legs. Ashley’s pussy came into view, drenched and yearning to be filled. Ada’s cock burned with need. But, she held off on satisfying her own pleasure for a little while longer. ‘’I think that it’s only fair if I return the favor.’’

Ada kneeled behind Ashley; her fingers danced around the young woman’s thigh. Bringing her head forward, she traced her tongue over her soaked lips, eliciting cries of delight from Ashley. She stifled her screams by covering her mouth. She didn’t want anything to interrupt this moment. Ada continued to knead her ass cheeks, massaging them firmly as she licked Ashley’s pussy at a faster pace, lapping up her flowing juices. Ashley bucked her hips, grinding herself against Ada’s face as she felt her tongue penetrate her lower lips and thrust in and out of her entrance. Ashley’s knees quaked as she moaned through her hand. Ada’s tongue flicked over her clit a few times, causing her to descend into a delirious spiral. Her fingers clawed at the wall as Ada ate her out and fucked her with her tongue.

Ashley came not long afterwards. She squirmed with pleasure and tried not to fall as she climaxed in Ada’s mouth. Her wetness drenched Ada’s chin, and she let out a long moan of pleasure as she came down from her euphoric high.

After giving Ashley a moment to catch her breath, Ada stood behind her and guided her cock into position. She rubbed the tip against Ashley’s entrance, teasing her a little while longer. Ashley tried to back herself onto Ada’s dick, but the older woman held her in place, pinning her against the wall. She leaned forward and licked the back of Ashley’s ear.

‘’Leon’s not here. So, I’m in charge. Is that understood?’’

Ashley moaned and nodded. ‘’Yes, I just want you…’’

‘’You want me to fuck you, is that it?’’

‘’Yes, Ada! Please!’’

Hearing the President’s daughter beg for her like this filled Ada with more pride than she knew what to do with. She thrust her hips, sliding her cock between Ashley’s ass cheeks. The soft pillows enveloped her shaft like a set of heavenly pillows.

More ecstatic whimpers followed from Ashley. ‘’Please! You said we didn’t have time. Hurry up and fuck me!’’

‘’Still trying to boss me around after I said I’m in charge?’’ Ada nibbled on Ashley’s earlobe. ‘’When we get out of this mess, I’m going to have to pay you some extra visits to teach you some manners.’’

‘’Oh, yes! I want that so badly!’’

Ada had to admit that she thought Ashley would be tougher to break. The girl was resilient to all of the dangers that they had faced so far. Yet, when it came to her desire for Ada, she was more than willing to forgo her composure and offer her body in a millisecond. Ada didn’t mind. She looked forward to the future where she could fuck Ashley Graham in the White House over and over again. Day and night. It was a challenge she was more than happy to accept.

At last, Ada pushed her cock inside. Ashley bit her bottom lip to suppress her moans. Her pussy was stretched by just the tip alone. The rest of Ada’s cock felt massive. Inch-by-inch, Ada slowly entered. She allowed Ashley time to adjust. However, the wet tightness wrapped around her dick compelled Ada to thrust back and forth quickly. She grabbed onto Ashley’s waist and held her in place before fucking her hard. In and out. In and out. Ashley glanced over her shoulder to watch Ada in action. As much as she wanted the older woman to be naked, the image of her in the red dress was untouchable. Their bodies collided repeatedly. Ashley kept her screams contained. Ada’s hushed grunts tickled her ears and added another layer of hotness to the moment.

‘’Fuck me!’’ Ashley moaned. ‘’Fuck me hard! Don’t stop, Ada! I want it! More! Give me more!’’

Ashley’s vision clouded as she lost control of her body. She had become Ada’s plaything to be used as she saw fit. The President’s daughter had been captivated by the mysterious woman. Ashley’s pleasure was so intense that she hadn’t realized that she had reached another orgasm until she nearly collapsed. Thankfully, Ada’s reflexes were sharp as ever. She caught Ashley and held her in her arms, still pounding her from behind without losing any speed. Ashley’s pussy clenched tightly around Ada’s cock, refusing to release her as she fucked her as hard and as fast as possible. Listening to her grunts, Ashley could tell that Ada was trying to hold back.

That’s when it slipped out.

‘’Cum inside me!’’

Ada was shocked to hear those words. But, she could tell that Ashley meant it. Her lips curled upwards as she pumped her cock inside a few more times before exploding. Ashley nearly screamed. She was melting in Ada’s arms as she felt the older woman’s cum inside her pussy. Ada thrust twice, insuring that she had filled the young woman to the brim. When she was done, she could feel Ashley shaking. She was also smiling. Ada was happy for her. She needed to hold onto the smile if she had any hope of escaping this nightmare.

‘’Thank you, Ada Wong,’’ Ashley said.

Ada was about to respond when she heard someone entering the house. The methodical steps were enough for Ada to realize it was Leon. His timing was impeccable.

‘’You might want to fix yourself up,’’ Ada whispered, kissing Ashley on the cheek before pulling away.


Ashley was still dazed by what had transpired. She moaned with disappointment when she felt Ada’s cock slip out of her. When she heard someone coming up the stairs, she panicked. Chills ran through her body as she turned to Ada and saw her adjust her red dress and take out her gun. But, her calm posture meant that she wasn’t preparing to face an enemy. It had to be Leon. Ashley quickly lifted her leggings and readjusted her skirt and jacket just as the door opened and Leon stepped inside with his gun at the ready.

‘’Ada?’’ he lowered his gun upon seeing her. Turning his head, he spotted Ashley. The girl seemed flustered, but otherwise, still in one piece. ‘’Ashley, I’m glad to see that you’re safe.’’

‘’Thanks to Ada,’’ she replied. She tried to stop her body from swaying. Her legs were still aching and her face was burning hot. But, Leon seemed oblivious, much to Ashley’s relief.

Poised as ever, Ada smirked at Ashley before walking past Leon and towards the door. ‘’Well, I’ve had fun playing babysitter. But, I best be off.’’

‘’Wait…’’ Leon reached out.

‘’Sorry, Leon,’’ Ada pouted at him before giving Ashley a sly wink. ‘’Our girl chat is finished. But, maybe we’ll see each other again, just out of death’s reach. As always.’’

That was the last thing she said before elegantly stepping over the bannister that led to the staircase and disappearing into the lower floor. Leon thought about chasing after her but resisted. He was now reunited with Ashley and had to return to his mission. A quiet groan slipped out of him before he focused on Ashley. ‘’Are you okay?’’

‘’Yep. Ada took good care of me.’’

‘’Okay, can you walk?’’

Ashley flinched. ‘’Why wouldn’t I be able to walk?’’

‘’I’m just making sure that you’re not injured.’’

‘’Oh, yes, no, I’m able to walk. I promise. There’s not a scratch on me.’’

Her aloof tone did make Leon hesitant somewhat. But, he chalked it up to her calming down from the fright of the earlier pursuit. He raised his gun and beckoned for her to follow him. Ashley obeyed.

They snuck out of the house. There wasn’t a soul in sight. No cult members, and no Ada. Ashley still bubbled with excitement thinking about her. She didn’t know if Ada was going to keep her promise about seeing her again, or if it was just a spur-of-the-moment thing she said during sex. Ashley hoped that this wasn’t goodbye. She didn’t know everything about Ada. In fact, she hardly knew anything about the woman in the red dress, but she would love to find out more about her for many, many nights to come.


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