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The characters in this story are over the age of 18. This chapter is a universe in which the characters are not related to each other.

I had a big problem that needed to be taken care of.

And no, it’s not what you’re thinking.

It had only just recently dawned on me that aside from a few members of the team, I didn’t have enough chemistry with my teammates on the Mighty Ducks. My first training session on the ice didn’t go as smoothly as I had hoped with the majority of the team sidelined for one reason or another. And being swept off my feet by Alex Morrow almost meant that I didn’t get the chance to properly bond with the others. I figured that I should meet up with someone from the team after class and spend some time with them. I didn’t know who it was going to be. I just settled on the idea of finding the first Mighty Duck who crossed my path and demand that they be my friend.

Was that creepy and desperate? Possibly. But, I really wanted to make a good impression. I was still trying to find my footing with ice skating. The least I could do was spend time with my teammates and learn more about them. I don’t know if team bonding and chemistry work as it does in the movies and games, but it was worth a try.

The only problem was that I couldn’t find anyone from the Mighty Ducks around.

The bell had rung, signalling the end of the school day. I made my move; scanning the area to try and find someone who I knew was on the team roster. That was surprisingly more difficult than I initially thought. I didn’t even have Kristoff around to help me. I had to make this perilous journey myself. I walked through the crowded hallways and kept my eyes peeled open for anyone who caught my interest. Minutes went by and I was having no luck. I was beginning to think that today was going to be a dud and I would have to try again tomorrow. However, when I spotted a girl by her locker with long blonde hair tied in a ponytail, I recognized her instantly as someone who was a frequent player on the Mighty Ducks team…Madison Rooney.

The athletic tomboy was also quite the skilled basketball player. Kickass and sweet, she was often overlooked by many students because she was the lookalike of a famous actress and singer, Olivia. To say that they were identical copies of each other would be an understatement. If you only saw them and didn’t start a conversation, you wouldn’t be able to tell them apart. I often had difficulty knowing who was who. The only way to know there was a difference would be if Madison was wearing her glasses. She would also have her hair done in a ponytail like right now, whereas Olivia let her long locks flow in the wind for dramatic effect.

I did feel sympathetic towards Madison. I knew what it felt like to feel like you were in the shadow of a more popular person. But, she didn’t seem to hold any ill will towards Olivia. They always seemed to be on friendly terms, even when Olivia returned from her film shoots to gush endlessly about her exploits in the world of Hollywood. Last I heard, she was busy working on a reboot of The Famous Jett Jackson. I don’t think that the classic series needed a reboot. But, Hollywood was gonna Hollywood, I guess. At least, that meant I wasn’t going to have an awkward situation where I confused them.

I hurried over to Madison before she had the chance to get away. She was still gazing at the mirror in her lock, adjusting her hair and playing with her glasses, trying to get them to fit onto the bridge of her nose.

‘’Hey!’’ I greeted.

She turned around sharply and slammed her locker shut. ‘’Hey yourself!’’

‘’Sorry for startling you, Madison. I was wondering if I could talk with you about something?’’

Her eyes travelled up and down as if she was just registering my presence. ‘’You’re Anna Arendelle.’’

‘’That is the name that was given to me, yes.’’

Her lip curled into a bright smile. ‘’And Madison is obviously the name that was given to me. Madison Rooney. But, you can call me Maddie for short. Bam! What?!’’ She struck a pose by flicking her arms out before leaning against her locker. ‘’What can I do for you on this fine day?’’

I hadn’t interacted with Maddie often, but I knew there was an intensity about her. She was quite a competitive person. Hence why she was on multiple sports teams for the school. Although I wasn’t sure if this was because of me or if I got her at an awkward time, she seemed a little out of her skin right now. I didn’t want to bother her, but I also needed to get off on the right foot with my teammates. I took a deep breath and tried to be as charming as possible. ‘’Well, since I’m new on the Mighty Ducks team, I was just hoping that you and I could get to know each other a little better. You know? Teammate to teammate.’’

She seemed apprehensive about something. ‘’Get to know each other better? Uh…I would love to, but I’m not that interesting. I mean, I’m cool enough. But, everyone always seems to want to talk about Liv. The gorgeous, talented star of the popular television program Sing It Loud!’’ She sang the title of the show.

‘’You shouldn’t put yourself down like that,’’ I said. ‘’Just because you have a superstar lookalike doesn’t mean others should lower their expectations of you. You are your own person. That’s why I was hoping to talk with you. I genuinely want to get to know you.’’

Her gaze softened. I think that I was getting to her. A few seconds of contemplative silence passed before Maddie suddenly grabbed my hand and dragged me away with her. I felt myself blush as I followed her through the school corridors before arriving at the school changing room. I had become well acquainted with this room. My heart was racing at the possibilities. But, I tried not to think too deeply about this. It seemed like there was something else on Maddie’s mind as she pulled me inside. The room appeared to be empty, although we could hear someone moving around just out of sight.

Maddie sighed. ‘’Maddie! Can you come out here for a second?’’

Before I could question what was happening, an exact copy of Maddie appeared from around the corner.

‘’Wait, what?’’

The new Maddie looked more like the Maddie I was familiar with, despite missing her signature glasses. The look became more striking as she glanced at the blonde who brought me here and stomped over to her. ‘’Liv! Seriously? You took my glasses again?’’

Oh…well, so much for not having that awkward moment of confusing the them for each other.

‘’I’m sorry, Madds,’’ Liv apologized before handing the glasses back to her and undoing her hair so that it was no longer in a ponytail. ‘’I broke them and I thought that I could get them fixed before you noticed. I did, but then I started having a little fun at my locker, getting into the skin of another person as all the best actresses do. When Anna approached me thinking that I was you, I panicked and went along with it.’’

She got all of that out as quickly as possible. Her face was almost turning blue. I felt heat rising on the back of my neck as Maddie huffed at Liv and offered me an apologetic look. ‘’I am so sorry about this, Anna…’’

‘’It’s okay, it sounds like it was an honest mistake. And Liv brought me here to see you, so she told the truth eventually.’’

Liv looked at Maddie with hope. ‘’See!’’

‘’You’re not off the hook,’’ Maddie scolded her before looking back at me. ‘’What did you want to see me about?’’

I guess that I might as well make a start since I was here. I took a deep breath. ‘’I thought that since we were now teammates for the Mighty Ducks, we should hang out more and get to know each other. I know that I have a lot of catching up to do if I want to compete with the rest of you. So, I just want you to know that I’m going to do my best for the team.’’

Maddie smiled. ‘’I already know that. Kristoff talks about you all the time. It was like watching someone become a dad for the first time when he told all of us that you had officially joined the team.’’

I chuckled and looked away to hide my flushed face. I love that goof so much.

Liv nudged Maddie’s arm. ‘’And Maddie is no slouch-potato either.’’

‘’The term is couch-potato!’’ Maddie said.

Liv shushed her by pressing her finger against Maddie’s lips. ‘’I am defending your honor. Like Anna just told me, no one should have low expectations of you.’’

Maddie turned and gazed at me curiously. ‘’You said that?’’

‘’Yeah…I think you’re both pretty cool in your own way.’’

‘’You hear that?’’ Liv teased her lookalike. ‘’She thinks that we’re both cool. It’s easy to understand why you’ve thought about sleeping with her.’’

The changing room fell silent. Maddie’s jaw dropped and I was left too stunned to speak.

Liv froze and grimaced. ‘’See, I thought I was just saying that in my mind like when I read scripts. But, now I remember that I read my scripts out loud.’’

‘’Liv, what the hell!?’’ Maddie shrieked. She looked at me and forced a smile. An exasperated laugh escaped from her, intercut with adorable-sounding snorting. ‘’I…ha, sleep with you? I mean, if you wanted to, but that’s not…I didn’t…’’

‘’If it’s any consolation,’’ Liv continued. ‘’I’ve thought about sleeping with Anna too.’’

I baulked at both of them. ‘’You have?’’

Liv nodded. ‘’That’s why I got so nervous when you started talking with me. I was hoping that I could somehow spin this into a way where you and I could have some alone time. But, it would not have been nearly as fun if you were fucking me while calling out Maddie's name instead of mine.’’

‘’I can’t believe this is happening,’’ Maddie groaned. ‘’Anna, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. I’d love to do you…do things with you! If you wanted to hang out, I’d love that.’’

It was strange. It almost felt like I was seeing myself in Liv and Maddie’s position. They were the ones who were gushing over a woman they had a crush on. I guess it’s reached a point where my reputation has become more than I could have ever imagined. It was overwhelming to think about. But, it was also kind of nice. However, I didn’t want anyone to feel like they were beneath me. I was just a normal girl who happened to love a lot of other girls.

‘’I want to hang out,’’ I said softly. ‘’Also, do other things…if you both wanted.’’

Maddie stared at me in astonishment. Her smile returned in full force. Liv responded in the same way, but then seemed to be in deep thought. ‘’This feels like a scenario I see in a lot of scripts that get sent to me.’’

‘’Are you both comfortable with this?’’ I asked.

They shared a quick glance. They had their answer almost immediately. I flashed a smile at them as they moved closer to me. My whole body was buzzing with anticipation. I wrapped my arms around their waists and pulled them closer. They were standing on either side of me, fluttering their eyes and giving me sultry grins. Maddie reached up and was about to remove her glasses before I stopped her. ‘’Keep them on,’’ I said. ‘’You look cute with them.’’

Liv snorted. ‘’She’s just saying that so that she can tell the difference between us.’’

‘’I can work with that,’’ Maddie said before leaning forward and kissing me.

I happily returned the kiss. She moaned against my lips and ran her hand through my hair. I felt her grinding against me whilst Liv’s hands roamed over my body, feeling me through my clothes. Her hand reached underneath my shirt and caressed my ab muscles. I trembled with need before turning around to kiss her. Liv didn’t wait before pushing her tongue into my mouth. Our heated embrace was watched on by Maddie who was now groping my breasts through my shirt. Liv raised her leg and grinded her thigh against me. I alternated between kissing them both. All the while, they worked together to pull my shirt off, exposing my bra-clad chest. Maddie continued to play with my breasts, shoving my bra aside so that she could palm the bouncy mounds. A soft moan escaped me as she played with my tits for a little while longer. Liv was having fun dancing her fingers along my stomach, enjoying the way she would bump over my abs.

‘’How come you don’t have a body like this, Madds?’’ Liv teased.

‘’I could if I wanted to,’’ Maddie shot back with a wry smile. ‘’I just don’t want to. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to keep the ladies off me.’’

I giggled. ‘’I can confirm that!’’

Liv’s eyes darted to Maddie. Her mischievous smile caught our interest. ‘’I think you’d look good with a six-pack.’’

Maddie raised her brow at Liv’s admission but seemed intrigued. ‘’Is that so?’’

I felt like I was watching something special between them as Liv put her hand on the back of Maddie’s neck before moving closer. I was stunned to witness them engage in a heated make-out session. The passion in their kiss was overwhelming. Their hands were still touching my body as their kiss deepened. I could see their tongues dancing together. The sound of their muffled moaning made my heart race. My cock was throbbing intensely. Liv and Maddie must have noticed my excitement; their hands travelled down to fondle the bulge in my jeans simultaneously. I moaned with pleasure. I didn’t want to interrupt their kiss, so I resorted to kissing their necks, switching every so often, and leaving a faint hickey on both of them.

When they finally pulled away from each other’s lips, I could see a line of saliva glinting under the light that clung to their mouths. ‘’How long have you wanted to do that?’’ Maddie inquired.

‘’For as long as I could remember,’’ Liv replied. ‘’Remember all those times you caught me kissing the mirror and I would use the excuse that I was practising for my future partner?’’


Liv bit her bottom lip and gave Maddie the most seductive look imaginable. ‘’I pretended I was kissing you. It was easy since you stole my face.’’

‘’Only because you stole mine first.’’

The tension between them was sizzling. They hadn’t torn their eyes away from each other since they started kissing. Their hands were still rubbing my cock through my jeans, yet, their attention was locked on each other. I smiled at them. ‘’I almost feel out of place.’’

Liv turned and winked at me. ‘’Oh, we’re going to have fun with you too.’’

Maddie nodded before pulling away and unbuttoning her blouse, exposing her titillating cleavage.

I tried not to laugh when thinking about the phrase titillating cleavage.

She took one of my hands and brought it to her chest. There wasn’t a bra to be seen. I had full access to her amazing tits. I didn’t need much encouragement before I started to squeeze her breast. She moaned with approval and leaned forward. Her breasts felt so full, I had to use both hands to fully appreciate them. Next to me, Liv hurried with removing her shirt. Her pink bra was quickly tossed aside, revealing a set of tits that were even bigger and bouncier than Maddie’s. Their nipples were the same shade of pink, tempting me to lower my head and switch between sucking on their hardened buds. They moaned in unison, arching their backs and pushing their boobs against my face. I was smothered between their chests. I almost found it impossible to breathe. But, I wasn’t going to turn away from the opportunity to lavish a pair of wonderful boobies with love.

After both of their chests had been satisfied with many licks and kisses, they lowered themselves down my body, kissing my abs before settling on their knees. I looked on with bated breath as they palmed the tent between my legs more firmly than before. They assisted each other with pulling my jeans down. Their shared gasp when they saw the outline of my hard cock concealed within my boxers made my chest swell with pride.

It was taking all of my willpower not to make a hockey stick pun.

‘’I need that in my mouth. Right now!’’ Liv stated. She was practically drooling as her pupils turned into hearts.

Maddie smirked at her. ‘’You are such a slut.’’

‘’And proud of it,’’ Liv shrugged.

They quickly pulled my boxers down to my ankles. My cock leapt into view, making both of them freeze as they stared in wonder at my package. I thought about making a dorky comment to lighten the mood and break them from their trance. However, before my brain could even start planning any unfunny remarks, Liv plunged her head forward and took my cock down her throat an in instant. I was caught completely off-guard. My hips instinctively thrust forward, pushing every inch of my shaft into her mouth. Her gag reflex worked overtime as she bobbed her head up and down rapidly and deepthroated me without hesitation.

Even Maddie seemed surprised by her lookalike’s actions. ‘’You need any help there?’’

Liv pulled back and smiled. ‘’Very well, I give you permission to grab my hair.’’

‘’That’s not what I meant, but okay then.’’

Maddie grabbed a fistful of Liv’s hair and forced her down onto my cock again. She showed her no mercy as she pulled her head back before slamming her back down until Liv’s lips were sealed around the base of my cock. Working in tandem with the sporty lookalike, I thrust my hips, ramming my cock down Liv’s throat as her neck bulged repeatedly. The sound of Liv choking on my shaft over and over again echoed loudly across the locker room. The drool spilling from the corners of her mouth showed just how much she was enjoying getting her throat stuffed. Her lewd expression encouraged us to keep going.

‘’Wow…’’ I moaned with pleasure, bucking my hips and fucking Liv’s mouth more roughly.

As I rocked against Liv’s face, Maddie dipped underneath to suck on my balls. Soft cries escaped me as I felt her tongue swirl around my sack before she began to slurp on them hungrily. I was thrusting my hips harder and faster, causing Liv to gag. She eventually had to pull back for respite. Her lust-fuelled gaze sent shivers down my spine.

‘’I love the taste of your big cock, Anna!’’ She moaned.

After getting a mouthful of my balls, Maddie glanced at her with a sly grin. ‘’I’m amazed you were able to take the whole thing.’’

‘’Thank you.’’

‘’Let me try!’’ Maddie said. Her tone was doused in a competitive edge.

Liv scooted to the side and Maddie engulfed my cock without any further encouragement. Her eyes widened as I felt the tip hit the back of her throat. She seemed to struggle with my size at first. The sound of her choking on my dick reverberated off the locker room walls. However, she was able to find a steady rhythm and was soon messily deepthroating me. Liv licked my length, kissing the parts that were not being swallowed by Maddie. The tomboy’s glasses were beginning to steam up as she worked my cock more aggressively than Liv did. She seemed determined to prove that she was just as good at sucking as her lookalike; perhaps trying to show that she was better. They locked their lips onto the head and sucked me together.

Their faces were so adorable and sexy together like this. They went shy about kissing and licking each other whenever their lips touched. Liv decided to have fun with my balls too. She expertly took both of them in her mouth and sucked on them. Maddie moved her head up and down faster than ever before. Just when I thought it couldn’t get any better, they surprised me by wrapping their luscious breasts around my cock before bouncing them up and down in tandem with each other. The warm sensation of my dick being enveloped by both of their tits was out of this world. When the top of my cock poked out between their cleavages, they eagerly came together to lick the tip.

I was in heaven.

‘’I’m getting close!’’ I moaned.

Despite the warning, Maddie wrapped her mouth around the tip. It felt as if she had let her pride get the better of her. She thought that she could take my load without any trouble. She was in for quite the shock as I exploded. The sheer volume of my release forced her to pull away as her mouth was full in an instant. My cum splattered across her face. Her glasses were covered. There was something about cumming on a girl’s face while wearing glasses that added an extra layer of hotness.

‘’Hey, don’t forget me!’’ Liv pointed, moving closer so that she could receive an equally messy facial.

I grabbed my cock and pumped it quickly, ensuring that I blasted every last hot drop of seed over both of their faces and tits. They swallowed every strand that landed near their mouth. When I was done, they turned to each other and began to lick each other clean. Liv took Maddie's glasses and slowly dragged her tongue over them, lapping up the sticky cum that clung to the specs. After they cleaned themselves, they looked up at me and saw that my cock was still full size. The smiles on their faces were identical; big and excited.

They rose to their feet and pushed me back gently, encouraging me to take a seat as they stripped for me. Maddie had no qualms about throwing her clothes away and forgetting about them. Her long hair was a dishevelled mess as she adjusted her glasses. Liv was a bit more methodical when it came to removing her clothes. She delicately took off her shirt and skirt, folded them neatly and placed them down on the side before giving them a little pat. I dare not ask about the price of those garments. I imagine that with Liv being a famous actress and singer if those clothes weren’t part of her brand, they probably cost more than my home. When they were both finally naked they approached me with sultry expressions plastered across their faces. I figured that they were going to pick up from where they left off. As tempted as I was by that idea, I wanted to return the favor.

‘’Both of you sit down next to me,’’ I said, drumming my hands against the bench on either side of where I was sitting.

They glanced at each other but didn’t question my intentions. Once they had sat down, I moved off the bench and turned around. I scooted them closer until their hips were touching. I placed my hands on their thighs and made them each spread their legs for me. Liv’s pussy was trimmed to perfection while Maddie’s untamed blonde curls looked so delicious.

It amazed me how two women who were almost complete mirror images of each other could be beautiful in their own way.

They cooed and gasped with delight as I ran my hands down both of their pussies at the same time. I teased their entrances, feeling their slick wetness drench my fingers. I wanted to give them both my complete, undivided attention. I thrust inside them and began to finger them rapidly. Liv closed her eyes and rolled her hips, bucking against my hand as I managed to slip two fingers inside of her. Maddie was the wilder of the two. She grabbed my wrist and guided me, wanting me to fuck her harder and faster. Two fingers became three. I smiled at their reactions. Their hushed panting and delightful moans made my heart race. My biceps were burning as I continued the pleasurable assault with no sign of slowing down. They were both riding my hands and crying out loud, demanding more, wanting me to go faster.

‘’Oh…oh…’’ Liv purred. Her moans would occasionally ascend to the point where it sounded like she was singing. It was a sound that was literally music to my ears. I wanted to hear more from her. I added another finger.

‘’Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!’’ Maddie was more blunt and bellicose.

I could tell that they were both close cumming by the way their faces contorted with pleasure. I aimed to get them both to reach their respective climax at the same time. I curled my fingers inside of them and slowed down so that I was able to rub their clits with my thumb. Liv trembled and arched her back. Maddie leaned forward and bucked her hips furiously against my hand, trying to ride the waves of her orgasm against my fingers. Before long, I felt them both gushing. Their juices soaked my hands completely. The satisfaction I felt as I watched them both go through the peaks of ecstasy was a tremendous feeling. I could not be happier than to see them both writing with delight after cumming like that.

‘’Hot damn!’’ Liv exhaled.

Maddie stared at me with a wry grin. ‘’Do you do this kind of thing often?’’

I smirked at her before cleaning their juices off my hand by sucking on my fingers. Even their tastes were different. Maddie was slightly sweeter. Either way, both of them tasted phenomenal.

I know that makes me sound like a cannibal, but you know what I’m referring to.

‘’Liv, lie down and spread your legs!’’ I ordered.

‘’With pleasure.’’

Liv got into position, lying with her back on the bench. She spread her legs for me. It wasn’t the most spacious area to fuck, but this was the best we could hope for. Besides, I’ve done things in far more cramped spaces within these walls. Rumors about the things I do for women in the library are infamous whispers at this point.

‘’Fuck me, Anna!’’ Liv said with such a soft voice.

‘’I will, but first…’’ I turned to Maddie. ‘’Eat her pussy.’’

Maddie looked shocked. ‘’What?’’

‘’I know that you want to. Trust me…it’s a fantasy that needs to be tried at least once.’’

I’m not sure if Maddie knew what I meant by that. I think that all she could think about was going down on Liv. For a split second, I feared that I had taken things too far and suggested something that they weren’t comfortable with. They hadn’t even kissed each other until about 15 minutes ago. But, Maddie’s face soon softened, and it took just one pleading look from Liv to spur her into action.

‘’Anything for my best friend,’’ Maddie beamed. ‘’Who also happens to be my lookalike.’’

‘’Older lookalike,’’ Liv winked. ‘’Don’t forget that detail.’’

‘’Shut up.’’

Maddie crawled between Liv’s legs; her tongue disappeared between her soaked lower lips. Liv grabbed Maddie’s hair tightly and pulled her closer, crushing her face against her pussy. Maddie didn’t seem to mind in the slightest as I heard her licking Liv eagerly.

‘’Madds!’’ Liv breathed hotly. ‘’That’s it! Don’t stop! God, I’ve wanted this for so long!’’

I let them do their thing. They didn’t need any further instruction for me. I had my own task at hand. As they had their fun, I hurried over to my jeans and got my condom. Once I had rolled it over my dick, I returned to them and positioned myself behind Maddie, cupping her perfectly shaped ass. She wiggled her hips at me, happy with what I was about to do. I kneaded her soft cheeks for a few seconds before pulling them apart. I lined my cock up against her entrance and thrust deep inside Maddie. She cried out in pleasure as I felt her pussy clench around my shaft. The force of entering her sent shockwaves through her body, resulting in her thrusting her tongue into Liv’s pussy. The chain of pleasure started with me, so I had to put in double the effort for them.

Grabbing Maddie’s waist, I bucked my hips, thrusting back and forth. I heard her muffled whimpers as she licked her pussy. Her body was quaking with endless pleasure. I was hitting the right spots as I fucked her harder and faster. Pounding Maddie was also affecting Liv as she grinded herself against her lookalike’s tongue. She threw her head back and screamed, hitting more musical notes as she reached new heights of ecstasy. My grip on Maddie strengthened as I slammed against her as hard as I could. She was reacting when I became more forceful. So, I gave her what she wanted, driving her closer to the edge.

‘’Are you going to cum, Maddie?’’ I moaned huskily. I could see her head moving as she licked Liv’s pussy like there was no tomorrow. ‘’Cum on my cock! Go ahead! Don’t hold back!’’

Liv stroked Maddie’s head. ‘’You heard her! Do it, Madds! I want to hear to scream. I want to feel it when you cum.’’

Maddie’s muffled moans made my cock twitch with arousal. She was grabbing onto Liv’s legs and holding herself against her lookalike as I felt her let go and cum hard. Her tight pussy was sealed around me like a vice as I thrust my length deep inside. Her body rippled with pleasure as I felt her wetness soak me. Overwhelmed with pleasure, she must have forced her tongue inside Liv’s pussy, because the actress wasn’t too far behind. She mewled with delight, fisting Maddie’s messy hair. I could see the excitement on Liv’s face building to an explosive crescendo. They were both rendered breathless as they came together.

It was only fair that I keep them both happy at the same time.

The second I pulled out of Maddie, Liv rushed over to me. ‘’My turn!’’

She pushed me down onto the bench and mounted me. Her pussy was dripping as she hovered over my dick. She gradually lowered herself onto my shaft and cooed as her pussy stretched. She was a bit tighter than Maddie, so I had to be more careful with her. I grabbed her hips and helped slow her descent. ‘’Don’t let the excitement get the better of you,’’ I said softly. ‘’Let me help.’’

Liv whimpered and bit her bottom lip. ‘’I can’t help it. I’ve wanted to ride your cock for so long.’’


She nodded and smiled brightly as she fully took me in and sat on my lap, waiting to adjust before moving. ‘’I once tried to get a script approved where I would have a sex scene with a well-endowed woman. But, it was rejected. They said that would give the film an NC-17 rating and destroy my clean-cut image. They were only thinking about their wallets. I want roles that challenge me. I love a good challenge.’’

I was still trying to wrap my head around her hot story as she rose before dropping down hard. She moaned loudly and repeated the motion again and again.

‘’Is it so wrong to want to show the beauties of sapphic sex on screen?’’ she continued. ‘’I give the audience what they want and I have fun too.’’

‘’I would pay to see you in a film like that.’’ I moaned as I thrust my hips up, fucking her harder.

Liv rode me, groping her bouncing tits. ‘’Anna, you would have front-row seats.’’

I heard Maddie giggle as she came into view, sitting next to us. Her glasses were soaked with her juices. ‘’I’d have made her your co-star’s sex stunt double.’’

Liv’s face lit up. ‘’That’s a great idea, Madds!’’

It seemed like there was more that she wanted to say. However, she was overcome with transcendent pleasure as I fucked her hard and fast, making her cry out in pleasure. Her pussy was clenching so tightly around me that I thought my dick was going to snap off. I ran my hands up her body, caressing every curve. Heat scorched off her sweat-drenched body. She looked positively radiant. The sight went from fantastic to perfect as Maddie nestled behind her and cupped Liv’s bouncing breasts. She kissed her lookalike’s neck, eliciting sweet squeals of approval from her.

‘’You’re taking her cock so well, Liv,’’ Maddie whispered into her ear. ‘’Ride her! Let her hear you sing!’’

Liv tilted her head towards Maddie. ‘’I’m not sure I’ll be able to get the lyrics right when I’m like this.’’

Maddie blinked. ‘’No, I didn’t mean literally. Sexy moans and screams.’’

‘’Oh…okay, that makes more sense. And it’s more doable.’’

Rolling her eyes, Maddie cupped Liv’s face and beckoned her into a loving kiss. She then reached down between her legs and rubbed her pussy as she rode my cock. Between myself and Maddie’s fingers pleasuring her, Liv was entering pleasure overload. I watched as Maddie then pinched Liv’s clit, causing her to let out an ear-shattering scream of joy. I was in awe. Maddie knew which buttons to push to get the exact reaction from Liv that she wanted. Even though this was their first time together, they knew each other so well. I suppose that made sense considering their connection.

‘’Oh, fuck…Maddie! Anna! It’s so good!’’ Liv screamed.

I fucked her as hard as I could. Maddie continued to toy with her pussy at the same time, whispering sexy things into her ear. Liv’s eyes rolled into the back of her head as she trembled on top of me. Maddie rubbed her quickly, her hand moving like a blur, causing Liv to squirt all over me. Her pussy was clamping down hard on my cock. My hips were rocking. Feeling Liv squirt around my shaft caused me to cum soon afterwards, filling the condom.

As Liv came down from her euphoric high, falling into Maddie’s arms, I pulled out of her. Maddie cleaned Liv’s juices off her fingers before rubbing them over her lookalike’s lips. Liv didn’t hesitate to suck on her digits, tasting herself. ‘’Yum…’’ she breathed heavily.

I smiled at them. ‘’I’m happy that you two were able to sort out your feelings for each other.’’

‘’I think we kind of knew there was something,’’ Maddie said. ‘’We just weren’t brave enough to try. Thanks for letting us have this moment with you, Anna.’’

Liv tiredly lifted her arm and gave me a thumbs up. ‘’You are a rock star.’’


Liv then turned to Maddie. ‘’So…will you let me join the team?’’


Liv shrugged. ‘’Fair enough.’’

Maddie glanced in my direction with a sly smirk. ‘’But, you’re always free to join Anna and me in the locker room before practice.’’

I beamed. ‘’I like the sound of that.’’


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