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Continued from January 25 2020 "Rex & Dex's Christmas Special"

Dexter smiled to himself nervously and blushed as he walked off the bus to school. Each step brought a crinkle to his ear, one that he was sure only he could hear. His dress-shirt was tucked neatly into his slacks, and he was wearing a belt and suspenders. No chance of anyone noticing his crinkly secret. 

He smiled as he walked to first period because he had finally done it. He had finally worn a diaper to school. After finally getting a lock installed on his bedroom door - he was 18 now, after all - he felt safe to do the things he had dreamt about for so long. And the top of that list was to put on a diaper and cub out. Nobody needed to know. It was just him in his room, along with his online ABDL friends who encouraged him to explore this side of himself now that he had some privacy. 

But it wasn't enough. He read too many stories, both true and fictional, and he'd talked to too many diapered obsessed horndogs like him to keep it confined to his room. Sooner or later he would have to take it outside the bedroom. If only to prepare for life as a diapered freshman at the world renowned California technopoly institute. And what better place to practice than his own high school? 

Yes, he'd read all the tips, done all his research to be supremely confident in his ability to go undetected. All this thinking had left him staring at his feet as he walked forward, and his glasses had slipped down his nose. As he reached up to adjust them and look around, he realized he had totally walked past his building. He was all the way at the other end of campus! 

"Oh no! My perfect attendance record!!" he cried, as the first bell rang. The quad was practically empty now, and he had to hustle his butt to get to his class. "Crud. I'm not going to make it!" he said, running out of breath before he even made it halfway there. He put his hands on his knees as he caught his breath. 

"Hey, there, pipsqueak. Did you forget your way to class?" 

Oh no. He knew that voice. It could only be his bully and tormentor since sixth grade - Rex. Dexter prepared to bolt but a hand grabbed his suspenders as he got started stretching them out comically, then releasing them, causing them to snap against Dexter's back painfully. 

"Yow!" cried Dexter as he fell forward tumbling head over heel. He landed on his butt, leg's splayed out and oversized backpack still perfectly on his back. 

"Slow down there, nerd, you'll hurt yourself! Let me help you up." 

Dexter turned around, terrified as he saw the tall boy - really a man now - lumbering toward him. Rex was tall, beefy, and very handsome with short cropped hair and a jaw strong enough to break a window. He could easily carry Dexter on one arm if he wanted to - and he often did.  

"Oh, why today of all days?" Dexter said to himself, and his knees buckled as Rex picked him up by the back of his shirt, causing it to begin to come untucked. 

"What's wrong, Dexter? You look more nervous than usual? Something on your mind?" 

Rex brought the boy face to face with him, so close they could almost kiss. Dexter gulped, his heart beating a mile a minute as he could feel his bully's breath on his face. It didn't help that he kind of found the guy attractive. If he ever found out, he was sure the guy would pound him - and not in the way he wanted. 

"N-n-nothing's wrong, Rex. I was just happy to see you is all. It's been so long since we had some... uh... quality time..." Dexter cringed as he said the words. What was he even saying? Rex was looking at him funny. He had to come up with something. "Uhhh, what I mean to say is, uh, we were such good friends in the sixth grade, remember? We used to, uh, have sleepovers and stuff and I was just thinking... I mean..." He was digging himself deeper. 

"Are you inviting me over for a sleepover, dweeb?"

"Well, n-no, not exactly. I mean I was just making conversation. Is it hot out here or is it just me? Hey, well it's been nice I've gotta..." 

"Wait a second... what's that?" 


With all the jostling and tugging, little by little, Dexter's shirt had come completely untucked, and the suspenders only served to keep it mashed up against the small of his back, around his sides, and over his skinny belly. All that careful planning had been for naught. 

"Dexter, Dexter, Dexter. You really shouldn't be wearing tighty whities any more. Much less ones with Cartoon designs on them. People will think you're a ba-" 

"No!" said Dexter, smacking the bully's hand away as Rex reached for the waistband. He hadn't realized what he was seeing yet, thank goodness.

"What do you mean, no?" said Rex. "I'm just helping the little boy tuck in his shirt. Come one, let me help!" 

The smaller boy never had a chance as the gigantic Rex reached over and held dexter tight and undid his belt for him.

"You'll never get your shirt tucked in if you keep your belt so tight, little boy. Didn't your mommy teach you how to dress. Here we go, this is much bet..."

He stopped as he unzipped the poor boy's pants and felt the material crinkle. He felt again and he heard the sound again. Dexter, who was inadvertently being stimulated by his bully as the confused man groped his diaper bulge, let out a moan of humiliation and pleasure. 

"I-Is that a diaper?" asked Rex.

"N-no.. I mean... yeah... I mean... oh, p-p-please don't tell anyone!" 

"Ohhh, this is too good," said Rex, his face twisting into a mischievous grin. "Daddy just won the lottery."

"D-d-daddy?" gulped Dexter, blushing red. 

"That's right little boy. Now let Daddy tuck in your pants or you'll be in big trouble."

Dexter just shut his mouth and nodded, his eyes squeezed shut. This was the worst case scenario, and yet he was rock hard in his diaper. This didn't escape Rex's notice either, as he found he was unable to buckle Dexter's pants back up. 

"You like it, don't you? Is that why you're wearing diapers?" 

"N-no!" yelled Dexter, covering his mouth and looking around. 

"I think you do. You can't lie to Daddy. Well, I was just gonna tuck your shirt into your diaper and make you go to class like that and call it a day, but this changes everything."

Dexter didn't like where this was going.

"Tell me, do your parents know that their little genius wears baby diapers?" 

"N-no! Nobody knows! I j-just... look it was just a dare, really. A stupid dare. I never wore diapers in my life." 

Rex just sighed and shook his head. 

"Lying again, I see. Well why don't I help you. Since you like wearing diapers so much, I'm going to make sure you wear them all the time - you're going to tell your mom you need diapers, and you need to keep a stock with the school nurse."

"What?! NO! I c-c-can't do that! I'll be a laughing stock! A-a-and besides.... It's.... t-t-too embarrassing." 

"Now, now, baby boy, I know what you need. I wouldn't want you going without your didees. I mean look, you've already proven you need them. You're wet!"

"W-what?" Dexter looked at his still exposed diaper front and saw that indeed it was yellowing. He tried to bring his knees together to stop it but the padding was too thick. He wouldn't be able to get his pants closed at all at this rate.

"Such a baby. Wetting yourself in the middle of the quad for everyone to see. Well, you have two choices now. Agree to do what I say and I'll make sure no one bothers you about it. Refuse, and I'll make your life a living hell as the campus's favorite diaper boy. Your choice, little man."

"B-b-but..." Dexter gulped. Rex looked serious. He looked around and saw some other students walking across campus. "Okay okay, please just let me go. I don't want anyone to see me like this!" 

"Good boy." he said, grabbing Dexter by the wrist and leading him toward the bathroom. 

"W-wait, I thought you said you were going to let me go?" 

"Let you go? Who said I was going to let you go? I have a wet little boy that needs to be taken care of right now. Now do you have a change of diapers in your bag, little man?" 

Dexter squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head. 

"Ohhh, that's no good. Well, I'll tell you what we're gonna do..."

Dexter didn't like this. Whatever Rex had planned, he was sure it wasn't good...



Yay prequel


This story is familiar ! Did you already write some story a little while ago with this two characters?

Champ Otter

Yes, actually I should add the link. This is a prequel about how Rex adopted Dexter from the Christmas stories