Daily Free-Write January 5, 2021 (Patreon)
Horatio Hugginstuffer woke up with a strong tingle between his legs, like his penis had to sneeze.
"Hhhhnnn... ohhhh..... ffffucckkkk.... hhhhh... must not... cum.... hhhh...."
The thick wet diaper between his legs pressed against his penis, making that a very difficult task, but he breathed deep breaths. It wasn't working. He strained with such effort to stop himself from blowing a load right then and their that his ass literally lifted from the bed by a foot, his muscular body arching as every fiber in his being screamed an orgasm was imminent.
Somehow, by some miracle, he was able to stave it off. Get up. Waddle over to the shower and turn it on cold. He shucked off his diaper, dropped it into the diaper pail, and hopped in.
"Oh gods... that was a close one," he said, as the the stream of water cooled his plumped shaft and shrunk it back down to tiny proportions. He was completely hairless, having been made to shave by Daddy only days before. Only he didn't remember this. He didn't remember being told to do this at all. Because today the famous action star Horation Hugginstuffer was convinced he was a body builder. And body builders always kept their bodies smooth.
"Ohhh, man, that was a close one. Don't want to lose valuable protein," he said to himself, stepping out of the shower. Woulda ruined my undies too! I'll have to talk to my trainer about this.
He got dressed in another one of his 'thongs' slathering on plenty of baby oil - body builders always oiled up. Then he strode outside his beautiful hollywood apartment, whipping out his cellphone to dial his 'trainer'. He nodded to his gay neighbors who gawked at his beautiful physique while the phone rang. He loved the attention he got as a body builder. Why wouldn't he show off his godlike physique, and who could blame them for staring? Sure, let them take a photo, it would last longer.
On the fifth ring, his 'trainer' picked up.
"Hey, coach. I'm sorry to call this early but I have a little problem..."
The man on the other end of the line nodded as he listened to Horatio's complaints.
"Hmm, okay, well, I can get you some supplements that could help with that. They may have some unintended side effects, but nothing that'll affect your performance on stage. Now hurry up and get ready. Today is the big competition and I want you in top shape. No, no need to get dressed, show up ready to compete. It'll give the other competitors something to worry about."
"Haha, good thinking coach," said Horatio with a smile. "I'll eat a quick breakfast and be on my way. Yeah, sure I can grab one of my special smoothies to go. That works for me!
Of course the to-go containers were baby bottles, and the smoothies were formula with extra fiber, but Horatio didn't see that. He just saw a protein smoothie in a regular container, which he carried in one hand - his keys and wallet in the other, as he crinkled his way to his car and got inside. He was going to kill the competition today, he could already tell from all the attention he was getting. He smiled to himself and started the car.
The man who he called checked his stock and grabbed a special bottle of pills for Horatio. "This oughtta be fun," he said to himself as he stepped out of his trailer and onto the movie set where Horatio would shortly show up. He had the actor perfectly trianed for his part - and he was sure it would blow everyone away, though not in the way Horatio imagined.