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It's time for the monthly vote of which stories to continue with. These stories may be continued in a free-write or become a PDF of their own. I can't guarantee that I'll get to every story, but there's a much better chance I'll get to the ones with more votes, so be sure to let me know!

For each story you choose, comment with: the number, title, and why you chose it.

1 Little Miracles Two friends decide to take a shortcut through the abandoned mall but run into trouble when they attract the attention of local hoodlums (Hypno)

2 Chester’s Tummy Time – Chester was a genius, until his rival installed some special files on his computer (Hypno)

3 Finnicky Baby – Nick Wilde’s partner in crime has been acting strange ever since they started doing their father-son con. He decides to investigate further (Anthro)

4 Doctor’s Orders – Steven’s boyfriend Ben insists on babying him. Steven fights him at every step. When Steven goes in for a checkup, he realizes that things are about to get a lot worse. Steven might not like what he hears, but who is he to argue with the doctor’s orders? (Medical)

5 Underwear Man – Underwear man loves fighting crime in his underwear, while the cameras are never far behind. But his enemies have a plan to humiliate him! Will he be able to overcome his embarrassment and save the city?

6 House Mates – Jacob has moved in with four college friends, but he’s discovered that living with a bunch of messy guys who are more interested in horseplay than housekeeping has its downsides.

7 Once you Start… – Merrek simply can’t resist his boyfriend’s puppy dog eyes. So when the big lovable stallion admits his secret love of diapers, he’s soon finds himself in one as well – just this once. But once his beefy boyfriend starts, will Merrek be able to stop? (Anthro)

8 Once you Start Continued – Bud’s fun continues the next morning, and we learn a little more about these two and how they met (Anthro)

9 Cookie Exchange – Juan doesn’t like holiday parties. He’s always afraid his family will show up – and he’s just not himself when he’s around them. But Marissa promises they won’t be at her cookie party, so there’s nothing to fear, is there?

10 Tying the Knot – Jeremy the Spaniel is Marrying Noah, the German Shephard, and it’s no secret who’s going to be on top when they tie the knot. But Noah just can’t wait any longer to bury his bone. Too bad for bashful Jeremy! (Anthro)

11 Shiny Rubber Diaper Humper – He’s the newest baby in Davey’s Daycare, a shiny vinyl play place made to train people like him. Let’s see if the new baby can make it through his first day without getting into too much time on the naughty stool.  (BDSM)

12 A Helping Hand – Bryan’s never been on his own before. He doesn’t even know how to shop for clothes. Luckily his roommate is there, and he’s happy to lend a helping hand and give him the experiences he missed out on – even if some of them are a little infantile

13 Bab Texting – It’s kind of like drunk texting. It happens all the time with those big babies that hang out at the local synth bar and drink cocktails to fry their brains. But Steven isn’t one of them. He doesn’t want anything to do with that baby set that hangs out by at the local synth bar. So why does he keep bab texting? (Sci-Fi)

14 Potty Probation – Remy still isn’t used to being in diapers. But ever since he went on probation, his mom and case manager have monitored his compliance, and that means using diapers 24/7. Now he must figure out how to live his life and keep his big secret, but with nosy friends who only want to help, that’s easier said than done!

15 Quality Control – Jeffy has been looking for work, and his time is running out. Suddenly, he finds what may be his dream job – quality control for a company called InControl – No experience required! All he has to do is test out some of their products. Easy money, right?

16 Granny Grabbed – It was just a Dare! Davey had to mess himself in a public place, then he could go and get changed. Unfortunately he did it in front of the wrong woman – and Granny has no patience for young men who act like infants

17 Granny Grabbed Continued – Davey now finds himself in a situation out of his control. He’s been carted off to Granny’s nursery, and there seems to be no way out. But who’s that? Is that a familiar face he sees in the playpen?

18 Kiddo Café Continued – It’s his first day on the job and already he finds himself in some happy customer’s lap. His training didn’t cover this situation. How will Kiddo Café’s newest employees get out of this one and avoid ending up in pampers for good?

19 Time Off Continued – Ace the workaholic bunny has a whole week of toddler time with Daddy bear, but he had no idea that his friends would be stopping by to check up on him! He’d better be ready because one of his friends is already on their way! (AR, Anthro)

20 Padded Armor Part 2 – Our young adventurer has solved his problem with having accidents in armor, but now he has a new one. His special undergarments are eliciting quite the reaction! Not to worry, the helpful blacksmith knows just what to do. (Fantasy)

21 Wet World Continued – Everything is going to be fine. Sure, Ed has been mistakenly thrown in with the adult daycare field trip group, and is headed to the daycare now, but it’s just a misunderstanding. Any second they’re going to realize their mistake, and let him go. Right?

22 The Diagnosis Continued – Jacob has stabilized, but the regression virus has left him as a permanent infant. Now he has to meet his husband’s new lover. This is not going to go well. (AR)

23 The Dangers of Sound Editing Continued – Sound designer by day, kinky sound editor by night, Craig has just lost his day job. Now he’s editing kinky hypno files full-time, but is he prepared for their effects? Luckily he has plenty of diapers on hand to see him through. (Hypno)

24 Merry Christmas, Baby – Allen’s Aunt and Uncle treat him like a kid. Despite being an adult, he has to open presents with the kids on Christmas Eve. If he thought that was going to change, he’s in for a big surprise when he opens his present!

25 Rex & Dex Christmas Special – Dexter the nerd and Rex his bully have moved in together, so Rex can continue his favorite nerd’s enforced baby treatment. When Dexter sneaks down to steal Santa’s cookies on Christmas, he learns that Santa has a special present in mind for him. (Fantasy)

26 Rex & Dex Christmas Special Pt. 2 – It was only a dream right? At least that’s what Dexter thought, until they found Santa’s present. Now he’s going to find out what Santa Left him. (Fantasy, TF, Human/Anthro)

27 Rex & Dex Christmas Special Pt. 3 – Rex & Dex arrive at the North Pole, and boy are they in for a surprise. (Fantasy, TF, Human/Anthro)

28 License to Pee Continued – Marky has had some time to adjust to his unexpected adoption, and Daddy has taken him deeper into the world of fetish than he’d ever dared to go. But is he ready for others to see the new Marky? (BDSM, Sissy)

29 Castles and Crinklebutts – A game of Castles and Kobolds gets out of hand when the game master wishes for his players to act their age. (Fantasy)

30 A Different Kind of Space Program – Lance joined the space program for the excitement and prestige of being an astronaut. So why is he watching his crewmates train from the confines of a playpen?

31 Babied by a Dragon on New Year’s Eve – Daddy’s little human youngling has a year to get out of diapers. He’s sure he’s finally done it, but Daddy Dragon isn’t so sure! (AR, Anthro)



28 License to Pee Continued. I think there is so much more to explore. I'm not into the sissy aspect as much but the fisting and continued stretching is hot. Talk more about his newfound incontinence and accidents :)


Please :)


4,11,17,28,30 all have my votes. They are all good and all feel like there could be more

Champ Otter

Thanks for being specific! This is great feedback! Before he was adopted, Marky explored many fetishes, so of course Daddy will continue in the same vein - rest assured they will move on to other things and he will return to being a boy. If you have some other fetishes to suggest, feel free to do so and I'll try it out in the next installment!

Champ Otter

Excellent choices! Thank you. Any themes or details you particularly like to see?


I always love to see scene of forced or reluctant regression as well as almost anything kinky


Seconded for 11 for sure.


25 Rex & Dex Their relationship was surprisingly wholesome in a kinky situation. I'd love to see more of them☺️


17 definitely

Champ Otter

Ah, I can see why you like my stories, I feel the same way and have gravitated toward that since I started reading naughty stories!

Champ Otter

I've always loved that thick shiny glittery plastic that some toys, balls, etc. are made of, and as I was lookin at my unicorn dipes, I thought - wouldn't it be cool if they had that kind of plastic? Well, that idea combined with what you see in Jimmy Rumshot's work gives you the idea of the kind of nursery he finds himself in. Personally, I'd love to be a regular visitor, so I'll definitely visit again - in story form.

Champ Otter

I can't believe I haven't done more nursery stories before now. With this one and wet world, shiny rubber diaper humper, and more, it seems this is the theme of the moment. There is plenty to unpack in this one, like who is paying for all these babies, what's been happening to all those abdls who've disappeared into granny's nursery, and what is granny's plan for our protagonist anyway?

Champ Otter

This one surprised me as well. I think that when I was younger a lot of stories I read were just about people getting bullied and put into diapers for no particular reason. But now that I'm writing, I'm finding I want a little more nuance. I'm seeing that with a lot of authors these days, as they really think about bringing in more realistic emotions and consequences into their fiction, and consequently begin to depict more healthy arrangements. As I wrote this, Rex's motivations felt like they had to be more than just sadism and schadenfreude, and making Dex completely unhappy with the situation got too dark with a story that spends this much time in his head. But honestly, I didn't even plan that far ahead - the wholesomeness just came out of the writing process. Now I want to go back to their high school days and start from there to see how 18 year old Rex grows from being a bully into a better person, and how Dex reluctantly comes to have feelings for Rex as well. There will be plenty of humiliation and forced diapering along the way, along with a steamy locker room scene where unexpected feelings are revealed in a kiss that surprises them both. Or at least that's what's in my head, hehe


Yeah please continue

Jacob Block

Oh gosh #3 would be a dream come true

Champ Otter

Oh yes, I love those characters. They are one of my favorite dynamics from the moment I first saw them together.