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Thanks for your suggestions on yesterday's CYOA post. Here is the result. I hope you like it you silly stinkers!

Content Warning: This story is full of gross furries, heavy spooge content, and extreme silliness. Proceed with caution

"Stinkerella, what are you doing?!" Cried Kenny, completely freaked out by what he was seeing. 

Right there on one of the two twin beds was Henry, on his back, his face buried in Stinkerella's gigantic balled-up diaper. He was completely nude, except for the thick diaper that was being taped up over his erect cock. His Daddy clothes were in a rumpled heap on the floor. 

"I'm just returning the favor," said the Skunk, swishing her pink tail which puffed out over her fresh pink princess diapers. It seemed that she had chosen a matching diaper for Henry. "I think Henry is due for a name change, don't you?" she added, as she finished taping up the diaper, leaving the horse's sizeable member poking over the top by about 17 inches. She finished off the look by draping her pink pacifier lanyard over his neck, but she had the forethought to first dip the pacifier in his open  piss slit which was drooling a steady steam of pre all over the bed. She stuck the pacifier in the grinning horse's mouth, and he readily accepted it, grinning with ease.

"Henry? Henry? Are you awake in there?" called Kenny, afraid to go in any further.

The horse didn't respond. He was holding the used diaper and taking deep snoofs. On his face was a dazed expression. He didn't react to the presence of the interlopers at all. 

"He's totally zonked out!"  yelled Lala, stating the obvious. 

"Hey! He's leaking all over my bed!" cried Ben, Henry's rabbit roommate. "Do you know how hard it is to get semen out of fabric? Take care of that...thing!" He pointed to the horse's big drooling dick. 

"Goodness gracious," lisped the pink skunk. "this  is too much dick to handle, even for me, but I'll try. Could I get some help?" 

"You don't need to ask me twice!" said Lala. The sight of Henry's huge horsecock had momentarily made him forget about the skunk's stench, which still emenated from the used diaper. Soon, the two creatures were lapping at Henry's horsecock like it was a lollipop. Lala's eyes were dazed as the diaper fumes began to overtake him, and he seemed to be on autopilot, lapping away in bliss. The hard work of the two furs did not seem to help the situation, if anything, the extra attention made the semen flow faster, until they simply couldn't keep up with the flow. 

"Oh no, the musk has got Lala too!" cried Kenny, shielding his nose with his ringed tail. "What are we going to do?"

"Damnit, Stinkarella," yelled Ben, "you always do this!"

"Sorry," said Stinkarella with a big shit eating grin. "I can't help it if my scent is irresistible." 

The horse began to buck his hip and make whinnying noises as the head of his cock began to flare. 

"Oh no you don't!" said Ben, who turned to Timmy and Kenny, "You tow, go grab some ice for the big guy before he blows his load all over my room. I'm going to wet some towels to cover our noses." 

In less than a minute the three of them were back, their noses covered, ready to throw some cold water (or ice) on the situation. 

"Charge!" yelled Ben, and the three of them rushed in with the ice in buckets. But seconds before they could reach the lusty trio, Henry let out a final whinny and tensed. They all watched in slow motion as the ice flew out of the buckets toward his engorged cock, yet at the same time they saw a pulse ripple up the gigantic member. When it reached the tip, his piss slit flared wide, spraying out cum which met the ice, melting it like marshmallows in hot chocolate as the two met, splashing upwards toward the ceiling. Cum and ice flew everywhere, and Ben cried in dismay as he looked straight up to follow the fountain of spooge and water. Moments later it all came down, raining over the furs while his firehose of a cock continued to jet out more spunk, covering Henry's chest, and the faces of Lala and Skunkarella. 

"Nooooo!" yelled Ben, instinctively pulling the towel over his head to shield him from the rain of horse essence falling all around him. The room was like a rainforest but with spunk, which could be heard spattering and soaking into the carpet. Timmy and Kenny quickly covered themselves as well, only to realize too late their mistake as they watched Ben fall victim to the fumes. 

"Skunkarella you stinkahhaahhhhhh...." Ben's voice trailed off as his eyes glazed over. His arms hung down by his sides as he took several squelching steps to the bed and joined henry in burying his face in the heavenly scented diaper. 

"Ohh yeahh..." said Timmy, ripping off his polo and slacks and joining the other furs on the bed. 

"I'm so relaxed guys," said Kenny, a big dumb smile on his face. "Can I have a turn too?" 

"Come on in, the water's fine," said Skunkarella with a grin.

The six furs soon became one sticky smelly furpile of moans, and groans and sucking mouths, and fingers going where they probably shouldn't go. 

Meanwhile in the living room, the remaining four furs watched cartoons. 

"Where did the rest of them go?" asked Manny the mouse, standing up.

"Don't," said a large hippo in a colorful ABC onesie, grabbing his arm. "Trust me, you don't want to go in there." 

The other two furs nodded their agreement and Manny sat down. 

About thirty minutes later, Skunkarella came back with his companions, who had all linked hands behind him so that one pulled the other. They were all dressed in nothing cute pink princess diapers like skunkarella's and when Skunkarella stopped in the middle of the living room, they all plopped on their buts, giggling babbling and drooling and playing with the most babyish toys in their vicinity. 

"Ohh, yuk. It smells like spooge in here!" said Manny, waving his hand in front of his nose. It was no wonder either, all of the furs were positively dripping with the results of their little escapade.  

"Are they on drugs or something? What gives?"

"It's my musk, darling," said Skunkarella fluttering his long eyelashes at the mouse. "You're welcome to try it yourself next time. It's quite relaxing."

"How long are they going to be like that," the mouse asked, looking around.

"Oh, an hour or two. Except henry. He really buried his face in it, so he might be like that for a day." 

"Check please!" squeaked Manny, drawing laughter from the remaining cognizant furs. He was going to fit in just fine. 


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