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New year's day. A time for new beginnings and new resolutions.  

A group of friends all sat around the dorm living room dressed in their most colorful little outfits, or their most biggest big outfits. Chatting, coloring, watching cartoons on the T.V. It was the big little new year's sleepover, and the tight-knit group of friends took the opportunity to get together in a safe-space and just cub out - or inhabit whichever age fit them best - little, big, or middle.  Ben the bunny graciously agreed to host the party, along with is roommate Henry the horse. Ben was talking a mile a minute, as usual, having the unique ability to never run out of things to talk about. The topic of the moment was new year's resolutions.

"What's your resolution going to be, Kenny?" asked Ben.

"To finally potty train this big stinker here!" the racoon said, pointing to his companion, a chubby pink diapered skunk they affectionately dubbed 'Stinkerella'. 

Stinkeralla took this as a cue to hoist himself off the couch, do the toddler squat, and push a big smelly load into his diaper. 

"Ugh! I think it's your turn to change him, bubba." said a little shaved lion in a pink and green sweater with seed decals along the front. "Hurry! My eyes are beginning to water!"

"Are you talking to me?" Kenny cried. "No way! It's obviously Timmy's turn!" 

"Not me!!" said a tall and skinny tiger in slacks and a polo. He waved his arms in front of him, doing his best to avert certain disaster. 

The whole room began bickering about whose turn it was to change the poopy skunk, and Stinkerella just grinned, loving the attention as his stench filled the room.

"You wimps," bellowed Henry the horse, finally. "Grow up and grow a pair. It's just a messy diaper." 

Everyone looked over at him, but no one moved to volunteer. 

"Tch, you know what? I'll do it myself. You big buncha pussies." Henry stood up and grabbed his pants on either side, pulling them up and walking forward with a determined look on his face. "Come on mush-butt," he said, grabbing Stinkarella's hand and pulling him toward the rooms. 

"Hey! No!" called Ben as they walked out of the living room. "Not in our bedroom! Not in our bed-"

Ben signed as the door slammed shut, only to be consoled with some pats on the back and murmurs of commiseration. 

"I hope he opened a window..." said Lala, the lion. "I heard you can pass out if too much gas collects in one room." 

They all laughed, but as the minutes ticked by, the joke seemed less and less funny. 

"Do you think they're okay?" asked Kenny, fidgeting his hands. 

"I don't know," said Ben. "Henry's usually faster than this." 

"I say we check on them," said Kenny, looking over in the direction of the rooms as his fidgeting intensified. 

Lala made a face. "Do you want to go in there? I certainly don't. I'd never get the smell out of my fur!" 

After a little more bickering, a contingent of furs crept toward the bedrooms. Ben, who had the best hearing was goaded into putting his ear on the door to listen for signs of life.

"Oh this is ridiculous, guys. Okay, okay, I'm doing it, I'm doing it, see?" 

His dismissive attitude suddenly changed as he stood there with a surprised expression on his face.

"What do you hear?" asked Kenny, biting his nails. 

"Yeah? What do you hear, what do you hear?" echoed the other furs. 

Ben pulled his ear away from the door, his eyes still wide. "I-.. uh... I'm not s-sure." 

The furs looked at each other, then scrambled to open the door, their curiousity peaked. 

They swung the door open to see what was going on on the other side, and everybody gasped.

"Oh my...."  

To be continued shortly...

(Hey kids! Choose your own adventure... what do you think they saw? Share your ideas in the comments. I'll pick my favorite one!)



I love the idea of skunks spray being hypnotic, maybe stinkerella isn't the only one getting changed


Hmmmm so many options .. Henry huffing Stinkerella's nuked pamp. A green haze of skunk spray, and for added lewdness maybe skunkbutt plowing. But I'm just projecting. Definitely pamp huffing and skunk spray action though at the least

Champ Otter

Haha those were the two default options in my head! Guess otters think alike 😆