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Continuation of October 14 2020 "Parental Guidance"

"Let's get one thing straight. I'm not wearing one of them onesies and I'm sure as hell not wearing no Diaper." 

"Come on, Dad, it's just for a little while. The doctor said-"

"Hell no, Son. The doctors have done enough mucking around down there, I don't need my own kid telling me what to do. It's bad enough that I cant-... well, I have it bad enough already." 

"Look, Dad, it's not going to do you any good to walk around in wet pants, and I sure don't want the furniture smelling like piss. Now can you at least use the pads? I'm not going to put plastic all over the furniture like it's the 1950's."

"Yeah, yeah, I'll use the damn pads. Now will you get outta my room? I've gotta change my damn pants." 

Bill was a handsome and strong man, still muscular at 45. He was still adjusting to life with his eldest son Jon, who insisted he move in after he lost his wife and an injury ended his career as a firefighter shortly thereafter. On top of that, when the doctor was looking at his hip, he found a problem and they had to remove his prostate as well. At just 45 years of age, Bill suddenly found himself unable to use his penis. He couldn't get an erection. He couldn't even control his urine. Bill sat on the bed and cried. A man shouldn't cry. That's what he taught his son and now look at him. Sitting there feeling sorry for himself. No, he'd take it like a man. He stood up off the bed and dropped his pants. 

"Aw shit," he said, noticing the wet spot his pants left on the bed. A squirt of pee escaped his limp member and splattered on the hardwood floor as if to punctuate his failure to control his bladder. 

"If Jon sees this it'll be the end. Good thing I was in special ops. I'll just gather all this up and-"

"Hey Dad, Mary's making dinner and she wanted to know if-" Jon walked in to see his father gathering up his bedsheets, and pants, dripping all over the floor as he did so. Bill turned to Jon looking like a kid with his hand in the cookie jar.

"Hey. What did I tell you about privacy? Can't you knock first?"

"And what is this, Dad? I thought you were getting cleaned up, but you're just making a bigger mess. That tears it, just you wait right here." 

"Now wait a second, Jon. Don't you talk to me that way, I am your fath-..." but Jon was already gone. "...er." finished Bill, he looked down at the heap of laundry in his hand. He had literally been caught with his pants down. He decided to quickly get dressed in a new pair of underwear and trousers before his son got back with those damned onesies and diapers. He'd be damned if his own son was going to put him back in baby clothes. 

He managed to zip up his pants just in time for Jon to walk in the door and glare.

"Bill, I thought I told you to stay put. We are not doing this right now, now pants off, that's an order." 

Bill stood there with his mouth agape, staring back at his son who was carrying a pack of diapers, some onesies, and a bag full of stuff he couldn't see. He set his jaw and balled up his fists.

"I will not! These are what I'm wearing and that's all there is to it."

"I already had to spank you once, don't think I won't do it again, Dad."

"You wouldn't dare."

"Oh really? I'm counting to three. I really don't want to do this but I will... Okay... one... two..."

"Don't care, don't care!" said Bill, plugging up his ears.

"Three! That's it. Get over here, Dad."

Jon dropped everything he was carrying on the floor, and walked over to Bill, grabbing his arm in one hand and a piddle pad in another. Before Bill could say 'what', he was face down over Jon's lap, with a piddle pad between them for protection. 

Jon quickly had Bill's pants and underwear down around his ankles despite his protests, and followed with several spanks to the butt.

"You. Will. Not. Disobey. A. Direct. Order. I. Am. In. Charge. Here. You. Will. Do. As. I. Say. Am. I. Understood?" 

Bill gritted his teeth for as long as he could, but he had raised Jon to be strong and assertive, and his son now had the upper hand. Bill broke before Jon finished his first sentence, crying and apologizing. 

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'll listen. Owwwww! Please!" 

Just then Jon's wife Mary walked in through the open door.

"Bill, I'm making dinner, and I-" She saw her husband with his father over his lap on a damp piddle pad blubbering like a baby.

"Now you're going to wear a diaper and that's all there is to it. Am I clear?"

"Please, not in front of Mary!" 

"Yes in front of Mary, in front of the whole household if I need to. If you're going to act like a toddler than I'm going to treat you like one. Am I understood?" 

"Yes, Jon," said Bill. 

"Mary, will you bring me the wipes and a diaper? I've got to get my Dad back in pampers." 

She nodded, doing her best not to smirk as she caught sight of the baby items Jon had gathered in the grocery bag. Soon, Bill was laid out naked on his back for the whole household to see, at least anyone who walked by the bedroom door. He fussed as Jon raised his legs and wiped him, earning him another smack on the butt.

"Mary, the pacifier, please." 

She grabbed a white pacifier out of the bag and handed it to Jon.

"Now hold on a min-mmmf!"

"You'll keep that pacifier in if you know what's good for you Dad." 

Bill was shocked that his son would do this to him, and even more shocked that the pacifier seemed to fit his mouth. It was much bigger than any he'd ever seen. He didn't know Bill had done some shopping and was already prepared for this day and the changes it would bring. Bill had thought long and hard about what to do to protect his father who seemed less and less able to care for himself. He knew his Dad respected authority, and hit upon the perfect solution to solve the problem of keeping Bill in line, while also protecting him and keeping him safe. And the whole family would help.

Bill finished diapering his Dad as Mary watched on. It made sense she was asked to stay since she'd be helping with Bill's diapering and care as well. 

"But thon, camt I a weast diapow mysewf?" cried Bill through the pacifier.

"You should have thought of that before you decided to act like a petulant child. Sorry, Dad but I just can't trust you. Now you've done enough work for a lifetime. It's time to give up the idea of being a man, and just let me take care of things from now on. Now up we go, put your legs in here." 

Bill made a sour face at this idea, but when he saw his hold his legs up for his one-piece bodysuit, he was even more upset.

"No!" he said, spitting out the pacifier. "I'm not wearing that! You can't make-" 

He stopped short at his son's glare and let Mary pick up the pacifier and place it back in his mouth. He let his son dress him in the gray bodysuit. 

"There we go," said Jon as he zipped up the bodysuit. It had long legs and sleeves and covered Bill up to the neck. What's more, the zipper was behind where Bill couldn't reach. 

"This will keep you from taking off your diapers, Dad." 

"But I look ridiculous," said Bill. The stretchy bodysuit clung to him, showing off the bulge of his spare tire, and even more clearly, the outline of his diaper. Aside from that, it did nothing to hide the crinkle of his diaper every time he moved. 

"I have ones with cute designs if you prefer, Dad," said Bill, grabbing another from the pile - this one with cute dancing bears all over it.

"Where did you get that?" 

"I have plenty more stuff where this came from. And from the looks of it I'll need it. There's going to be a lot of changes around here, Dad. You'll wear what I say, you'll have a bedtime and regular naps, and no more getting out of bed on your own. If you make it easy all bed rails is all I'll install in here, if not, well you'll be staying where I tell you one way or the other. It's for your own good, and to keep you safe, do you undertand?"

"I'm not a baby, Jon. I'm your father!"

"For all intents and purposes you are my baby now. It's up to you how much of a baby you have to be. Now march downstairs mister, that's an order."

Bill looked at Mary for help, but she just crossed her arms and stared at him. "Don't look at me, little man. You do what your Daddy says, or you'll be in a lot of trouble." 

"Yes ma'am," he said, finally, hanging his head. He walked out to the living room to sulk at the dinner table, crinkling with every step. 

"See?" said Jon, as Bill headed out the door, "It's just like any kid we've raised, you just gotta be firm with them. Hold on Bill, on second thought I think you'd better hold an adult's hand before you go anywhere. You're still healing from that fall at the firestation." 

He led his humiliated father by the hand down to dinner. 

At the dinner table, Bill's kids giggled at the sight of their grandpa in what looked like baby pajamas. 

"Daddy, why is Grampa wearing a diaper?" asked Samantha, his youngest daughter. 

"Because he can't control his pee, just like a baby. In fact, he's going to be your little brother from now on." 

"What!?" cried Bill. This was just too much for a strong man like him. 

"Ooh, can he be my dolly?" asked Rachel, who was a bit older than Samantha. 

"Of course, he can, sweetie," chimed in Mary. "He's going to be a good little brother for his siblings, isn't that right, baby Billy?" She gave a pointed look at Bill and he lowered his head. 

"Yes, Ma'am." 

Their oldest son Alan, who was in high school, just smirked. 

"I can babysit if you need me to." 

"Thanks Son," said Jon. "This little guy is going to be a handful, and we could use all the help we can get. It'll be good practice for when you have a boy of your own, since you only helped raise your two sisters so far." 

Alan beamed proudly, while Bill just scowled. 

"Now, now, no frowns at the dinner table, Billy. This is for your own good," said John. "Now eat up, Mary has already cut up your food for you. Or do you need help with that too?"

"I'll do it!" said Alan, with a big smile. 

"Atta boy." said Jon. "Toddlers take a lot of work. Let's all work together to make sure little Billy is safe so he doesn't have any more accidents." 



Great chapter ! Now I want to see what gonna happen next