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"But I don't understand. Why can't I have my pants back?" 

"I'm sorry but these are the rules for employees. It's part what makes our establishment so popular. Now go out there and shake your diaper. The customers are waiting."

Why oh why had I applied to work at the crinkle café? It was the hottest new thing, an American take on the exciting role-play cuteness of the Japanese maid café. Well, not quite as exciting considering I was one of the coffee 'kiddos' who served customers directly. It didn't help that I was just about the size of a toddler as well - I walked in the door an hour ago and was hired on the spot. 

I gritted my teeth as I went out and saw all the 'fanboys' who came to see us parade around in diapers waiting to be served.

"What'll it be sir?" 

A few tall jock types were sitting at the booth, laughing and joking amongst themselves. They had stopped at my approach and looked at me, ready to bust out laughing. Great. Tourists. I sighed.

"That doesn't sound very babyish," said one of the guys, who was wearing a backwards baseball cap. 

"Yeah, do it in character!" said his friend, in a green team hoodie. 

"Hewwo, would you wike to owdow? I gots lota nummies for yow tummies!" I said this with a fake smile and the cutesie expression on my face. 

"Hahahah! That's priceless! Nah, we just came in to see this shit and get it on tape for our youtube channel. You have a good one, man." 

They got up and left, the guy in the green hoodie patting me on the back a little too hard as he left. I managed to catch my balance, but I was so flustered that I didn't notice my shoe had come untied and I tripped on my shoelaces, skinning my knee.

"Owwww!" I cried, before I remembered that people were probably watching. I looked down and saw I probably needed a bandaid. Sniffled and wiped away my tears. I couldn't lose if in front of the customers - that would be unprofessional. I hurried to go into the back but was waved down by a very insistent customer before I could get there. 

"Hey, sweetie, are you okay?" A handsome man with deep blue eyes looked back at me. He must've been at least twice my height. 

"I-it's fine." I said, trying not to show how shaken up I really was. 

"Hey, it's okay," he said in a gentle, comforting tone. "C'mere kiddo, lemme see." I sniffled and nodded as I showed him my knee. 

"Oh my gosh, that's a big boo-boo! You're such a brave boy for not crying. Hold on, I have just the thing for little guys who go skinning their knees." He rummaged around in a bag that I realized must be diaper bag. It had a bottle pocket and everything. "Here we go!" He opened up a package to reveal a large square adhesive bandage that would fit over my scrape. He also took out an alcohol wipe.

I hesitated. Was it really okay to let a customer fix my boo-boo? 

"Don't worry kiddo, it'll only sting a second and then it'll be all better, I promise!" 

I nodded and let him fix it, breathing in sharply at the sting of the wipe. I looked down at my knee. A popular red puppet character stared back at me. 

"Aww, c'mon kiddo, don't look so sad. Here," he pulled me into his lap, and I suddenly felt very uncomfortable. I had only been working here an hour. What was I supposed to do in a situation like this?



Interesting,but I think you posted half since I really want to know what happen nex5

Champ Otter

Hahah, yes, I intentionally did that because I know I want to come back to it. I have to limit these free-writes to an hour or less so I can get other work done and come back to the best ones. I want to be able to pick up right where I left off when I have the time so this way it'll be easy because I know exactly what's going to happen next! But tell me... what would *you* do?


Embrace the situation and hug the customer since he give so much care