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Content Warning: This freewrite contains heavy pup bondage and a gratuitous sex scene. If this is not your cup of tea, please be warned. 

Bo pulled against the restraints keeping him on all fours and let out a loud whine. He did not like the vet.

"Easy there, girl. Settle down now," said his owner, a largish man in a blue shirt and work overalls as he took off the pup's soggy diaper, revealing a shiny metal cock cage hanging between Bo's legs.

"I think she's gonna need a sedative," said the vet, looking at the man in the pup hood wiggling around in his chest and neck restraints.

"No, I don't think so," said the owner. "Just let me talk to her for a second."

He whispered some words of encouragement into the pup's ear and patted his diaper. The pup visibly relaxed.

"I think she things we're going to castrate her." This statement was answered by an audible yelp from the human pup. "No, girl, not today. Daddy wants puppies, so today we're going to give you your first breeding.

Bo whined and grew hard in his chastity device, as hard as the cock cage would permit, at least.

"That got her attention," the Doctor said with a chuckle. I'll get the stud.

Bo's owner gave him encouragement while they waited. "You're being such a good girl for Daddy, Beebee. So good."

They were at the breeding kennel, Bo now knew. Not a regular vet's office. The rack on the floor should have been the first tip off - usually it was on a table. In an office. Not an open room with a concrete floor. He was nervous. Then the doctor came in with another human pup on a leash, and Bo did a double take.


"Bo... is that you?"

"I see you two have met," said the Doctor. "Beebee, meet Arrow. Now you should both know better than to speak, so I don't want to hear another word out of either of you. Just dog noises.

Pups weren't supposed to talk. But they hadn't seen each other since the reform program had started. Bo's mind raced. Erick had probably gone through the same things he had. The humiliating transformation from human to full time pup in full time restraints and pup gear. But it looked like his friend had been allowed to stay male. Very male, it seemed, from the large tool hanging between Erick's legs. The doctor led Arrow around behind him and out of his sight, where he applied some lube to Beebee's back door, and arrow's member. Was he about to be fucked by his best friend? The doctor's next words answered his question.

"Up, Arrow! Up up!"

Bo felt the weight of his friend land on his back, and he started humping wildly. He winced as he felt his friend's tool stab him in the leg, then slap against his balls.

"Easy, boy," said the doctor, grabbing hold of Arrow's member with a gloved hand and guiding it in. Meanwhile his owner petted him on the head and told him to breathe.

His eyes shot open as he felt the massive member enter him, guided in by the doctor's practiced hand. At first it hurt a lot. He wanted to get it out as quickly as possible, but he couldn't move an inch. But soon, as his owner helped him relax, the sting began to lessen, and he noticed the tugging at his cage. He let out another moan, this time one of intense pleasure.

"Oh wow, look at her clitty drip!" said his owner. "I think Arrow hit the right spot!"

"That's it, boy," said the Dr. "Breed her good!"

Bo couldn't believe this was happening to him. Having two men help him and his friend with the intimate details of coupling was beyond the limits of his imagination prior to entering the program. Why had they done this again? He grunted and heard a spurt of doggy juice hit the concrete as Arrow hunched into him to go deeper.

Erick and he had signed up for dog obedience training classes online. They had never expected to be the dogs. But when animal control showed up to escort them, they realized they had made a huge mistake. That was the last time he saw his friend until now.

Beebee was panting heavily now, a steady drip of precum leaking from his now shrunken penis. All the blood had left his cock and moved to the region where it was most needed - his tail hole. There his swollen passage warmed up Arrow's member nicely, and provided a soft, tight place for him to thrust.

Arrow was nearing the edge. They both were. The feeling of warmth on his cock after being unable to touch it for so long was indescribable. He panted, his tongue lolling out. He was practically drooling and didn't care. He had to get his rocks off, and he didn't care where he put his member to do it.

"I think they're going to knot soon. Go on, Arrow, finish her off."

With the encouragement of the two supervising men, the two human pups reached climax together, thrusting his hips forward and staying buried as deep as he could in the warm passage, and BeeBee letting out a long loud moan as he felt his body spasm, followed by the sound of his seed splattering the ground.

"There we go! Good girl, Beebee!"

Arrow slumped over onto his best mate's back, spent.

"Alright, said the doctor, carefully separating the two and slipping a plug into BeeBee's tail hole. "This'll keep the seed inside her to increase the chances of her getting impregnated. Let's get her in a diaper. Arrow, you're going back in your diaper too.

Arrow whined at that. He didn’t like having to be padded all the time but those were the rules for pups.

"Did you hear that, Beebee? You're gonna get preggers. Don't worry if it doesn't take. We can always try again next week!"

Bo whined at this, his cage instantly getting tight again despite his trepidation.

The two pups were laid on their backs and diapered next to each other. They turned their heads and looked into each other's eyes as they were both padded in diapers layered so thick, they couldn't stand up if they tried.

"I'm sorry," whispered Erick.

Bo just reached out a mitted paw and put it over his mitted friend's paw, the closest to hand holding he could manage.

"Aww I think they like each other."

"Arrow's up for adoption, you know," said the Doctor, giving Bo's owner a strong hint.

"Would you like that girl? Would you like your little doggy boyfriend to live with us?"

Bo nodded, smiling under his hood. At least they would be together again.



I don't normally like pup stuff, but goddamn that was hot. More please! 🥵