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The truth of the matter was, people just didn't take care of themselves like they should. Sure, when they were young people often had caretakers that would make sure they ate, got to bed on time, and generally stayed safe and protected. But once they were grown up, most weren't fortunate enough to have such a person in their lives. 

The lawmakers had decided to leave such problems to something more rational - more perfect than the human system of law could ever be. But they could never have imagined what solution the A.I. legislators and enforcers would come up with. 

"Attention all citizens! Attention all citizens! The courts have ruled that there will now be a universal curfew at 8pm." 

The announcement was on every channel, every radio station, and even online and streaming services were interrupted. Perhaps the only ones spared this draconian measure of control were those who lived in the free-zones, off the grid and free of modern computer technology. 

Everyone else found themselves quickly forced to adapt to a new lifestyle. Those who didn't were severely punished.

"Don't even think about going out tonight, Brad," said older brother Ted. "I didn't take the curfew seriously when it first started either, but you remember what my ass- oops, I mean butt looked like after a spanking from the nanny bots!" 

"Warning. Foul language detected. You now have a yellow card for the day, Ted. Dash knows you can do better!" 

The two boys looked over to the smiling face of a popular cartoon pup who was projected looking very sternly at them. Of course the restrictions hadn't ended with the curfew. More and more they were finding themselves locked out of their favorite shows and forced to watch children's programming. Nevermind that they were both almost old enough to drink. 

"Pawsome Squad?" scoffed Brad.

"I guess the A.I. thinks our cartoon heroes will be more charismatic and persuasive." 

"Hero my ass!" said Brad crossing his arms and plopping down in a huff. 

"Warning. Foul language detected." 

"This sucks!" 

"Did this pup hear right?" asked the cartoon creature. "Two bad words in one day? One more strike and Dash will be on YOUR ass!"

"Wow," said Ted. "That wasn't a bad impression, Artie! You're getting better!"

"Heyyy, no fair! How come he gets to say it?" whined Brad.

"Hush, little bro. You need to learn to follow the rules and you won't be a supersaurus rex in the morning!" 

"Don't forget, kiddos! Lights out is one hour after curfew! And no foolin around after dark! The pawsome squad sees it all!" 

The image of the adorable law enforcer disappeared from view, leaving the boys alone again - but not really.

"Why do you have to watch so much pawsome squad? Ted?"

"What? They're cute!" Ted raised his hands defensively. 

"Whatever. I'm not going to have a bedtime. That rule only came out this morning and there's no way for them to enforce it!"

Before 9pm hit, Ted had his teeth brushed and was ready for bed. 

"Hey, Brad! Are you sure you don't want to get ready for bed?" 

"Nah, there's no cameras in here. As long as I don't make noise, they won't care anyway." 

"Okayyyyy. Goodnight lil bro." 

At 9 o clock sharp all of the lights went down and Brad's cellphone shut itself off. He was right in the middle of a hot chat session with his long distance girlfriend too! Well, as hot as it could be with all naughty pictures and suggestive language censored. Whatever. He could finish on his own. He made his way to his room and flopped on the bed. Might as well have a nice jerk-off session if nothing else. He had just gotten a good fantasy going when a blinking light drew his attention.

"What the hell... why is that new paw patrol nightlight they made us install blinking red and blue? That's so annoying!" 

He heard a firm knock on the apartment door. A formality apparently, because immediately after came the sound of a latch unlocking itself. 

"Oh shit!" yelled Brad. He knew who it was. "It's the baby patrol!" 

"Somebody's been a naughty boy!" Came the very human voice of one the A.I.'s most feared enforcers. Footsteps could be heard and several large muscular men appeared, hauling what appeared to pieces to a crib. 

Brad was lifted up under his arms and brought out to the living room, where he was sat on the lap of the large captain of the team while the other members went to work redecorating his room.

"Somebody was a very naughty boy, I see!" said the captain, looking down at the boy who's erection was still flopping out over his PJ bottoms. "No no, don't try to hide from me, little man. You're clearly not ready for adult priveleges and responsibilities, so that means you don't get to be modest either. That's okay, little one. That just means you have to learn."

Brad, fidgeted and blushed being held by the larger man with his now very deflated bits hanging out for all to see. 

"P-please, don't do this. Couldn't you let me off just this once?" He looked into the captain's eyes with his most imploring gaze. The captain just chuckled and shook his head.

"Your brother Ted went to bed on time. So why couldn't you?"

As if on cue, his brother emerged from his bedroom rubbing the sleep from his eyes. 

"Wha's goin on?" He stopped cold when he saw the captain holding his little brother. "T-the baby patrol?! Brad... no..." 

"It's good you're here, Ted. Your little brother is gonna need some looking after for his designated period of baby punishment. If you think you're up to it, you could could be promoted to young adult status. Otherwise, we'll have to arrange for a live in caretaker - or send him to one of our daycare centers. 

Brad gasped and looked over to his brother like he was ready to cry.

"I can do it," said Ted. 

"Okay, then. You're first responsibility is to give your brother a spanking for staying up past his bedtime, and the bad word he shouted when we came in." 

Brad began to cry as his older brother approached and the captain held him face down over his lap. He looked up to his brother as the captain pulled this pjs the rest of the way down."

"I'm sorry, little one," said Ted as he raised his hand.



I love this aí stories I hope there more