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Those of you who have been with us for a while know what to do already,  but I'll take a moment to explain things for the rest of you.  

What we do each week is we take a vote on what I will be focusing the bulk of my attention on the following week.  At the end of each week, I take the top item and that becomes my new work item.  All other votes are carried over to the next week to be added to the following week's poll.      

What this accomplishes is that it ensures every vote gets counted and even the less popular items on the list will get worked on proportionately to the interest people express in them.  

Carryover votes:
The Allure of Wanton Cove: 80

Inheritance: 0 (Previous Winner)

Last Stand of Ra: 25

The Therapist: 14

Writer's choice: 40



Does it really matter if we vote? Inheritance, somehow, manages to win every week anyway , even when Wanton Cove or Therapist have large carryover leads.


This last month has been a bit skewed, Inheritance getting three out of the last four weeks. That said, last week I worked on Therapist, and it's almost a sure thing that Wanton Cove will be the winner of this weekend's poll. I think this last month has looked like "Inheritance everywhere!" because it won one week, then I forgot to set up a poll and kept working on it the following week, then worked a third week on it just to tie up loose ends since so much was going on (Traded my Writer's Choice votes to do that). That's the first time in the two years I've been working through Patreon that I can think of where we've had such a heavy lean toward one game like that, and it's not something I expect to see often. Historically, about half of any given month goes toward Inheritance, with the rest gets split up between other things. I expect Wanton Cove to be our next project, and as soon as I have enough Writer's Choice votes to push Last Stand over the tip, I want to get a week in on that the first chance I get.


Thanks. I know Inheritance is the newer game and has been very popular, but I was first attracted to Wanton Cove. I am glad it is still being further developed. I am familiar with Therapist and have played it, but not in several months since its development seemed to stall. Last Stand I don't know at all. I do understand how it is easy to get caught up in the season and life


To be completely honest, We've got most likely one, MAYBE two Wanton Cove builds ahead of us still. The game has technically been complete since version 1.0 when the primary storyline was complete, but I've been adding additional stories within the setting and more content ever sense. The next build is going to wrap up the Prostitution story arc. After that, I'll do one more build if people can think of anything that still needs improvement. I've been working on Wanton Cove for about four years now, and that's a very dark place to be for so long. I need a little break to work on brighter things for a little while. There's an exceptionally good chance that I will return to the setting at some point to add more content to Allure, and I've even got the rough storyboard for two more games that would take place within the setting. Therapist is being developed by Rfpnj, and while I talk with them somewhat regularly, I don't keep up well with what they're working on related to that game. I write content for their game occasionally as a "Thank you" for all the help they've given me over the last few years. They help code, they play test, and they single handedly manage our Aftermath Team Discord. I do however know that they've been very busy recently but hope to have a new build up some time soon. As far as Last Stand of Ra, it's a bit of a different game. I like to do things I've never done before, and to explore difficult and complex themes. In this case, it's a science fiction game set in ancient Egypt. Not only am I trying very hard to stay true Egyptian mythology, but I also have plans to tie the setting to Wanton Cove so that the game acts as a sort of prequel to that game. It's not intended to be a dark and brooding game though, I'm actually aiming to give it a feel of adventure, something reminiscent of Indiana Jones and those sorts of adventure. Here's the link to the most recent Last Stand demo if you'd like to take a look: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/last-stand-of-ra-23041312/edit">https://www.patreon.com/posts/last-stand-of-ra-23041312/edit</a> Probably not what you wanted to hear on the Wanton Cove front, but it is what it is. Hope that helped clear things up a bit at least.