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I had an idea for a new pledge reward that I wanted to run past everyone.  Kind of get the pulse of the community before I actually add it just in case someone brings up something we haven't thought of yet.

At present, we've only got a couple of people at the $20 pledge level.  And quite honestly, that pledge level really doesn't offer much at this time.  I want to change that, and use that change to possibly get people a bit more involved with our projects here at Aftermath Team.

Right now, we have a Discord channel set up for Writers.  At present, you can get into the room either if you are a member of Aftermath Team, or if you have submitted two or more scenes that have been added to one of our games (At present, this has been limited to Inheritance.)  I've already talked with the people in that room, and everyone seems fairly open to the idea, so the next step is to find out what all of you fine people think of the idea.

What we would like to do is add access to that room for the $20 pledge level and up.  Access to the room would allow you to talk with the writers about their current work, see our daily banter, see us planning content, and generally have a front row seat to the creative process that goes into much of our scene creation.  In addition to that, pledges at that level would be allowed to weigh in on scenes, share opinions and thoughts, give feedback, or even make suggestions for content they'd like to see created.  (It would ultimately be up to the writers whether or not they actually wanted to write scenes that are suggested, but I've asked them to explain why they wouldn't do it if they don't want to write something just to keep everything out in the open.)

At present, , probably 90% of all the conversation in our discord happens in private channels, and the vast majority of that happens in the Writer's Room that we would be inviting the community to join us.

So, what do all of you think?  Is this something that would interest some of you?   Vote, and feel free to leave a comment if you have questions or just have something you want to add.



I think the idea sounds good, however I don't do much on social sites and if I got in would probably only lurk. Hope that others would find the suggested additions more to their liking than me and wish you and your team the best Aftermath.


Thank you! Nothing wrong with that, I know I tend to be a little anti social in those kinds of environments too. My "Social media" is basically limited to the places I post my game and the Discord, so I completely understand being a bit anti social online. ;)

Eclipse Productions

I'm in the same boat. I'm pretty much a lurker on any sort of social media I'm in. This seems like a good idea, but I'm unlikely to jump in because I want to save money and from the fact I'm not big on using discord TBH.


Fair enough. Looks like there's a little interest in the new feature, but not a lot. I think I'll it up after new years and see what happens. Nothing ventured, nothing gained and all that.