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So, today was one of those days where a lot got done, but I really don't have a lot to show for it.

In A23, we had found an issue where on rare occasion a location was displaying a blank spot instead of an event.  We've traced the issue to the source, it's the new Eve sex content.  At present, I'm just waiting on our coders to tell me if my "fix" is going to work or not before making changes.

I got to eat a bit of crow today.  One of our coders gave me heck the other day because I don't always test content when I write it.  I usually do, but when it's small stuff, or something I'm almost positive is going to work right, sometimes I upload my work without double checking things.  Well, when I was called out on things, I said about as much and promised to be just a little more diligent about testing things.  What happens?  I get a batch of submitted scenes, figure the code for them is pretty simple so I'm not that worried about it, so I drop everything in the game, post my changes, and call it a day with every intention of taking a look at things the next time I work on it.  Well, come morning I have a bug report in my inbox and I shoot a quick message to our coders in the hopes they can walk me through what is wrong, only when they put together a test build on their end, the game is completely borked.  Wasted a bunch of their time fixing it, got a lecture (Which arguably I deserved), and ended up spending twenty minutes apologizing for a problem I could have fixed in two minutes if only I had bothered to put together a quick test build, . . . .  Some day I'm going to become responsible and not have to eat crow anymore, . . . 

Have been planning next month's sponsored scene.  This one is a really neat idea, and after about five hours of research about fireflies, I'm ready to get started on the content.  There's the core sponsored scene that I need to write, but at the same time I have a couple bits of side content that I want to write just because I think they'd be fun.  That scene is likely to be my top priority next time I work on the game. (I'll likely be working on it tomorrow, but I don't expect to have enough time to write a big scene, so I'll likely work on something smaller instead.)

Been talking with LFN Park about a short story they want to write for the setting.  We've got an outline for the scene set, and we're going to collaborate, each of us taking a different segment of the scene set to write so we can each focus largely on our own characters.

And finally, today was my wife's birthday.  Because of that, my work was a bit off and on because I was trying to do some birthday related stuff with her (Meals, gifts, all of that fun stuff.)

And there you all have it, did a lot of ground work for things today, but didn't get a lot of writing done.  I should have a bit of time to write tomorrow, so I'm hoping to write a couple of small scenes for the game and add the new background images at the very least.


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