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 Alright, just a quick fix.  I've tested it repeatedly, and it looks like the Lady Anne bug is FINALLY resolved.

Be sure to let me know if you stumble across anything else that is not quite right.  If its game breaking in some way, I'll get to work on it as soon as I am able.  If not then it will appear in the next major build.



It seems that your download link is broken, i keep getting a network error and my internet is working fine.


I didn't have any trouble downloading it. That said, I re-uploaded it. Hopefully that will help. Let me know if the problem persists, if so I'll see if I can't upload it elsewhere to see if that will solve the problem.


It seems that i am still getting the network error, I did a refresh and it seem to try and get it but ends up failing. It's properly my internet refusing to download it so there is nothing i can do


It will Properly help, i tried downloading some over things from over Patron people and it didn't work, meaning that Patron hates me


There is an unbroken link lower in the comments. Please check there for updated MEGA link. If it helps, great, if not I'll see what else we can try. Let me know either way.


That link is going right to my profile, How odd. It seem downloading hates me today


It has worked huzaah. Thanks :P


Wonderful! Let me know in the future if you want copies of the game, I'll try to upload it like that again for you with future builds (Probably won't remember to do it on my own, but if you say something I'll get it done.)


I seem to be having the same problem with a server error for the attached version, but when I tried to use the Mega link you posted it asked me for a decryption key. I feel like maybe you have the key posted somewhere on your Patreon but I swear I searched for a bout half an hour and had no luck. Is there supposed to be a password on the public version?


Lets see if I can try this again then! <a href="https://mega.nz/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://mega.nz/</a>#!E7phDBzY!2NL6K4TyBZxzgKvMN1ts4hs61BcMzidAhiEw-nlcKOI That should include the game, no key required!


Sorry for the late response, but yes, that link worked. Thanks much!


No worries. Life can get away from all of us at times. Glad you could get the working version!