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Alright, just a quick fix.  I've tested it repeatedly, and it looks like the Lady Anne bug is FINALLY resolved.

Be sure to let me know if you stumble across anything else that is not quite right.  If its game breaking in some way, I'll get to work on it as soon as I am able.  If not then it will appear in the next major build.


Lucifer Diavolo

Any chance we could get a walkthrough any time soon? I know there's way more content to the game, but I just can't get any of it to proc besides the standard taint stuff.


Do you have any specific places you're wondering about? I've been trying to add details to the wiki a little at a time, and when people ask specifics I make an effort to update those areas when I answer them. <a href="http://wantonverse.wikia.com/wiki/WantonVerse_Wiki" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://wantonverse.wikia.com/wiki/WantonVerse_Wiki</a> If you don't find what helps you there, then ask about specific scenes and I'll see what I can do to help.

Lucifer Diavolo

Well, I was wondering about the cave and such. I've been able to get into it, but nothing ever happens. Also wondering how to get to Azumi after you're blocked from the mansion. Those are the only ones that I can think of off of the top of my head.


Ok, this should walk you through how to get into the cave: <a href="http://wantonverse.wikia.com/wiki/The_Cathedral_Access_(Event_chain)" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://wantonverse.wikia.com/wiki/The_Cathedral_Access_(Event_chain)</a> As for Azumi, once you've been locked out of the mansion due to mutation, you will sometimes be able to talk to her from her window, but there is no way currently to get back into the mansion. Hope that helps!

Lucifer Diavolo

No, I can get into the cave just fine, but nothing ever happens in there afterwards. Unless it's a one time event, then I probably just clicked too fast.


Nothing happening after? Are we talking blank screen? Or just nothing significant happening? At minimum, there should be some ambient content playing in that location. That said, there is not currently any significant content tied to that location, though that will be changing some time in the next couple of builds.


Good to know then. Its one of the locations that was added quite a while back, but that doesn't play a bit part until late in the game (Couple of places like that in the game). We're heading into that late stage of the man path through the game now. Keep your eyes pealed, in a couple of builds, you'll start seeing some content related to that location.


hey I cant download this build the link is dead


Will take me a few minutes, but lets see if I can figure out how to send you a copy.


PM Incoming. Let me know if that solves your problem or not, then we'll go from there.