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In Hunter x Hunter 48, Very x Sharp x Eye, Gon and Killua walk down a street, triggering the antique side quest.




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It’s funny how this random side quest episode can come out of nowhere, after an intense episode like the last one, and manage to be one of my favorites of the arc. This part of the story is actually cut down quite a bit in the anime, though I still love what we get and think they chose to keep the important details. Some fun stuff the anime cut out: when Gon pawned his license, he’s got until the 10th (currently the 2nd or 3rd) to pay back the 100 mil, with 0% interest. They also go into details about the auction, like dates and costs for admission (12 mil btw). Then there were another 2 chapters or so where Zepile and the boys try to sell the jewels, which is where the manga had the dialogue from Zepile about appraising Gon. There are a lot more details that were tweaked a bit or left out, but there was easily enough material for another episode, maybe episode and a half. I guess they figured people might get tired of that sorta thing for like 3 straight episodes. Still, I love this episode and especially love the conversation Zepile has with the boys over that very extravagant lunch.

Vali Sippola

You were mentioning you could feel all the RPG love coming out of this, so you probably won’t be surprised to find out that the author, Togashi, is an extremely massive fan of the Dragon Quest series.


Lol yeah I was not expecting this episode at all but loved it. I could have watched it for another episode, but all in all probably not a bad thing to condense it down to 1, it ends up feeling really dense with good stuff.


I love that idea of not judging things but just trying to understand them. (in terms of how Zepile was viewing Gon.) I honestly think it's one of the best ways to live life because it teaches you to understand, listen, and be more compassionate towards people you might not of normally. I'm not saying to not have some level of discernment when dealing with people but.. just to be more understanding. I remember working at this fitness gym where my job was to gather the towels the members would use, wash them, and restock them for use again. One time, for whatever reason, one of the personal trainers was assigned to help me out and we had some small talk. I was in my early 20s and he asked if I was going to college, what I wanted to do with my life, etc. Basically those boring qualifying questions people love to ask. That didn't bother me, but the way he completely lost interest in talking to me when he realized I had no aspirations for college or no solid future goals.. it's hard to describe the feeling it gave me but it wasn't a good one. I guess I felt like, "Why the hell did I just get judged?" I feel it's just such a limiting way of thinking/being. If you believe everyone in your life needs to be a 10/10 in looks, live in AT LEAST a house, own their own company, graduated college, have good credit, etc.. Then you are missing out on so many other amazing people who could be a big part of your life. People who possibly COULD have those things but have no aspirations for them. I don't know, I guess long story short is I've had so many fun experiences and amazing relationships with people that if I were to judge them based off of their hardships or their.. lack of.. I would of missed out on so much. One of my really good friends back in the day was a felon and I never asked him what he did because I didn't need to know. I'm sure he'd already had a difficult enough time just being labeled that. He was a good dude who was always there for me.


Totally agree. Thanks for sharing that story. I think a key part of what you said is that being open and being discerning aren't mutually exclusive. You can listen to everyone, try to look at all sides clearly and non-judgmentally etc and then draw your own conclusions for what's best for yourself. That's why I think the Lion Turtle's quote (or my reading of it) applies here: if you're strong enough you can explore all sorts of "darkness" without getting corrupted by it or lost in it. I also happen to think that's where the light is often found


Thanks for responding, and I agree. It gives you the opportunity to be someone else's light. To hear the story of someone who's made a lot of mistakes in their life and be that one person, out of who knows how many they've told, that says, "You must of been going through a lot back then." Something as simple as that could be life changing.

Reid Dawson

I love to watch how in depth you can get just spewing off of random moments, and I can understand what you say, and contemplate it, and truly enjoy that experience, yet in my own life I hardly ever am able to go on thinking about interactions with life and people in my own mind in a similar way, at all, let alone in conversation with another person. I feel like a “deep” person, and I have plenty of very close friends who I know enjoy my presence yet I’ve always felt like I’ve been terrible at making conversation in my life. Maybe It just goes to what you said in this episode about actually getting yourself to interact with strangers often. Have you ever thought about whether or not you would enjoy hanging out with yourself? I feel like I’d be bored to death, and that scares me

Will Thiessen

I love your insight about how the auction (and show) parallels life. I recently had some negative consequences for my actions. In that, I tried to maintain that there’s more value that can be gained by embracing the lessons that can be learned those seasons in my life. It made me more grateful for what I do have, and the people in my life. It also made me question how I judge other people, strangers, and how that is really a reflection on the level that I judge myself.

Will Thiessen

What RPGs did you grow up playing? My earliest ones were The Faery Tale Adventure on the Amiga, Kings Quest III, and of course FF3. Also had great memories playing FF7.


The appraisal episode is legendary. One of my favourites.

Sam B

Gon is living every moment with complete mindfulness. It's still biased, but it is so powerful.

Chris Sharpe

Yet another day of adults being simultaneously impressed and unnerved by Gon, more than the literal assassin child he travels with.


I remember wanting to get back to the topic of spiders but eventually, this ended up being one of my favorite episodes. 🗿


Market tricks and people skills remind you of something? It's not Spice and Wolf, is it? Also, Gon really sold his Hunter license? HUH? Couldn't he take a loan with his Hunter license and proof of good credit? Then he'd have the money + the license.

Chris Sharpe

Another comments says that, in the manga, he was able to buy it back without interest if it was before a certain time.


this is honestly one of my favorite episodes lmao.. its so chill and heartwarming and fun especially compared to last episode


One of my favorite chill episodes :) Also Zepile's appraisal of Gon is so great, and I appreciate it more the more I watch this episode and the show. Notice how Zepile said "He doesn't care about right or wrong", not good and bad. Which I feel like is an important detail, as right and wrong is more so defined by what's generally accepted by society as a whole, while good and bad is more so defined by one's own judgement. And I think as we've already seen plenty up to this point, Gon's mind and spirit is very simple and pure, but also very clear and adamant in his likes or dislikes of people. For example he obviously has a strong and simple dislike for Illumi because of what he did to Killua, his new best friend, at the end of the Hunter Exam. At the same time he is unaffected by society or by whatever other people do and think. People could be literally killing other people, and Gon would just mind his own business as long as it doesn't affect him.