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In Hunter x Hunter 47, Condition x and x Condition, Kurapika becomes the protagonist of Hunter x Hunter.




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Chris Sharpe

Ah yes, a new Goodwin reaction. Time to postpone my chemistry homework due at midnight.


Imagine Uvo and Kurapika's car ride to the desert lol


it’s later revealed that kurapika’s the avatar


So, this isn't told to us in the anime but it's explained in the manga. Kurapika's specialist power, Emperor Time, shaves YEARS off his life for minutes in that state. He's trading A LOT every time he uses it. Also I don't remember all the details but I'm sure another commentator will fill in the rest


The animation skyrockets into new heights with this episode. Kurapika's descent into darkness is so tragic yet so beautiful. Definitely power scales the main four characters here, Gon and Killua have a long road ahead when you put this into perspective, no way in hell could they have taken on Uvo haha. This arc is constructed so well not just story-wise but also with the OSTs and visuals. Never get tired of watching these episodes. I'm curious to hear your thoughts on the troupe (especially Chrollo) going forward


I was going to cover this in my comment, but I'll add it here. In the manga it's said that he loses 1 hour off his life for every second spent using Emperor Time. It's also physically exhausting, hence why he stumbles a bit when exiting that state.


First off, I love this episode. I wanted to talk a bit about Kurapika’s abilities here, since there is some stuff not covered in the anime. Starting with the reveal of Emperor Time, at first glance it’s an overpowered ability, but at second glance, it’s an overpowered ability, with some major drawbacks. There was a whole page in the manga that explained this, which I’ll link at the bottom, but the gist is that while Emperor Time is active, Kurapika is able to use any ability he’s learned at the same capacity of someone who is a different Nen type. It doesn’t mean he is immediately proficient at any type of ability. Take the healing chain shown this episode. That technique uses enhancement, so Kurapika learned it, but it’s only about 60% as effective as it would be if Kurapika were an enhancer. Then steps in Emperor Time, which turns that 60% into 100%. That 100% doesn’t necessarily mean it’s crazy strong, just that it’s now as strong as it could possibly be, given how much he’s trained with the ability. This allows for Kurapika to be able to use techniques that otherwise wouldn’t be very useful for him, making it very versatile. This also means that while in Emperor Time, he’d have the same potential as a natural enhancer. Someone like Uvogin who’d been training in enhancement for years would at this time, still be much stronger physically. Conditions/restrictions in general also got more thoroughly explained this episode. I added a section on it in my Nen list, (I’ll post the updated list tomorrow since this comment is long enough already) but the gist is that the more you are willing to give up, the more power you’ll get in return. I don’t know if this is a stretch, but a long time ago I remember you talked about people who wanted to travel the world, and how many people have the capacity to do so, but are unwilling to give up certain luxuries to do it. Traveling abroad can be very cheap if you choose to make it that way. By sacrificing certain comforts it would allow those people the experiences they wish for. I feel like this aspect of Nen is honestly the most relatable one, and is pretty realistic. You can connect so many parts of life to this idea, which is why I love it so much as an addition to the world of Nen. Also, Kurapika brought a shovel to a fight. Link to the manga page explaining Emperor Time: imgur.com/KdOurYX


Kurapika, the embodiment of “standing on business” 😤

Chris Sharpe

Well, it still hadn’t been told yet in the manga, just much later so it is technically a spoiler, but it is a bit of an irrelevant spoiler. Not really irrelevant, just doesn’t really change much by knowing it.


Kurapika being so strong makes sense when you remember he’s basically a genius and physically competent(seen in exam arc), as well as having a genetic boost because of his eyes, and most importantly nen vows are insanely strong and Kurapika has sacrificed a lot for them.

Wolfy Fiorini

Pshhhhh it's the beginning of the semester, you can make up that grade later. An A. Goodwin video will give you more practical utility than chemistry homework anyway


Yeah, I was mixed about mentioning it at all, but since macro mentioned it and it doesn't really matter much to the plot, I figured why not.


Kurapika coming outta nowhere to take the main character role, also big respect for Uvo for not snitching out his fellow troupe members, man died a badass


I just figured there's literally no better time to mention it in the anime than when he uses it since it's not touched on anywhere else

Reid Dawson

This battle will only impress you more as the show goes on. For Kurapika to have literally zero battle experience and take on someone that’s a member of the troupe and having that immense amount of aura and still being completely unbothered by it, his resolve is genuinely unbelievable. One of the most impressive characters IMO.

Chris Sharpe

Yeah, to sum it up, his skill tree in other abilities doesn’t expand, but he has a higher proficiency with what he does have. So he can either do the same abilities with less aura, or make them more powerful.

Anya Mcghee

Theres always the possibility he conjured the shovel but him being so confident that he brought a shovel to a fight is more hilarious

Sam B

I just imagined Uvogin jumping there, leaving craters in his wake, and Kurapika spidermanning across York New City.

Sam B

So that would mean he would lose 5 months off his life if he stays in that state for an hour. 12 phantom troupes, 30min a piece, that's just 2 1/2 years. Kurapika did the math haha.

Sam B

Nen seems to be indiscriminate when it comes to morality, but it is nice to think that those with a "righteous vindictiveness" are able to create vows at a deeper/stronger level.

Sam B

For real. It really shows how smart he is, completely prepared and open-eyed for his goals.

Sam B

He reminds me of an alternate universe young Hisoka, before turning to sordid pleasure. They both seem to be able to see above the water.


As Oak said, bringing a shovel to a fight is terribly, terribly badass, haha. I think they really struggled with the translation here for "Condition x and x Condition." They're different words in Japanese, but both pronounced identically as 'seiyaku.' ・制約 - a condition or restriction. Some sort of limitation on the use. ・誓約 - a (usually spoken) vow. Usually this is also a limitation, like a vow never to eat meat, or never raise your voice in anger, etc. But basically, with seiyaku 1 you create the limitations, and then with seiyaku 2 you put that into words and thoughts.


I never realised this but this fight 100% inspired Deku vs Muscular round 2 in season 6, the blackwhip chains, the conversation trying to reach some sort of empathic humanity in this villain who only likes to fight strong guys. also, yeah the Gon parallels were so strong this episode (Gon v Hisoka, gon smashes rubble to conceal himself before hitting Hisoka like uvo to kurapika)

Plasma Lemon

Oh, interesting! So is the actual name of the ep "制約 x 誓約"? Both versions?


Presumably, yes, but actually the title cards are always written in katakana and "Hunter-ese," so we don't know until the kanji appear on screen halfway through the episode (at 11:45)

Maurice Adler

I know I'm late on this episode but I am surprised that no one mentioned yet how Kurapika BRINGING A SHOVEL to a fight, to bury his opponent, is the most metal thing ever.