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In Hunter X Hunter 28, Nen x and x Nen, Gon and Killua advance to the upper ranks, sacrificing a lifetime supply of soda.




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Gabriel Ribeiro

Gon won't use the hunter license until he punches Hisoka and Killua is not a hunter, that's why he had to pay for the trip in the last episode

Trey Goldsworthy

Just curious, do you have any plans on when you will continue Season 2 of Invincible?

Lofi Tech

The great thing about nen is that the people who really enjoy geeking out over the intricacies have something that goes pretty deep and makes them happy, but it's also great for people like me who don't like going in depth very much. It's fun for everyone.


I think you're going to love what the next episode has to say about nen


I love how we started out the show learning Hunter specific characters, but now we're just like, actually it's time for kanji because that's cooler and has deeper power potential and lore.

Chris Sharpe

JJK’s power system is actually heavily based on nen, to give you a preview. There are a decent amount of differences, but the similarities are uncanny, especially how they explain :) But it is all worth it because this is by far my favorite power system in fiction.


I never noticed how Wing is just lurking out of sight all the time lmao


Nen is here, and it's here to stay. The technical stuff can be fun to dig into if you're into that, but in case you're not, for your convenience and my enjoyment, (because I love any chance to talk about Nen) I'll be making a compendium of purely the technical details as we go. This list will be updated as often as I remember, whenever there is sufficient new information to be added. What we know so far: Nen is the ability to control one’s life energy or “aura”. Everyone has this “aura” but it takes time, talent, and skill to learn how to use it. Major Nen principles: Ten: The ability to maintain one’s aura around oneself, which can harden the body, as well as slow the effects of aging. Zetsu: Essentially the opposite of Ten. Zetsu suppresses one’s aura so that none leaks out. Useful for concealing one’s presence, as well as recovering from fatigue. Ren: Used to bring forth more aura than is passively released. This can then be used however the user intends. Hatsu: Has been mentioned, but not yet elaborated on. Not everything will be on here, as I feel that would take away from some of the experience of discovering the vast world of Nen as you go about your Hunter x Hunter journey. So long as I can remember to, this will be for the basic, "here's the stuff that's key to understanding the other more interesting stuff". Half the fun is getting to learn about people's unique abilities, so going into detail about them would be pointless, but knowing how to understand them best is my goal here.


Now for my actual comment. This episode had one of the most direct influences for JJK, so much so that I would consider JJK to be directly referencing HxH in its scene. I don't know if you remember, but when Gojo is teaching Yuji about cursed energy, he uses 2 brightly colored soda cans as an example, which he ends up destroying. In this episode, we see Wing show Zushi how one can use Nen to stiffen paper, so that it could be used to cut things, (I'm glad you made the Hisoka connection). Wing ends up slicing one of the soda cans in his demonstration, which is the part that JJK ends up referencing. One of the cool parts of introducing Nen now, is that as we learn we get to understand the times it was used during the hunter exam. Since you pointed out Hisoka's cards, I'm willing to bet you could probably find more instances if you could remember the scenes. It adds another layer of rewatchability to HxH that I really enjoy.


Hisoka's existence as a character in this show is just so effective at every level.


You forgot the HxH tag on this post :)


This is a fun arc. It’s confusing now but have fun with it. It’ll all come together in the end.