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That was a LOT of recommendations. THANK YOU for all the amazing options, detailed descriptions, and rationales for why certain shows in particular would be a good fit. 

I deeply appreciate the conscientiousness that went into the comments and find it incredibly encouraging to know there are still so many great shows to watch. 

Below I narrowed it down to 25 options. It was an informal poll so it's a highly imperfect list. However, voting usually comes down to a competition between 1 to 5 big players (though we'll see, maybe this will be the GATE part of this particular pollgate).

As always, I wish I could do them all and I appreciate your understanding in advance if the show did not make the final list (I'd personally prefer if poll options were unlimited). 

Depending on the length of the show chosen, I might select the next 2 shows from this poll but we'll see. 

Please vote for which shows you'd like to watch below! 

Vote for as many shows as you want (multiple option voting enabled).

The poll will close Monday the 25th at 10 pm US Eastern. 

New show will start Wednesday



Aidan Pullen

If one piece (anime) ever wins I'm gonna be sad because it could dominate the channel for... a good while. I'm a huge fan of the variety we get here.

Chris Sharpe

Never got around to finishing Cyberpunk, might try that.


Castlevania not making it on the poll this time? 😢


Some great live-action show will win one of these polls eventually... *copium*


Not that I have anything against anime necessarily, I love lots of anime series. Voted for several in this list that I'd like to see. There's just a lot of other great content out there as well - it's funny to me how completely anime tends to dominate if a channel leans in that direction at all. The great irony is that the first live-action show to win is DEFINITELY gonna be One Piece.