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Thanks for all the great questions!


Leave your questions below for the Haikyuu!! Q&A this coming week!



What was your favorite game??


🏐 What is your favourite relationship in the series? Could be more than 2 people. And what relationship are you looking forward to in the future for the series? 🏐 Each team has a mascot. Crows, Cats, Owls, Iron Wall, Foxes, Nature etc.. What would represent a team you are on? 🏐 Also could tie with the previous question but each team has a slogan. Fly, Connect , We don’t need the memories , Rule the Court etc …What would be on your banner for a team? 🏐 Why do you think sports animes resonate with both people who have played/plays and never will play sports? And it actually takes a lot to recommend sport anime to people. Why is it that they are not more popular, in comparison to other big shonen titles? 🏐 You discussed towards the end that Hinata didn’t start of in your let’s say top 3 characters but he could potentially be now. Why do you think it takes time for some people to place Hinata as one of their favourite characters? 🏐 When it comes to a protagonist and deuteragonist dynamic how does Hinata and Kageyama rate for you? Do you think the balance of them as partners and rivals works for the story as a whole? 🏐 Speaking of rivals why are they soo important in our lives? You could discuss it in the world of sports or just in general life too. 🏐 Are you happy with the journey that Furudate took you on with the concept of ‘talent’ and ‘genuis’? And are you satisfied with the result at the end of season 4 with Kita’s monologue? 🏐 Classic but favourite OP and ED? 🏐 In Tsukki style what ‘moment’ are you waiting for in your life? 🏐 and last but most importantly how tall is 2 meters guy again because I forgot?


We've been through this. He is exactly five Tekachuu tall.