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In Hunter X Hunter episode 3, Rivals × for × Survival, Gon and crew make the terrible decision of choosing a 4000 km run over orange soda laxatives.




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Killua ❤️❤️ best boy


Yay, we begin And I see Goodwin is having Haikyuu withdrawals by tagging this as a Haikyuu reaction

Sam B

I wish 30 consecutive years of diarreah on Tonpa the Bitch-ass.


I deeply respect Togashi as creator in many ways but one thing that has always stood out to me is how expertly he is able to write Gon. You are soo correct that he really feels like a child which is not easy to do. I’m sure we have all come across far too often children in fiction that just sound far too adult. But children written well with all their morals and the ways they observe the world they inhabit can be absolutely fascinating

Ruma Risto

This. The fact that Gon is a child is a huge part of his character. Togashi doesn't let you forget that Gon is a little 12-year-old dwelling in an adult world. Characters like Deku and Tanjiro often feel like adults despite still being kids, but Gon never does and that's one of the most fascinating and tragic things about him.


Togashi's "writing system" for the world is interesting. You can see it here (https://hunter.noihjp.com/Hunter-Moji.php), but if you know katakana and English, some of them are very obvious, haha. It's to the point where you can read the signs if you try. The restaurant / Hunter examination entrance was just titled "meshi-dokoro: gohan" ("restaurant: food"), for example. :) Essential information.


It isn't just Gon too. Togashi is so good at writing unique characters with so much well thought out depth. I don't think I've seen anything that does it as well as HxH tbh


It mostly still kind of is spoilery. 90% of what you said is shown throughout the show, and dropping it all in an info dump 3 episodes in is a pretty easy way to keep Goodwin from discovering this stuff about the world on his own


I’m so excited for this series. It will be a real treat for you.


@Ruma totally agree! I think some people get confused by Gon’s lax attitude towards stuff in the beginning but it’s perfectly natural for a child in an adult environment to kind of just go with things. Of course won’t go too far into this yet as we are still only on episode 3 but Gon was clearly brought up well, was loved by his guardians and was independent on the island. His behaviour makes sense. I would say that Tanjiro and Deku are 15/16 and there’s quite a bit of a jump of maturity between those ages and a 12 year old in general but I understand where you are coming from.


@macrowave OH absolutely! I just brought up specifically Gon because 1.) it was brought up in this reaction and 2.) it’s been on my mind in particular with this series lately

Szandor Kane

On the note of the difference between anime and manga gore-wise..in the manga, those arms do not turn into flowers.