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In Jujutsu Kaisen episode 2x8, The Shibuya Incident, sure you've mastered the highly technical details of curses, but have you mastered the technicals of CRICKETS?




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Matthew Richson

It has begun, the titular incident that will take place the rest of the season…


Move aside Todo. The smartest character of jujuchu kaisen is here- the goathopper!! Also Goodwin isn't the only one having difficulties pronouncing "Jujutsu" it's seems. No worries, Mr. Goathopper is right there with you. P. S- sorry I've just been consuming many goathopper memes since the episode dropped!!

matthew bremmer

"Seems like a friendly cricket" as it casually chews on a man's face lol.

Chris Sharpe

A simple explanation about how domain amplification works (this isn’t necessarily needed to understand the fight) is that a regular domain is like a fish bowl that the user fills with water. The user then puts their technique, kinda like food coloring, into the fish bowl and imbues it with it. With domain amplification, the user basically coats themselves in clear water and, when the curses make contact with Gojo, the clear water forcefully absorbes Gojo food coloring, his technique, and can hit him despite infinite. Since they need to keep the water clear to hit him, they are unable to utilize their other techniques.

Jasmine Tea Enjoyer

Another episode with action sequences ruined by fogging/blurring and Japanese TV censorship... I'm tired robbie


This episode straight up had not great animation. I feel like they kind of threw this one away to streamline the events from next episode forward. Yuji vs grasshopper is like the only fight that doesn’t really matter in shibuya and was actually supposed to happen after Gojo starts fighting the disaster curses in the manga. So I think they just restructured and pushed this one out for a banger next week.

Jasmine Tea Enjoyer

@Stone Free I totally agree. Kinda sucks though because I don’t remember a single episode in Season 1 that was this weak and for sure not one this season… all 5 episodes of the first Geto x Gojo arc of this season were all spectacularly well animated with tons of effort in the direction and sakuga. But yeah, lets hope this was the one budget saving episode and from now on its just pure bangers. Unfortunately though if there is gonna be more budget for future episodes that probably just means even more censorship ruining the animation. We’ll see.

Chris Sharpe

Everything from here on out is just balls-to-the-walls. So many great things.


My friend and I were discussing that this episode is probably necessary and will work well in the grand scheme of things but is not so solid on an episode to episode basis.

Jake White

@11:15 see I totally understand that perspective and kind of felt the same way when I first read the chapter. But after rereading it a few times and watching this episode now, I’ve come to really appreciate the fact that Yuji didn’t just one punch Ko-guy lol. That’s honestly exactly what he would’ve done in season 1, gone straight up to it and tried destroying it with all his power. But Gege specifically had Yuji hold off/dodge/flee/etc. from this curse and analyze as much as possible about it first before making any potentially risky moves. It did a great job of showcasing how much Yuji’s grown as a fighter imo and it also does an even better job of implying that he’s ‘ready’ for Mahito than I think simply one shotting Ko-guy would’ve done otherwise.

Jake White

But yeah from the reused frame of the curse kicking through the wall that you pointed out, to the really sudden and seemingly out of place cut @13:21, to even how long they stretch out that single comedy frame of the cursed spirit freaking out when Yuji called it a grasshopper curse, etc. this whole episode just kinda felt like a general step-down overall from the level of quality I’ve come to expect with Mappa’s treasured titles. Idk what could’ve happened behind the scenes to make the episode come out like this, but I’m definitely thoroughly hoping it was just somewhat of a conscious choice to spend less focus polishing this episode in order to throw more resources and effort at what’s to come. Cause this arc 1000% deserves their A-game and it’s gonna be insanely disappointing if this keeps up and some of the highlights of this arc get dragged down by small things like that. Staying hopeful though Edit: I’m guessing the weird feeling cut @13:21 was for the commercial break but I don’t understand why they wouldn’t have then just placed the midcards there too so it felt less jarring? Idk lol


Apparently the animation quality in the fight dropped due to censorship. Not that I really understand why there needs to be any censorship on this to begin with.


The way I died laughing once the locusts explanation started after your prediction 😂 “no way!”


Ohhh this really helped me understand this. I hope you keep explaining other techniques with these analogies! My fantasy is a visual chart with step by step illustrations of all the CT.

Chris Sharpe

@jin&juice Happy to do so. Will keep trying to make more of these for some of the other future stuff. I honestly really like how the reason for an ability doing something in JJK is never “just cuz”.

Maurice Adler

Sadly it's because of some seizure law so they had to blend the fast paced animation over. This usually will be removed for the blu-ray release.