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In Vinland Saga 2x5, Path of Blood, Canute's distaste for violence forces him to intimidate his opponent with England's largest game of Jenga.




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No farmland saga today. I forgot how early in the season this “catch-up with Canute” episode is. What’s kind of interesting is that Canute and Thorfinn have sort of switched places in terms of their overall demeanor when they met in season one.


Yukimura Twitter thread for 2x5: “Poison king. To the honour of the real King Canute there is no evidence that he poisoned his rivals. All my creation. But it is also true that all his rivals died of illness at the right time… We haven’t won much in war. It’s nostalgic watching … I’m probably the only one in the world who feels “nostalgic” while watching season 2. My own way of enjoying. At the time I was in trouble because I didn’t set the three-dimensional shape of Floki’s hairstyle and beard properly. I’m sure the anime staff must have had trouble with Floki’s dicehead. Sorry.” Honestly this entire episode of this 4 year stretch for Canute could be it’s own TV show. Sweyn Forkbeard to Ethelred the Unready (such a sad name for history) to Edmund Ironside (got that name for putting up a good fight against Canute) and of course lastly to Canute the Great is such a wild time in history. Although let’s be real, English history in general is absolutely wild. I’m quite a history nerd for this time period so you can imagine my glee in 2019 when I heard that not only is there a Viking anime/manga but it’s set around the turn of the millennium. Also it’s important to keep in mind (because the anime doesn’t make the dates clear enough) that while we may be in 1018 by the end of this episode, Thorfinn and Einar’s story in still set in 1015. Meaning that Canute is not yet King of England officially in their time and Thorfinn is still 19.


Glad you remembered his conversations with sweyn. Is the crown controlling him or does his decisions align with his goal? Hard to tell as of now


also added detail missed in the anime “Earl Eadric of Mercia did indeed turn cloak to join Canute’s side. And in December 1017 Canute had him put to death” 😬yiiiikes Canute

Amy Walsh

Great analysis, as always! I really appreciate how apprehensive you are about Canute, right now. It is entirely deserved from what we’ve seen so far, but it can still be a shock to have your perspective of someone change so drastically. Also, I’m so surprised that you remember what the king said about the crown having a mind of its own. I nearly forgot about that conversation when I first read the manga.


Poor sad Thorkell. Someone get him a couple dozen Englishmen to kill, stat! Idk make them really immoral ones so we feel less bad about it.


I went into the episode absolutely confused about what the Jenga reference was.. Lol Honest question though, do you ever go back and read your episode summaries to refresh you memory of the shows?


Quick the show is getting too heavy... Have Thorkell show up and comically murder a group of people


Truly damned if you do and damned if you don’t. He stood no chance.