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In Vinland Saga 2x6, Wholesome Saga continues as farm bros Einar and Thorfinn pick up rocks, do daily chores, and all other manner of sidequests in the vague hopes that it leads to a horse. But then it actually does! And the retainers can't even do anything about it. Good day overall.




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Gramps and Snake with that old married couple energy lmao


I actually really like that train metaphor. And I'd say Thorfinn and an Eanir have more. Genuine love between two people is better than all the riches of the world. It may not always feel like that in a moment, but I know from personal experience that genuine relationships and peace with oneself is more important than wealth and power. I feel That if Canute keeps going down, that path of power, he's gonna lose more and more of himself. Usually what happens to people that say that ends justify the means. It's a cover up before their desire for power. Thorfinn is such a great character. Also I wanted to know what your schedule is for releasing these vinland reactions? I just joined your patreon and was wondering. Have a nice day Goodwin