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In Haikyuu 1x20, Oikawa Toru is Not a Genius, Oikawa Toru does some pretty genius stuff.




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@ Ryan Yeah it's extremely hard to talk about it without giving away a lot of spoilers so I'll look forward to future discussions! I've watched one video essay, something along the lines of the curse of the ordinary which was very insightful, so I'll have to check out the one you mentioned. I enjoy the different lenses and how they open my eyes to little details I might have missed out on. Also, let me take this chance to thank you for your little fun insights into the language and just general details every episode. I look forward to it all the time!


@Undead desk "Tobio gives his teammates his best tosses. Oikawa gives his teammates their best tosses that they can work with." That's a great way of putting it! I've played sports for a majority of my childhood and have seen many naturally talented players who seemed like they were built for the sport. Not going to lie, I was extremely envious and thought it unfair for a long time. I've grappled with these feelings of feeling less than and also helpless and ultimately hated the game because of it. I think now I've made peace with the fact that there are these talented people out there who could inevitably surpass me, but Haikyuu also reminds me of the hardwork every "genius" puts in to hone their natural talent to become that genius. They say hardwork beats talent but really hardwork doesn't always beat talent and that's okay. I guess we just shouldn't use that as an excuse to not give it our best. The geniuses can push us to give it our all so someday we may surpass them.


Kind of you to say, but I'm just happy it's useful to someone, haha. :)


Kageyama looks little bit like you Goodwin 😂 or maybe I am just trippin idk


Watching this episode again reminds me of maybe two prominent quotes/dialogues around "genius" in future episodes, and I absolutely love how the author handles this topic. Edit- Genius is a whole can of worms and I'm interested to know your and everyone else's thoughts and takes on it. Or is it just me who's constantly overthinking and writing essays about this in my mind?


It's not a "sub request" so much as just, well... "a sub." It's the coach's call. Whether Kageyama agrees to it or not, he's coming off the court. The whole meaning of "genius" and "talent vs hard work" is a theme that develops over the course of the show, so it's hard to say anything without spoilers, but I think what I can safely say now is that the Seijoh coach is *not* talking about "intelligence" per se. The word is 天才 (tensai, literally "heaven-talent"), like "gifted." Basically, it's someone who has amazing raw talent; who is "blessed" or "gifted" with ability and sense. Maybe even "born with it." Oikawa doesn't have the raw talent that someone like Kageyama or Noya does, but he's still a better setter than Kageyama right now because he understands the game, works hard at every aspect of it, and uses not only everything in his own arsenal well, but everything in his teammates' arsenals, too. In contrast, Kageyama is "gifted" with talent, but it's largely unrealized potential. (Little extra note: several times in previous episodes, Oikawa said "tensai tte mukatsuku jan." I don't remember what the sub said exactly, but something like "Don't 'tensai/geniuses' really get on your nerves?" / "Aren't they really annoying?" So, Oikawa himself doesn't think he has God-given talent, and contrasts himself with people like Kageyama whom he might (?) resent for it)


I remember seeing a YouTube essay about it, including players from Season 4, but I can't remember who it was or the title now. I think it's very much an important theme worth discussing, but yeah, maybe the discussion can't come into its own for Goodwin until late in Season 2, or maybe even Season 4.


You explained that so well, I agree that words like “genius” or “gifted” can minimize the hard work that person has put into their craft. Many people aren’t necessarily born that good but they put in the work and their efforts pay off


For me I see it like this, A genius is born a genius, but that also doesnt mean they dont work as hard as others. Kageyama is just naturally talented at volleyball and will no doubt, like the coach implies, will overcome Oikawas talent. Oikawa is a person that trains and trains to be good, he trains to learn his teammates and his opponents too. Tobio gives his teammates his best tosses. Oikawa gives his teammates their best tosses that they can work with.

Chris Sharpe

“Stupid sexy Oikawa” -Goodwin probably


That's a great way of summing up for Kageyama's and Oikawa's tosses. 😀 I think you'd agree, though, that it's not inevitable that Kageyama (or people with talent in general) will surpass Oikawa (people with less of a natural inclination). That only happens if Kageyama keeps up his training AND has the guidance and support he needed. If he had been on his old team for much longer, or had he not found Karasuno, he could have fizzled out and really struggled. I think many with extreme talent don't get the opportunity Kageyama has to grow.

Chris Sharpe

Do y’all ever get those existential crises when you slowly become older than a lot of the characters you know in anime, yet still haven’t done anything with your life.


My friend and I had a meltdown once when we realized Onizuka was 22. We're older but still haven't risen to be the head of a motorcycle gang yet... At 22 Onizuka had already done that and retired from it