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In Vinland Saga 1x17, Servant, Askeladd's mother reveals why Avalon is the superior mythology and Askladd's traitor's soul leaves his body.


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Jake White

So I know I said finding out that he was a doomsday prepper kinda sullied my image of him lol but once I saw this episode, it put things in a different perspective for me. Became less about him thinking the world is gonna end soon so fuck it, let’s do whatever. And became more about using a deadline to motivate himself into more actively pursuing his goals, rather than continuing to just carry on somewhat complacently. Today: AskeChadd Awakens Monday: the Cavalry of Chadnute


Ep 18 is going to be insaaane


Next episode is my absolute favorite and holds my favorite dialogue exchange in all of anime. Every episode past here is a masterpiece (not to undersell any previous episodes)


Show is a 10/10 from here on out

Jabez Katsak

Do you still believe what Thorkell said about Thors being stronger than him even after all we’ve seen of Thorkell?


I think people/Alex blow out of proportion the doomsday prep thing if I’m gonna be honest haha. Like askeladd doesn’t actually believe in ragnarok, he just used it as an excuse to go wild and get his men on his side. Also it was a metaphor for the coming of the times where the norsemen are gonna get taken down by something/some other society as askeladd was referencing earlier. askeladd wasn’t raised by norsemen so he def wouldn’t actually believe in it

Jake White

Well I was merely speaking for myself but upon first watch the earlier episodes (11-13ish) were intentionally vague and unclear enough about Askeladd’s perspective at that point, that it was always meant to be in question until these later episodes further elaborated and expanded on it. So with mostly just being aware of his surface elements at the time, his growing older, and his seemingly sudden shift in priorities/urgency that followed his mentioning of Ragnarok; it’s not that crazy or outlandish to come out with that initial take away of his character until these later episodes. And in those earlier episodes we definitely knew that his Mother was super important to him and likely even more so than his father to him, but we haven’t really directly seen how he was raised or how much he was around either of them yet. So that parts kinda a lil bit of spoiler territory


I’ve been waiting for this next episode since I saw you were reacting to this show 😩


Askelladd was holding back while fighting his men specifically so they would just keep attacking him and not remember their bows because he knew if they took them out he wouldn’t be able to win. But then he lost his temper and went all out by cutting that dude in half and they got scared enough to think about using their bows instead of just charging him.

Jake White

I had seriously always been semi confused about why he was so concerned with how losing his temper would look towards the men he was in the middle of slaughtering, but that honestly makes a lot of sense and I feel a little silly for not having thought of it sooner lol

Geneva The Weeba

“But who will be giving their asses to whom?” “Ooh, I like Avalon. Avalon looks more fun than Vinland,” “Soup,” (why does soup have such a vast presence on this channel?I love it lol) “This guy’s like Walter White in his last minute ability to save his own life,” “This is like God talking to a bunch of ants. All Thorkell hears is ‘mimimimimi’,” “Playing GTA with a horse,” “My Daddy-I mean, my catch,” “Please don’t cliffhanger me. Please don’t cliffhanger me. Damn it,”


Someone else mentioned it in the comments already but 4D Chess Askeladd could have been slicing dudes in half left and right if he wanted, fully capable of taking all of his men out on his own, but the only thing that would've been bad for him was their bows, so he tried to hold himself back to appear like less of a threat so they wouldn't get spooked and draw their bows. Then, when they finally do after he cleaves my man in twain, he stops fighting and starts bargaining to stay alive. Goes to show how little he cares for the Norsemen's appeals to Valhalla and obsession with dying on the battlefield, he's trying to complete a mission and he can't do it dead.


@Donnie She will sadly dissapear for another month now my friend... Geneva has grown up and now has real life shit to do. Aware.

Geneva The Weeba

Benj is unfortunately correct. I've started college, taken my other hobbies more seriously, and am pursuing a relationship. THAT SAID. I'm gonna do my best to keep myself caught up as much as possible