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In Vinland Saga 1x16, History of Beasts, Askeladd and his men set about to create a mild nuisance for Thorkell and his advancing army.


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Yo Alex, just wanted to let you know that the hoodie came in the mail, it looks awesome 👌

Jake White

@9:25ish just saying I agree about descendants not being responsible for the crimes of their ancestors. However, to be fair to the Danes, this entire war is retaliatory in response to that Saturday bathing massacre we saw at the beginning of the series that the English carried out. So it’s not 100% exactly as if this generation of English were just peaceful farmers minding their own business until the Danes invaded. Both sides are pretty comparably ruthless and savage in their own ways


you planning on dropping the JJK 0 movie reaction anytime soon?


This really is the most epic low speed chase of all time.


Vinland Saga is fantastic overall, but everything from episode 17 on is just...oh god we're so close...just a few more episodes...

Jake White

I would most likely expect it to drop Sunday, just based on his history of usually dropping movie reactions on Sundays. So just to be safe, I’d hesitantly guess Monday at the latest, as long as he’s not super busy the rest of this week and can’t find the time to watch or edit it.


I don't think I can do it this week cause I'm traveling soon (leaving Korea and coming back) and want to make sure I maintain the regular schedule. But definitely sometime in the following 2 weeks :)


Askeladd's conversation with Bjorn about Canute and choosing his own leader gives a lot more context to that moment when he asked Thors to become their leader. When he saw Thors would reject him, and he realized what that looked like to his men, he immediately played it off as a joke. But all along he's had his own goals that all of his men are in the dark on, and he must have seen Thors as a man who could help him reach them. Maybe that's obvious, idk, but it took me a bit to make that connection.


I think when I watched that episode, I didn't believe it to be a genuine request. Seems a lot more plausible now


It might have also been intentional that the audience believe it wasn't genuine. At the time, all we knew about Askeladd was that he was a viking and a willing assassin. For him to sacrifice his pride and ask something like that would make no sense before we started peeling back his layers.

Ray Quigs

Alex, sometimes it seems like you would like him to be, but Askeladd is no Erwin Smith!

Jake White

Eh I’d say they’re more similar than different, outside of their code of ethics (which is heavily influenced by the culture/environment they were raised in) and specific goals. They can both be great and inspiring leaders capable of making tough decisions, both are heavily layered and emotionally/motivationally complex beneath the surface, both are heavy gamblers, both are ultimately just playing their part as leader the best they can in efforts to fulfill a dream they had passed on to them from their parent when they were younger, etc. etc.

Jesse h

Daddy Askeladd


I think the jujutsu kaisen movie is available now (can anyone confirm?) hopefully Alex will enjoy that


Yes, can confirm, it's online in good quality

Jake White

Yes it’s up and in a previous comment Alex said that he’s busy traveling this week so expect his reaction to the movie sometime in the next 2 weeks

Geneva The Weeba

“MOMMYYYYY,” “If you have a huge purpose, it seems like you’d be less likely to scramble for the little petty thrills or the micro-details of your life,” “People who know they have power don’t feel the need to demonstrate it all the time when it’s not necessary,” “They’re just gonna do a haircut, right? Haircut? Haircut. He needs a haircut,” “It wasn’t bad enough that he got his fingers cut off, now he needs to sit through a history lesson. That’s real pain,” “There’s few innocent people in history,” “All laws are backed by the threat of force,” “It’s not enough for someone who is moral to just be moral. They have to be moral and strong,” “Who’s. Your. Daddy,” “You meet people in a context,” “It’s easier to pursue than to be the one pursued,”/ “The pursued have no such luxury,”