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Thank you to everyone for the great questions!

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@00:00 - Intro

@00:11 - Favorite character? Who do you relate to the most? Who had the most growth?

@03:19 - Who would Tanjiro train under if Rengoku was still alive?

@04:00 - What do you expect from the other Hashira?

@05:57 - What would your breathing technique be? Favorite breathing technique?

@06:52 - Character development after the Entertainment District arc?

@08:46 - Nezuko's future character development?

@09:43 - Share a Taisho Secret of your own

@11:05 - Favorite / most interesting demon?

@12:02 - Thoughts on Giyuu and the danger for him?

@13:29 - Love interest for Tanjiro?

@14:25 - Complaints about Demon Slayer?

@16:35 - Ending predictions

@17:59 - Zenitsu predictions?

@20:05 - Is Tanjiro a compelling protagonist despite being perfect?

@22:39 - Thoughts on having the demon backstory before their deaths?

@23:05 - Improve your background?

@24:07 - What advice would you give Tanjiro?

@25:41 - Thoughts on Demon Slayer hate?

@27:20 - Demon Slayer copyright issues?

@30:00 - Final thoughts on Uzui?

@31:49 - Have your thoughts about the show changed while watching

@32:05 - Why do you like training arcs? Favorite from DS?

@33:27 - Favorite opening and ending

@33:43 - Favorite moment? Saddest demon backstory?

@34:16 - When do you face a challenge and when do you run away?

@38:34 - What Hashira are you interested in seeing more of?

@38:46 - Why do you think Daki was given a chance to avoid hell?

@39:48 - Season 3 predictions?

@40:27 - What would the trio's names be if set in MHA?

@40:41 - Thoughts on demons trying to recruit human characters

@42:20 - Impressions of Nezuko and her arc

@42:52 - Thoughts on Tanjiro's kindness? Is it a worthy goal?

@44:02 - Which Hashira would be the best role model for you?

@45:03 - Thoughts on heightened Demon Slayer senses

@45:29 - Did Gyuutaro make the right choice?

@46:09 - Final thoughts and predictions continued


demon slayer qa

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If I may ask, who was it that issued that copyright strikes on FB? I want to be cautious of them too lol


I think it was just based on use of footage. There was no clear distinction as to why it was a strike as opposed to just a claim. That's the difficulty, it's largely at the original copyright holder's discretion


What a great answer to my question. I am so excited for more Demon Slayer next year, but we have plenty of new shows to watch until than.


love the pfp but i gotta disagree, top MAL review is a 5/10, and almost every single Goodwin patreon comment section had tons of criticism and straight up hate for the series in them. things that are this popular and widely loved that are new are always bound to get tons of hate.