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In Kaguya-sama season 1 episode 11, it's not the beach episode we were led to expect but there is sand and ramen inspired character breakthroughs so all in all a win.

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Chris Sharpe

That bad date sounds like a great story.

Geneva The Weeba

“What are you doing with your shirt on? It’s a beach episode,” “I haven’t experienced boredom in like 10 years,” Kaguya: The Internet broke! Goodwin: What, did Kim Kardashian take off her clothes again? “Dear God, keep this girl off the Internet,” “It just doesn’t register, the level of humanity people have when they’re just a name on a screen,” “Water, that’s disappointing though, who drinks WATER? You need something carbonated,” “That is the power of Chika eating ramen,” “You’ve lost your way. And your glasses,” “My hopes of this being a beach episode are dwindling, but I still believe there will be one,” “I’ve never really had that much interest in food besides, just, you know, shoving it in my face and living,” “No family drama to be found here,” “It’s often not the case that people value the things that they’re born with, just because they feel like defaults, you know, they’re your baseline,”