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First of all a big apology for the delays recently and missing an episode of JJK!!! I fell behind starting last week and was just never able to catch up.

On that note, as many of you know, I live in Korea and have been attending language school in order to maintain visa status here. In hindsight, it was way too ambitious to attempt both things simultaneously and has been quite difficult to maintain. 

In light of that, I've decided to forfeit my visa status in Korea in order to go back to just doing videos. This, however, means a visa run out of the country, and then coming back on a tourist status, and from then on leaving the country approximately every 90 days. I will be out of Korea for about 2 weeks, which I am also going to use to get some much needed rest. On top of that, I've decided to move to Seoul rather than stay in Jeju, which means not only a trip out of the country, but a move within Korea. 

Since I'm already behind on videos as it is, I'd like to (for once) be realistic about how much I can get done this month. In light of that, I have decided to reduce the number of videos for the month of June and first week of July, and to pick up the normal, "full" schedule  in the 2nd week of July. In short, this will mean one fewer episode of each "main" show at first, and then later a few weeks delay on Spy x Family.

Apologies for making this super complicated but here goes. 

Starting this week:

***Cabbage Corp tier approximately 1 week behind

Things to catch up on (coming out this week):

  • The Demon Slayer Q&A
  • The Mob Psycho OVA & season 3 reaction
  • Spy x Family

Normal scheduled videos (next 2 weeks):

  • Kaguya x2 (Monday, Wednesday)
  • JJK x2 (Tuesday, Thursday)
  • Spy x Family (Friday)

Normal scheduled videos (the following 2 or 3 weeks)

  • Kaguya x2 (Monday, Wednesday)
  • JJK x2 (Tuesday, Thursday)
  • An extra episode of either Kaguya or JJK, alternating (I likely won't be able to film anything during this time so no Spy x Family) 

Upon returning to Seoul and getting settled:

  • Kaguya x 3 (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
  • JJK x 3 (Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday)
  • Spy x Family
  • Bonus videos when applicable
  • The return of the monthly Q&As, the lack of which has been weighing on me for quite some time. 

I think that about covers it. I really hate to reduce videos but one of the things that weighs on me the most in life is not meeting my promises. So I would rather set a reasonable schedule and then make up for it later in some way, shape or form. 

I really appreciate the understanding and the constant supply of goodness that I feel from you guys. It means the world to me. Hope you guys are doing well and see you very soon for the Demon Slayer Q&A next, followed by Kaguya and Spy x Fam. 


정빈 이

서울에 올라오신다니 혹시나 지나가다가 만나게 될지도…..?


Good luck with the move!