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In Kaguya Sama 1x10, Kaguya Won't Forgive, Kaguya Wants to Forgive, Miyuki Shirogane Wants to Go Somewhere, the group wrestles with the bad taste in their mouth from last episode, relationship advice goes about as well as it typically does, and Yu accidentally makes himself a third wheel?

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kaguya 1x10 extended

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Chris Sharpe

While I don’t necessarily vibe with the whole situation, and I think the narrator’s phrasing was kinda iffy, I do understand where they are coming from. Miyuki is certainly the kind of guy to take deep offense at getting his honor and integrity questions, and with Kaguya, on top of the normal response to a guy in bed with her, seems to have some body image issues that she is worried about, very normal for a teenage girl. Also, despite everything, that lip touch from Kaguya was risky, but oh so smooth. And yet again, I need to start Season 2 very soon.

Geneva The Weeba

“You can share a bed, but you can’t even share a piece of cake?” “People who have innocence often lament their innocence, where people who have lost their innocence long for their innocence,” “Everybody can have cake, but because of their behavior, no one has cake,” “I sense a sad hallway walk coming,” “It was just so unbelievably poignant for me at that time. And of course, still is, a year later. Just in case my girlfriend watches these videos and learns English. I’m kidding of course, it’s still great,” “Is this guy plotting? What’s his deal?” “The people you know and the people who are close to you typically get assigned a higher ‘humanity value’,” “People NEED you to take their side,” “Birds. Can’t trust them,” “Two people can be wrong at the same time,” Miyuki: Your lips Goodwin: What. “Adorable is his worst fear,” “Because she’s [Fujiwara] free, unlike you losers,”