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In My Hero Academia Season 3 Episode 9 All for One, the villains realize they made a huge mistake when they underestimated Cat Cop.


MHA 3x9 Extended

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Apologies for the lateness (copyright claims again) and also for the audio for the first half (mic died).

Cole Hoffman

Awesome! Literally could not have been more perfect timing for me, lol. Just got off a long day at work, and saw that you just posted this.


And so begin some of the best episodes of MHA (potentially even Shonen anime).


Aizawa simp confirmed x)


any chance of a double upload on friday for episode 10 and 11?


Hey sorry if its rude to do so, but I just wanted to suggest a possible anime for you to check whether it be for the channel or for pleasure! Fate Zero is a great one that I think you'd like, it deals a lot with morality and hard decisions and has a great cast of interesting characters. On that note, this is my first time commenting lol and I just wanna say I really enjoy your commentary!

Kelsey Roberts

Kirishimaaaa spending his ALLOWAAAANCE to save his best (boy)frieeeeeend. So wholesome.


your argument at the beginning kinda sounds like when people call out police brutality and the need for reform today that they're just 'using hindsight' and 'you haven't been in their shoes' while i agree the point in the show is that theyre making them a scapegoat we see this play out differently in real life, i'd probably have some quibbles with your description of it idk. i think those with power and say theyre on our side need to have a lot of responsibility and change if their actions have bad outcomes, even with good intentions you can do a lot of bad.


Alex can you please be careful and stop risking your life

Aura Y

Man, Aizawa once again shining even when under pressure of all that media scrutiny. It's true that the situation isn't ideal when a student of yours is kidnapped, but he still has faith in one of his students that he has the heart of a hero and that he can persevere until the Pro Heroes make their move. One for All definitely knows how to make an entrance. I'm just assuming he has a quirk that is actually playing his theme music when he floats into a room. Invincible finale and one of the best arcs in MHA, exciting few days!

Francesca White

i think u might've missed it, but when All Might showed up we saw Bakugou's face tense up like he was holding back tears, which shows he really was scared and is relieved the heroes came and saved him

Jacob Keyser

the beatdowns only go up from here

Rudy Strother

“He’ll be fine. Eventually the heroes will help. I’m sure that’s what everyone said as they looked away and ignored you.” I get the feeling this is exactly why Shigaraki hates All Might and hero society. Because everyone depends on a “Symbol of Peace” to take care of things, regular people didn’t help him when he was in need. Honestly I could see that flaw in hero society. Really excited to see where it goes


lmao i can just imagine the memory ur date will get to share with other people? U've literally raised the bar for dating like literally get'chu a man that will swim u across a lake to an island for a date that's just so fricken cool those night vision goggles are important o.o oh lmao Edgeshot = Oragami Man XD i love it a lot, see this is why i like him he just ~appears~ and then just becomes a paper ant man and messes with people LMAO lmao Bakugo's face XD like \no i wasn't scared not at all s-s-s-senpai\ mm yes Bane is here now the next couple of eps are gonna be NUTS


I think what I'm focusing on specifically is the opportunism I feel from the media figures in the show. It feels less to me that they care about the issues and are trying to hold those in power accountable, and more like they are leveraging a tragedy for their own benefit. And I think that does play out in real life, although that's of course not the full picture. An extension of that which to me is important, is that people are able to leverage tragedy and encourage sensationalism precisely because it works, and so in that sense it is a two way street and not a matter of simply blaming the media. It's deeper than that.


If that is a quirk, I know how I'm answering that "which quirk would you choose" question from now on.

Jabez Katsak

Notice how All For One looks like a hanging man when he floats during the end credits


One of the questions early on by the reporter is a perfect example of how they are just trying to make UA look as bad as possible. The dude says a bunch of kids were injured and one was kidnapped, and then asks what he thinks the teachers thought would be the worst case scenario…like hello the fact that 40 kids were brutally murdered is obviously the worst case scenario, especially when moon fish and muscular were there, ones killed plenty of people and the other dude is an actual cannibal

Ian Edwards

Peak MHA imo. its still good but season three just maxes out the hype meter


for your own enjoyment, episode 10 & 11 should be watched back to back (you can still upload them normally, we can wait)


Lol yeah I think whatever happens we'll be forever linked by that crazy experience. Also we haven't planned any more dates since then and part of me is like, where do we even go from here date wise after that.

Skyler Anderson

Love this small backstory they give him. There's much more to come in the future of the show, but the teaser of his past is so good and tells so much about why he has the conviction that he has

Skyler Anderson

Season 4 is still my favorite overall but Season 3 first half is top 2 arcs of the show imo so far. As a manga reader I have more to be excited about in the future but this show just always blows me away.


I remember the USJ attack and how relieved everyone was when the heroes arrived. This is the opposite, the heroes are there and they are struggling. Which just leaves the kids in shock. This episode and the next are really good can't wait to watch your reaction to the next episode.


Theres a similar thing in the movie gattaca, its sci fi in a eugenics laden future and one brother has perfect genes but one is just a natural birth, and the natural genetics brother wins a swimming race with his brother because he went all out without even thinking about the swim back to the shore when his brother was calculating how far he could go before he had to turn back.


The Symbol of Evil enters the stage.

Jake White

Yeah it’s good payoff because the last time we saw his face right before that was when shigaraki was reaching down to pickup the hand and kurogiri thought he was pissed. And Bakugo damn near looked like he was about to shit himself lol, which is why he got so defensive and denied being scared when all might showed up. Love that moment cause it’s just another example of the fact that he’s just written to be goofily angry and he’s not an idiot by any means. He’s a tough bastard and would never admit it, but he was still smart enough to understand that shigaraki is a PROBLEM when he gets serious lol

Anna Lena Ciplajevs

You’re gonna love a certain bakugou episode that’s on the horizon I think

Revin MacGrath

I see you calling him Cat Cop now...I am titillated.

Pada Lee

Your story in the middle about the swimming reminds me of Gattaca. Good committing to it.


Pleas 10 and 11 as one it makes it so much better for you to not wait between the episodes.


Episodes 10 and 11 together would be amazing, honestly I think of it as a 2 part episode.


often I don't agree with comments saying you HAVE to watch two episodes together most of the time, I agree here. It's similar in a sense to Attack On Titan Season 3.


...This man went on a date recently, had a near death experience, internalized the thought process behind that situation and somehow applied it to the show he's watching and commenting on Nothing else for me to say except that's impressive and you really weren't kidding when you said traveling would help you have more to talk about lol


I kid you not, when you opened your speech on what Iida said with "I had a near death experience recently" I doubted reality for a few seconds questioning how you would even tie that into the show