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In Invincible episode 7 We Need to Talk, Omniman fights something he has to kill twice for the second time.


Invincible 7 Extended

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Hell ya been waiting for this episode. Ya I was so done with amber after this episode XD


Ah yeah we're entering the depression arc


Also depression arc because the next is the last episode of the season


"Hi, Omni-Man here!"


"My wife uncovered my murderous plot" "That's rough buddy"


Sounding alittle like Eve's dad there 😈 She likes making a change and being independent now but eventually she'll get lonely and come back to the man 😈muhaha


"what are insurance premiums like in this world".... well now I'm going to ask myself this question in every show I watch cuz that spoke to me

Jake White

This episode is why I really don’t like amber lol. “I’m not an idiot, I figured it out weeks ago” yet literally 24 hours ago when they were at the college and Invincible swooped in to save William she had NO fuckin clue who that was nor where Mark went lmao. Just a whole goofy character imo, regardless of her somewhat justified frustrations


I think the writers just wanted to make Amber smart so they had her figure out mark was invincible, but they did so at the cost of any of their conflict remotely making sense

Francesca White

with the Amber situation here, i don't really hold it against her as much as i do against the writers. like, idk, i feel like how she acted here wasn't very logical and was pretty out of character from what we've seen of her. so i choose to still love her even though i don't like how she handled the situation this episode lol


“The hammer” is very reminiscent of the “hammer of dawn” weapon in the video game Gears of War if that’s what it is reminding you of!

Aura Y

The second half of the episode was great after we got past just frustrating character drama that I don't think anyone wanted. I loved Cecil and Nolan's interactions though. Cecil actually considered them friends, and they seemingly have a pretty strong history. To imagine someone so close just not being who you thought they were, you could tell Cecil was feeling that. The voice acting is great! Cecil is probably my favorite character in this, with Debbie a close second.

Rudy Strother

The reason Amber is mad is justified, just handled so strangely. A few episodes ago she made it clear not to lie to her, and if he had other obligations that’s totally fine, just don’t date her. He basically had the choice to break up with her or tell her the truth, and he chose the one wrong option which was continuing to lie. That is totally justified to be upset about. But the way it’s executed makes the whole thing look bad


If you didn't notice in The Immortals flashbacks we see that he was president Lincoln before he became a super hero, also really looking forward to next episode

a. tree

Right, the thing that makes Amber's being mad at Mark weird is that she knew during the whole trip, so it was odd that she acted like she actually thought Mark ran away when the cyborg attacked.

hays collins

Anddddddddddd that is why I don’t like Amber hahaha


One thing i really like about Cecil is how much he really care and isn't afraid to show it. A ton of cartoons that go with the secret agent guy character make them cold and unfeeling but here Cecil appeals to Omni man's humanity by asking him what his son would think. He looked and sounded genuinely hurt even though he knew for 5 months as if he was still trying to justify in his head why Omni would do it. He's willing to do what it takes to protect everyone but you can see he hasn't sacrificed his emotions feeling bad that he has to take certain action.

a. tree

With the Amber situation, it's weird because I also feel like Amber should have broken up with Mark, but at the same time the way the writers concluded the conflict didn't feel right. The lies are understandable when the secret identity is revealed, so Amber being upset about that aspect doesn't make much sense. It further throws a wrench in things that she had figured it out *before* the trip, because then I feel like she shouldn't have gone with him in the first place, or at least not have pretended not to know. I am sympathetic to the fact that it feels bad to be lied to and treated like you're stupid, so it does make sense for her to want to get away from that, but I don't feel like she can act like she's *owed* the truth in this specific situation given the stakes of a secret identity. Still, their relationship was never going to work out because of the one Mark lie that does matter: that he was able to dedicate himself to the relationship. He simply can't. He would keep lying to himself and trying to fit it all in, but it was never going to work out at the stage that he's in. And Amber is a person who wants to feel appreciated and have attention paid to her in a relationship that's been going on for months — perfectly reasonably. I'm sure that there are people who would love to date a superhero even if it means they rarely get to see them, but Amber isn't one. So, she should have broken it off as soon as she realized the dynamic wasn't going to change.

a. tree

Also — I know Monster Girl is 24 years old chronologically, but her body certainly isn't. Won't that alcohol, like, seriously mess her up?

Aura Y

Yeah, I feel like the writing for the relationship just fell apart. I don't know if they were trying to be subversive or something, it just all feels forced. Unfortunately, I think the last two episodes soured her character for some people, but we'll see if the writers figure out something stronger for the next seasons


I think that both go from an earlier game. Command and Conquer 1 (1995) there was a weapon called the ion cannon.

Francesca White

yeah exactly. also i guess her brain isn't aging down?? because if her whole body is getting younger shouldn't her brain also be getting younger, and she should mentally be a kid again? like if she ever became a baby after a while would she just be a baby with an adult mind???


It's unfortunate because Amber was already smart. This episode basically made everyone flip and hate her even though she was honestly a pretty good character but yeah the writing here is unfortunately not consistent. Apparently Mark and Amber's relationship went way differently in the comics


Doc Seismic would like to have a word with Immortal and emancipate him from existence now.


Too many great characters in this now, from Robot to Rex to Cecil and Eve. The main two are obviously THE show but in 7 episodes they’ve really been able to make me love and remember multiple characters that aren’t just the main antag/protag.


Agreed, props to both Robert Kirkman (and assuming any other writers on the comics) and the people who adapted his work for an animated series. It packs so much into so few episodes. Even if they're each 40+ minutes, it's still impressive. Many shows are not this good at getting you invested this fast


Alex: "How much did that cost the taxpayers, I wonder?" Me: "Well, you're going to find out!" Alex: "Those poor, innocent birds..." Me: "Well that's a 180 from you!" I really enjoyed this show and glad to see you are too. Your reaction to the end credits was great too, haha.


"What's the truth?" The truth is that the birds were the victims all along


Worlds most expensive nosebleed is still one of my favorites


Honestly, one thing that i feel people forget, Amber and Mark are both 17/18. I'm not saying that makes their actions towards each other right, but it does put it in a different light to me. The answers to the question, when do you tell the people you love you're a superhero is hard enough when you're an adult, but they're not adults, they're still going to high school, and this is a very big secret. I'm not behind Amber and her response to Mark, but I do understand. I also understand Mark's reluctance to tell someone such a big secret, a secret (because of his dad) is basically carrying his whole life.


Guys!! Look what I found 🥺 https://youtu.be/-VsCcJ2rv3E finally extra life advices from iroh (even though it’s from a trailer 😂)


I'm not here for it but its cool that the kickstarter is fully funded WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY past the 50k goal o.o


Haha I had that same thought as I was editing. But sadly, I'm talking about myself there more than Eve lmao


That is an awesome video. Iroh's voice and the snippets of new animation are amazing.